Toshiba Strata Dk24, Dk56, Dk96 Instruction Manual
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTlON200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM46-10 TOLLRESTRlCTlONCLASSl PARAMETERS p-p-p$jp-pJ~pT-j4&p-pl / SELECT= 10 Key LEDs Enter IO on the Light every key LED marked with keypad for class 1. an X in the table below. LED 1 X 1 LED OFF 20 19 18 Table 8 Area/Office Exception Not Selected 17 Table 7 Area/Office Exception Not Selected 16 Table 6 Area/Office Exception Not Selected 15 Table 5 Area/Office Exception Not Selected 14 Table 4...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM46-20 TOLLRESTRICTION CLASS2PARAMETERS p-p-pj~~-~~p$fJ)-p-pl-~ / SELECT = 20 Key LEDs Enter 20 on the Light every key LED marked with keypad for class 2. an X in the table below. NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Initialized data leaves all LEDs OFF. 2-132
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM46-30 TOLLRESTRlCTlONCLASS3PARAMETERS SELECT = 30 Key LEDs Enter 30 on the Light every key LED marked with keypad for class 3. an X in the table below. NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Initialized data leaves all LEDs OFF. 2-133
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONWSYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM46-40 TOLLRESTRICTION CLASS4PARAMETERS ~-pJ-q-qrqq-qq~-~-~-~ 7-+ SELECT = 40 Key LEDs Enter 4 on the Light every key LED marked with keypad for class 4. an X in the table below. 0 Restricted NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets, 2. Initialized data leaves all LEDs OFF. 2-134
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM47 TOLLRESTRlCTlONEXCEPTlONOFFlCECODESASSlGNEDBYAREACODE (TABLESlAND2) SELECT = Exception Table 1 - 8 Enter the number of the exception table, 1 - 8. A new exception table is needed for each area code with office codes that are exceptions to restriction. AREA CODE = I DATA = Enter the area code. Enter or display office code(s). See Note 3. See Notes 4 and 5. SELECT = Exception Table 1 - 8 Enter...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM48 STATION TOLL RESTRICTION CLASSIFICATION :~ . . SELECT = Port Number(s) Enter the port number(s) of the station(s) being defined. See Note 4 for entering a range. 01 I 02 NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Initialized data reads “10” for all ports. 3. Port 99 is DISA COS assignment. 4. A range of ports may be entered DOB00 ’ / Low port in High...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONWSYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 LCRCOLINEPROGRAMING 1) Use Program 16 to assign CO lines in groups per the reference chart below. CO Line Group Reference Chart Line Group 1 (81) 2 (82) 3 (33) 4 034) 5 (85) 6 (86) 7 107 CO Lines in Group (1 - 36) CO Line Type/Comments 2) Use Program 40 to allow CO lines access to stations using LCR for outgoing calls. 3) Use Program 41 to deny outgoing CO line access except for LCR access. Important:...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM50-2 LCRHOMEAREACODE SELECT= 2 DATA = Home Area Code Enter the local area code. LCR Home Area Code NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Typically this code is entered in Program 51 table for the LCR route plan number defined for the local calls in Program 50-5. 3. Initialized data leaves the home area code blank. PROGRAM50-31-35 LCRSPECIALCODES SELECT...
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 PROGRAM 50-4 .- LCR LONG DISTANCE INFORMATION (LDI) PLAN NUMBER 7-l SELECT = 4 DATA = LDI Route Plan (1 - 8) Identify the LDI Route Plan by entering 1 - 8. NOTES: LDI Plan Number: 0 (1 -8) 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Initialized data assigns LDI Plan Number 8. 3. Typically, LDI Plan Number = Local Call Plan Number. PROGRAM 50-5 LCR LOCAL CALL PLAN NUMBER...