Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual
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51 The Project window Range editing Editing in the Project window isn’t necessarily restricted to handling whole events and parts. You can also work with selection ranges, which are independent from the event/part and track boundaries. Creating a selection range To make a selection range, drag with the Range Selection tool. When the Range Selection tool is selected, the Select submenu on the Edit menu has the following items for making selection ranges: Double-clicking on an event with the Range Selection tool creates a selection range encompassing the event. If you hold down [Shift] you can double-click several events in a row, and the selection range will expand to encompass them all. Double-clicking a second time on an event opens it for editing in the Sample Editor. Adjusting the size of the selection range You can adjust the size of a selection range in the follow- ing ways: By dragging its edges. The pointer takes the shape of a double arrow when you move it over an edge of the selection range. By holding down [Shift] and clicking. The closest selection range edge will be moved to the position at which you clicked. By adjusting the selection range start or end position on the info line. By using the Trim buttons on the toolbar. The left Trim buttons will move the start of the selection range and the right buttons will move the end. The edges will be moved by the amount specified on the Grid pop-up. Clicking this Trim button… …will move the start of the selection range to the right by 1beat. By using the Nudge buttons on the toolbar. These will move the whole selection range to the left or the right. The amount of movement depends on the selected display format (see “The Project Setup dialog” on page 34) and the value specified on the Grid pop-up menu. ÖThe Trim buttons and the Nudge buttons are located in the Nudge palette, which is not visible in the toolbar by default. See “The setup context menus” on page 471 for instructions on how to show and hide items in the toolbar. Option Description All Makes a selection that covers all tracks, from the start of the project to the end (as defined by the Length setting in the Project Setup dialog). None Removes the current selection range. Invert Only used for event selection (see “Selecting events” on page 43). In Loop Makes a selection between the left and right locator, on all tracks. From Start to CursorMakes a selection on all tracks, from the start of the project to the project cursor. From Cursor to EndMakes a selection on all tracks, from the project cursor to the end of the project. All on Selected TracksOnly used for event selection (see “Selecting events” on page 43). Select Event This is available in the Sample Editor (see “Using the Se- lect menu” on page 227). Left Selection Side to CursorMoves the left side of the current selection range to the project cursor position. Right Selec- tion Side to CursorMoves the right side of the current selection range to the project cursor position. !Note that the contents of the selection are not moved – using the Nudge buttons is the same as adjusting the start and end of the selection range at the same time, by the same amount.
52 The Project window Making selection ranges for several non-contiguous tracks You can create selection ranges that cover several tracks by pressing [Alt]/[Option]-[Shift]. However, it is also pos- sible to exclude tracks from a selection range: 1.Create a selection range from the first to the last de- sired track. 2.Press [Alt]/[Option] and click in the selection range on the tracks you want to exclude from the selection. 3.In the same manner, you can add a track to the selec- tion range by [Alt]/[Option]-clicking in the selection range area on the track. Moving and duplicating To move a selection range, click and drag it to a new position. This will move the contents of the selection range to the new position. If the range intersected events or parts, these will be split before moving, so that only the sections within the selection range are affected. To duplicate a selection range, hold down [Alt]/[Option] and drag. You can also use the Duplicate, Repeat and Fill Loop functions, just as when duplicating events (see “Duplicating events” on page 45). Using Cut, Copy and Paste When working with selection ranges, you can either use Cut, Copy and Paste on the Edit menu, or use the func- tions “Cut Time” and “Paste Time” on the Range submenu on the Edit menu. These work differently to their related functions on the Edit menu: Deleting selection ranges Again, you can either use “regular” Delete or “Delete Time”: If you use the Delete function on the Edit menu (or press [Backspace]), the data within the selection range is re- placed by empty track space. Events to the right of the range keep their position. If you use “Delete Time” on the Edit menu’s Range sub- menu, the selection range is removed and events to the right are moved to the left to close up the gap. Other functions On the Range submenu on the Edit menu, you will find three more range editing functions: Function Description Cut Cuts out the data in the selection range and moves it to the clipboard. The selection range is replaced by empty track space in the Project window, meaning that events to the right of the range keep their positions. Copy Copies the data in the selection range to the clipboard. Paste Pastes the clipboard data at the start position and track of the current selection. Existing events are not moved to make room for the pasted data. Paste at Origin Pastes the clipboard data back at its original position. Ex- isting events are not moved to make room for the pasted data. Cut Time Cuts out the selection range and moves it to the clip- board. Events to the right of the removed range are moved to the left to fill out the gap. Paste Time Pastes the clipboard data at the start position and track of the current selection. Existing events are moved to make room for the pasted data. Paste Time at OriginPastes the clipboard data back at its original position. Ex- isting events are moved to make room for the pasted data. Function Description Split Splits any events or parts that are intersected by the selec- tion range, at the positions of the selection range edges. Crop All events or parts that are partially within the selection range are cropped, that is, sections outside the selection range are removed. Events that are fully inside or outside the selection range are not affected. Insert Silence Inserts empty track space from the start of the selection range. The length of the silence equals the length of the selection range. Events to the right of the selection range start are moved to the right to “make room”. Events that are intersected by the selection range start are split, and the right section is moved to the right. Function Description
53 The Project window Region operations Regions are sections within a clip, with various uses. While regions are perhaps best created and edited in the Sample Editor (see “Working with regions” on page 228), the following region functions are available in the Advan- ced submenu of the Audio menu: Folder tracks Moving tracks into a folder is a way to structure and orga- nize tracks in the Project window. By grouping tracks in folder tracks, you can solo and mute them in a quicker and easier way and perform editing on several tracks as one entity. Folder tracks can contain any type of track includ- ing other folder tracks. Handling folder tracks Creating a folder track Select “Add Track” from the Project menu and select “Folder” from the submenu that appears, or right-click in the Track list and select “Add Folder Track” from the context menu to create a folder track. Moving tracks into a folder In the Track list, click on a track that you want to move into a folder and drag it onto a folder track. A green arrow pointing to a folder appears when you drag the track onto the folder track in the list. The track is placed in the folder track, and all parts and events on the track will be represented by a corresponding folder part (see below). You can also create sub-fold- ers by moving one folder track into another. For example, you could have a folder containing all the vocals in a project, and each vocal part could have a folder containing all the takes for easier handling etc. Removing tracks from a folder Drag a track out of the folder and release it in the Track list to remove it from the folder. Hiding/showing tracks in a folder Click on the “Expand/Collapse Folder” button (the folder icon) to hide or show the tracks located in a folder or use the corresponding options in the Track Folding submenu of the Project menu (see “Track folding” on page 39). Hidden tracks are played back as usual. Muting and soloing folder tracks Click the Mute or Solo button on the folder track to mute or solo all tracks in the folder as one unit. Working with folder parts A folder part is a graphic representation of events and parts on the tracks in the folder. Folder parts indicate the position and length of the events and parts, as well as on which track they are (their vertical position). If part colors are used, these are also shown in the folder part. Any Project window editing you perform to a folder part affects all the events and parts it contains. You can select several folder parts if you like – this allows you to handle and edit them together. The editing you can perform in- cludes: Moving a folder part. This will move its contained events and parts (possibly resulting in other folder parts, depending on how the parts overlap). Using cut, copy and paste. Deleting a folder part. This will delete its contained events and parts. Splitting a folder part with the Scissors tool. Gluing folder parts together with the Glue tube tool. This will only work if the adjacent folder parts contain events or parts on the same track. Resizing a folder part resizes the contained events and parts according to the selected resizing method, see “Resizing events” on page 46. Function Description Event or Range as RegionThis function is available when one or several audio events or selection ranges are selected. It creates a re- gion in the corresponding clip, with the start and end po- sition of the region determined by the start and end position of the event or selection range within the clip. Events from RegionsThis function is available if you have selected an audio event whose clip contains regions within the boundaries of the event. The function will remove the original event and replace it with event(s) positioned and sized accord- ing to the Region(s). A folder track Tracks in the folder
54 The Project window Muting a folder part. This will mute its contained events and parts. Tracks inside a folder can be edited as one entity by per- forming the editing directly on the folder part containing the tracks. You can also edit individual tracks within the folder by showing the contained tracks, selecting parts and opening editors as usual. Double-clicking a folder part opens the editors for the cor- responding track classes present in the folder. The follow- ing applies: All MIDI parts located on the tracks within the folder are displayed as if they were on the same track, just like when opening the Key Editor with several MIDI parts selected. To be able to easily discern the different tracks in the editor, give each track a different color in the Project window and use the “Part Colors” option in the editor (see “Coloring notes and events” on page 344). If the folder contains tracks with audio events and/or au- dio parts, the Sample and/or Audio Part Editors are opened with each audio event and audio part in a separate window. Markers Markers are used to locate certain positions quickly. If you often find yourself jumping to a specific position within a project, you should insert a marker at this position. There are two types of markers: Cycle markers allow you to store the start and end posi- tions of a range. On the Marker track they are shown as two markers bridged by a hori- zontal line. They are ideal for setting sections of a song, for example “In- tro”, “Verse”, and “Chorus”, this enables you to quickly navigate to the song sections, and also to optionally repeat the section (by activating Cycle on the Transport panel). Cycle markers can freely overlap. Standard markers store a specific position. ÖThe left and right locators are handled separately – see “The left and right locators” on page 62. Editing markers in the Marker window The Marker window lists the markers in the order in which they occur in the project. To open the Marker window, se- lect “Markers” from the Project menu, click the “Show” but- ton in the Marker section on the Transport panel or use the key command (by default [Ctrl]/[Command]-[M]). The Marker window is divided into six columns: Click on a column heading to sort the marker list by that column. The Marker columns can also be reordered by dragging and dropping the column headers. Column Description Locate (left- most column)If you click in this column the project cursor will be moved to the corresponding marker position. A blue arrow indi- cates the marker at the project cursor position (or the closest marker before the project cursor). ID In this column you can edit marker ID numbers. Each time you add a marker, it is automatically and sequentially as- signed an ID number, starting from ID 1. IDs for cycle markers are shown in brackets and start from [1]. The nine first markers (1 to 9) can be recalled by using key commands (by default [Shift]-[1] to [9] on the typewriter part of the keyboard). Position In this column you can view and edit the markers’ time positions (or start positions for cycle markers). End In this column you can view and edit the end positions of cycle markers. Length In this column you can view and edit the length of cycle markers. Description Here you can enter names or descriptions for markers.
55 The Project window The following actions can be performed in the Marker window: Adding markers Click the Add button or press [Insert] (Windows only) on the computer keyboard to add position markers at the current project cursor position Select “Cycle Markers” from the Show pop-up menu and click the Add button to add a cycle marker between the left and right locator. Removing markers Select a marker and click the Remove button to remove it. Moving marker positions Set the project cursor to the position to which you want to move (or re- program) a marker, select the marker that you want to change in the Marker window and click the Move button. If a cycle marker is selected, the Move operation affects the cycle marker start position, the length of the range is not affected. You can also move markers by editing their po- sition numerically in the Position column. Editing markers on the Marker track The Marker track is used for viewing and editing markers. Any changes made on the Marker track are reflected in the Marker window and vice versa. Standard position markers are shown as vertical lines with the marker name (if as- signed) and number beside it. If you select the Marker track, all markers are shown in the Inspector. To add the Marker track to the Project, select “Marker” from the Add Track submenu of the Project menu (or right-click in the Track list and select “Add Marker Track”). You can only have one Marker track in a project. The following editing functions can be performed directly on the Marker track: Adding markers Press the [Insert] key (Win) or the “Add Marker” button in the Track list, to add a position marker at the current cursor position during playback. Click the “Add Cycle Marker” button in the Track list, to add a cycle marker at the left and right locator positions. Selecting markers Use the standard techniques. Drawing markers Use the Pencil tool (or press [Alt]/[Option] and use the Arrow tool) to draw position markers. Snap is taken into account. Hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] while using the Pencil or the Arrow tool to draw cycle markers. Snap is taken into account. Resizing Select and drag a cycle marker by the handles that appear at the bottom of the start and end events to resize it. This can also be done numerically on the info line. Moving Click and drag, or edit the positions on the info line to move a marker. Snap is taken into account if activated. Removing Select a position marker and press [Delete] or use the Erase tool to re- move it. Click with the Eraser tool to delete a cycle marker. If you hold down [Alt]/ [Option] when you click, all consecutive markers will also be deleted. Naming Select a marker and enter a name on the info line. Moving the left and right locators Double-click on a cycle marker or select it from the Cycle pop-up menu in the Track list, to move the left and right locators to encompass the cy- cle marker. Use the numeric pad keys [1] and [2] to move the project cursor position to the start or the end of the cycle marker. You can also use key com- mands for this – see “Editing markers using key commands” on page 55. Zooming Select a cycle marker on the Zoom pop-up menu, to zoom in the event display to encompass the selected range only (see the section “Zoom presets and Cycle markers” on page 36). You can also do this by pressing [Alt]/[Option] and double-clicking on the cycle marker in the event display. Making range selections in the Project window Double-click with the Range Selection tool between any two markers to create a selection range between the markers, spanning all tracks in the project. This is a quick way to move or copy (hold down [Alt]/[Option]) complete sections of the project (on all tracks). Editing markers using key commands You can use key commands for marker operations, see “Transport category” on page 486. Cycle marker MarkersLocators Add Marker/Add Cycle Marker buttons
56 The Project window Editing markers in the Project Browser If you have a Marker track in the Project window, you can create and edit all marker parameters, including marker IDs, in the Project Browser. For details about editing markers in the Project Browser see “Editing the Marker track” on page 418. Options The Snap function The Snap function helps you to find exact positions when editing in the Project window. It does this by restricting horizontal movement and positioning to certain positions. Operations affected by Snap include moving, copying, drawing, sizing, splitting, range selection, etc. You turn Snap on or off by clicking the Snap icon in the toolbar. Snap activated. When you are moving audio events with Snap activated, it isn’t necessarily the beginning of the event that is used as Snap position reference. Instead, each audio event has a snap point, which you can set to a relevant position in the audio (such as a downbeat, etc.). The snap point is preferably set in the Sample Editor since it allows for a higher degree of precision (see “Adjusting the snap point” on page 226). You can however also set the snap point directly in the Project window, in the follow- ing way: 1.Select an event. 2.Place the project cursor at the desired position within the selected audio event. 3.Pull down the Audio menu and select “Snap Point To Cursor”. The snap point is set at the cursor position. The snap point for an event is displayed as a blue line in the Project window. Exactly how Snap works depends on which mode is se- lected on the Snap mode pop-up menu. The following sections describe the different Snap modes: Grid In this mode, the Snap positions are set with the Grid Type pop-up menu to the right. The options depend on the dis- play format selected for the ruler. For example, if the ruler is set to show bars and beats, the grid can be set to bars, beats or the quantize value set with the next pop-up menu to the right. If a time or frame-based ruler format is selected, the Grid Type pop-up menu contains time or frame-based grid options, etc. When Seconds is selected as ruler format, the Grid Type pop-up menu contains time-based grid options. Grid Relative When you move events and parts in this mode they will not be “magnetic” to the grid. Rather, the grid determines the step size for moving the events. This means that a moved event will keep its original position relative to the grid. For example, if an event starts at the position 3.04.01 (one beat before bar 4), Snap is set to Grid Relative and the Grid Type pop-up menu is set to “Bar”, you can move the event in steps of one bar – to the positions 4.04.01, 5.04.01 and so on. The event will keep its relative position to the grid, i.e. stay one beat before the bar lines. This only applies when dragging existing events or parts – when you create new events or parts this mode works like the Grid mode.
57 The Project window Events In this mode, the start and end positions of other events and parts become “magnetic”. This means that if you drag an event to a position near the start or end of another event, it is automatically aligned with the start or end of the other event. For audio events, the position of the snap point is also magnetic (see “Adjusting the snap point” on page 226). Note that this includes marker events on the marker track. This allows you to snap events to marker positions, and vice versa. Shuffle Shuffle mode is useful when you want to change the order of adjacent events. If you have two adjacent events and drag the first one to the right, past the second event, the two events will change places. The same principle works when changing the order of more than two events: Magnetic Cursor When this mode is selected, the project cursor becomes “magnetic”. Dragging an event near the cursor causes the event to be aligned with the cursor position. Grid + Cursor This is a combination of the “Grid” and “Magnetic Cursor” modes. Events + Cursor This is a combination of the “Events” and “Magnetic Cur- sor” modes. Events + Grid + Cursor This is a combination of the “Events”, “Grid” and “Mag- netic Cursor” modes. Snap to Zero Crossing When this option is activated on the toolbar or in the Pre- ferences (Editing–Audio page), splitting and sizing of au- dio events is done at zero crossings (positions in the audio where the amplitude is zero). This helps you avoid pops and clicks which might otherwise be caused by sudden amplitude changes. Autoscroll “Autoscroll” and “Suspend Autoscroll when Editing” are activated When the Autoscroll option is activated, the waveform dis- play will scroll during playback, keeping the project cursor visible in the window. You can find the Autoscroll button in the toolbars of the Project window and all editors. If the option “Stationary Cursors” is activated in the Pre- ferences (Transport page), the project cursor will be posi- tioned in the middle of the screen (if possible). Suspending autoscroll When editing parts or events during playback with Auto- scroll enabled, you may suddenly “loose sight” of the ed- ited material as the display follows the project cursor. If you don’t want the Project window display to change when editing during playback, you can activate the “Sus- pend Autoscroll when Editing” button. You will find this button right next to the Autoscroll button. When this op- tion is enabled, autoscrolling is suspended as soon as you click anywhere in the event display during playback. 12345 5 2 4 3 1 Dragging event 2 past event 4… …changes the order of events 2, 3 and 4.
58 The Project window Proceed as follows: 1.Open a project that contains audio or MIDI parts/ events. 2.Enable both the “Autoscroll” and the “Suspend Auto- scroll when Editing” buttons (both buttons turn blue). 3.Start playback. 4.Edit an audio or MIDI part/event of your project (e. g. click and drag it to a different location on its track). The Autoscroll button will turn orange. Autoscrolling is now suspended, i. e. when the project cur- sor moves to the right edge of the Project window, the display will not follow to keep the cursor visible. As soon as playback stops, or when you click the Auto- scroll button again (so it turns blue), Cubase will return to the normal Autoscroll behavior.
60 Playback and the Transport panel Background This chapter describes the various methods available for controlling Playback and Transport functions in Cubase. The Transport panel Below you can find a brief description of each item on the Transport panel. The pictures below show the Transport panel with all con- trols visible (note that the Jog/Shuttle control is available in Cubase only). The Transport panel is divided into the following sections, from left to right. ÖNote that the Output Activity and Clipping indicator as well as the Output Level Control refer to the Control Room channel (Cubase only), if the Control Room is activated. If the Control Room is disabled, these controls refer to the Main Mix Output bus as defined on the Outputs tab in the VST Connections window. For information on the Control Room, see the chapter “Control Room (Cubase only)” on page 135. In Cubase Studio, the Main Mix bus is always used for monitoring. The main Transport functions (Cycle/Stop/Play/Record) can also be shown on the toolbar. In addition, various play options are available on the Trans- port menu. Hiding and showing the Transport Panel The Transport panel is shown automatically when you launch a new project. To hide or show it, select “Transport Panel” on the Transport menu (or use a key command – by default [F2]). Octave OffsetNote Velocity Level Change Virtual Keyboard Display Type Activates Auto QuantizeRecord mode pop-up menu Cycle Record mode pop-up menu CPU load and Disk Cache meters Right locator Punch InLeft locator Post-roll: value and on/offShuttle speed Jog Wheel Nudge +/- 1 Frame Pre-roll: value and on/off Punch Out Primary Time Display Position slider Record Play Fast forward Go to next marker/ project end Nudge position right/left Go to previous marker/ project startSecondary Time Display Exchange time formats Cycle on/off Stop Rewind Active Arranger chain Activate Arranger Mode First/Last repeat of current Arranger event Previous/Next Arranger eventArranger Selector Current Arranger event Tempo track on/off Synchronization on/offThe tempo and time signature display Metronome click on/offShow Markers (opens Marker window) Jump to Marker Precount on/off MIDI In/Out activity (left/right)Output Level Control Clipping indicators Audio input/output activity