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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-3 Install Single-Carrier Cabinets 1 Refer to the serial numb ers and lettered d esig nation strip s in the Customer Servic e Doc ument (CSD) when stac king the c ab inets. If earthq uake p rotec tion is required, skip to ‘‘Install Earthq uake Protec tion’’ . Return to this sec tion when finished . !CAUTION: System g round ing must c omp ly with the g eneral rules for g round ing c ontained in Artic le 250 of the National Elec tric al Cod e (NEC), National Fire Protec tion Ag enc y (NFPA) 70, or the ap p lic ab le elec tric c od e in the c ountry c ontaining the eq uip ment. Position Cabinets (Standard Reliability) One Cabinet Stack (Processor Port Network) Perform this step first for all stand ard reliab ility c ab inet installations. 1. Plac e Control Cab inet A (J58890L) on the floor in the p osition d etermined when the room layout was planned. 2. Set Port Cab inet B (J58890H) on top of Control Cab inet A. 3. Set Port Cab inet C (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet B. 4. Set Port Cab inet D (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet C. 5. If add itional c ab inet stac ks are b eing installed , c ontinue to the next sec tion. If not, p roc eed to ‘‘Ap p roved Grounds’’ on p ag e 1-5 . Two Cabinet Stacks (Expansion Port Network) 1. Plac e the Exp ansion Control Cab inet (J58890N) on the floor next to Control Cab inet A. See p revious instruc tions. 2. Set Port Cab inet B (J58890H) on top of the Exp ansion Control Cab inet. 3. Set Port Cab inet C (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet B. 4. Set Port Cab inet D (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet C. 5. If three c ab inet stac ks are being installed , c ontinue to the next sec tion. If not, p roc eed to ‘‘Ap p roved Ground s’’ on p ag e 1-5 . Three Cabinet Stacks (Expansion Port Network) 1. Plac e the sec ond Exp ansion Control Cabinet (J58890N) on the floor next to the first Exp ansion Control Cab inet. See p revious instruc tions. 2. Set Port Cab inet B (J58890H) on top of the Exp ansion Control Cab inet. 3. Set Port Cab inet C (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet B. 4. Set Port Cab inet D (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet C. 5. Proc eed to ‘‘Ap p roved Ground s’’ on p ag e 1-5 .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-4 Install Single-Carrier Cabinets 1 Position Cabinets (High or Critical Reliability) One Cabinet Stack (Processor Port Network) Perform this step first for all hig h or c ritic al reliab ility c ab inet installations. 1. Plac e Control Cab inet A (J58890L) on the floor in the p osition d etermined when the room layout was planned. 2. Set Dup lic ate Control Cab inet B (J58890M) on top of Control Cab inet A. 3. Set Port Cab inet C (J58890H) on top of Dup lic ate Control Cab inet B. 4. Set Port Cab inet D (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet C. 5. If add itional c ab inet stac ks are b eing installed , c ontinue to the next sec tion. If not, skip to ‘‘Ap proved Ground s’’ . Two Cabinet Stacks (Expansion Port Network) 1. Plac e the Exp ansion Control Cab inet (J58890N) on the floor next to Control Cab inet A See p revious instruc tions. 2. Set Port Cab inet B (J58890H) on top of the Exp ansion Control Cab inet. 3. Set Port Cab inet C (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet B. 4. Set Port Cab inet D (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet C. 5. If add itional c ab inet stac ks are b eing installed , c ontinue to the next sec tion. If not, skip to ‘‘Ap proved Ground s’’ . Three Cabinet Stacks (Expansion Port Network) 1. Plac e the sec ond Exp ansion Control Cabinet (J58890N) on the floor next to the first Exp ansion Control Cab inet. See p revious instruc tions. 2. Set Port Cab inet B (J58890H) on top of the sec ond Exp ansion Control Cab inet. 3. Set Port Cab inet C (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet B. 4. Set Port Cab inet D (J58890H) on top of Port Cab inet C. 5. Proc eed to ‘‘Ap p roved Ground s’’ .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-5 Approved Grounds 1 Approved Grounds An ap p roved g round is the c losest ac c ep tab le med ium for g rounding the b uild ing entranc e protec tor, entranc e c ab le shield , or sing le-p oint ground of elec tronic telep hony eq uip ment. If more than one typ e of ap proved g round is availab le on the p remises, the g round s must b e b ond ed tog ether as required in Sec tion 250-81 of the National Elec tric al Cod e. Grounded Building Steel — The metal frame of the b uild ing where it is effec tively g round ed b y one of the following g round s: ac c ep tab le metallic water p ip e, c onc rete enc ased g round , or a g round ring . Acceptable Water Pipe — A metal underground water pipe, at least 1/2-inch (1.27 c m) in d iameter, in d irec t c ontac t with the earth for at least 10 feet (3 m). The pipe must be electric ally continuous (or made electric ally continuous by b ond ing around insulated joints, p lastic pip e, or plastic water meters) to the p oint where the p rotec tor g round wire is c onnec ted . A metallic und erg round water p ip e must b e sup p lemented by the metal frame of the build ing , a c onc rete enc ased g round , or a g round ring. If these g round s are not availab le, the water p ip e ground c an b e sup p lemented b y one of the following typ es of ground s: nOther loc al metal und erg round systems or struc tures — Loc al und erg round struc tures suc h as tanks and p iping systems nRod and p ip e elec trod es — A 5/8-inc h (1.58 c m) (solid rod ) or 3/4-inc h (1.9 c m) (c ond uit or p ip e) elec trod e d riven to a minimum d epth of 8 feet (2.43 m). nPlate elec trod es — Must have a minimum of 2 sq uare feet (0.185 sq uare m) of metallic surfac e exp osed to the exterior soil Concrete Encased Ground — An elec trod e enc ased b y at least 2 inc hes (5.08 c m) of c onc rete and loc ated within and near the bottom of a c onc rete found ation or footing in d irec t c ontac t with the earth. The elec trod e must b e at least 20 feet (6.1 m) of one or more steel reinforc ing b ars or rod s 1/2-inc h (1.27 c m) in d iameter, or at least 20 feet (6.1 m) of b are, solid c op per, 4 AWG (5.189 mm 2) wire. Ground Ring — A buried g round that enc irc les a b uild ing or struc ture at a d ep th of at least 2.5 feet (0.76 m) below the earth’s surfac e. The g round ring must b e at least 20 feet (6.1 m) of 2 AWG (6.543 mm 2), bare, copper wire.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-6 Connect Cabinet Grounds 1 APPROVED FLOOR GROUNDS Ap p roved floor g round s are those g rounds on eac h floor of a hig h-rise b uild ing suitab le for c onnec tion to the g round terminal in the riser c loset and to the c ab inet eq uip ment sing le-p oint g round terminal. Ap p roved floor g round s may include the following: nBuild ing steel nThe grounding c ond uc tor for the sec ond ary sid e of the p ower transformer feeding the floor nMetallic water p ip es nPower feed metallic c ond uit sup p lying p anel b oard s on the floor nA g rounding p oint sp ec ific ally p rovid ed in the b uild ing for the p urp ose !WARNING: If the ap p roved g round or ap p roved floor g round c an only b e ac c essed inside a d ed ic ated p ower eq uip ment room, then c onnec tions to this g round should b e mad e b y a lic ensed elec tric ian. Connect Cabinet Grounds To c onnec t the c ab inet g round s on the J58890R DC Power Cab inet and the Sing le-Carrier Cab inets, p erform the following steps. To c onnec t the c abinet g round s on AC-p owered c abinets, skip to ‘‘Grounding AC-Powered Cab inets Only’’ on p ag e 1-11. DC-Powered Cabinets Only !CAUTION: System g round ing shall c omp ly with the general rules for g round ing c ontained in Artic le 250 of the National Elec tric al Cod e (NEC), National Fire Protec tion Ag enc y (NFPA) 70, or the ap p lic ab le c od e at the installation site. NOTE: Before c onnec ting the c abinets to the ap p roved g round , d etermine the b est method of g round ing . Also, loc ate the ap p roved g round as c lose to the c ab inets as p ossib le. NOTE: The g round p lates and c abinet c lip s are installed later in this c hap ter.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-7 Connect Cabinet Grounds 1 Connect DC Power Cabinet Ground Figure 1-1. DC Power Cabinet Grounding 1. At the DC Power Cab inet, c onnec t a 1 AWG (#70) (7 mm 2) g round wire to the GROUND DISCHARGE b ar. See Fi g u re 1 -1 . 2. Route the g round wire out of the c ab inet and terminate it on the ap p roved g round . !CAUTION: The ap p roved ground must b e c onnec ted using the c orrec t g aug e wire, terminated with a listed c lamp , and id entified with a grounding tag (FORM 15657NR, or eq uivalent). Figure Notes 1. DC Power Cabinet 2. To Ap p roved Ground3. 1 AWG (#70) (7 mm 2) Wire 4. Ground Disc harg e Bar 341 2 dc_rect1 RBP 051396
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-8 Connect Cabinet Grounds 1 Connect DC Battery Cabinet Frame Ground Figure 1-2. Frame Ground Wiring Between Power Cabinets 1. Cut a leng th of 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) wire long enoug h to reac h b etween the DC Power Cab inet and the DC Battery Cab inet. See Fi g u re 1 -2 . 2. Crimp a terminal lug on the eac h end of the wire. The terminal lug s are furnished as p art of D-181895, kit of p arts. 3. At the DC Battery Cab inet, attac h the 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) wire to the frame ground mounting hole using a pan head slotted sc rew, star washer, and hex nut. Tig hten the sc rew sec urely. 4. Route the op p osite end of the wire to the DC Power Cab inet. 5. Attac h the 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) wire to the mounting hole in the top of the c ab inet. Use a pan head slotted sc rew, star washer, and hex nut. Tig hten the sc rew sec urely. Figure Notes 1. 6 AWG (#40) (4mm 2) Wire 2. DC Battery Cabinet 3. DC Power Cabinet 4. Ground ing Hole in Top of Cab inets5. Terminal Lug (Part of D-18181895) 6 . Pa n H e a d Slo t t e d Sc re w 7. Star Washer 8. Hex Nut 31 2 dc_rect6 RBP 052996
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-9 Connect Cabinet Grounds 1 Connect DC Power Distribution Unit Ground Figure 1-3. DC Power Distribution Unit Ground 1. Measure and c ut a length of 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) wire long enoug h to reac h b etween the GROUND DISCHARGE b ar in the DC Power Cab inet and the GRD c onnec tor on the DC Distrib ution Unit. See Fi g u re 1 -3 . 2. At the DC Power Cab inet, c onnec t the 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) wire to the GROUND DISCHARGE b ar. 3. Route the op p osite end of the wire to the DC Power Distrib ution Unit and c onnec t the wire to the GRD c onnec tor. 4. Rep eat Step s 2 and 3 for eac h remaining DC Power Distrib ution Unit. Figure Notes 1. DC Power Cabinet 2. DC Power Distrib ution Unit 3. Ground Disc harg e Bar 4. 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) Wire5. GRD Connec tor Terminal on DC Power Distribution Unit 6. To Ad d itional DC Power Distrib ution Units (If Req uired) j58890r1 RBP 042296
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-10 Connect Cabinet Grounds 1 Connect Single-Carrier Cabinet Ground Figure 1-4. Single-Carrier Cabinet Ground 1. Cut a leng th of 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) wire long enoug h to reac h b etween the GROUND DISCHARGE b ar on the DC Power Cab inet and the sing le-p oint g round bloc k on the Control Cab inet (b ottom c ab inet in Fi g u re 1-4). 2. At the DC Power Cab inet, c onnec t the wire to the GROUND DISCHARGE bar. 3. Route the wire to Control Cab inet and c onnec t to the sing le-point g round block. 4. Rep eat for eac h Control Cab inet in the system room (d up lic ated Control Cab inet and Exp ansion Control Cab inet). Figure Notes 1. 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) Wire 2. Control Cab inet (Cab inet A) 3. Sing le-Point Ground Bloc k4. To Ad ditional Control Cab inets in Same Room 5. DC Power Cabinet 6. Ground Disc harg e Bar 4 5 1 1 6 dc_rect4 RBP 032896 OffOff On On OffOff On On 2 3
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-11 Connect Cabinet Grounds 1 Grounding AC-Powered Cabinets Only !CAUTION: System g round ing shall c omp ly with the general rules for g round ing c ontained in Artic le 250 of the National Elec tric al Cod e (NEC), National Fire Protec tion Ag enc y (NFPA) 70, or the ap p lic ab le c od e at the installation site. NOTE: Before c onnec ting the c abinets to the ap p roved g round , d etermine the b est method of g round ing . See ‘‘Ap p roved Ground s’’ on p ag e 1-5 . Also, loc ate the ap p roved g round as c lose to the c ab inets as p ossib le. NOTE: The g round p lates and c abinet c lip s are installed later in this c hap ter. 1. Measure and c ut a length of 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) wire long enoug h to reac h b etween the c abinet stac k single-p oint g round b loc k and the ap p roved g round . See Fig ure 1-5 . 2. At the lower left rear of the Control Cab inet (Cab inet A), c onnec t the 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) g round wire to the c ab inet stac k sing le-p oint g round block. 3. Run the g round wire to the ap p roved g round and attac h sec urely. 4. Rep eat Step s 1-3 for eac h Exp ansion Control Cab inet. NOTE: If the Exp ansion Control Cab inet is remotely loc ated from Cab inet A (in a sep arate room or b uild ing), run the 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm2) c ab inet g round wire to an ap p roved protec tive g round. 5. At Cab inet A, c onnec t a 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm 2) wire to the sing le-p oint g round b loc k. The 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm2) wire must b e long enoug h to reac h the telec ommunic ations c ab les at the rear of the system c ab inets, follow these c ab les to the Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF), and to terminate at the Coup led Bond ing Cond uc tor (CBC). The Coupled Bonding Cond uc tor (CBC) wires are installed and terminated in Chapter 2, ‘‘Install Telec ommunic ations Cab ling’’ .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Connect the Cabinets 1-12 Connect Cabinet Grounds 1 Single-Carrier Cabinet Ground Figure 1-5. Typical AC Power and Ground Layout — Rear Figure Notes 1. Cabinet Stac k 1 Control Cab inet A 2. Circ uit Breaker 3. AC Power Rec ep tac le 4. Cabinet Stac k Sing le-Point Ground Bloc k 5. 8-Foot (2.5 Meters) Power Cord 6. National Elec tric al Manufac turers Assoc iation (NEMA) 5-15 or 5-20 Rec ep tac le or Equivalent 7. 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm 2) Ground Wire to App roved Ground 8. 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm 2) Wire to Coup led Bond ing Cond uc tor 3 4 5 1 8 2 7 On OffOn Off 6r781851bCJL030896