Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual
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621 Tips and Tricks Overview This chapter provides useful information about editing techniques and answers to a number of questions that might arise when you use the Score Editor. For more infor- mation about the functions referred to, please use the in- dex and check the previous chapters. Useful editing techniques Use this section to find out more about some editing tech- niques that will help you to use the score functions more efficiently. Moving a note without transposing it If you hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] while moving a note (or several notes), only horizontal movements are possible, so that you do not have to worry about the notes being trans- posed. You can also set up a key command for this. This is done in the Key Commands dialog (Nudge category). Moving and spacing several staves If you have a number of staves that you want displayed with an equal distance (for example, all strings of a grand staff in a full orchestra score), this can be done using the Position Info window: 1.Open the Preferences (Scores–Editing page) and de- activate the option “Global staff Spacing with [Alt Gr]/ [Option]-[Command]”. 2.In the score, select the staves you want to set to an equal distance. 3.Open the Position Info window by clicking on the ruler. 4.Use the To Previous Staff or To Next Staff settings to specify the desired distance between the staves. All selected staves are spaced according to your settings. If you do this when the option “Global staff Spacing with [Alt Gr]/[Option]-[Command]” is activated, all staves in the score are affected. Polyphonic voicing If you are working on a full score with more than one in- strument in one staff (2 flutes, 2 trumpets, etc.), you should use polyphonic voices. And even if both instru- ments play the same notes, you should insert notes for both instruments (you can mute the notes of the second voice, if playback is an issue). If you do this, it will be much easier to extract single parts later by using the “Extract Voices” command. Using the bar handles Double-clicking a bar handle opens the Bar Copy dialog. This function is great for copying accents, but you can also use it for copying drum phrases, etc. For more infor- mation, see “Moving and duplicating with the bar handles” on page 568. If you hold down [Shift] and double-click on a bar han- dle, this and the next bar are selected. This is handy when copying phrases of two or more bars in one go. Copying a section with “invisibles” If you want to copy and paste a section which contains hidden elements, adjusted beams and stems, etc., there are two ways to proceed: Use the filter bar to make indicators appear in the score. Then select these indicators together with the notes be- fore you copy. This ensures the notes are copied with their formatting, etc. Double-click the bar handle of one of the bars, and make sure all relevant event types are activated in the dia- log. Then select the bars you want to copy by clicking their bar handles, and copy them by [Alt]/[Option]-dragging the bar handles. For more information, see “Moving and duplicating with the bar handles” on page 568. Using “Scores Notes To MIDI” This function converts the score data, as displayed, into MIDI data. Let’s say for example that you have set up the score so that it is displayed to 99 % the way you want it to be. Yet, that last 1 % forces you to deactivate some of the Staff Settings (like Clean Lengths, No Overlap or Auto Quantize), which makes other parts of the score illegible. In this case, try using the function “Scores Notes To MIDI”. Note that you should work on a copy of the track! For more information, see “Using “Scores Notes To MIDI”” on page 510.
622 Tips and Tricks Optimizing rests If you have a number of consecutive empty bars, you can replace them with one multiple rest. See “Multiple rests” on page 600. Zero system lines Having no system lines at all might seem like a stupid idea to start with. But this option allows you to create chord sheets really quickly, see “Using Make Chord Symbols” on page 578. A lead sheet created by specifying “0” system lines Examples and scales If you are creating scale examples and similar, you can use the Real Book option and manually hide all symbols at the beginning of the first staff to make the score appear like separate unconnected “lines”. Remember you can also hide the bar lines. An example scale without bar lines Controlling the order and appearance of grace notes Normally, grace notes are beamed. Their order under the beam is controlled by their order in the track. It is enough to put a grace note one tick before the next grace note to make them appear in the desired order under the beam. Initially the grace notes are put in with a 32nd note beam. By double-clicking the note and changing the “flag” type in the Set Note Info dialog, you can change this. Complex grace notes Speeding up inserting key changes If you have a grand staff with many instruments, inserting key changes one by one can take a lot of time. In this case, activate “Key changes for the entire Project” on the Key context menu or on the Score Settings–Project page (Notation Style subpage, Keys category). This way, all changes made to the key will always affect the entire pro- ject. Speeding up inserting staccato and accents Symbols linked to notes can also be put in for a number of notes at the same time, even on different staves. See “Adding a symbol to several notes using the Pencil tool” on page 559. Setting the distance between staves in a piano score Drag the first bass staff on the first page. This will copy the spacing to all staves. Please note that this can only be done in Page Mode. Frequently asked questions In this section, you will find some answers to questions concerning adding and editing of notes as well as the handling of symbols and layouts. I enter a note with one value and it is shown as a note with another value. Set the Rests value for Display Quantize to a smaller note value. Try deactivating Auto Quantize, especially if you do not have any triplets or triplets only. Notes are not displayed at the correct positions. Try changing the Notes value for Display Quantize. There are a number of short rests after my notes. Your Rests value for Display Quantize might be set to too small a note value. Raise it. Also check the “Clean Lengths” setting.
623 Tips and Tricks When I change the length of a note, nothing happens. This is because the Display Quantize value puts a restric- tion on what note values can be displayed. Check that Display Quantize is set to the smallest note value you have in your project. I have adjusted Display Quantize and the other staff settings best I can. The notes are still shown with the wrong values. You might need to use one of these three features: insert- ing Display Quantize events, using polyphonic voicing, or applying “Scores Notes To MIDI”. I change the Display Quantize settings on the Score Settings–Staff page (Main subpage) and nothing happens. Did you remember to click Apply? Maybe you have already inserted Display Quantize events in the score? These override the staff settings. Suddenly many Display Quantize events appear in the score. This is not a malfunction. If you had Auto Quantize on and start inserting Display Quantize events, the auto quantiz- ing is automatically transformed into Display Quantize events. One long note is shown as many tied notes. Do other notes occur at the same positions but with differ- ent lengths? Then you need to use polyphonic voicing. Are the note(s) syncopated? Then you should try the syn- copation feature. Even though I’ve tried the above, notes are not tied as I want them. The way notes are tied in Cubase follows basic notation rules. You may need to make exceptions to these rules, by using the Cut Notes tool. I have an unnecessarily large amount of rests. Especially with polyphonic voicing, superfluous rests may be created. Try deactivating rests for one or more voices. You might also leave the rests activated on the Score Set- tings–Staff page (Polyphonic tab) and then hide the rests you do not need, one by one. When using polyphonic voices, a number of rests are drawn on top of each other. As above, you should try hiding rests on the Score Set- tings–Staff page (Polyphonic tab), center rests and possi- bly manually moving or hiding rests. In polyphonic voices, notes that are on the same musical position are not displayed exactly vertically above each other. This is not a malfunction. Cubase has built-in automatic al- gorithms for making the score as legible as possible. Some- times this will include adjustments of the “graphic” position of notes, especially with small intervals like seconds. You can always move the notes using the Layout tool. When using polyphonic voices, notes with small intervals “collide”. As described above, Cubase tries to avoid this, but only for voices 1 and 2 in the upper staff and voices 5 and 6 in the lower. For other voices, please use the Layout tool to manually move the notes. When I select a note, nothing is shown on the info line. The note is probably tied to another note. This means that the second note does not really exist, it is just a graphic in- dication that the main note is long. Try selecting the main note instead. Symbols from the Layout Symbols tab are sometimes invisible when I open the score. This is not a malfunction. Those symbols are part of a lay- out. If you open the score with another layout, for example because you open another combination of tracks, you will see another layout which might not contain any Symbols at all. See the chapter “Working with layouts” on page 590. I can’t select an object on the screen, or I can’t select an object without selecting another object. Drag a selection rectangle around the objects. Then hold down [Shift] and deselect all the objects you do not want included, by clicking on them. You should also check out the lock layer function.
624 Tips and Tricks Symbols have disappeared. Are they layout symbols? Then maybe they belong to an- other layout than the one you are editing now. If that is not the reason, maybe you have inserted the sym- bol into the wrong staff, see “Important! – Symbols, staves and voices” on page 558. A symbol doesn’t move with its staff. Auto Layout produces far too wide spacing. Maybe you have inserted the symbol into the wrong staff. Please observe the warning in the section “Important! – Symbols, staves and voices” on page 558. A note symbol appears too far from the note I wanted it inserted on. Do you have activated the correct voice? Note symbols are inserted into voices, just like notes. If you wish you had a faster computer Here are some tips for those who find some operations slower than they would like: Work on a smaller section of the score at a time. Break the project up into parts and work on those parts individu- ally until the final layout stage. Switch on multi-rests as late as possible. When working in Edit Mode, set Default Bars Across The Staff to a small value, for example 2. In Edit Mode, resize the window so that only one grand staff at a time is visible. Consider upgrading your computer hardware.
626 Index A Accelerando547 Accents Above Staves559 Above Stems559 Accidentals About542 Distance From Note544 ACID® loops231 Acoustic Feedback344 Score Editor518 Activate Next/Previous Part339 Activate project button456 Active Part339 Active Staff496 Adapt (Display Quantize)527 Add Bus16 Add Space530 Add Track38 Adding Notes514 Adjust Fades to Range90 Advanced Quantize329 Aftertouch Deleting355 Editing353 Recording82 AIFF files422 Align Dynamics572 Symbols570 Text582 Alt/Option key12 Always Send Start Message431 Angle Mode185 Any (MIDI channel settings)80 Apogee UV22 HR156 Appearance474 General474 Meters475 Apple Remote304 Apply closes Property Windows498 Applying effects213 Archiving271 Arranger mode618 Arranger track Adding97 Creating a chain98Flattening100 Renaming events97 Articulations Auditioning373 Editing on the controller lane376 ASIO 2.074 ASIO Direct Monitoring74 ASIO meter 131 ASIO Positioning Protocol About434 Setting up433 Attenuate (SurroundPanner)186 Audio channels Copying settings125 Linking129 Making settings122 Mixing down to file420 Saving settings130 Audio clips About205 Creating new versions263 Definition27 Deleting264 Locating events265 Managing in Pool263 Opening in the Sample Editor268 Audio effects About151 Applying213 Automating199 Editing163 External163 For output busses (Master inserts)155 Freezing156 In surround configurations187 Inserts152 Organizing in subfolders167 Post-fader inserts152 Pre/Post-fader sends159 Recording with78 Saving164 Selecting Presets164, 177 Sends159 Tempo sync152 Using VST System Link444Audio events Definition27 Editing in Browser415 Editing in Sample Editor220 Fade handles89 Making selections227 Slicing236 Volume handles90 Audio files Converting272 Deleting permanently264 Exporting420 Format for recording69 Formats268 Import options 41 Importing into Pool268 Importing into Project window41 Locating missing267 Reconstructing missing267 Removing missing267 Audio parts About26 Creating by gluing events46 Creating from events42 Drawing42 Editing in Audio Part Editor255 Editing in Project Browser415 Sliding contents48 Audio Warp Unstretch Audio242 Audition icon Sample Editor225 Audition Loop icon Sample Editor225 Auditioning Audio Part Editor257 MIDI editors344 Pool267 Project window42 Sample Editor225 Auto Clef501 Auto Fades94 Auto Group Notes547
627 Index Auto Layout About606 Hide Empty Staves606 Move Bars606 Move Bars and Staves607 Move Staves606 Optimize All607 Spread Page606 Auto Monitoring modes73 Auto Quantize81, 527 Auto Save458 Auto Select Events under Cursor MIDI editors346 Project window44 Automatic MIDI Record Quantize81 Automation Auto-Latch mode192 Cross-Over mode192 Delta indicator190 Editing in Project Browser417 MIDI Controller202 Opening automation subtracks197 Return Time195 Showing and hiding197 Tempo198, 405 Touch mode192 Trim193 Automation events About199 Drawing200 Editing200 Editing in the Project Browser201 Removing201 Selecting201 Automation follows Events (Option)199 Automation Merge Modes (MIDI)202 Automation pass190 Automation subtracks Assigning parameters to197 Hiding and showing198 Muting199 Autoscroll57, 343, 495B Back up Project458 Backup (.bak) files458 Bank Assignments317 Bank Select315 Bar Handles568, 621 Bar Lines Breaking608 Indent604 Moving603 Selecting Type601 Bar Numbers Offsetting589 Settings588 Spacing588 Bars Moving to Next/Prev. Staff603 Number Across Page602 Resetting Spacing604 Bars+Beats Linear MIDI editors341 Basic Appearance Scheme (Cubase Studio)474 Bass To Lowest Voice Explode Function509, 536 Batch export Audio channels420 Beam Subgroups529 Beams546 Appearance548 Group Settings548 Grouping545 Manual Adjustment549 On/Off545 Slant548 Stem Direction541 Beat Calculator407 Bezier slurs561 Block Text585 Bounce (Export Audio)420 Bounce Selection333 Pool269 Project window49 Sample Editor228 Bow Up/Down544 Braces605 Bracket Head544Brackets605 Brightness474, 475 Brillenbass546 Broadcast Wave files Exporting424 Recording 69 Build N-Tuplet553 Build Trill561 Buses Add child bus16 Busses About14 Adding16 Mixing down to file420 Routing to and from18 Viewing in the mixer19 Bypass AudioWarp252 Effect sends160 Inserts153 Bypass Warping Sample Editor241 C Center Note-Linked Symbols on Stems559 Channel (MIDI) Setting80 Channel Overview EQ125 Insert effects154 Channel Settings Audio tracks122 Copying125 MIDI tracks128 Channel Settings windows Customizing471 Channel view sets115 Channels (MIDI)79 Chase events64 Child Busses16 Chord Recognition341 Chord Symbols Global Settings579 Inserting Automatically578 Inserting Manually577 Clean Lengths528
628 Index Cleanup459, 467 Clefs Editing523 Inserting522 Moving523 Setting Initial499 Click85 Clips, see “Audio clips” Close Gaps Sample Editor238 Close project456 Color pop-up menu545, 600 MIDI editors344 Project window39 Color tool39 Coloring notes545, 600 Colorize Event Background37 Computer keyboard display Virtual Keyboard65 Configuring Studio Sends146 Configuring the Control Room Mixer143 Conform Files272 Consolidate Rests528 Constrain Delay Compensation179 Context menus498 Control Room About136 Channels137 Configuring137 Creating a Channel138 Features136 Mixer141 Operations137 Overview140 Preferences146 Settings145 Controller display About341 Adding and removing lanes351 Controller lane presets352 Editing events353 Editing velocity352 Selecting event type351Controllers Deleting355 Editing353 Recording82 Convert Files272 Convert to MIDI Notes and Continuous Pitchbend Data253 Notes and Static Pitchbend Data253 Convert to Real Copy45 Converting MIDI to CC track automation336 Copy518, 570 Count-in85 Cpr files456 Create Audio Images During Record74 Create events Sample Editor238 Create events (Cycle Rec Mode)76 Create Groove Quantize237 Create MIDI track when loading VSTi170 Create new controller lane351 Create Regions (Cycle Rec Mode)76 Create slices236 Crescendo Affecting MIDI playback619 Drawing571 Flipping572 Keeping Horizontal572 Crop52 Crossed Voicings538 Crossfades Creating92 Editing in dialog93 Presets94 Removing93 Cross-Staff Beaming548 Csh files271 Ctrl/Command key12 Cue Notes551 Cursor, see “Project cursor” Custom Palette558 Cut518 Cut Notes Tool550Cut Time52 Cutflag Events550 Cycle About62 Record modes81 Recording68 Recording audio75 Recording MIDI81 Cycle markers About54 Adding in Marker window55 Drawing55 Making selections with55 Navigating to55 D D.C. (Da Capo)574 D.S. (Dal Segno)574 Damper Pedal Symbols572 DC Offset211 Deactivate Inserts153 Deactivate Punch In on Stop84 Default MIDI editor338 Default Number of Bars per Staff602 Default Output Bus17 Default template457 Default Track Time Type40 Delay compensation About152 Constraining179 Delete Audio files from disk264 Events in Project window49 MIDI controllers334, 355 MIDI drum notes360 MIDI notes348 Notes523 Symbols570 Delete Continuous Controllers334 Delete Controllers334 Delete Doubles334 Delete Notes334 Delete Overlaps Audio50, 77 Mono (MIDI)335 Poly (MIDI)335
629 Index Delete Time52 Detect Silence216 Dev (Display Quantize)527 Device Panels About320 Inspector30 Mixer122 Device Ports Selecting for busses16 Setting up15 Dialogs498 Diminuendo Affecting MIDI playback619 Drawing571 Keeping Horizontal572 Disable sends160 Disable Track63 Disk meter131 Display Arrow Tool after Inserting Symbol559 Display filter bar497, 498 Display format33 Display Length520, 544 Display Markers592 Display Quantize About490 Auto527 In Polyphonic Voices537 Inserting changes508 Rests491 Tool491, 508 Display Transpose503, 529 Display transpose Disable503 Dissolve Part Audio42 MIDI332 Dithering155 Dividing the Track list40 Don’t Center Hyphens584 Don’t Sync Lyrics583 Double-click Symbol to get Pencil Tool559 Drag Delay44 Drag&drop Inserts Automation199 Side-Chain163Draw Hitpoints236 In Sample Editor230 Markers55 MIDI controllers 353 MIDI notes344 Parts42 Drop Out Frames437 Drum Editor Creating and editing notes359 Muting drum sounds360 Selecting drum maps363 Drum maps About361 Making settings361 MIDI channel and output362 Selecting363 Setup dialog363 Drum name lists364 Drum Notes About610 Adding and Editing612 Head Pairs611 Setting Up The Staff612 Single Line612 Drum Sound Solo360 Drumstick tool359 Duplicate Events and parts45 MIDI notes347 Notes518 Symbols566 Using Bar Handles568 Duplicate tracks39 Dynamics symbols Adding571 Affecting MIDI playback618 E Edit Active Part Only339 Edit as Drums when Drum Map is assigned338 Edit button Audio channel strips122 Audio track Inspector29 MIDI channel strips128 MIDI track Inspector306 Edit Drum Map in Scores611 Edit In-Place356 Edit Mode495 Edit Pitch/Time (VariAudio) Changing the pitch247 Description247 Tilting the micro pitch curve248 Edit Segment (VariAudio) Changing note start/end point246 Cutting segments246 Deleting segments247 Gluing segments246 Moving segments horizontally247 Saving the segmentation247 Edit warp Sample Editor239 Editing via MIDI349 Edits folder205 Elements Sample Editor221 Enable Record on Selected Track67 Enable Solo on Selected Track49 Enable Track63 Ending Symbols574 Enharmonic Shift Manual543 Enlarge Selected Track36 Envelope Process206 Realtime95 EQ Bypassing124 Presets125 Setting123 Equal Pitch (Selection)346 Erase Tool49, 523, 608 Event as Region53
630 Index Event Envelopes95 Event Lock Layers565 Events Audio27 Color39 Duplicating45 Grouping48 Locking48 Moving44 Muting49 Overlapping in audio part256 Overlapping in Project window44 Removing49 Renaming46 Renaming all on track39 Resizing46 Resizing with time stretch47 Selecting43 Sliding contents48 Splitting46 Events (Snap mode)57 Events from Regions53 Events to Part42 Explode509, 536 Export OMF462 Export Audio Mixdown420 Export MIDI files464 Export Options (MIDI files)464 Export selected tracks466 Export Tempo track405 Exporting the Score as Image Files503 Expression Maps Creating377 Loading374 External Effects163 External effects About20 Favorites23 Freezing24 Missing plug-ins23 Setting up21 External Inputs (Control Room Channel)137, 139, 144External instruments About20 Favorites23 Freezing24 Missing plug-ins23 Setting up22 Extract Audio from Video461 Extract MIDI (VariAudio)252 Just Notes and no Pitchbend Data253 Extract MIDI Automation336 Extract Voices539 F Fade handles89 Fade In/Out functions90 Faders117 Fades Auto Fades94 Creating89 Editing in dialog91 Presets91 Processing90 Removing90 Fill Loop45 Filter (MIDI)84 Filter (Project Browser)417 Filter bar367, 497, 498 Find and Replace587 Find missing files267 Find Selected in Pool265 FireWire448 Fit Page/Width495 Fixed Lengths334 Fixed Stem Length530 Fixed tempo402 Fixed Velocity335 Flat Beams529 Flat Ties550 Flip Crescendo572 Slurs and Ties569 Stems541 Folder parts53 Folder tracks Moving tracks into53 Muting and soloing53Fonts582, 589 For Grouping Only500, 546 Force Update504 Frame rates430 Free Warp238 Freeze Edits215 Freeze Quantize330 Freeze Tracks156 Freeze VST Instruments174 FX channel tracks About157 Adding effects for158 Mixing down to file420 Routing sends to159 Setting up157 Soloing 161 G Gain207 Generic Remote Device302 Get Form592 Global (Input Transformer)390 Global Staff Spacing621 Global Text585 Glue Tool520, 603 MIDI editors348 Project window46 Grace Notes Converting to Normal552 Creating Manually552 Order of622 Settings552 Graphic Note Type544 Grid (Snap mode)56 Grid Relative (Snap mode)56 Groove Quantize From audio237 Group48 Group channel tracks About26 Routing audio to127 Using effects156 Group Notes Icon546 Grouping Automatic547 Removing547 Repeats546