Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual
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141 Control Room (Cubase only) The Control Room Mixer The Control Room Mixer is where you access all the fea- tures of the Control Room. The Control Room Mixer can be resized to accommodate more channels and to display more controls. It has a variety of controls, some that are similar to the Pro- ject Mixer and some that are unique to Control Room op- erations. The following diagrams show every control, followed by a brief description of what each control does.1.Input Phase Each external input and Monitor speaker output has an Input Phase re- versal switch. When lit, all audio paths within the channel have their phase reversed. 2.Input Gain Each external input, Monitor speaker output and the Talkback input has an Input Gain control. When an external input or Monitor becomes ac- tive, the Gain settings are recalled. 1. 2.3.4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 6. 11. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 6. 16. 22.6. 23.24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

142 Control Room (Cubase only) 3.Channel inserts Each channel in the Control Room Mixer has inserts available. While most channels have six pre-fader and two post-fader inserts, the external inputs and Monitors only have six pre-fader inserts. 4.Channel configuration This displays the current configuration of audio paths in the channel, e. g. Stereo, or 5.1. 5.Channel labels This displays the name of the channel as defined in the VST Connections window. 6.Expansion controls There are several arrow buttons that open and close various panels of the Control Room Mixer. By default, all extended panels are hidden. 7.Control Room and Headphone input selectors These buttons allow the selection of various input sources for the Con- trol Room and Headphone channels. The choices are External Input, Main Mix, or any one of the four Studio channels. 8.Use Reference Level When you click this button, the Control Room Level is set to the refer- ence level set in the Preferences, e. g. a level for calibrated mixing envi- ronments such as film dubbing stages. Press [Alt]/[Option] and click on this button to set the Preferences reference level setting to the current Control Room level. 9.Show Meters/Inserts button This allows you to switch between the display of Meters and Inserts for the extended Mixer view. 10.Listen Bus AFL/PFL This button determines whether the source signals sent to the Listen bus are pre-fader (PFL) or post-fader (AFL). 11.Listen Activate/Deactivate All Listen When lit, this indicates that one or more channels in the Project Mixer are Listen enabled. Clicking this button deactivates Listen for all channels. 12.Listen DIM Level This gain control adjusts the volume of the Main Mix when channels have been put in Listen mode. This allows you to keep Listen enabled chan- nels in context with the Main Mix. If the Listen DIM is set to minus infinity, Listen enabled channels will be heard by themselves. Any other setting leaves the Main Mix at a lower level. 13.DIM Signal This turns the Control Room level down by a preset amount (the default setting is -30 dB). This allows a quick reduction in monitor volume with- out disturbing the current monitor level. Clicking on the DIM button again returns the monitor level to the previous setting. 14.Activate Talkback Click the TALK button to turn on the Talkback system, allowing commu- nication between the control room and performers in the studio. There are two modes of operation: momentary mode used by clicking and hold- ing the Talk button, and latch mode where clicking once turns the Talk- back on until you click it again to turn it off. 15.Talkback DIM Level When the Talkback is enabled, this control allows you to determine how much the output of all the channels in the Control Room Mixer is re- duced. This prevents unwanted feedback. If the Talkback DIM level is set to 0 dB, no change will occur in the Control Room channels. 16.Cycle Downmix Preset Selection The Control Room allows four different Speaker downmix settings for au- ditioning with various speaker configurations. Clicking this button cycles through the four downmix presets. Various icons appear to show which preset is active. 17.Cycle Monitor Selection Pressing this button changes the Monitor selection to the next available set. As Monitors are changed, so are the downmix presets, Monitor in- serts, Input Gain and Input Phase controls associated with that Monitor set. 18.Listen Enable for Output This turns on Listen bus functions for either the Control Room or Head- phone output. If this is not enabled, the Listen bus will not be routed to that channel. 19.Listen Level for Output This level adjustment determines how loud Listen bus signals are when routed to the Control Room or Headphone output. Clicking on the num- ber pops up a fader control for adjustment. 20.Studio input selectors For Studio Channels, the input choices are External Input, Aux (from Studio Sends) or Main Mix. 21.Activate channel buttons These buttons turn each channel’s output on or off. When lit, the channel is on. 22.Channel labels These labels reflect the names created in the VST Connections window. 23.Talkback amount to Studio This pop-up fader controls the amount of Talkback signal fed to the output of each Studio. 24.Talkback Enable to Studio In order for Talkback signals to be routed to a Studio, this button must be lit. Clicking on it turns it on or off. When Talkback Enable is deactivated, the Talkback DIM setting has no effect on this output.

143 Control Room (Cubase only) 25.Metronome Level and Pan The Level and Pan controls determine how the Metronome will be heard in each channel. These controls are independent for each channel. 26.Activate Metronome Click This determines whether click signals are sent to each channel. When lit, click signals will be heard in that output. 27.Channel Level control This is the main volume for each Control Room output. These faders do not affect recording input levels or the Main Mix level for exporting mixdowns. 28.External input switching There are six available external inputs. These buttons determine which ex- ternal input is currently being used. The names for each external input are displayed here as they were created in the VST Connections window. 29.Signal Presence Indicators In the Preferences dialog, there is an option to display these Signal Pres- ence Indicators as a substitute for the full size meters. The Monitor controls in the Control Room Mixer 30.Individual speaker Solos Each speaker icon is a solo button for that channel. [Shift]-clicking a speaker will solo all the speakers in that row (front or rear). [Ctrl]/[Com- mand]-clicking on a speaker that is already soloed will mute that speaker and solo all other channels. 31.LFE Solo The plus icon solos the LFE channel. 32.Solo Front Channels This button solos all front speakers. 33.Solo Left and Right Channels This button solos the left and right channels. 34.Solo Rear Channels This solos all rear channels. 35.Cancel Speaker Solo This button defeats all speaker solos, resetting them to normal playback. 36.Listen to Solo Channels on Center Monitor When this button is enabled, all speakers that are soloed will be heard in the center channel if there is one in the configuration. If not (as with stereo) the soloed channel will be heard equally in both left and right speakers. 37.Listen to Rear Channels on Front Monitors This button solos the rear channels and routes them to the front speakers. 38.Open MixConvert Settings Clicking on this tab opens the MixConvert plug-in used to downmix multi-channel signals for monitoring. 39.Downmix labels This area displays the names of the four downmix presets. You can click on a name to change it. A “?” appears when there is no preset defined for that downmix. 40.Downmix Preset Selection With these buttons you can select the downmix preset for the current Monitor. 41.Monitor labels This area displays the names of the four possible Monitors. The names are created in the VST Connections window when you define a Monitor channel. 42.Monitor selection With these buttons you can select the current Monitor set. Each Monitor has its own settings including downmix preset, solo enables, inserts, in- put gain and input phase. These settings are automatically recalled when a Monitor is selected. Configuring the Control Room Mixer In order to display more controls in the Control Room Mixer, the small arrows at the lower left and right corners can be clicked to open or close the extended speaker controls on the right (“Right Strip”) and the External Input and Talkback controls on the left (“Left Strip”). The arrow in the upper right corner of the Control Room Mixer extends the Mixer vertically to display meters and in- serts (“extended view”). A second arrow appears above the inserts and meter display. Extending the Mixer using this arrow exposes the Input Gain and Input Phase con- trols, the channel configuration and the name of each channel (“routing view”). 30. 31. 37. 34. 36. 38. 39. 41. 42. 40. 35. 33. 32.

144 Control Room (Cubase only) The different Control Room Mixer panels are handled in the same way as the Project Mixer panels, see “Configu- ring the mixer” on page 112. Control Room inserts and meters In the extended view of the Control Room Mixer the meters are visible. They function the same way as the ones in the Project Mixer. When you click on the Show Meters/Inserts button to the right of the meters/inserts display, the view changes to show inserts instead of meters. Alternatively, these can also be displayed by deactivating the Show Meters option on the Window submenu of the Control Room Mixer con- text menu. Each Control Room channel has a set of inserts configured as six pre-fader and two post-fader inserts. External inputs and Monitor channels only have the six pre-fader inserts. The extended view with the Show Inserts/Meters button highlighted If you do not wish to see full sized meters but still want some indication of signal activity, activate the option “Sig- nal Presence Indicators” in the Preferences (VST–Control Room page). They will be displayed next to the input se- lection buttons and indicates signal presence for all inputs. Control Room Mixer channels with active Signal Presence indicators Inserts for external inputs Each external input has its own set of six inserts. By click- ing the button next to the name of an external input at the left of the Mixer window the inserts associated with that channel are displayed in the extended view. Inserts for the Talkback channel The Talkback channel has a separate set of eight inserts. In order to view and adjust them, the Talkback must be en- abled via the TALK button located in the bottom right sec- tion of the Control Room Mixer. Click once on the TALK button to activate the Talkback system. The inserts for ex- ternal inputs are now replaced with the Talkback inserts. Once the Talkback is disabled, the view reverts to external input inserts. Monitor Inserts Each Monitor channel has a set of six inserts. These in- serts are all post Control Room fader level and are most useful for surround decoding or brickwall limiting to pro- tect sensitive monitor speakers. Each set of monitors has its own Input Phase and Input Gain settings available in the top section of the extended Control Room Mixer. In addition, there are speaker solo icons along with various soloing modes and speaker rout- ing options in the Speaker Solo panel. The Speaker Solo panel ÖUse the speaker solos to test your multi-channel speaker system and ensure that the proper channels are routed to each speaker. !You can also use the Window submenu on the Con- trol Room Mixer context menu to show/hide the dif- ferent panels, just as in the Project Mixer. !You can easily identify the inserts for the Talkback since they have six pre-fader and two post-fader in- serts while the external inputs only have six pre-fader inserts. If the Control Room Mixer is fully expanded, the name displayed at the very top of the Mixer will re- flect which channel is currently in the extended view.

145 Control Room (Cubase only) Just below the configuration display, all settings for auto- matic downmixing of multi-channel sources are shown. There are four downmix presets. Some will automatically be configured for the sets of monitors you have defined. Each preset is adjustable with the MixConvert plug-in, which you access by clicking the small arrow icon above the Downmix Presets section. The Downmix Presets section The Main Mix and the Control Room channel The channel configuration of the “Main Mix” (the default output) determines what the channel configuration of the Control Room channel will be. Switching between a project that has a stereo Main Mix to a project that has a 5.1 Main Mix will cause the Control Room channel in the Control Room Mixer to change from a stereo to a 5.1 configuration. The Main Mix configuration also determines the layout of the Speaker Solo panel. If the Main Mix is stereo, there will only be a left and right speaker in the solo panel. Any external input that has more channels than the Main Mix will not be heard correctly when routed to the Control Room channel. Only the channels available will be heard. ÖIf a 5.1 external input is routed to a stereo Control Room channel, only the left and right channels will be heard even if a 5.1 Monitor is selected. Only two channels can be routed through a stereo Control Room channel. You could use an instance of MixConvert on the external input’s in- serts to downmix the material to stereo in order to hear it. Suggested settings With all the versatility that the Control Room provides there are also opportunities for confusion when first set- ting up the Control Room. The following list contains sug- gestions that could help to quickly set up the Control Room to get started for recording and mixing. If you do not have a master recording device and only use the Export Mixdown function to create finished mix files, set your Main Mix output to “Not Assigned”. This eliminates many con- fusing errors and unpredictable behavior since outputs and Control Room Monitors can share hardware outputs. The Main Mix is automatically routed to the Control Room channel and will not be affected. Create one stereo Monitor to familiarize yourself with the Con- trol Room level controls, DIM settings, the Listen Bus and other monitoring features. Once you have become acquainted with some of these functions, create additional Monitors for every set of speakers you intend to use. Use the inserts on Monitor channels for surround decoding and bass management plug-ins among other things. Use the inserts on the Control Room channel for metering and spectral analysis plug-ins. All solos including the Listen Bus will come through the Control Room channel allowing analysis of individual sounds. A brickwall limiter in the last insert of the Control Room chan- nel can prevent accidental overloads and damage to speaker systems. Use the inserts for the Talkback channel to control the dynam- ics of the talkback microphone. This will help protect perform- ers’ hearing and ensure that everyone can be heard over the talkback microphone. Use the Gain settings on the external inputs to level balance CD players and other sources to the Main Mix level for A/B comparisons. Use the Gain settings on each Monitor to level balance all your monitor systems. Switching between sets of speakers will re- sult in the same playback volume. Use the calibrated Control Room level for film or DVD mixing. Set this level to the proper speaker volume as determined by the mixing standard you choose to follow. !Automatic configuration of the downmix settings fol- lows a logical path. For example, if you have defined one set of 5.1 monitors and another set of stereo monitors, Cubase will create a 5.1 to stereo downmix preset and another downmix to mono. You can mod- ify all the settings for each downmix preset using the MixConvert plug-in. Click here to open the MixConvert control panel.

146 Control Room (Cubase only) Control Room preferences There are several preferences for the Control Room Mixer. These are found in the Preferences dialog (VST–Control Room page). The Control Room Preferences Most of these preferences deal with what options are visi- ble in the Control Room Mixer. This allows you to custom- ize the layout of the Mixer and only have the controls visible that you use the most. The other preferences have the following functionality: Show Control Room Volume in Transport Panel This option makes the small fader at the right-hand side of the Transport Panel control the Control Room level. When this option is not activated (or the Control Room is disabled), that fader controls the level of the Main Mix bus. Disable Talkback during Recording When activated, this option will turn off the Talkback channel when the transport enters record mode. It is advisable to set the Talkback DIM to 0 dB when using this feature so as not to radically change the mix level when punching in and out of record mode. Use Phones Channel as Preview Channel When activated, the Headphone output will be used for Preview options such as import preview, scrubbing, offline process preview and certain Sample Editor operations. Note that when using the Headphones output for preview, the Control Room channel will no longer output preview audio. Dim Studio during Talkback When this option is enabled, the cue mix heard in a Studio will be dimmed (by the amount set in the Talkback Dim Level field (below the TALK but- ton) for as long as the Talkback channel is used. When disabled, the cue mix level remains the same during Talkback. Reference Level This setting determines the Control Room level used when the Refer- ence Level button is activated. Main Dim Volume This is the amount of gain reduction applied to the Control Room chan- nel when the DIM button is activated. Studios and Studio Sends Studio Sends are displayed in the Cubase Project Mixer and the Inspector. Each Studio Send is intended for the creation of a discrete cue mix for performers to listen to during recording. Studio Sends are essentially stereo aux sends that are routed to Studio outputs in the Control Room Mixer. There are up to four Studios and Studio Sends available. Configuring Studio Sends Studio Sends only become active when a Studio channel has been created in the VST Connections window. Other- wise they remain grayed out. For every Studio defined in the VST Connections, every channel in the Project Mixer has an additional aux send with level, pan and pre/post- fader selection. This aux send is used to create a mix for a performer to listen to while recording. In the Project Mixer, the Studio Sends are accessed by choosing the Studio Sends option from the View options pop-up menu in each channel or by clicking the star icon (“Show Studio Sends”) on the common panel of the ex- tended Project Mixer. The Studio Sends view in the Project Mixer

147 Control Room (Cubase only) In the Inspector, a Studio Sends tab can be found. This displays all Studio Sends for the selected track. Please note that not all Inspector sections are available by default. To show/hide a section, right-click on an Inspector section and select/dese- lect the corresponding option on the context menu. The Studio Sends tab in the Inspector Each Studio can have a unique name in order to help identify what it is being used for. For example, the four Studios could be named: Vocalist Mix Drummer’s Mix The name of each Studio is displayed in the Control Room Mixer. To hear the Studio Sends mix in the Studio output, the input selector for each Studio must be set to “Aux”. Setting up a Studio cue mix The Studio Sends are very flexible. There are several ways to create a cue mix for each Studio in a very fast and effi- cient manner. Simple “more me” mixes and more complex discrete mixes are easily accommodated by the Studio Sends. Using fader and pan settings from the Project Mixer You can create a cue mix from the fader and pan levels al- ready used in the Project Mixer and then alter them to meet the needs of an individual performer. You can do this with any single channel or group of channels at any time. To copy fader and pan information from the main mix, pro- ceed as follows: 1.In the Project Mixer, select all the channels that you wish to copy settings from. The following operations affect only selected channels. 2.In the Control Room Mixer, right-click anywhere in a Studio Channel’s mixer strip to open the context menu that has the Studio’s name as a submenu. This submenu contains all the Studio Send functions for that Studio. If you open the context menu outside of a Studio mixer strip, the submenu will be for All Studios. The Control Room Mixer’s context menu 3.Choose the “Use Current Mix Levels” option to copy the fader levels on the selected tracks to the Studio Sends. This option sets all Studio Send levels for the selected tracks to the same level as the main channel fader. It also changes the Studio Send status to pre-fader so that changes in the main mix do not affect the Stu- dio Sends. A Studio channel in the Control Room Mixer with its input set to Aux.

148 Control Room (Cubase only) 4.Choose the “Use Current Pan Settings” option to copy pan information from the main mix to the Studio Sends on selected tracks. Studio Sends are either mono or stereo. If the Send is mono, the pan setting will still be copied. However, the output of the Studio Send will be a sum of the left and right channels. 5.Choose the “Enable Studio Sends” option to activate the Sends on selected channels. By default, Studio Sends are not enabled even when level and pan infor- mation is copied to them. You must enable them in order to hear the Stu- dio cue mix. By copying the level and pan information from the main mix to the Studio Sends, a rough balance can be created in a matter of moments. Next, you may alter the level and pan settings on any channel’s Studio Sends to change the mix to meet the performer’s needs. This may require in- creasing the volume of the performer herself. This is often referred to as a “more me” mix. Adjusting the overall Studio Send level Levels in the main mix are often optimized for the loudest signal level possible without clipping. However, when you are creating a “more me” mix, you may find that there is not enough headroom available in the Studio Send to turn up channels without clipping becoming a possibility. Fortunately, the Studio Sends have an option to adjust multiple send levels at the same time, allowing you to keep the blend intact while lowering the overall volume to make room for “more me” signals. Once you have created a Studio Send mix, proceed as follows to adjust their relative levels. 1.Select all the channels you wish to modify. Only selected channels are affected by the context menu commands. 2.Right-click anywhere in the Studio mixer strip on the Control Room Mixer to open the context menu for that Studio. You may also use the context menu outside of the Studio strip to adjust all four Studio Sends on the selected channels at the same time. 3.Choose the “Change Studio Sends Level” option from the Studio submenu. This will bring up a gain window with a checkbox that reads “Relative Mode”. Make sure this is activated if you want to adjust already existing levels. 4.Either use the up and down arrow buttons or click on the numeric readout to open a pop-up fader and adjust the gain as necessary. The level of all selected Studio Sends will be adjusted by the amount shown here. For example, if the amount reads -3 dB, then each Studio Send level is reduced by 3 dB. 5.Click OK to change the level. It is possible to view these changes as they occur if you have the Project Mixer open and the extended view set to show the Studio Sends. Using Studio Sends from outputs Each output also has Studio Sends. Studio Sends from the Main Mix output can be used to route the main mix in- stantly to the Studio output. Any level changes made to the main mix are reflected in the signal sent by the Studio Send. Setting the level lower than 0 dB can leave headroom for “more me” signals in the Studio channel output. Post-Fader Studio Sends It is also possible to use the Studio Sends as post-fader aux sends. This is another way for the cue mix to follow changes made to the Main Mix. The Reset function is very helpful in this regard. To reset the Studio Sends to the post-fader default level of -6 dB, proceed as follows: 1.Select all the channels you wish to reset. Studio Send commands only work on selected channels. !If you deactivate the “Relative Mode” option, all Stu- dio Sends will be set to the same absolute level. While the dialog window is still open, you may check the “Relative Mode” box again and reload the previ- ous relative levels. Only when you click OK, will the level settings be made permanent. Choosing Cancel returns all Send levels to their previous settings.

149 Control Room (Cubase only) 2.In the Studio Channel mixer strip right-click to open the context menu. In the Studio submenu, select the “Re- set Studio Sends” command. If you open the context menu in other areas of the Control Room Mixer besides the Studio mixer strips, the context menu commands will affect all Studios at the same time. 3.Selecting the “Reset Studio Sends” option changes the Send level of all selected channels to -6 dB and sets the signal source to post-fader. The -6 dB level is designed to allow for headroom for “more me” signals in the Studio outputs. Once all Studio Sends have been set to -6 dB, post-fader, any changes to the main mix will also change the Studio mix. For “more me” channels, simply turn up the level on that channel or even set the signal to pre-fader for abso- lute control. Studio Send cue mix summary Using various combinations of the above techniques should allow you to create complex discrete cue mixes for performers in very little time. Modifications to these mixes can occur in the Project Mixer or the Inspector, giving you the most accessibility for quick changes. To familiarize yourself with how the Studio Sends work, open the extended Project Mixer and set the view to the Studio Sends. Follow the above examples and watch how the Studio Sends react to various commands. This should help you get a feel for how they function and increase the workflow productivity of recording sessions. Direct Monitoring and latency The Control Room and Studio Sends functions use the in- ternal processing power of the host computer system for all routing and processing, which means they are subject to the computer’s latency. When recording with several performers at once, a system capable of running at very low ASIO buffer settings will be necessary to take full advantage of all the Studio Send features. Studio Sends are not capable of controlling the Direct Monitoring features of various audio hardware interfaces. This means that unless the internal latency of the system is very low (128 samples or less), monitoring of record-en- abled tracks through the Studio Sends will have some de- lay that could affect performers during recording. In the situation where internal latency is too much for record monitoring, it is advisable to use the Studio Sends for monitoring of tracks that have already been recorded and use normal Direct Monitoring for tracks currently be- ing recorded.