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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    A-11 Call Detail Recording Option Settings 
    Call Detail Recording Option Settings
    The interfac e between the system and  Call Detail Rec ord ing  (CDR) equip ment 
    may b e one of the following :
    nData Module — Rec ommend ed  op tion setting s are shown in Ta b l e  A - 3.
    nMod em — Rec ommend ed  option setting s are in mod em vend or 
    nTN726 Data Line c irc uit p ac k and  an Async hronous Data Unit — Data 
    mod ules or mod ems are not req uired .
    nConnec ted  d irec tly to the DCE
     connector (Electronic Industries 
    Assoc iation (EIA) Port) loc ated  on the rear of the Control Carrier 
    — data 
    mod ules or mod ems are not req uired .
    A 572 Printer c an be used  as an outp ut rec eiving  d evic e for Call Detail Rec ord ing  
    (CDR). The rec ommend ed  option setting s for this p rinter are shown in the 
    f o l lo w in g  t a b le s.  Al so ,  a  TEL ESEER,  C a ll  D e t a il  Re c o rd in g  ( C D R) ,  9 4 A L o c a l 
    Storag e Unit (LSU), or Customer Premises Eq uip ment (CPE) c an b e used  as the 
    output receiving  d evice.
    Ad ministration p roc ed ures for Call Detail Rec ord ing  (CDR) eq uip ment are 
    p rovid ed in 
    DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 
    Ad ministration and  Feature Desc ription
    AUDIX Interface Option Settings
    The Aud io Information Exc hang e (AUDIX) is sometimes c onnec ted  to the system 
    throug h the TN765 Proc essor Interfac e c irc uit p ac k. The first c irc uit on the 
    p roc essor interfac e c an b e c onnec ted  d irec tly to the AUDIX throug h the PI
    c onnec tor on the rear of the c ontrol c arrier.
    Any of the remaining  three c irc uits on the p roc essor interfac e to b e used  to 
    sup p ort AUDIX must b e c onnec ted  throug h a 7400D Data Mod ule serving  as the 
    interfac e link for AUDIX. The option setting s are shown in Ta b l e  A - 6
    Table A-6. Data Module Settings for DEFINITY AUDIX
    DIP Switch 1 Setting
    9600 ON
    SYN C O N
    INT ON
    All Other Switc hes OFF 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    A-12 TN760D Tie Trunk Circuit Pack Option Settings 
    TN760D Tie Trunk Circuit Pack Option 
    The TN760D Tie Trunk c irc uit p ac k interfac es b etween the tie trunks and  the Time 
    Division Multip lex (TDM) b us. Two tip  and ring  p airs form a 4-wire analog  
    transmission line. An E and M pair is used for signaling and are DC signaling 
    lead s used  for c all setup . The E lead  rec eives sig nals from the tie trunk and the M 
    lead  transmits sig nals to the tie trunk. 
    To c hoose the preferred  sig naling  format (Ta b l e  A - 7
     and Ta b l e  A - 8), set the 
    switc hes on the TN760D and  ad minister the p ort per Fi g u re  A - 3
     and  Ta b l e  A - 9.
    To p revent d amag e from static  elec tric ity, wear an EMC wrist strap  
    (c omc od e 900698226) when hand ling  c irc uit p ac ks or other c omp onents.
    Table A-7. Signaling Formats for TN760D
    Mode Type
    E & M Typ e I Stand ard  (unp rotec ted )
    E & M Typ e I Comp atib le (unp rotec ted )
    Protected Type I Compatible, Type I Standard
    Sim p l e x Typ e  V
    E & M Typ e  V
    E & M Typ e V Revised
    Table A-8. Signaling Type Summary
    Signaling Transmit (M-Lead) Receive (E-Lead)
    Type On-Hook Off-Hook On-Hook Off-Hook
    Type I Standard grd bat open
    1/b at
    1. An op en c irc uit is p referred  instead  of b attery voltag e.grd
    Type I Compatible open
    1/b at g rd g rd op en1/b at
    Type V open
    1/bat grd open grd
    Type V Reversed grd open grd open 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    A-13 TN760D Tie Trunk Circuit Pack Option Settings 
    Figure A-3. TN760D Tie Trunk Circuit Pack (Component Side)
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    A-14 TN760D Tie Trunk Circuit Pack Option Settings 
    Table A-9. TN760D Option Switch Settings and Administration
    Switch Preferred
    Signaling FormatSet 
    Port Circumstance To System Far-End
    Co-Loc ated Sys75/G1 Simp lex Simp lex SMPLX Either Typ e 5
    Typ e 5 Typ e 5
    Inter-Build ing Sys75/G1 Simp lex Simp lex SMPLX Either Typ e 5
    Typ e 5 Typ e 5
    Co-Loc ated Sys85/G2 Simp lex Simp lex SMPLX Either Typ e 5
    Typ e 5 Typ e 5
    Inter-Build ing Sys85/G2 Simp lex Simp lex SMPLX Either Typ e 5
    Typ e 5 Typ e 5
    Co-Loc ated DIMENSION E&M Typ e 1 E&M Typ e 1 E&M Unp rotec ted Typ e 1
    PBX Comp atible Stand ard Compatible
    Inter-Build ing DIMENSION Protec ted  
    Ty p e  1Protec ted 
    Typ e 1E&M Pro te c t e d Typ e  1
    PBX Comp atible Stand ard Compatible
    Co-Loc ated Other E&M Typ e 1 E&M Typ e 1 E&M Unp rotec ted Typ e 1
    Comp atible Stand ard Compatible
    Inter-Build ing Other Protec ted  
    Ty p e  1Protec ted 
    Typ e 1E&M Pro te c t e d Typ e  1
    Comp atible Stand ard 
    Pl u sCompatible
    Protec tion
    Co-Loc ated Net 
    Integ ratedE&M Typ e 1 Any PBX E&M Unp rotec ted Typ e 1
    Stand ard 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    A-15 TN464/2464 Option Settings 
    TN464/2464 Option Settings
    The TN464/2464 DS1/E1 Interfac e-T1/E1 c irc uit p ac k interfac es b etween a 24 or 
    32 c hannel CO/ISDN or tie trunk and  the Time Division Multip lexing  (TDM) b us.
    Set the switc hes on the c irc uit p ac k to selec t b it rate and imp edanc e matc h. See 
    Ta b l e  A - 1 0
     and  Fi g u re  A - 4.
    Figure A-4. TN464/2464 Option Settings
    Table A-10. Option Switch Settings on TN464/2464
    120 Ohms Twisted pair
    75 Ohms Coaxial req uiring  888A ad ap ter
    32 Channel 2.048 Mb p s
    24 Channel 1.544 Mb p s
    1. Bac kp lane Connec tors
    2. 24/32 Channel Selec tor
    3. 75/120 ohm Selec tor
    4. Fac ep late
    5. 32 Channel6. 120 ohm (shown selec ted )
    7. 24 Channel (shown selec ted )
    8. 75 ohm
    9. Connec tor
    10. TN464/2464
    Figure Notes: 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    A-16 TN464/2464 Option Settings 
    							Connecting and Handling Fiber Optic Cables 
    B-1 LASER Product 
    DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Connecting and Handling Fiber 
    Optic Cables
    Sig nals b etween the c ab inets c omp osing  the system are c arried  by fib er op tic  
    c ab les. To ac c omp lish this, the elec tronic  signals at the c onnec tors on the b ac k 
    of a c ab inet must b e c onverted  into op tic al sig nals and op tic al sig nals from 
    another c ab inet must b e c onverted  b ac k into elec tronic  sig nals. Op to-elec tronic  
    d evic es (lig htwave transc eivers) p rovid e this interfac e.
    LASER Product
    The DEFINITY ECS may c ontain a Class 1 LASER devic e if sing le-mod e fib er 
    op tic  c ab le is c onnec ted  to a remote Exp ansion Port Network (EPN). The LASER 
    d evic e op erates within the following  p arameters:
    nPower Output: -5 d Bm
    nWaveleng th: 1310 nm
    nMod e Field  Diameter: 8.8 µm
    nIEC 825 1993
    Use of c ontrols or ad justments or p erformanc e of p roc ed ures other 
    than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation 
    exp osure.
    Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for more information. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Connecting and Handling Fiber Optic Cables 
    B-2 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware 
    Optical Cross-Connect Hardware
    Optic al c ross-c onnec ts c onsist of Lightg uide Interc onnec t Units (LIUs) with 
    lig htg uid e troug hs in b etween them. Fi g u re  B - 1
     shows a typ ic al LIU. One LIU 
    terminates the inc oming  c ab les and the other terminates the outg oing  c ab les. A 
    fib er op tic  p atc h c ord  or jump er is used  to c onnec t the c irc uits. Circ uits c an b e 
    rerouted  the same as on 110-typ e c onnec ting  b loc ks, by moving  the p atc h c ord  
    from one p oint on the Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) to another.
    Figure B-1. Typical Optical Lightguide Interconnect Unit
    1. 100A Lig htguide Interc onnect Unit 
    2. Multi-Mod e Connec tor (C2000A-2)
    Sing le-Mod e Connec tor (C3000A-2)
    3. Ad hesive-Bac ked  Circuit Labels4. 1A4 Lig htg uid e Troug h
    5. Fib er Patc h Cord
    6. 1A6 Lig htg uid e Troug h
    7.Op en Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit 
    Figure Notes: 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Connecting and Handling Fiber Optic Cables 
    B-3 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware 
    Optic al interc onnec ts c onsist of Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Units (LIUs) without a 
    troug h b etween them. Fi g u re  B - 2
     shows a typ ic al Interc onnec t field. Inc oming  
    and  outg oing  multi-mod e and  sing le-mode c ab les are c onnec ted  d irec tly to eac h 
    other. This arrang ement makes c irc uit c hang es more d iffic ult, b ut red uc es op tic al 
    Figure B-2. Typical Optical Interconnect Field
    Optic al c ross-c onnec t and  interc onnec t field s are made up  of the following:
    n100A Lig htguid e Interc onnec t Unit (LIU)
    n10A Lig htg uid e Connec tor Panel
    nC2000A-2 Connec tor Coup ling  (Multi-Mod e) or C3000A-2 Connec tor 
    Coupling (Single-Mode)
    n1A4 Lig htg uid e Troug h
    n1A6 Lig htg uid e Troug h
    nMulti-Mod e or Sing le-Mod e Fiber Interc onnec t Cab le
    1. 100A Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit 
    2. Op en Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit 
    (LIU) Door3. C2000A-2 Connec tor (Multi-Mod e)
    C3000A-2 Connec tor 
    4. Labels
    Figure Notes: 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Connecting and Handling Fiber Optic Cables 
    B-4 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware 
    100A Lightguide Interconnect Unit
    The 100A Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit (LIU) (c omc od e 104141841) c onsists of a 
    c ab inet with retainer ring s to hold  slac k fib er c ab les, mounting  c utouts for two 
    10A lightg uid e c onnec tor p anels, and a d oor with c irc uit lab els on eac h sid e. See 
    Fi g u re  B - 3
    Figure B-3. 100A Lightguide Interconnection Unit
    1. 100A Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t 
    Unit (LIU)2. Retainer Ring s
    3. Circ uit Lab els
    Figure Notes: 
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