Toshiba Strata Dk24, Dk56, Dk96 Instruction Manual
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM78 CO LINESPECIAL RINGING ASSIGNMENTS DISA/IMDU/NIGHT RINGING OVER EXTERNAL PAGE I,-,I~~~-~nn -f+JqYy-p-pJ /7- SELECT = Feature Number Code CO Line Enter Feature Number Enter Code Specify CO lines by setting LED keys 1, 2or5. Number 1-3. as defined by the tab/e below. All LEDs with an “X” should be lit when finished. On-hook CO Lines 01 - 20 Feature Code Number Feature Description (LED Keys) 01...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONWSYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM79 DOOR PHONERINGING (PORTSOO-31) SELECT = Port Number Key LEDs Enter the port number having Select keys indicated in the Door Phone Ringing table below. assigned. Feature I Kf LE ?Y Port Numbers 00-31 :D 00~01/02~03104 05 06 0708/09/10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 272829 30 31 IMuted ringto busy EKT/DK$l 20 1 / / NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the...
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I PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONWSYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM80 ELECTRONIC AND DlGlTALTELEPHONERlNGlNGTONES(C0 LINECALLS) / SELECT = Port Number Enter number of port having its ringing tone defined. See Note 4 for entering a range of ports. 7 Ringing Tone Code Enter 1 for Tone 1 (500/640 Hz). Enter 2 for Tone 2 (600/800 Hz). Ringing Tone (Code) Port Numbers 00-31 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS PROGRAM80 (l-9) SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 8w 24 second delay 8m 24 second delay 8 H 24 second delay CO LINE/STATION RINGING ASSIGNMENTS (Ports 00 -35) pq-pJ-Tj~pq-~~~~-~~-~-~~ . / SELECT = 1 - 9 %LECT = Port Number(s) Key LEDs = CO Lines for type of ringing of station(s) that must ring assigned to ring selected port number(s) Selected CO lines ring selected station ports per Ringing Program options as follows: 80 Immediate IDAY/ 8H...
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 PROGRAM 80 (1 - 9) CO LINE/STATION RINGING -ASSliiNMENTS (Ports 36 - 71) pq-pJ-q~~-~~~~-f+J~-~-~ . SELECT = 1 - 9 -SELECT = Port hbnd&J Key LEDs = CO Lines for type of ringing of station(s) that must ring assigned to ring selected port number(s) Selected CO lines ring selected station ports per Ringing Program options as follows: 80 Immediate 8B Immediate I 80 Immediate DAY 80 12 second delay m 80 12 second...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAMB[7 (l-9) CO LINE/STATION RINGING ASSIGNMENTS . (Ports 72 - 95) SELECT= l-9’ SELECT = Port Numberis) Key LEDs = CO Lines for type of ringing of station(s) that must ring assigned to ring selected port number(s) Selected CO lines ring selected station ports per Ringing Program options as follows: 80 Immediate 8a Immediate (DAY1 80 12 second delay IDAY2/ 80 12 second delay m ii ~~~~~~ d&y 8m 24 second...
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 System Record Sheets for Programs 90 and 92 are in the beginning of this section because they must be executed before any other programs. 2-118
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM93 CO LINE IDENTIFICATION SELECT = 1 Choose the key LED for the CO line being named. See Note 2. CO Line Identification Enter the CO line identification (16 alphanumeric characters is the maximum). See Note 4 for LCD message editing. NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Program CO lines 01 - 20 by setting LEDs 1 - 20 with the handset on-hook. Program CO...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM 93(continued) CO LlNElNDENTlFlCATlONALPHA/NUMERIC ENTRY 1) Enter Program 93 and select the desired CO line. 2) Use the guide below to enter CO line identification information. Numeric Mode “0” to “9” are treated as numerals. NOTE: Key pad starts out in Numeric Mode. Use 1 key to switch to Alpha Mode. Alpha Mode Moves cursor to right, and starts special character entry when in the Alpha Mode Moves...