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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-19 Administer the System 
    Set Country Options
    Certain c ountry options need  to b e set to turn red  failure ind ic ation LEDs off. 
    Refer to Ta b l e  3 - 5
     for a list of c ountry c od es.
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type change system-parameters country options 
    and press 
    En te r.
    A sc reen similar to Sc reen 3-3 is d isp layed . The c ursor is set on the 
    Companding Mode
    Screen 3-3. Typical System Parameters Country-Options Screen  
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-20 Administer the System 
    3. The d efault c omp and ing  mode is mu-Law. If the c ountry uses A-Law 
    c omp and ing , typ e A-Law. Press 
    En te r when this information is c orrec t.
    Other items eventually need  to b e entered  on this sc reen, b ut this is all that 
    must b e d one to turn the red  alarm LEDs off.
    4. If all red  LEDs d o not g o off, reseat (unp lug  and  reinsert) any port circuit 
    p acks d isp laying  red  LEDs.
    To avoid a disk c rash, never
     reseat the DEFINITY AUDIX System 
    without first shutting  it d own. Shut d own the DEFINITY AUDIX System 
    (and  allow the d isk to c omp letely spin d own) b efore unp lugg ing  the 
    assemb ly. See 
    ‘‘ D EFI N I TY A U D I X Sy st e m  Po w e r  Pro c e d u re s’’  o n  
    page 3-33 for the p rop er p roc ed ures.
    5. If the red  LEDs still d o not g o off, refer to D EFI N I TY En t e rp r i se  
    Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8si
    Ig nore the red  alarm ind ic ation LED on the TN767 or TN464/2464 
    DS1 c irc uit p ac k until after the DS1 c irc uit p ac k is ad ministered . 
    Alarms will ap p ear in the Alarm Log  when p ower is ap p lied  to the 
    system b efore all eq uip ment c onnec ting  to port c irc uit p ac ks is 
    installed . Normally, some alarms will b e log g ed when p ower is 
    ap p lied to the system, b ut should  b e resolved  q uic kly. If no 
    eq uip ment is c onnec ted  to the p ort c irc uit p ac ks, alarms assoc iated  
    with these p orts c an take up  to four hours to log , b ut will c lear 
    automatic ally after all equip ment is installed  and op erating  c orrec tly.
    Table 3-5. Country Codes
    Country Code Country Code
    USA 1 France 12
    Australia 2 Germany 13
    Jap an 3 Czec hoslovakia 14
    Italy 4 Russia 15
    Netherland s 5 Argentina 16
    Sing ap ore 6 Greec e 17
    Mexic o 7 China 18
    Belg ium 8 Hong  Kong 19
    Saud i Arabia 9 Thailand 20
    United King d om 10 Maced onia 21
    Sp a i n 1 1 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-21 Administer the System 
    Change Craft Password
    The p assword  for the c raft log in must be changed b y the installing  tec hnic ian to 
    p revent unauthorized  ad ministration c hang es.
    After the password is changed, the new password must be safeguarded so 
    no unauthorized  ad ministration c hang es c an b e mad e. This p assword  
    M U ST N O T B E REVEAL ED  t o  t h e  c u s t o m e r  o r  t o  a n y  u n a u t h o r iz e d  p e r s o n .
    Passwords are changed using the Change Password Screen. See Sc reen 3-4.
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type change password craft. Press 
    En t e r .
    Screen 3-4. Typical Change Password Screen 
    3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays the Chang e Password  Sc reen. The c ursor is 
    p ositioned  on Password for Login Making Change:
    4. Typ e the p assword  assig ned  to the c raft log in (assig ned  as 
    c rftp w when 
    system is shipped) and press 
    En t e r. The c ursor is p ositioned  on Login’s 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-22 Administer the System 
    5. Enter new p assword . Valid  p assword s c onsist of a c omb ination of from 
    four to eleven alp ha or numeric  c harac ters. At least one letter and  one 
    numb er must be used  in eac h password .
    6. Press 
    En te r. The c ursor is p ositioned  on Reenter Login’s Password
    7. Type new password again and press 
    EN TER.
    8. Verify the sc reen d isp lays:
    command successfully completed
    Set Daylight Savings Rules
    You c an set up  to 15 c ustomized d aylig ht saving s time rules. If you have switc hes 
    in several d ifferent time zones, you c an set up  rules for eac h. A d aylig ht saving s 
    time rule sp ec ifies the exac t time when you want to transition to and  from daylig ht 
    saving s time. It also spec ifies the inc rement at whic h to transition.
    The d efault d aylig ht saving s rule is 0
    , no d aylig ht saving s.
    1. Type change daylight-savings-rules
     and press 
    En t e r. 
    2. Type the appropriate start and stop information in the Change Day
    , Date
    , Time
    , and  Increment
     (for example, 1:00
     eq uals one hour) 
    field s for eac h rule. 
    You c an c hang e any rule exc ep t rule 0 (zero). You c annot delete a 
    d aylig ht saving s rule if it is in use on either the Loc ations or Date and 
    Ti m e  s c re e n s .
    3. Press 
    En t e r.
    Rule Change Day Month___Date Time____Increment
    0: No Daylight Savings
    1: Start: first Sunday
    ___ on or after April___ 1  at _2:00 01:00Stop:  first Sunday___ on or after October_ 25 at _2:002: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:    :  Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    3: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:    :  Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__         
    4: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:    :  Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__         
    5: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:    :  Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__         
    6: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:    :  Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__         
    7: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:    :  Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__          
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-23 Administer the System 
    Set Date and Time
    1. Type set time 
    press En t e r.
    Screen 3-5. Typical Date and Time Screen
    2. Typ e the d ay of the week in Eng lish (Sunday throug h Saturd ay) and  press 
    TA B to move to next field . See Tab le 3-6 for Eng lish day of the week names.
    3. The c ursor is p ositioned  on the Month:
     field . Typ e the c urrent month in 
    Eng lish (January throug h Dec emb er). See Tab le 3-7
     for English month 
    names. After the month is entered, p ress 
    TA B to move to next field .
    Table 3-6. English Day of the Week Names
    Day Number Day Name
    2 Mond ay
    4 Wed nesd ay
                               DATE AND TIME
     Day of the Week: Tuesday
    Month: FebruaryDay of the Month: 8 Year: 2000
    Hour: 20 Minute: 30Second: XX Type: standardDaylight Savings Rule: 0 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-24 Administer the System 
    4. The c ursor is p ositioned  on the Day of the Month:
     field . Typ e the d ay 
    of month (1 through 31) and  p ress 
    TA B to move to the next field .
    5. The c ursor is p ositioned  on the Year:
     field . Typ e the c urrent year and  
    p ress 
    Ta b to move to the next field .
    6. The c ursor is p ositioned  on the Hour:
     field . Typ e the c urrent hour for a 
    24-hour c loc k. See Ta b l e  3 - 8
    . Press Ta b to move to the next field .
    7. The c ursor is p ositioned  on the Minute:
     field . Type c urrent minute (0 
    throug h 59). Sec ond s c annot b e set.
    8. Type standard
     or daylight savings
     in the Type
     field .
    9. Typ e the rule (numb er) in the Daylight Savings Rule
    10. Press 
    En t e r when the information is c orrec t.
    Table 3-7. English Month Names
    Month Number Month Name
    1 January
    6 June
    8 Aug ust
    9 Sep temb er
    10 Oc tob er
    11 Novemb er
    12 Dec ember 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-25 Administer the System 
    11. Verify the sc reen d isp lays:
    command successfully completed
    12. Typ e display time
    , and  p ress 
    En t e r to verify d ate/time d ata.
    Table 3-8. Conversion to 24-Hour Clock
    Standard Time Standard Time
    12-Hour 24-Hour 12-Hour 24-Hour
    mid nig ht0000 12:00 
     1:00 am 0100 1:00 p m 1300
     2:00 am 0200 2:00 p m 1400
     3:00 am 0300 3:00 p m 1500
     4:00 am 0400 4:00 p m 1600
     5:00 am 0500 5:00 p m 1700
     6:00 am 0600 6:00 p m 1800
     7:00 am 0700 7:00 p m 1900
     8:00 am 0800 8:00 p m 2000
     9:00 am 0900 9:00 p m 2100
    10:00 am 1000 10:00 p m 2200
    11:00 am 1100 11:00 p m 2300 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-26 Administer the Circuit Packs 
    Administer the Circuit Packs
    After the eq uip ment is installed  (inc lud ing  c irc uit p ac ks), the c irc uit pac ks must 
    b e ad ministered . Refer to 
    DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 
    8 Ad ministration and  Feature Desc rip tion
     for more information.
    The following information d esc ribes general ad ministration information:
    nUse the Circ uit Pac ks form to ad minister c irc uit p ac ks to c arrier slots. The 
    c irc uit p ac ks must b e installed  (or assig ned  using  the Circ uit Pac ks form) 
    before administering voice terminals, attendant consoles, or trunks.
    nEac h p ag e of the form rep resents one c arrier in the c ab inet shown on the 
    c ommand  line. All c arriers and  slots ap p ear even if they are not inc lud ed  
    in the hardware.
    nIt is not nec essary to fill in the Circ uit Pac ks form if the c irc uit p ac ks are 
    installed  at the time of ad ministration.
    nRefer to DEFINITY Communic ations System Generic  3 Planning  and 
    Config uration
    , 555-230-601, for more information ab out c irc uit pac k 
    ad ministration and port assig nment rec ord s.
    nFor initial installation, assig n c irc uit p ac ks to slots using the hard ware 
    configuration layout record from the fac tory or Customer Services 
    Org anization. Do not arb itrarily assig n c irc uit p ac ks to slots.
    nWhen a c irc uit p ac k in a slot d iffers from what has b een ad ministered on 
    the form, a “ #”  d isp lays b etween the “ Sfx”  and  “ Name”  field s.
    nAll slot field s are d isp layed .
    Administration Commands
    Use the following  ad ministration c ommand s to ad minister the Circ uit Pac k form.
    If no cabinet number is specified, this command defaults to 1.
    Table 3-9. Administration Commands
    Action Object Qualifier
    1.Brackets [ ] indicate the qualifier is optional. Single quotes (’ ’) indicate the 
    text inside the quote must be entered exactly as shown or an abbreviated 
    form of the word may be entered. xx is the cabinet number.
    c hang e c irc uit-p ac ks xx (c ab inet number)
    d isp lay circuit-p acksxx (c ab inet number) [ ’p rint’ or ’sc hed ule’] 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-27 Administer the Circuit Packs 
    Form Instructions
    Screen 3-6. Change Circuit-Packs Screen
    Each page of the form represents 1 carrier within the cabinet specified on 
    the command line. For R8si configurations, all carriers and slots appear 
    even if they are not included in the actual hardware. This supports 
     — Disp lay-only field . This field  shows the c abinet numb er as 
    entered  on the c ommand  line.
     — Disp lay-only field . This field  shows the letter of the c arrier (A 
    throug h E) c irc uit p ac ks are b eing  ad ministered  on.
    nCarrier Type
     — Disp lay-only field . This field  shows the typ e of c arrier. 
     — Disp lay-only field . The slot eq uates to the physic al slot of the g iven 
    c arrier; the numb er of slots d isp layed  d ep end s on the system being 
    For R8si c onfig urations, ALL slots that c ould p ossib ly b e ad ministered are 
    d isp layed  even if they do not ap p ly to the c urrent c onfig uration of the 
    system. This is to ac c ommod ate the situation when a system is b eing  
    rec onfig ured .
    change circuit-packs                                            Page   1 of   5 
                                  CIRCUIT PACKS                                     
            Cabinet: 1                            Carrier: A
                                             Carrier Type: processor        
     Slot Code  Sf Mode   Name
      01: TN758          POOLED MODEM      
      02: TN726  B       DATA LINE         
      03: TN763  D       AUXILIARY TRUNK   
      04: TN750  C       ANNOUNCEMENT      
      05: TN2181         DIGITAL LINE      
      06: TN464  F       DS1 INTERFACE     
      07: TN2138         CO TRUNK          
      08: TN754  B       DIGITAL LINE      
      09: TN799  B       CONTROL-LAN       
      10: TN767  D       DS1 INTERFACE     
     Slot Code  Sf Mode   Name               Slot Code  Sf Mode   Name
                                              11: TN464  F       DS1 INTERFACE     
      01: TN758          POOLED MODEM         12: MEDPRO         RESERVED-IP       
      02: TN726  B       DATA LINE            13: TN802  B       MAPD BOARD        
      03: TN763  D       AUXILIARY TRUNK      14: TN2149         ANALOG LINE       
      04: TN750  C       ANNOUNCEMENT         15: TN754  B       DIGITAL LINE      
      05: TN2181         DIGITAL LINE         16: TN754  B       DIGITAL LINE      
      # indicates circuit pack conflict. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Accessing and Activating the System 
    3-28 Administer the Circuit Packs 
    Tab le 3-10 lists the slots to use, and the c irc uit p ac k typ es that may b e 
    ad ministered  in those slots, for eac h c omb ination of 
    Cab inet/Carrier/Carrier Typ e in a R8si c onfig uration.
     — Enter the c irc uit p ac k c od e (TN followed  b y a 3- or 4-d ig it 
    numb er). If there is a p hysic al c irc uit p ac k installed  in the slot, the entry 
    must matc h that of the c irc uit p ac k. If there is eq uip ment ad ministered on 
    a slot, the eq uip ment must b e removed  from the c irc uit p ac k b efore the 
    c irc uit p ac k c an b e c hang ed  or removed .
     — Enter the c irc uit pac k suffix, if ap p lic able.
     — Disp lay-only field. This field  shows the alp hanumeric  name of 
    the c irc uit p ac k (suc h as Dig ital Line).
    When the circuit pack physically inserted in the slot differs from what has 
    been administered on this form, a # displays between the Sfx and Name 
    Implementation Notes
    Sc reen 3-6 shows all field s that may b e displayed . The field s that ap p ear on a 
    p artic ular sc reen may vary d ep end ing  up on the system c onfig uration b eing  
    ad ministered .
    The number of slot fields displayed may vary depending on the system being 
    config ured . For R8si configurations, all p ossib le slots d isp lay.
    Table 3-10. Circuit Pack Cabinet Layout
    Cabinet Layout Carrier TypeUse 
    Slots Circuit Pack Types
    1A (SCC Basic  Control Cab inet) p roc essor 01-10 All port c irc uit p ac ks
    1A (SCC Enhanc ed Control Cab inet) p roc essor 01-16 All port c irc uit p ac ks
    1B (SCC Dup lic ated  Control Cab inet) p roc essor 01-10 All port c irc uit p ac ks
    1B, C, D (SCC Port Cab inet) p ort 01-18 All port c irc uit p ac ks
    2A & 3A (SCC Exp ansion Control 
    Cab inet)exp ansion-c ontrol 01 TN570, TN776
    02-17 All p ort c irc uit p ac ks
    2B, C, D (SCC Port Cab inet)
    3B, C, Dp ort 01-18 All p ort c irc uit p ac ks 
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