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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-43 Install the 1145B Power Supply 
    Figure 5-18. Expanded Power Distribution Unit  Figure Notes
    1. Wall-Mounting  Plate
    2. Sec ond  1146B Power Distrib ution 
    Unit3.“ T”  Cab le (H600-347-G7)
    4. First 1146B Power Distrib ution Unit
    5. 1145B Power Unit
    1145 Power Unit
    1149 Battery
    On Battery Reserve
    Charging Battery
    Output Power On
    0004_0 RBP 051496 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-44 Install the 1145B Power Supply 
    Power Up and Test
    The following table describes the meaning of the power supply LEDs when lit.
    1. Connec t the AC power c ord  to the power sup p ly and  route the c ord  to an 
    ap p rop riate AC outlet using  the c lip s p rovid ed  on the unit.
    A maximum of four p ower sup plies c an b e p owered  from one 
    d ed ic ated  100V-120V, 50/60 Hz, 20 Amp  feed er or 200V-240V, 
    50/60 Hz, 10 Amp  feed er. Use only unswitc hed  rec ep tac les.
    2. Plug  the c ord  into the outlet. This p owers up  the p ower supp ly.
    3. Chec k AC op eration of the 1145B Power Sup ply b y monitoring  the LEDs:
    PA S S
    : Green and  yellow LEDs at front of the unit should  b e lit tog ether. 
    Green means the power supply is providing power. Yellow means the 
    battery is being charged. After the battery reaches full charge (maximum 
    of twenty hours), the yellow LED should  g o out.
    FA I L
    : If either green or yellow LED is not lit after p owering  up , c hec k the 
    c onnec tions. Test the AC outlet. If p ower is availab le and  the AC p ower 
    c ord  and  c onnec tions are g ood , replac e the p ower unit.
    4. Disconnect the AC plug on the power supply, this activates the DC supply.
    5. Chec k DC (b attery b ac k-up ) op eration of the 1145B Power Sup p ly b y 
    monitoring  the LEDs:
    PA S S
    : The red and green LEDs should be lit together. Red means the 
    power supply is on battery back-up.
    FA I L
    : If either green or red  LED is not lit after d isc onnec ting  AC p ower, 
    c hec k the c onnec tions. If the c onnec tions are g ood , rep lac e the p ower 
    unit or b atteries.
    6. Rec onnec t AC p ower to the p ower sup p ly. LED Color  Meaning
    Green Power Supply is providing power
    Yellow Battery is c harg ing
    Red Power Sup p ly is on b attery reserve 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-45 Install the 1145B Power Supply 
    Wire the 1146B Power Distribution Unit
    Wire end points to the 1146B while p ower from the 1145B is on. A red  LED lig hts if 
    its assoc iated  c irc uit is c onnec ted  to shorted  wiring  or to a shorted  terminal.
    1. Install c ross-c onnec t jump ers to wire from the unit (the lab el shows 
    p olarity) to Pins 7 and  8 of the ap p ropriate information outlet. Route the 
    wires throug h the c lip  p rovid ed  on the unit. If a red  LED is on, see 
    Res et 
    LEDs on Power Distrib ution Unit
    . See Figure 5-19.
    2. Mark lead  d estinations on the lab el next to eac h c onnec tor. Also mark the 
    Unit Numb er and Connec tivity information on the lab el.
    Figure 5-19. Typical Wiring to a Terminal Figure Notes
    1 . Po w er  Sup p l y K it
    2. 2.5, 5.0, or 8.0 Amp  Hour Battery
    3. 1146B Distrib ution Unit
    4. 1145B Power Sup ply
    5. Circ uits 1-16
    6. Circ uits 17-32
    7. Port Circuit8. Main Distrib ution Frame
    9. Mod ular Cord
    10. Pins 7 and  8 (Display Terminal Power)
    11. AC Input
    12. Installer-Provided  Ground  Wire
    13. ISDN/ Disp lay System Protoc ol Terminal
    14. Circuits 1-32
    13 14
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-46 Install the 1145B Power Supply 
    Reset LEDs on Power Distribution Unit
    A red  LED next to any of the 32 p ower output c onnec tors ind ic ates a short c irc uit 
    in the b uild ing wiring  or the terminal eq uip ment. To reset the LED:
    1. Disc onnec t the terminal eq uip ment from the wall jac k.
    2. If the LED g oes off, the terminal eq uip ment is faulty and  must b e rep lac ed. 
    If the LED is still lit, find  and  rep air the short c irc uit in the b uild ing wiring .
    3. Rec onnec t the terminal eq uipment to the wall jac k and  re-test terminal 
    eq uip ment op eration.
    Imp ortant Safety Instruc tions follow.
    When op erating  this equip ment, basic  safety p rec autions must b e followed  to 
    red uc e the risk of fire, elec tric  shoc k and  p ersonal injury, inc luding  the following :
    nRead  and  und erstand  all instruc tions.
    nDo not attac h the p ower sup p ly c ord  to b uild ing  surfac es.
    nFor c ontinued  b ac k-up  p rotec tion and  b attery reliab ility, rep lac e b atteries 
    every four years.
    nFollow all warning s and instruc tions marked  on the p rod uc ts.
    nClean p rod uc ts only with a d ry rag .
    nDo not use this p rod uc t near water.
    nFor mounting sec urity, follow all installation instruc tions when mounting  
    p rod uc t.
    nOpenings on top and bottom of power unit are provided for ventilation. Do 
    not b loc k or c over these op ening s. Do not exc eed  rec ommended  
    environmental temp eratures.
    nOperate these p rod uc ts only from the typ e of p ower sourc e ind ic ated  on 
    the p rod uc t lab els.
    nThe power unit is equipped with a three wire grounding type plug; a plug 
    having  a third (g round ing ) p in. This p lug  will only fit into a g round ing  typ e 
    p ower outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unab le to insert the p lug  
    into the outlet, c ontac t an elec tric ian to rep lac e the outlet. Do not d efeat 
    the safety p urp ose of the g round ing  typ e p lug.
    nDo not allow anything  to rest on or spill into the p rod uc ts.
    nTo red uc e risk of fire and  elec tric al shoc k, d o not overload  p ower outlets.
    nNever p ush ob jec ts of any kind  throug h the p ower sup p ly or distrib ution 
    unit slots as they may touc h d ang erous voltage p oints or short out p arts 
    that c ould  result in a risk of fire or elec tric al shoc k. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-47 1151A1 and 1151A2 Power Supplies 
    nTo red uc e risk of elec tric  shoc k, d o not d isassemble these p rod uc ts. 
    Return them for rep air when need ed . Op ening  or removing  c overs may 
    exp ose you to d angerous voltag es or other risks. Inc orrec t reassemb ly 
    c an c ause elec tric  shoc k when the p rod uc ts are subseq uently used .
    nPower d own the power unit (see lab el on p ower unit on how to d o this) and  
    refer servic ing  und er the following  c ond itions:
    — If liq uid  has b een sp illed  into any of the p roduc ts
    — If any of the p rod uc ts have b een exp osed  to water
    — If any of the p rod uc ts d o not op erate normally
    — If any of the p rod uc ts have b een d rop p ed  or damag ed
    — If any of the p rod uc ts exhib its a c hang e in p erformanc e
    nDo not attemp t to rec harg e b atteries on your own. The b atteries may leak 
    c orrosive elec trolyte or exp lod e. The 1145B p ower unit rec harg es the 
    b atteries safely.
    nRemove the b atteries if the p ower unit will not b e used  for a long  p eriod  of 
    time (several months or more) sinc e d uring  this time the b attery may leak.
    nDisc ard  d isc harg ed  b atteries as soon as p ossib le. Disc harg ed  b atteries 
    are more likely to leak.
    nDo not store b atteries in hig h temp erature areas. Batteries stored  in a c old  
    environment should  b e p rotec ted  from c ond ensation d uring  storag e and  
    warming . Batteries should  b e stab ilized at room temp erature p rior to use 
    after c old  storag e. Do not install b atteries if the manufac turing date on the 
    label ind ic ates that the batteries are more than six months old .
    1151A1 and 1151A2 Power Supplies
    The 1151A1 and  1151A2 Power Sup p lies c omp ly with the UL Stand ard  UL 1950, 
    sec ond  ed ition. Safety instruc tions follow the tab le of c ertific ations.
    Complies UL 1950
    Certified CSA 22.2
    Ap p roved EN6950
    Ap p roved CE 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-48 1151A1 and 1151A2 Power Supplies 
    Important Safety Instructions
    Please read  the following  helpful tip s. Retain these tip s for later use.
    When using  this p ower sup p ly, the following safety p rec autions should always b e 
    followed  to red uc e the risk of fire, elec tric  shoc k, and  injury to persons.
    nRead  and  und erstand  all instruc tions.
    nFollow all warning s and instruc tions marked  on this power sup p ly.
    nThis p rod uc t c an b e hazard ous if immersed in water. To avoid  the 
    p ossib ility of elec tric al shoc k, d o not use it near water.
    nTo red uc e the risk of elec tric  shoc k, d o not d isassemb le this p rod uc t 
    exc ep t to rep lac e b attery.
    nThis p rod uc t should  b e op erated  only from the typ e of AC p ower sourc e 
    indic ated  on the label. If you are not sure of the typ e of AC p ower b eing  
    p rovid ed, c ontac t a q ualified  servic e p erson.
    nDo not allow anything  to rest on the p ower c ord . Do not loc ate this p roduc t 
    where the c ord  will b e ab used  b y p ersons walking  on it.
    nDo not overload  wall outlets and  extension c ord s as this c an result in the 
    risk of line or elec tric  shoc k.
    nDisc onnec t the c ord s on this p rod uc t and  refer servic ing  to q ualified  
    servic e p ersonnel und er the following  c ond itions:
    — When the p ower sup p ly c ord  or plug  is damag ed  or frayed .
    — If liq uid  has b een sp illed  into the p roduc t.
    — If the p rod uc t has b een exp osed  to rain or water.
    — If the product was dropped or the housing has been damaged.
    — If the p rod uc t exhib its a d istinc t c hang e in p erformanc e.
    — If the p rod uc t d oes not op erate normally by following the op erating  
    instruc tions. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-49 1151A1 and 1151A2 Power Supplies 
    The 1151A1 and 1151A2 Power Supplies
    The 1151A1 and  1151A2 Power Sup p lies c an b e used  to sup p ly loc al p ower to 
    ISDN-T 65xx, 74xx, 75xx, 84xx, and  85xx series voic e terminals c onnec ted  to a 
    system and  to the 302C1 Attend ant Console that req uires auxiliary p ower for its 
    d isp lay. The unit c an sup p ly p ower to ad junc t eq uip ment suc h as S201A and  
    CS201A sp eakerp hones or a 500A Head set Ad ap ter attac hed  to any c urrently 
    manufac tured  analog , DCP, or ISDN-T voic e terminal eq uip p ed  with an adjunc t 
    jac k.
    The p ower sup p ly c an be used  only
     with telec ommunic ations equip ment, 
    indoors, and  in a c ontrolled  environment.
    The p ower sup p ly has a sing le outp ut of -48 VDC, 0.4 Amp s, and  c an op erate 
    from either a 120 VAC 60 Hz p ower sourc e (105 to 129 VAC) or a 220/230/240 
    VAC 50 Hz p ower sourc e (198 to 264 VAC). Inp ut voltag e selec tion is automatic . 
    The outp ut c ap ac ity is 19.2 Watts.
    The p ower sup p ly c an be p lac ed  on a flat surfac e suc h as a d esk. For 
    wall-mounting , keyhole slots are p rovided  on the bottom of the c hassis.
    Do not loc ate the unit within six inc hes (15.25 c m) of the floor.
    Connect the 1151A1 or 1151A2 Power Supplies
    The 1151A1 is a stand ard (no b attery b ac kup ) p ower sup p ly unit. The 1151A2 is 
    a b attery b ac kup version of the 1151A1. Either p ower sup ply c an sup p ort one 
    telep hone with or without an ad junc t. The maximum loop  rang e is 250 feet (76 
    meters). Two mod ular jac ks are used . Power is p rovid ed  on the PHONE jac k, 
    p ins 7 and  8 (- and  + , resp ec tively).
    The PHONE and  LINE jac ks are 8-p in female non-keyed  657-typ e jac ks that c an 
    ac c ep t D4, D6, and  D8 mod ular plug  c ab les. Figure 5-20
     shows an 1151A1/2 
    Po w e r  Su p p l y. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-50 CAMA/E911 Installation 
    Figure 5-20. 1151A1/2 Power Supply — Front
    CAMA/E911 Installation
    The CAMA/E911 feature req uires the TN429C/D CO trunk c irc uit p ac ks (or later 
    Port Networks (PNs) that inc lud e TN429C c irc uit pac ks used  to interfac e to 
    CAMA trunks req uire some CPTR resourc es to b e either TN744D V2 or TN2182B 
    c irc uit p ac ks, sinc e TTR/CPTR or General Purp ose Tone Rec eiver (GPTR) 
    resourc es are selec ted  from the p ool availab le in the PN when need ed .
    Hardware Setup
    1. Insert the TN429C or later CO trunk c irc uit pac k in any availab le p ort slot. 
    Be sure the TN744D Call Classifier - Detec tor c irc uit p ac k is Vintag e 2 or 
    2. Wire the CAMA trunk to the MDF (the trunk from the CO). Refer to the 
    p inouts in Table 5-42
    pwr_sup1 CJL 051496 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-51 CAMA/E911 Installation 
    Administration Setup
    1. At the promp t, type add trunk next
     and press En t e r.
    Screen 5-1. CAMA Trunk Group form (page 1)
    2. On the Trunk Group  sc reen (p ag e 1), in the Group Type:
     field, enter 
    3. In the Group Name:
     field , enter the d esired  name. 
    4. In the TAC:
     field , enter the d esired  trunk ac c ess c od e. 
    5. In the Outgoing Display:
     field , enter y
    6. In the CESID I Digits Sent:
     field , enter the number d irec ted  b y the 
    Central Offic e (CO) or the Pub lic  Safety Answering Point (PSAP).
    7. Sc roll to p ag e 3 of the form.
                                                                         Page 1 of 11
                                   TRUNK GROUP
    Group Number: 1                  Group Type: cama      CDR Reports: y
      Group Name:  cama Trunk Group - E911  COR: 1     TN: 1       TAC: 701
       Direction: outgoing     Outgoing Display? y CESID I Digits Sent: 0
                                 Busy Threshold: 99
             Trunk Type: wink-start
     Outgoing Dial Type: r1mf
      Trunk Termination: rc
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-52 CAMA/E911 Installation 
    Screen 5-2. Administrable Timers form (page 3)
    8. On the Administrable Timers sc reen (page 3), you may need to adjust 
    these field s ac c ord ing  to your CO. Sc roll to pag e 5.
    Screen 5-3. Group Member Assignments form (page 5)
    9. On the Group  Memb er Assig nments sc reen, in the Port
     field , ad d the 
    trunk memb ers and press 
    En t e r when finished .
    10. At the promp t, type change feature-access-code
     and press 
    En t e r.
                                                                         Page 3 of 11
                                  TRUNK GROUP
                                           Outgoing Disconnect (msec): 400
                                      Cama Outgoing Dial Guard (msec): 75
                                          Outgoing Glare Guard (msec): 1000
                                          Cama Wink Start Time (msec): 5000
     Outgoing End of Dial (sec): 1    Outgoing Seizure Response (sec): 4
                                        Disconnect Signal Error (sec): 30
                                                                        Page 5 of 11
                                    TRUNK GROUP
                                           Administered Members (min/max):  1/2
    GROUP MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS                   Total Administered Members:  2
         Port   Code   Sfx  Name
     1: 01C0401 TN429   C
     2: 01C0402 TN429   C
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