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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    UPS Installation for SCC EPN A-Carrier Cabinet 
    E-5 Make the Remaining Connections 
    Figure E-2. UPS for Fiber-Remoted SCC EPN Figure Notes
    1. 110 c ross-c onnec t field
    2. Utility fail wire p air
    3. UPS fail wire p air
    4. 700A8 (RJ45) mod ular p lug  
    (see Figure E-1
     for wiring  d etail)5. Z3A2 UPS alarm ad ap ter p lug s into 
    DB25 c onnec tor
    6. UPS 800/1000VA
    7. EPN c ontrol c arrier
    8.Figure E-4 has wiring  d etail
    2 1
    4 3
    AU X
    Control carrier - J58890NPort carrier - J58890H Port carrier - J58890H
    cydfups4 KLC 092899
    2 1
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    UPS Installation for SCC EPN A-Carrier Cabinet 
    E-6 Make the Remaining Connections 
    Figure E-3. UPS for DS1 Remoted SCC EPNFigure Notes
    1. 110 c ross-c onnec t field  
    2. Utility fail wire p air
    3. UPS fail wire p air
    4. 700A8 (RJ45) mod ular p lug  
    (see Figure E-1
     for wiring  d etail)
    5. Z3A2 UPS alarm adapter plugs 
    into DB25 c onnec tor6. UPS 800/1000VA
    7. EPN c ontrol c arrier
    8. H600-348 DS1 c onverter c ab le
    9. Channel servic e unit
    10.Figure E-4 has wiring  d etail
    2 1
    4 3
    Control carrier - J58890NPort carrier - J58890H Port carrier - J58890H
    cydfups5 KLC 092899
    2 1
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    UPS Installation for SCC EPN A-Carrier Cabinet 
    E-7 Make the Remaining Connections 
    Figure E-4. Enlarged View of the 110 Cross-Connect Field for the AUX 
    Figure Notes
    1. Utility fail wire p air:
    n1M (major alarm)
    nreturn GRD2. UPS fail wire p air:
    n1m (minor alarm)
    nreturn GRD
    cydfups3 KLC 092899
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    UPS Installation for SCC EPN A-Carrier Cabinet 
    E-8 Administer the EDA 
    Administer the EDA
    If the external d evic e alarm (EDA) administration is turned  on:
    1. Log in as craft
    Enter the following  information (XX
     refers to the 2-d ig it c ab inet numb er of the 
    EPN ):
    2. Type add eda-external-device-alrm XXmajor
     and press 
    En t e r.
    3. Type XXmajor
     in the Port
    4. Type major
     in the Alarm Type
     field .
    5. Type AC Pwr
     in the Alt Name
     field .
    6. Type Loss of AC Power A Level UPS on Battery 
    in the Description
    field .
    7. Enter d ata in the remaining  field s b ased  on your installation req uirements.
    8. Type add eda-external-device-alrm XXminor
     and press 
    En te r.
    9. Type XXminor
     in the Port
     field .
    10. Typ e minor
     in the Alarm Type
    11. Typ e UPS A 
    in the Alt Name
     field .
    12. Typ e A Level UPS is on Electronic Bypass 
    in the Description
     field .
    13. Enter d ata in the remaining  field s b ased  on your installation req uirements.
    14. When d one, p ress 
    En te r. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    UPS Installation for SCC EPN A-Carrier Cabinet 
    E-9 Load Test and Verify Alarms 
    Load Test and Verify Alarms
    Do not remove or unp lug  the inp ut c ord  when the UPS is turned  on. This 
    removes the safety g round  from the UPS and  the eq uip ment c onnec ted to 
    t h e  U PS.
    1. With the DEFINITY ECS on the UPS, find  the (d ed ic ated ) c irc uit breaker 
    that feed s p ower to the rec eptac le that the UPS is plug g ed  into.
    2. Turn the b reaker off. At that time, the UPS sounds an alarm, and  the RED 
    LED (ON BATTERY) and  3 GREEN LEDs (L1, L2, and  L3) ab ove the 
    G REEN  L ED  (O U TPU T)  li g h t  u p .
    3. If the EDA is turned on, typ e test eda-external-device-alrm physical 
     and  press 
    En t e r. Verify that the test fails.
    4. If the EDA is turned off, typ e display alarms
     and press 
    En t e r. 
    5. Typ e your req uirements in the various field s of the Alarm Rep ort, then 
    p ress 
    En t e r.
    6. Verify that you have a major alarm on EXT-DEV for Port XXmajor. You d o 
    not need  to verify a minor alarm (UPS on Elec tronic  Byp ass).
    7. If a U.S. installation, c all the Prod uc t Performanc e and  Analysis 
    org anization on 800-242-2121.
    a. Press 0 (zero).
    b . Enter extension 85284. Verify that the EXT-DEV XXmajor alarm was 
    rep orted  to them.
    c . Ask the Prod uc t Performanc e and Analysis org anization to 
    estab lish a d ata b ase for the installation loc ation (IL). This d efines 
    the major and  minor external alarms. 
    The Prod uc t Performanc e and  Analysis org anization enters the 
    m a j o r  a la r m  o n  EXT D EV XX a s  “ L o ss  o f  C o m m e rc ia l Po w e r ,  U PS o n  
    Battery”  and  the minor alarm on EXT DEV XX is “ UPS is on 
    Elec tronic  Byp ass.” 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    UPS Installation for SCC EPN A-Carrier Cabinet 
    E-10 Load Test and Verify Alarms 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Glossary and Abbreviations 
    Glossary and Abbreviations
    800 service
    A service in the United  States that allows incoming c alls from c ertain areas to an assig ned  number 
    for a flat-rate c harg e b ased  on usag e.
    Arc hang el. See 
    ATM access concentrator
    Automatic  Alternate Routing  (AAR).
    abandoned call
    An inc oming  c all in which the caller hangs up  b efore the call is answered .
    Abbreviated Dialing (AD)
    A feature that allows callers to p lace calls b y d ialing  just one or two d ig its.
    1. Alternating  c urrent.
    2. See 
    Ad ministered  Connec tion (AC).
    Automatic  Circ uit Assuranc e (ACA).
    Automatic Callback (ACB).
    access code
    A 1-, 2-, or 3-d ig it d ial c od e used  to activate or canc el a feature, or ac cess an outg oing trunk.
    access endpoint
    Either a nonsig naling  c hannel on a DS1 interface or a nonsignaling p ort on an analog  tie-trunk 
    circuit p ack that is assig ned  a uniq ue extension.
    access tie trunk
    A trunk that connec ts a main c ommunic ations system with a tand em communic ations system in an 
    electronic tand em network (ETN). An ac cess tie trunk can also b e used to connect a system or 
    tand em to a serving  offic e or service nod e. Also called  ac cess trunk.
    access trunk
    ac c ess tie trunk.
    A trad emarked  name for a family of dig ital servic es offered b y AT&T in the United  States. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Glossary and Abbreviations 
    See Automatic  Call Distrib ution (ACD). ACD also refers to a work state in whic h an ag ent is on 
    an ACD call.
    ACD agent
    ag ent.
    ACD work mode
    work mod e.
    active-notification association
    A link that is initiated  b y an ad junc t, allowing  it to rec eive event rep orts for a sp ecific  switch entity, 
    such as an outg oing  c all.
    active-notification call
    A call for whic h event rep orts are sent over an ac tive-notific ation assoc iation (communication 
    channel) to the ad junct. Sometimes referred to as a monitored  call.
    active notification domain
    VDN or ACD sp lit extension for whic h event notific ation has been req uested .
    Automatic  calling unit (ACU).
    after-c all work (ACW) mod e.
    Abbreviated Dialing (AD).
    AUDIX Data Ac q uisition Pac kage
    analog -to-d igital c onverter (ADC).
    A processor that d oes one or more tasks for another p roc essor and  that is op tional in the 
    config uration of the other p roc essor. See also 
    adjunct-control association
    A relationship  initiated  b y an ap plication via 
    Third  Party Make Call, the Third  Party Take Control, or 
    Domain (Station) Control c ap ab ilities to set up c alls and  control c alls alread y in p rog ress.
    adjunct-controlled call
    Call that c an b e c ontrolled  using  an ad junc t-control assoc iation. Call must have been orig inated  
    Third  Party Make Call or Domain (Station) Control c ap ab ilities or must have b een taken control 
    of via 
    Th i rd  Pa r t y  Ta k e  C o n t ro l or Domain (Station) Control capabilities.
    adjunct-controlled split
    An ACD sp lit that is ad ministered  to b e und er ad junct control. Ag ents log g ed  into suc h sp lits must 
    d o all telep hony work, ACD log in/ log out, and  chang es of work mod e throug h the adjunc t (excep t 
    for auto-availab le ad junc t-c ontrolled  sp lits, whose agents may not log  in/out or c hang e work 
    mod e).
    adjunct-monitored call
    An ad junct-c ontrolled  c all, ac tive-notification c all, or c all that p rovid es event rep orting  over a 
    d omain-c ontrol assoc iation. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Glossary and Abbreviations 
    Adjunct-Switch Application Interface (ASAI)
    A recommend ation for interfacing ad juncts and c ommunic ations systems, b ased  on the CCITT 
    Q.932 sp ec ific ation for layer 3.
    Async hronous d ata module
    To ac cess and  chang e parameters assoc iated  with the servic es or features of a system.
    Administered Connection (AC)
    A feature that allows the switch to automatic ally establish and  maintain end-to-end  connec tions 
    b etween ac c ess end p oints (trunks) and /or d ata end points (d ata mod ules).
    administration group
    capability group.
    administration terminal
    A terminal that is used  to ad minister and  maintain a system. See also 
    Administration Without Hardware (AWOH)
    A feature that allows ad ministration of p orts without assoc iated terminals or other hard ware.
    async hronous d ata unit (ADU).
    access endpoint.
    after-call work (ACW) mode
    A mode in whic h ag ents are unavailab le to rec eive ACD c alls. Ag ents enter the ACW mode to 
    p erform ACD-related  activities suc h as filling  out a form after an ACD c all.
    ASAI Gateway
    A p erson who receives calls d irec ted  to a split. A memb er of an ACD hunt g roup  or ACD sp lit. Also 
    c alled  an ACD ag ent.
    agent report
    A rep ort that p rovid es historic al traffic  information for internally measured ag ents.
    Async hronous interfac e module
    Automatic  Identification of Outward Dialing
    Automatic  Line Build  Out
    All trunks busy (ATB)
    The state in whic h no trunks are availab le for call hand ling.
    Alarm ac knowled ge
    American Standard Code for Information Interchange 
    ASCII (Americ an Stand ard  Code for Information Interc hang e). 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Glossary and Abbreviations 
    Automatic  Messag e Waiting
    The rep resentation of information b y c ontinuously variab le p hysical quantities suc h as amp litude, 
    freq uency, and p hase. See also 
    analog data
    Data that is transmitted  over a d ig ital fac ility in analog  (PCM) form. The d ata must pass throug h a 
    mod em either at b oth end s or at a mod em pool at the d istant end .
    analog telephone
    A telep hone that rec eives ac oustic  voic e signals and  send s analog  electric al signals along  the 
    telep hone line. Analog  telephones are usually served  by a sing le wire p air (tip and  ring ). The 
    mod el-2500 telep hone set is a typ ical example of an analog  telep hone.
    analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
    A devic e that c onverts an analog sig nal to d ig ital form. See also 
    dig ital-to-analog  c onverter 
    A microp roc essor loc ated  on eac h p ort c ard  in a p roc essor p ort network (PPN). The angel uses 
    the control-c hannel messag e set (CCMS) to manage c ommunic ations b etween the p ort card  and  
    the arc hang el on the c ontrolling  switc h-processing  element (SPE). The ang el also monitors the 
    status of other mic rop roc essors on a port c ard  and  maintains error c ounters and  threshold s.
    Automatic  Number Identification (ANI).
    Americ an National Stand ard s Institute. A United  States professional/tec hnic al assoc iation 
    sup porting  a variety of standards.
    answerback code
    A numb er used  to respond to a p ag e from a c ode-c alling  or loud sp eaker-p ag ing  system, or to 
    retrieve a p arked  c all.
    Attendant-offered  load
    App lic ations p rocessor
    Advanc ed Private-Line Termination
    A software p roc ess that is assoc iated  with an extension and  whose p urpose is to sup ervise a c all. 
    An extension can have multiple ap p earanc es. Also c alled  call ap pearanc e, line ap pearance, and  
    oc c urrenc e. See also 
    call appearance. 
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