Toshiba Strata Dk24, Dk56, Dk96 Instruction Manual
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM97 PRINTINGPROGRAMDATATHROUGHSMDR -7 SELECT = Program Number DATA PRINT miim to be printed on SMDR. Printout begins. See Note 2 for entering Cancels printout a range of programs. at any time. NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Enter a range of programs by keying q omno / Low program High program in range in range 2-121
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 SETTING THE DATE, TIME AND DAY HOW TO SET THE DATE The date can be set only from the electronic or digital telephone assigned to port 00. Press the following key sequence with the handset on the hook: Date in year/month/day format (YYMMDD). If month or day is a single digit, precede with a zero (0). l- If the EKT has a Redial key programmed, press it instead, HOW TO SET THE TIME The time can be set only...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECOROS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM44B TOLLRESTRlCTlONCLASS(l-4)OVERRlOECODES SELECT = Toll restriction J Class 1 - 4 - DATA = &digit Toll Restriction Code for Selected Class Code for Toll Restriction Class Code for Toll Restriction Class El 00110 Code for Toll Restriction Class El 0000 Code for Toll Restriction Class El q ono SELECT q T L DATA = 4-Digit code NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM45-1 LCR/lOLLRESTRlCTlON DIALPLAN SELECT = 1 DA-TA = Plan 1 - 5 Enter codes 1 - 5 to indicate the dial plan for the system. Releases 1 and 2 X Plan Toll Restriction/LCR Dial Plans 5 0+ (Note 7) 4 Universal (Note 7) 3 1 +AC+NXX/NNX 2 1 +AC+NNX/i +NNX 1 AC+NNX/l +NNX Release 3 X Plan 5 4 3 2 1 Toll Restriction/LCR Dial Plans 0+ (Note 7) Universal (Note 7) 1 +AC+NXX/NNX 1 +AC+NXX/l +NNX...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONWSYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM45-2 TOLL RESTRICTION DISABLE p-pJ~~~-pJ-+Q$pYl-r;1-r;1 / SELECT = 2 LED Keys Specify CO lines by setting key LEDs as defined by the table below. All LEDs with an “X” should be lit when finished. LED 1 CO I Key Line 16 36 15 35 14 34 ON = Disable Toll Restric X , NOTES: g 10 30 09 29 08 28 1 06 1 26 1 1 07 1 27 1 05 25 04 24 03 23 02 22 01 21 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM45-3-6 SPEClALCOMMONCARRlER(SPCC)NUMBERSANDAUTHORlZATlONCODEDlGlTLENGTH SELECT = Item 3-6’ Enter Item number 3-6 from table below. DiTA = First five digits of the SPCC Number, or digit length specified in the table below. See Note 3. Item Description 3 SPCCI Number 4 Authorization Code 1 Digit Length (00 - 99) 5 SPCC2 6 Authorization Code 2 Digit Length (00 - 99) 1 st five digits of SPCC Data =...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONWSYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM45-B,9 TOLLRESTRICTIONOVERRIDECODE > . I m-mmHm-I-IS10-1700I7-IH1-lm-m 77 SELECT = 8 or 9 DATA = Code Enter 8 to Select Code 1. Enter the 4-digit code Enter 9 to Select Code 2. from the table below. Select = Code (4 digits) 8 Code 1 9 Code 2 NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. When editing the data field, use key LED 0 1 to delete a digit; key LED 02...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM46-2-4 TOLLRESTRlCTlONALLOWED/DENIEDAREACODESASSlGNEDBYCLASS ~-~~~~-~100~-000-1-I-I-I-I / 2ior 4 SELECT = Class Number y DATA Area Codes inter one of the = Enter toll restriction Enter or display class number 1 - 4. following numbers: area codes. 2 = add to memory, 3 = delete See Notes 3 and 4. from memory,4# = display allowed codes in memory. NOTES: 1. For more information, see the 4. Several...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM46-6-8 TOLLRESTRlCTlONALLOWED/DENIED OFFICECODESASSIGNED BYCLASS SELECT = Class Number 6, 7or8 Enter toll restriction Enter one of the following DATA = Office Codes class number 1 - 4. numbers: 6 = add to memory, Enter or display 7 = delete from memory, office codes. 8# = display allowed codes See Notes 3 and 4. in memory. Class )21 Allowed 0 Off ice Codes Denied ) (Check one) I Class 131 I I I I I...