Panasonic Kx-Tvp150 Voice Processing System Guide
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Page 191
: :: 44 l Setting System Parameters 7 Enter the number of days. (Retention Time) JKL cl 5 Then you will again hear the prompt: System messcige retention time is dclys. To clzunge this setting, press [I]. Otlzewise, press [2]. 8 Press [2] to accept it. Then the VPS will ask if you wish to change the system maximum message length. You will hear the prompt: System mesmge length is . . . minutes. ,I...; To clmnge thrh setting, press [I]. cl 9 Press [l] to change the default setting. 1...
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‘ 44 0 Setting System Parameters System messuge length is minutes. To change this setting press [l]. Otherwise, press [2]. e ABC l1 q Press [2] to accept it. 2 Then the VPS will ask if you wish to change the system message capacity. : You will hear the prompt: System muilhox messuge cupucity is messuges. To change this setting, press [I]. Otherwise, press [2]. cl 12 Press [l] to change the default setting. 1 Then you will hear the prompt: Please enter the mailbox message cupucity...
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44 0 Setting System Parameters Then the VPS will ask if you wish to change the personal greeting length. r You will hear the prompt: ‘ System personcrl greeting length is - secords. To chmgr this setting, press [I]. Otherwise, press [2/. ..I rl 15 Press [l] to change the default setting. 1 You will hear the prompt: (Length of Personal 16 Greeting) Enter the number of minutes and press [#I. Then you will hear the prompt again: System personul greeting length is - .srcomls. ] To change...
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44 a Setting System Parameters System e.vter.nd rmssrige delivery pmm7eters me Total length qf‘ esterncrl rmzsscrge delivery is - nliuutes. I E.xteuml message delivery r-edirrling is enabled. I or External message delivery redialing is disrrbled To change this setting, press [I]. To accept, press [2/. cl 18 1 (Total Length) 19 Enter the number of minutes. cl 1 Then you will hear the prompt: Press [I] to change the default setting. You will hear the prompt: Please enter the call...
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, 44 a Setting System Parameters Then you will hear the prompt again: System externnl message delivery parumeters are . Total length of external message delivery iS - minutes. External message delivery redialing is enabled. Ezcternal message delivery redialing is disabled. To change this setting, press [I]. To accept it, press [2/. ABC 2’ cl Press [2] to accept it. 2 Then the VPS will return to the Parameter Setting Menu. M-4-48 System Manager Manager’s Guide
Page 196
45 0 Setting the Date and Time . ; -. ., : ;., j Note To go to the Clock Setting Menu When the VPS restarts after voice mail operations have been interrupted (whether because of power loss or the use of System Utilities), you will want to set the present date and time. The system manager can set the present date and time on the VPS from his own telephone. It is important to set the exact time since Message Waiting Notification, External Message Delivery, Redialing and Rescheduling of...
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45 0 Setting the Date and Time 3 Enter the password. Then press [#]. (System Manager’s password) You will hear the prompt: To receive n message, press [l]. To deliver CI message, press [2]. For CI the system report, press [3]. For other features, press [4]. For help crt my time, press [O]. GHI cl 4 Press [4] to go to the Mailbox Parameters Menu. 4 You will hear the prompt: To check muilhos, press [I]. To set up mailbox, press [2]. To set the system group distribution list, press [3]. To...
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45 0 Setting the Date and Time 6 Press [l] to change the current setting. cl 1 You will hear the prompt: ..: . . ,:. ,. : Note: You can press [0] for help with this setting. Then you will hear the prompt: Enter the current time and press [#I. You will hear the prompt: Please enter [l/ ,for ‘AM’ or [2/ fol. ‘PM: ABC cl 8 Enter [l] or [2]. or 2 You will hear the prompt again: cl 1 .:. ::, The current time is - To change the time, press [I]. OtherlCw, press [2]. Manager ‘s Guide...
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45 l Setting the Date and Time _ 9 Press [2] to accept it. ABC cl 2 You will hear the prompt: The curmu dute is -. To clmnge the dute, press [I]. Othernlise, press [2/. cl 10 Press [l] to change the current setting. 1 Note: OPEIP cl 0 You will hear the prompt: Please enter the mo1jtll, followed by CI pound sign. You can press [0] for help here. Then you will hear the prompt: For exanlple, to enter’ Jmwry, press one md pound. Please enter the month, followed by CI pound sign. (Month) 11...
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.: -,:: “:: 45 0 Setting the Date and Time 13 Enter the last two digits of the year and press [#I. (Year) Then you will hear the prompt: The currer2t date is -. (Nov. 14 - 1994) To chcrnge the date, press, (I]. Otlzerwise, press [2]. ABC l4 cl Press [2] to accept the date. 2 Next you will proceed to the System Manager’s Command Menu. Note: Remember, you can press [*] at anytime to exit this menu. Manager ‘s Guide System Manager M-4-53