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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test the System 
    4-5 Test Time Division Multiplexing Bus in Processor Port Network 
    Test Time Division Multiplexing Bus
    in Processor Port Network
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type test tdm port-network 1 
    and  p ress 
    En t e r.
    3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays the results of this test. See Sc reen 4-4
    Screen 4-4. Sample Test Results for TDM Bus Port Network 1
    4. If 
    the result is FAIL
     for any test, c hec k the c onnec tors of the TDM b us 
    c ab les in Proc essor Port Network (PPN) 1.
    test tdm port-network 1 
                                      TEST RESULTS
       Port      Maintenance Name  Alt. Name Test No. Result            Error Code
       PN 01A    TDM-BUS                     294      PASS
       PN 01A    TDM-BUS                     296      PASS
       PN 01A    TDM-BUS                     297      ABORT             1005
       PN 01B    TDM-BUS                     294      PASS
       PN 01B    TDM-BUS                     296      ABORT             1005
       PN 01B    TDM-BUS                     297      PASS
     Command successfully completed
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test the System 
    4-6 Test Tone-Clock Boards 
    Test Tone-Clock Boards
    Testing the Tone-Clock board also detects problems with the TDM bus cables.
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type test tone-clock 1a 
    and  p ress 
    En t e r.
    3. Verify pag e 1 disp lays the test results similar to Sc reen 4-5
    Screen 4-5. Sample Test Results for Tone-Clock 1A
    test tone-clock 1a 
                                      TEST RESULTS
       Port      Maintenance Name  Alt. Name Test No. Result            Error Code
       01A       TONE-BD                     46       PASS
       01A       TONE-BD                     52       PASS
       01AXX01   ETR-PT                      42       PASS
       01AXX01   ETR-PT                      43       PASS
       01AXX02   ETR-PT                      42       PASS
       01AXX02   ETR-PT                      43       PASS
       01AXX03   ETR-PT                      42       PASS
       01AXX03   ETR-PT                      43       PASS
       01AXX04   ETR-PT                      42       PASS
       01AXX04   ETR-PT                      43       PASS
       01AXX05   ETR-PT                      42       PASS
       01AXX05   ETR-PT                      43       PASS
       01AXX06   ETR-PT                      42       PASS
       01AXX06   ETR-PT                      43       PASS
    Command successfully completed
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test the System 
    4-7 Test Expansion Interface Circuit Packs 
    Test Expansion Interface Circuit Packs
    Chec k eac h Expansion Interfac e (EI) c irc uit pac k in the system.
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type test board xxx
     where xxx 
    is the c ab inet, c arrier, and  slot for an 
    Exp ansion Interfac e (EI) c irc uit p ac k in the system, and  p ress 
    En te r.
    Lab els on the p ort network and  c arrier and on the strip  und er the 
    c irc uit pac k c ontain this information.
    3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays test results similar to Sc re e n  4 - 6
    . This examp le 
    is for b oard  2a01.
    Screen 4-6. Sample Test Results for Expansion Interface Board 2A01
    4. If any result is FAIL, c hec k the c onnec tions for the fib er optic  link.
    5. Rep eat Step s 2 and 3 for eac h Exp ansion Interfac e c irc uit p ac k.
                                    TEST RESULTS
      Port      Maintenance Name  Alt. Name Test No. Result            Error Code
      02A01     EXP-INTF                    237      PASS
      02A01     EXP-INTF                    238      PASS
      02A01     EXP-INTF                    240      PASS
      02A01     EXP-INTF                    241      PASS
      02A01     EXP-INTF                    244      PASS
      02A01     EXP-INTF                    316      PASS 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test the System 
    4-8 Test Time Division Multiplexing Bus for Each Expansion Port Network 
    Test Time Division Multiplexing Bus
    for Each Expansion Port Network
    Check eac h TDM bus for each Expansion Port Network (EPN) in the system.
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type test tdm port-network 2
     and  p ress 
    En t e r.
    3. Verify a test results sc reen similar to Sc reen 4-7 is d isp layed :
    Screen 4-7. Sample Test Results for Time Division Multiplexing Bus Port Network 2
    4. If result is FAIL
     for any test, c hec k the c onnec tors of the TDM b us c ab les 
    in  Pro c e ss o r  Po r t  N e t w o r k (PPN )  2 .
    5. Rep eat these step s for eac h Exp ansion Port Network (EPN) to c hec k the 
    TDM bus cables.
    test tdm port-network 2 
                                      TEST RESULTS
       Port      Maintenance Name  Alt. Name Test No. Result            Error Code
       PN 02A    TDM-BUS                     294      PASS
       PN 02A    TDM-BUS                     296      PASS
       PN 02A    TDM-BUS                     297      ABORT             1005
       PN 02B    TDM-BUS                     294      PASS
       PN 02B    TDM-BUS                     296      ABORT             1005
       PN 02B    TDM-BUS                     297      PASS
     Command successfully completed 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test the System 
    4-9 Test Tone-Clock for Each Expansion Port Network 
    Test Tone-Clock for Each Expansion 
    Port Network
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type test tone-clock 2A
     where 2A 
    is the c abinet and  c arrier numb er for 
    one of the Tone-Cloc ks installed , and  p ress 
    En t e r.
    If any result is FAIL
    , c hec k the assoc iated  TDM b us c ables and  
    interc ab inet c ab les in the Exp ansion Port Network (EPN).
    3. Rep eat Step  2 for eac h installed  Tone-Cloc k c irc uit pac k.
    Test Tone-Clock Interchange for Each
    Expansion Port Network
    If the system is c ritic al reliab ility, test the Tone-Cloc k interc hang e for eac h 
    Exp a n si o n  Po r t  N e t w o rk  ( EPN ).
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type status system all-cabinets
     and press 
    En t e r. This d isp lays the 
    loc ation of the Stand b y Tone-Cloc k.
    3. Type set tone-clock xx
     where xx
     is the Port-Network/Carrier for the 
    St a n d b y  To n e - C lo c k .  Pre s s  
    En te r.
    4. Type status system all-cabinets
     and press 
    En t e r.
    5. Verify the dup lic ated  Tone-Cloc k is ac tive using  the information d isplayed  
    on the sc reen.
    If any p rob lems are ind ic ated , c hec k the TDM c ab les in the assoc iated  
    Exp a n si o n  Po r t  N e t w o rk  ( EPN ). 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test the System 
    4-10 Test Expansion Interface Exchange for Each Expansion Port Network 
    Test Expansion Interface Exchange for
    Each Expansion Port Network
    If the system is c ritic al reliab ility, test the exp ansion interfac e exc hang e for eac h 
    Exp a n si o n  Po r t  N e t w o rk  ( EPN ).
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type status system all-cabinets
     and press 
    En t e r.
    This d isp lays the stand b y exp ansion link. See Sc reen 4-8
    Screen 4-8. Sample of System Status before Expansion Link is Set
    3. Type set expansion-link xxxx 
    where xxxx 
    is the either one of the c ab inet, 
    c arrier, and  p ort loc ations of the standb y exp ansion link.
    4. Verify the sc reen d isp lays:
    Command successfully completed
    5. Type status system all-cabinets 
    and press 
    En t e r. A sc reen similar to 
    Sc reen 4-9
     is displayed.
     status system all-cabinets 
                                SYSTEM STATUS CABINET 1
     EMERGENCY     SELECT                    SERVICE              CABINET
     TRANSFER      SWITCH      EXP-LINK      STATE     MODE       TYPE
     1A            unavail     01A01-02A01    in       standby    ESCC
     1B            auto-on     01B01-02B02    in       active
     Command successfully completed
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test the System 
    4-11 Check Circuit Pack Configuration 
    Screen 4-9. Sample of System Status after Expansion Link is Set
    6. Verify the MODE
    s of the exp ansion links have c hang ed .
    7. If any prob lems are ind ic ated , c hec k the TDM c ab les and  the inter-c ab inet 
    c ab les (ICC) in the assoc iated  Exp ansion Port Network (EPN).
    Check Circuit Pack Configuration 
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command:
    2. Type list configuration all
     and  p ress 
    En t e r.
    3. Verify all circuit packs are listed in the reports.
    Refer to 
    DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 
    Maintenanc e for R8si
    , to resolve any d isc rep anc ies.
    Save Translations, if Required
    If any ad ministration c hang es have b een mad e, save and  make a b ac k up c op y 
    of the translations. See Chap ter 3, ‘‘Ac c essing  and Ac tivating  the System’’
    instruc tions.
    status system all-cabinets 
                                SYSTEM STATUS CABINET 1
     EMERGENCY     SELECT                    SERVICE              CABINET
     TRANSFER      SWITCH      EXP-LINK      STATE     MODE       TYPE
     1A            auto-on     01A01-02A01    in       active     ESCC
     1B            auto-on     01B01-02B02    in       standby
     Command successfully completed
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test the System 
    4-12 Next Steps 
    Next Steps
    1. Install the telep hones and  other equip ment. These p roc ed ures are in 
    Chapter 5, ‘‘Install and  Wire Telep hones and  Other Eq uip ment’’
    2. Ad minister the features, telep hones, and other eq uipment ac c ord ing  to 
    c ustomer d ata found  on the p rovisioning  p lan. Use the p roc ed ures in 
    DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration 
    and  Feature Desc rip tion
    3. After the system is administered , test the telep hones and  other eq uip ment 
    using Chap ter 6, ‘‘Test Telep hones and  Other Eq uip ment’’
    It may b e more effic ient to install eac h hard ware c omp onent, 
    ad minister it, and test it b efore g oing  on to install another 
    c omp onent. As an examp le, install the attend ant c onsole using  the 
    p roc ed ures in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Install and  Wire Telephones and  Other 
    Eq uip ment’’, ad minister it using  the p roc ed ures in DEFINITY 
    Enterprise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and  
    Feature Desc rip tion
    , and  test it using  the p roc ed ures in Chap ter 6, 
    ‘‘Test Telep hones and  Other Eq uip ment’’.
    To p revent unnec essary troub le tic kets, d o not enab le the system 
    alarms (Alarm Orig ination feature) until all installation and  
    ad ministration p roc ed ures are c ompleted . 
    							Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-1 Voice and Data Terminals 
    DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and
    Other Equipment
    The wiring  p roc ed ures are the same for most of the DEFINITY System telep hones 
    and  other eq uip ment. This sec tion p rovid es wiring  examp les of these similar 
    installation p roc ed ures. These are examp les only and  ac tual wiring  p roc ed ures 
    may vary at eac h site. All wiring  p inouts for all c irc uit p ac ks in this c hap ter c an b e 
    found  in the tab les at the end  of this c hap ter.
    Voice and Data Terminals
    The system c an b e c onnec ted  to all DTE terminals and  have RS-232 (or EIA-232) 
    or DCP interfac es.
    Telephone Connection Example
    The 302C1 Attend ant Console is used  to desc rib e a typic al telep hone 
    c onnec tion. This information is typ ic al of the 603E, 84xx (4-wire), and  94xx 
    telep hones. 
    The attend ant c onsole always req uires auxiliary (ad junc t) power (-48 VDC). 
    Power is c onnec ted  to the c onsole throug h Pins 7 and 8 of the information outlet. 
    See Fig ure 5-1
    . Only three c onsoles c an b e powered  b y the system throug h the 
    AUX c onnec tor. When p ossib le, the p rimary c onsole should b e p owered from the 
    system so it has the same p ower failure b ac kup  as the system.
    The maximum c abling  d istanc e for the c onsole p owered  from the c ab inet is 350 
    feet (100 meters). 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-2 Telephone Connection Example 
    The g eneral step s to c onnec t a telep hone are: 
    1. Choose a d evic e to c onnec t suc h as a 302C1 Attend ant Console.
    2. Choose the port circuit pac k and its carrier and slot number, such as 
    c ab inet 1, c arrier C, slot 02.
    3. Choose a p ort c irc uit on the p ort c irc uit pac k. Suc h as Port 05.
    Figure 5-1. 302C1 to 4-wire DCP Wiring
    4. Install c ross-c onnec t jump ers to wire the terminal to the p ort c irc uit p ac k. 
    See Fig ure 5-1
    . This p inout is for the 4-wire Dig ital Line c irc uit p ac k.
    5. For terminals need ing  ad junc t p ower, wire -48 VDC and  g round  to 
    ap p rop riate p ins on the terminal. See Fig ure 5-1
    . Figure Notes
    1. 302C1 Attend ant Console
    2. 4-wire Dig ital Line Circ uit Pac k 
    (Position 1C02)3. -48 VDC From Ad junc t Power
    4. Ground  From Ad junc t Power
    302cwire RBP 040596
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