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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-23 Connect Time Division Multiplexing Bus Cables 
    Figure 1-11. Connections for Standard Reliability Systems Figure Notes
    1. AHF110 TDM Bus Terminator (Slot 
    2. TDM/Loc al Area Network 
    (TDM/LAN) Pinfield  (Slot 00)
    3. TDM Bus Cab le WP-91716 L34. Port Cabinet (Stand ard  Reliab ility)
    5. Control Cab inet A Position
    6. AHF110 TDM Bus Terminator (Slot 
    7. Slot 18
    tdm_cab2 CJL 030696 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-24 Connect Time Division Multiplexing Bus Cables 
    Figure 1-12. Connections for High or Critical Reliability Systems Figure Notes
    1. AHF110 TDM Bus Terminator (Slot 17)
    2. TDM/Loc al Area Network (TDM/LAN) 
    Pinfield  (Slot 00)
    3. TDM b us Cable (WP-91716 L3)
    4. Port Cab inet
    5. Control Cab inet A Position
    6. AHF110 TDM Bus Terminator (Slot 01)7. Slot 18
    8. Inter-Cab inet Cab les (ICC) A, B 
    and  C (H600-248-G1)
    9. Inter-Cab inet Cab le (ICC) A
    10. Inter-Cab inet Cab le (ICC) B
    11. Dup lic ated Control Cab inet B 
    Po s i t io n
    tdm_cab3 CJL 053096 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-25 Connect Time Division Multiplexing Bus Cables 
    Figure 1-13. Connections for High or Critical Reliability Systems Figure Notes
    1. AHF110 TDM Bus Terminator (Slot 
    2. TDM/Loc al Area Network 
    (TDM/LAN) Pinfield  (Slot 00)
    3. TDM b us Cable (WP-91716 L3)
    4. Port Cab inet
    5. Control Cab inet A Position6. AHF110 TDM Bus Terminator (Slot 
    7. Slot 18
    8. Inter-Cab inet Cab les (ICC) B and  C 
    9. Dup lic ated  Control Cab inet B 
    Po si t io n
    tdm_cab4 CJL 053096 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-26 Verify Port Cabinet Address Plugs 
    Verify Port Cabinet Address Plugs
    The address plug is a jumper field on port cabinets only. The address plug is 
    loc ated  on the far rig ht hand  side of the bac kp lane, to the rig ht of slot 00.
    A g roup  of six p ins is lab eled  for the c ab inet (c arrier) jump er c onnec tions. Verify 
    the address plug for 
    eac h p ort c arrier is in the c orrec t loc ation for that c arrier. 
    See Fig ure 1-14
    . The fac tory d efault setting  is “ B”  (Callout 2 in Figure 1-14).
    Figure 1-14. Port Cabinet Address Plug Location — Cabinet Rear Figure Notes
    1. Ad dress Plug (Shown Set to Carrier D)
    2. Carrier B Jump er Loc ation (Default)
    3. Carrier C Jumper Location
    4. Rig ht Edg e of Bac kp lane5. Rig ht Ed ge of Cab inet
    6. Bac kp lane Slot 00
    7. To Connec tor Panel 
    add_plug CJL 050906 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-27 Install Rear Panels 
    Install Rear Panels
    Figure 1-15. Rear Panel Screw Locations
    1. Install the rear p anels and  loosely thread  eac h sc rew. See Fig ure 1-15
    2. For 
    unstacked c ab inets, tig hten the sc rews sec urely.
    Fo r  a  
    stack of cab inets, allow the screws lab eled  Callout 4 to remain loose. 
    These sc rews are tig htened  when the g round  p lates are installed .
    3. Be sure the Time Division Multiplexing  (TDM) b us c ab les and  the 
    Inter-Cab inet Cab les (ICC) are not p inc hed  by the p anels. Also be sure 
    the c ab les are routed  through the c hannels p rovided  on the rear p anels. Figure Notes
    1. Cabinet in A Position (No Ground Plate is 
    Installed  on an Unstac ked  Cab inet)
    2. Rear Ground  Plate (Attac hed  Between Stac ked  
    Cabinets)3. Cab inet in B Position
    4. Sc rews to Loosen
    grnd_plt CJL 030696 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-28 Install Ground Plates 
    Install Ground Plates
    Ground  p lates are installed  b etween stac ked  c ab inets, p rovid e the ground  
    c onnec tion between c ab inets, p rovid e rad io freq uenc y (RF) rad iation protec tion, 
    and  help stab ilize the c ab inets.
    Install Rear Ground Plates (Systems with
    Earthquake Protection)
    1. Loosen the four sc rews at the b ottom of the top  c ab inet and  at the top  of 
    the c ab inet und erneath the top  c ab inet. See Fig ure 1-15
    2. Alig n the mounting  holes in the rear g round  p late over the b ottom sc rews 
    in the top  c ab inet. See Fig ure 1-16
    3. Alig n the mounting  holes in the g round  p late with the four holes at the top 
    of the c ab inet b elow the top  c abinet. Slid e the mounting  plate d own to 
    seat on the sc rews.
    4. Chec k all Time Division Multip lexing  (TDM) b us c ab les and the Inter 
    Cab inet Cab les (ICC) to b e sure they are not p inc hed  b y the p lates.
    5. Rep eat Step s 1-3 until the rear ground  p lates are installed  b etween all 
    stacked cabinets.
    6. Do not tig hten the sc rews yet.
    Install Front Ground Plates (Systems with
    Radiation Shielding and Earthquake Protection)
    Use the front g round  p late instead  of the c ab inet c lip  to attac h the c ab inets to 
    eac h other. Use one front g round  p late b etween two 
    stac ked c ab inets.
    1. At the front of the c ab inets, alig n the holes in the top  of the front g round  
    p late with the holes at the b ottom of the up per c ab inet, and insert the four 
    sc rews. Do not tighten the sc rews yet. See Fig ure 1-16
    2. At the front of the c ab inets, alig n the holes in the b ottom of the front 
    g round  p late with the holes at the top of the lower c ab inet. Insert the four 
    sup p lied  #12-24 x 1/2-inc h (1.27 c m) thread -forming sc rews. Do not 
    tig hten the sc rews yet.
    3. Rep eat Step s 1 and 2 until all stac ked  c abinets are fastened  tog ether.
    4. Tighten all screws securely. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-29 Install Ground Plates 
    Figure 1-16. Rear Ground Plate and Front Plate or Cabinet Clip — Side View Figure Notes
    1. Front Ground Plate or Cabinet Clip
    2. Battery3. Rear Ground  Plate
    grdpltec LJK 031096 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-30 Install Ground Plates 
    Install Cabinet Clips (Systems without
    Earthquake Protection)
    A c ab inet c lip  is required  b etween eac h p air of stac ked  c ab inets.
    At the front of the c ab inets, install a c ab inet c lip  b etween eac h p air of c ab inets 
    b y hooking  the c lip  into the slot of the up p er c ab inet and  snap p ing the straig ht 
    leg of the c lip  into the slot on the lower c ab inet. See Fig ure 1-17
    Figure 1-17. Location of Cabinet Clips Figure Notes
    1. Control Cab inet 
    2. Port Cab inet or Dup lic ated  Control Cab inet
    3. Port Cab inet4. Port Cab inet
    5. Cab inet Clip s 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-31 Connect System Cables 
    Connect System Cables
    Inter-Cabinet Cables (High or Critical Reliability)
    1. Connec t the c ab les for c ritic al reliab ility Exp ansion Port Networks (EPNs) 
    as shown in Figure 1-12
     and in Tab le 1-1 below.
    2. Connec t the c ab les for hig h or c ritic al reliab ility Proc essor Port Networks 
    (PPNs) as shown in Fig ure 1-13
    Fiber Optic Cables
    The fib er op tic  c ables are c onnec ted  to the Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) in 
    Chapter 2, ‘‘Install Telec ommunic ations Cab ling’’
    . Refer to Ap pend ix B, 
    ‘‘Connec ting  and  Hand ling  Fib er Optic  Cab les’’ for information about c onnec ting  
    to op tic al c ross-c onnec t hard ware and  routing  throug h lig htg uid e eq uip ment.
    The DEFINITY ECS may c ontain a Class 1 LASER devic e if sing le-mod e fib er 
    op tic  c ab le is c onnec ted  to a remote Exp ansion Port Network (EPN). The LASER 
    d evic e op erates within the following  p arameters:
    Maximum Power Outp ut: -5 d Bm
    Waveleng th: 1310 nm
    Mod e Field  Diameter: 8.8 mic rons
    IEC 825 1993
    Use of c ontrols or ad justments or p erformanc e of p roc ed ures other than 
    those sp ec ified  herein may result in hazard ous rad iation exp osure.
    Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for more information.
    Table 1-1. Inter-Cabinet Cable Connections
    From Cabinet A To Cabinet B
    Cabinet Carrier Connection Carrier Connection
    Proc essor Port 
    N et w o r k ( PPN )J58890L (ICC) B  J58890M (ICC) B
    (ICC) C  (ICC) C
    Exp an si o n Po r t 
    N et w o r k ( EPN )J58890N (ICC) A  J58890H (ICC) A
    (ICC) B  (ICC) B 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-32 Connect System Cables 
    Fiber Optic Cable Connections
    The Customer Servic e Doc ument (CSD) p rovides an “ Inter-Cabinet Cab le 
    Running  List.”  Eac h row on the list rep resents a c ab le c onnec tion. Use the 
    running  list to d etermine where to c onnec t eac h fib er op tic  c ab le.
    Multi-Mode Fiber Optic Connections
    The following c omponents are used  in multi-mod e fib er op tic  c onnec tions:
    nExp ansion Interfac e (EI) c irc uit p ac ks in p ort slots in c ab inet c arriers
    nCab les from eac h interfac e c irc uit pac k to eac h p ort slot c onnec tor
    nThe 9823A lig htwave transc eiver transmits up  to 4,900 feet (1.5 km). The 
    9823B lig htwave transc eiver transmits up  to 25,000 feet (7.6 km).
    nMulti-mod e fib er op tic  c ab le c onsists of two sep arate 62.5 mic ron 
    d iameter fib er optic  c ab les or 50 mic ron d iameter fib er op tic  c ab les.
    Single-Mode Fiber Optic Connections
    The following c omponents are used  in sing le-mode fiber op tic  c onnec tions:
    nExp ansion Interfac e (EI) c irc uit p ac ks in p ort slots in c ab inet c arriers
    nCab les from eac h interfac e c irc uit pac k to eac h p ort slot c onnec tor
    nThe 300A lig htwave transc eivers transmits lig ht up  to 115,000 feet (35 
    km). Fib er loss must b e less than 17d B. Saturation may oc c ur if d istanc es 
    are short; attenuators may b e req uired  if the total loss on the fib er link is 
    less than 10d Bm. An Op tic al Time Domain Reflec tometer (OTDR) test is 
    rec ommend ed to d etermine sp ec ific  fib er optic  hard ware req uirements.
    nSing le-mode fib er op tic  c ab le c onsists of two sep arate 8 to 10 mic ron c ore 
    5 and  10d B attenuators are availab le. Contac t your Luc ent 
    Tec hnologies representative for more information. 
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