NEC Student Services Administrator Guide
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NDA-30095 Revision 1Page 3 Student Services - Administrator Guide INTRODUCTION What is Student Services? (Cont) The software uses two copies of these databases; the Working database and the Installed database. The working database allows changes to be made to Student Services Stations, Groups, or Scheduled Events without affecting the realtime operation of the PBX system. The installed database is the data base actually being used realtime by the PBX for Student Services data. When changes are made to any of the three primary databases, they are first made to the working database copy. It is this working copy that is being changed from any of the menus and functions of the Student Services software. The Install Databases function of the Student Services application (or when exiting the program) will install the current working database as the new installed database. This process ensures the PBX operates on complete data and only receives any changes all at once. This also allows major changes to the working database to be discarded if an error is made, before installing to the PBX. StationsGroupsScheduledEvents StationsGroupsScheduledEvents Working Database Installed Database INSTALL

INTRODUCTION Student Services - Administrator Guide Page 4NDA-30095 Revision 1 This Page Left Blank.

NDA-30095 Revision 1Page 5 Student Services - Administrator Guide GETTING STARTED Chapter 2 GETTING STARTED Review the sections in this chapter for software logon and startup, and general main menu screen information. Keyboard Conventions All letter and number keys are used to enter data in the various menu functions. The following keys are also used: EnterAccepts a selection or field entry. EscExits the current screen or action and moves to the previous screen or action. Arrow keysMoves to select the next menu item or data field. BkSpErases the character to the left of the cursor. Ta bMoves to select the next window or command field. Back Tab(Shift+Tab) Moves to select the previous window or command field. Step Procedures The Student Services functions and associated screen displays are described in this guide. In addition, Step-by-Step procedures show how to perform a specific function or action. This will be shown in a procedure section for the action, and uses the Step 1, Step 2, etc. terminology to illustrate the steps. (This can be seen below in the Log In procedure.) Logging in to Student Services Student Services is a software application that executes on a UAP (User Application Processor). From the UAP terminal, follow the steps below to login and start Student Services: Step 1: At the Login: prompt, type stactrl (lower case) and press Enter. - If the system is configured for a password , a password prompt will be displayed. Type your password at the prompt and press Enter. Step 2: The Student Services application will start and display the Main Menu screen. See Figure 2-1.

Page 6NDA-30095 Revision 1 GETTING STARTED Student Services - Administrator Guide Main Menu Screen Figure 2-1 Main Menu Screen The Main Menu screen is divided into three areas: Title BarAt the top of the screen, shows the application title and current system date and time. Message BarAt the bottom of the screen, any system status or error messages will be displayed in this area. CommandThe center area of the screen, between the Title and Message bars, will show specific menu selections, function windows, and action messages. This area will change depending on what function or action is being performed. Selecting Menu ItemsSelect menu items from the screen using the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight the desired function. Each menu selection can also be selected by a specific “Hot Key” character, displayed in Bold. For example: Stations Database Groups Database Typing S will select the Stations Database function, and G will select the Groups Database function. Look for the Hot Keys on each menu screen. >53 CdeTU^d CUbfYSUc 1T]Y^YcdbQd_b =Qi =Qi ! ! !)) #*!%*#% !)) #*!%*#% @ @= = =QY^ =U^e CdQdY_^c 4QdQRQcU 7b_e`c 4QdQRQcU CSXUTe\UT 5fU^dc 9^cdQ\\ 4QdQRQcUc 9]]UTYQdU 1SdY_^ 5hYd EcU dXU E@ Q^T 4?G> Qbb_g [Uic d_ ]Q[U Q cU\USdY_^ dXU^ `bUcc ,5>D5B.

NDA-30095 Revision 1Page 7 Student Services - Administrator Guide GETTING STARTED Main Menu Screen (Cont) Main CommandsSome Main Menu command selections and their functions are described in detail in other chapters of this guide: Stations Database - See Chapter 3 Groups Database - See Chapter 4 Scheduled Events - See Chapter 5, Appendix A Install Databases - See Chapter 6 Immediate Action - See Chapter 6 Exit - See this chapter Refer to these chapters for specific information on these functions. Screen Saver The Student Services application uses a screen saver function to avoid screen image burn-in of the terminal display. If when in Student Services, no keys are pressed for a period of time, the screen will clear and display a message. Both the time period and the displayed message are configurable in the application configuration files. Pressing any key will deactivate the screen saver and redisplay the screen that was previously in use. Screen Scrolling Many functions use scrolling windows to display database entries. Each window shows a highlight bar which indicates the current selected entry. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move the highlight bar through the database entries to the desired record entry. With many entries, all may not display in the window. The UP and DOWN arrow keys will move through the database entries one entry at a time, and scroll the window entries accordingly. The HOME key can be used to position the highlight bar to the first entry in the database and Top will be displayed in the window lower right corner. The END key can be used to position the highlight bar to the last entry in the database and End will be displayed in the window lower right corner. The Page Up and Page Down keys will display the previous or next page of entries, a whole page window at a time.

Page 8NDA-30095 Revision 1 GETTING STARTED Student Services - Administrator Guide Exit Student Services Follow the steps to exit the Student Services application: ProcedureStep 1: Go to the Student Services Main Menu. Step 2: Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to select Exit from the menu and press Enter. - If changes have been made in one of the databases , the following window will be displayed. - Select the Install Now option to install the current working database to the PBX. When returned to the Main Menu after installing database, select Exit again and press Enter to exit the application. G1B>9>7* DXU G_ G1B>9>7* DXU G_b b[Y^W 4QdQRQcU X [Y^W 4QdQRQcU XQ Qc RUU^ ]_TYVYUT c RUU^ ]_TYVYUT R Red ^_d Y^cdQ\\U ed ^_d Y^cdQ\\UT T I_e ]Qi I_e ]Qi Y^cdQ\\ Yd Y^cdQ\\ Yd ^ ^_g _b UhYd Q^T _g _b UhYd Q^T \ \__cU Q\\ ]_TYVY __cU Q\\ ]_TYVYS SQdY_^c QdY_^c G_b[Y^W 4QdQ G_b[Y^W 4QdQR RQcU =_TYVYUT QcU =_TYVYUT 5 5hYd hYd 9 9^cdQ\\ >_g ^cdQ\\ >_g

NDA-30095 Revision 1Page 9 Student Services - Administrator Guide STATIONS DATABASE Chapter 3 STATIONS DATABASE The Stations Database contains the station numbers and descriptions for all stations used in Student Services. These stations are existing stations in the telephone PBX system. A Note on Selecting Commands In the following procedures, a step may call for pressing the Tab key to select a command. It may be required to press the Tab key multiple times in order to select the specific command. When reading a step, understand to press the Tab key (as needed) to select the specified command. Using the Stations Database Step 1: From the Student Services Main Menu (Figure 3-1), select Stations Da- tabase and press Enter. Figure 3-1 Main Menu Screen - Select Stations Database Step 2: The Stations Database screen will be displayed (See Figure 3-2). The screen will display the top entries of the database. Continue to the next page... >53 CdeTU^d CUbfYSUc 1T]Y^YcdbQd_b =Qi =Qi ! ! !)) #*!%*#% !)) #*!%*#% @ @= = =QY^ =U^e 7b_e`c 4QdQRQcU CSXUTe\UT 5fU^dc 9^cdQ\\ 4QdQRQcUc 9]]UTYQdU 1SdY_^ 5hYd EcU dXU E@ Q^T 4?G> Qbb_g [Uic d_ ]Q[U Q cU\USdY_^ dXU^ `bUcc ,5>D5B. CdQdY_^c 4QdQRQcU

Page 10NDA-30095 Revision 1 STATIONS DATABASE Student Services - Administrator Guide Using the Stations Database (Cont) Figure 3-2 Stations Database Screen The screen window shows the first entries of the Stations Database. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move through the station entries. When at the first entries of the database, Top will be shown in the lower right corner of the window (as shown in Figure 3-2). Likewise, when the end is reached, End will be displayed. Below the screen window, seven commands are available: AddAdd a station to the database. DeleteDelete a station from the database. ModifyChange an existing station in the database. FindLocate a specific station in the database. SaveSave the current changes to the working database. PrintPrint station information in the database. ExitExit the Stations Database. These commands are described in detail in the following sections. >53 CdeTU^d CUbfYSUc 1T]Y^YcdbQd_b =Qi =Qi ! ! !)) #*!%*#% !)) #*!%*#% @ @= = CdQdY_^c 4QdQ CdQdY_^c 4QdQR RQcU QcU 5hdU^cY_^ ! ! ! ! # ! $ ! % ! & ! ! ( ! # # ! # CQ] CY]c 6bUT C]YdX =YSXQU\

NDA-30095 Revision 1Page 11 Student Services - Administrator Guide STATIONS DATABASE Adding a Station The Add command will add a station to the Stations Database: Follow the steps to add a station: Step 1: From the Stations Database screen (Figure 3-2), press Ta b to select the Add command (at the bottom of the screen) and press Enter. The follow- ing window will be displayed: Step 2: Type the extension number of the station to be added to the database and press Enter. - If the station is already in the database , the existing station information will be displayed in the window (see below). The station description information can now be modified if desired. Note:The window shows the number and description for the existing station in the database. The window shows the modified information (if any) and the original information (before this modify operation). Continue to Step 3 on the next page... D_ 1TT Q Cd D_ 1TT Q CdQ QdY_^ di`U Y^ Q dY_^ di`U Y^ Q\ \\ VYU\Tc D_ =_T \ VYU\Tc D_ =_TY YVi Q cdQdY_^ Vi Q cdQdY_^ ]_TYVi dXU ]_TYVi dXU TUcYbUT TUcYbUT VYU\Tc VYU\Tc D_ D_ cQfU SXQ^WUc cQfU SXQ^WUc cU\USd cU\USd ?[ Q^T ` ?[ Q^T `b bUcc Ucc 1TT=_TYVi 1TT=_TYVi 1 1 CdQdY_^ CdQdY_^ 3\UQb 3\UQb ?[ ?[ ,5>D5B. @b ,5>D5B. @bU Ucc ,5C3. _b cU\ cc ,5C3. _b cU\U USd 5hYd Q^T `bUc Sd 5hYd Q^T `bUcc c ,5>D5B. gXU^ T ,5>D5B. gXU^ T_ _^U ^U5hYd 5hYd =_T =_TY YVYUT VYUT ?bYW ?bYWY Y^Q\ ^Q\ 4UcSbY 4UcSbY` `dY_^* dY_^* 5hdU^cY_^* 5hdU^cY_^* D D_ _ 1TT Q CdQdY_^ 1TT Q CdQdY_^ di`U di`U Y^ Q\\ VYU\ Y^ Q\\ VYU\T Tc D_ =_TYVi Q c D_ =_TYVi Q c cdQdY_^ dQdY_^ ] ]_TYVi dXU TUcYb _TYVi dXU TUcYbU UT VYU\Tc D_ cQf T VYU\Tc D_ cQfU U SXQ^WUc cU\US SXQ^WUc cU\USd d ?[ Q^T `bUcc ?[ Q^T `bUcc 1T 1TT T=_TYVi 1 CdQdY =_TYVi 1 CdQdY_ _^ ^ 3\ 3\U UQb Qb?[ ?[ , ,5 5>D5B. @bUcc ,5C >D5B. @bUcc ,5C3 3. _b cU\USd 5hY . _b cU\USd 5hYd d Q^T `bUcc ,5>D Q^T `bUcc ,5>D5 5B. gXU^ T_^U B. gXU^ T_^U 5h 5hY Yd d =_TYVYUT =_TYVYUT?bYWY^Q\ ?bYWY^Q\ 4UcSbY`dY_^* 4UcSbY`dY_^* 5 5h hdU^cY_^* dU^cY_^* :_ :_X X^ 6YU\Tc ^ 6YU\Tc : :_ _X^ 6YU\Tc X^ 6YU\Tc! ! ! !

Page 12NDA-30095 Revision 1 STATIONS DATABASE Student Services - Administrator Guide Adding a Station (Cont) Step 3: Type a description for the new station to be added to the database and press Enter. (This description can contain up to 25 characters.) - The window will now show the new station and description to be added to the database (shown below): Step 4: Select Ok and press Enter. The following message will be displayed in the screen message bar: Station 1010 added to the database - To add more stations , select Clear, press Enter, and repeat this procedure from Step 2. Step 5: When finished adding stations, press Esc (or select Exit) to return to the Stations Database menu screen. Step 6: Whenever changes are made to one of the databases, it is recommended the changes be saved to disk before proceeding to another operation. See “Saving & Installing Database” on page 21. This completes the Adding a Station procedure... D D_ _ 1TT Q CdQdY_^ 1TT Q CdQdY_^ di`U di`U Y^ Q\\ VYU\ Y^ Q\\ VYU\T Tc D_ =_TYVi Q c D_ =_TYVi Q c cdQdY_^ dQdY_^ ] ]_TYVi dXU TUcYb _TYVi dXU TUcYbU UT VYU\Tc D_ cQf T VYU\Tc D_ cQfU U SXQ^WUc cU\US SXQ^WUc cU\USd d ?[ Q^T `bUcc ?[ Q^T`bUcc 1T 1TT T=_TYVi 1 CdQdY =_TYVi 1 CdQdY_ _^ ^ 3\ 3\U UQb Qb ?[ ?[ , ,5 5>D5B. @bUcc ,5 >D5B. @bUcc ,5C C3. _b cU\USd 5hY 3. _b cU\USd 5hYd d Q^T `bUcc ,5>D Q^T `bUcc ,5>D5 5B. gXU^ T_^U B. gXU^ T_^U 5h 5hY Yd d =_TYVYUT =_TYVYUT ?bYWY^Q\ ?bYWY^Q\ 4UcSbY`dY_^* 4UcSbY`dY_^*5 5h hdU^cY_^* dU^cY_^* 6 6b bUT :_^Uc UT :_^Uc ! ! ! !