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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-63 Install Multi-point Adapters 5 367A Adapter The 367A is an 8-c onduc tor ad ap ter used at the work loc ation to b ridg e 3 to 7 terminals. See Fig ure 5-25 . Figure 5-25. Wiring Diagram of 367A Adapter Figure Notes 1. Jac k 1 2. Jac k 23. Jac k 8 4. 367A Adap ter 312 88 877 766 655 544 433 322 211 1 4
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-64 Install Multi-point Adapters 5 Basic Multi-point Installation Distances Fi g u re 5 - 2 6 p rovid es c ab ling information for fan-out of ISDN-BRI multi-p oint installations. In Fig ure 5-26 , the terminating resistor is loc ated in the satellite c loset. All d istanc es assume 24 AWG (#5) (0.5 mm2) D-Insid e Wire (DIW). Figure 5-26. Basic Multi-point with One Work Location Figure Notes 1. S-Interfac e Sourc e (TN556) 2. Terminating Resistor 3. Satellite Closet 4. Maximum Distanc e from S-Interfac e Sourc e to Work Loc ation (1600 Feet) (488 m) 5. Maximum Distanc e From Terminating Resistor to Work Loc ation (250 Feet) (76 m)6. System Cab inet 7. Terminating End point 1 8. Terminating End point 2 9. Work Loc ation 10. Maximum Distanc e from Information Outlet to Terminating Endp oint (33 Feet) (10 m) 11. Information Outlet 2 38 9 7 110 11 11 5 4 6 inst_dis CJL 030796
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-65 Connect Stratum 3 Clock 5 Connect Stratum 3 Clock Set Clock Options 1. There are four sets of op tion switc hes on the c loc k. Set the op tions on the Cloc k Inp ut (CI) c irc uit p ac k p er Tab le 5-15 . 2. Set the options on the Stratum 3 Clock (ST3) circuit pack per Tab le 5-16. NOTE: Only SW 1 and SW2 are used . SW1 c ontrols the outp ut of alarm sig nals from the Stratum 3 Clock circuit pack. 3. Set the options on the Comp osite Cloc k Timing Outp ut (TOCA) c irc uit pack per Table 5-17 . 4. Set the Stratum 2/Stratum 3 switc h to the STRATUM 3 p osition. Table 5-15. CI Option Switch Settings Switch Function Position 1 T1 Selec t OFF = enab le (d efault) ON = disable 2 CC Selec t OFF = enab le ON = disable (default) 3 Fra m i n g Se l e c t O FF = ESF ON = D4 (d efault) 4 BX.25 OFF = enab le ON = disable (default) Table 5-16. ST3 Clock Circuit Pack Option Switch Settings Switch Status/Results SW1 Minor Alarm ControlOFF = minor alarm never outp ut ON = minor alarm is outp ut if hold over oc c urs SW2 Major Alarm ControlOFF = major alarm is outp ut and fail lamp lig hts if 5 VDC p ower is lost and 4 kHz outp ut is lost ON = major alarm is outp ut and fail lamp lig hts if 5 VDC p ower is lost and 4 kHz outp ut is lost and hold over oc c urs
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-66 Connect Stratum 3 Clock 5 NOTE: Set switc hes 1 and 2 ac cording to the d istanc e from the Stratum 3 c loc k to the DEFINITY System. Set switch 3 to ON. Set switc h 4 to OFF. Cabling the Stratum 3 Clock Figure 5-27 shows typ ic al c onnec tions to a Stratum 3 Cloc k c ab inet. Connec tions are mad e throug h the yellow field c ross-c onnec t. A c ustom Y c ab le (H600-274) c onnec ts the CSU to the DS1 c irc uit p ac k and tap s off the inp ut for the Stratum 3 Cloc k. A resistor b uilt into the c ab le to p rovid es the nec essary isolation b etween the system and the c loc k. The Y c ab le p lug s d irec tly into the CSU and c onnec ts to stand ard c ab les for interfac e to the system and the yellow field on the MDF. The H600-307 c ab le c onnec ts the system end of the Y c ab le to a DS1 c irc uit p ac k (shown as TN464/2464, TN722, or TN767). The B25A c ab le c onnec ts the c loc k end of the Y c ab le to the yellow field on the MDF. Table 5-17. Composite Clock Timing Output (TOCA) Circuit Pack Switch Range 500 10001 Foot (0.3 m)500 Feet (152 m)1000 Feet (305 m)1500 Feet (457 m)2000 Feet (610 m)2500 Feet (762 m)3000 Feet (914 m) OFF OFF < -------------------------------------------------------> ON OFF < ---------------------------------------------------------> OFF ON < ---------------------------------------------------------> ON ON < --------------------------------------------------------->
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-67 Connect Stratum 3 Clock 5 Figure 5-27. Typical Connections to Stratum 3 Clock Figure Notes: 1 . SC C C a b in e t ( PPN ) 2.“A” Position 3. “ B” Position 4. H600-307 Cab le 5. H600-247 G2 Cab le 6. 1300 Feet (396 m) 7. B25A (Male-to-Female) Cable 8. Channel Servic e Unit (Sec ond ary)9. Channel Servic e Unit (Primary) 10. Stratum 3 Cloc k 11. Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) 12. DS1/E1 Interfac e Circ uit Pac k 13. DS1 Tie Trunk Circ uit Pac k 14. DS1 Interfac e Circ uit Pac k 15. Tone-Cloc k Circ uit Pac k
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-68 Connect Stratum 3 Clock 5 Stratum 3 Clock Wiring Installation Procedure 1. Connec t the B25A c ab les from the TN780 c onnec tor panel slot on the system c ab inet and the Stratum 3 Cloc k to the c ross-c onnec t mod ule in the yellow field . 2. Connec t the CSU p lug end of the H-600-274 (Y) c ab le to the p rimary CSU. Route an H600-307 c ab le from the DS1 c onnec tor panel slot on the system c ab inet to the c onnec tor on the SYSTEM e n d o f t h e Y c a b le . 3. Route a B25A c able from the CLOCK end of the Y c ab le to the c ross-c onnec t module in the yellow field. 4. Rep eat steps 2 and 3 for the sec ond ary CSU. The maximum allowab le c ab ling d istanc e b etween the Stratum 3 c loc k and the CSU is shown in Tab le 5-18 . 5. For stand ard reliab ility systems, refer to Tab le 5-19 to c ross-c onnec t the TN780 and CLOCK end c onnec tions to the Stratum 3 Cloc k c onnec tions on the c ross-c onnec t mod ule. 6. For hig h or c ritic al reliab ility systems, refer to Tab le 5-20 to cross-connect the TN780 and CLOCK end c onnec tions to the Stratum 3 Cloc k c onnec tions on the c ross-c onnec t mod ule. Table 5-18. Maximum Cabling Distance Channel Service Unit (CSU)Maximum Cabling Distance 551A 85 Feet (26 m) 551V 85 Feet (26 m) 5 5 1 V EFS/ R 6 5 5 Fe e t ( 1 9 9 . 6 m ) EFS T1 655 Feet (199.6 m)
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-69 Connect Stratum 3 Clock 5 Table 5-19. Cross-Connects for Standard Reliability From: Stratum 3 Clock To: Y Cable Clock End (Primary) Lead DesignationLead ColorConnecting Block Te r m i n a lLead DesignationLead ColorConnecting Block Te r m i n a l RREF1 W- BL 1 V- O 4 3 TREF1 B L - W 2 O - V 4 4 To: Y Cable Clock End (Secondary) RREF2 W- O 3 V- O 4 3 TREF2 O - W 4 O - V 4 4 To: Tone-Clock Carrier A BCLKRTN R-O 13 ALRM5B V-G 45 BCLKLST O-R 14 ALRM5A G-V 46 BPWRRTN R-BR 17 ALRM4B BK-BL 21 B PWRL ST B R- R 1 8 A L RM 4 A B L - B K 2 2 REF2 RTN W- B R 7 A L RM 3 B R- B R 1 7 REF2 L ST B R- W 8 A L RM 3 A B R- R 1 8 SC L K RTN R- B L 1 1 A L RM 2 B R- B L 1 1 SCLKLST BL-R 12 ALRM2A BL-R 12 SPWRRTN R-G 1 5 A L RM 1 B Y- BL 3 1 SPWRLST G-R 16 ALRM1A BL-Y 32 REF1 RTN W- G 5 A L RM 0 B W- B R 7 REF1LST G-W 6 ALRM0A BR-W 8 C C A 0 1 R R-S 1 9 EXTSYN 0 T V- BL 4 1 C C A 0 1 T S- R 2 0 EXTSYN 0 R B L - V 4 2 C C B 0 1 R B K- B L 2 1 EXTSYN 1 T Y- G 3 5 C C B 0 1 T B L - BK 2 2 EXTSYN 1 R G - Y 3 6
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-70 Connect Stratum 3 Clock 5 7. The c ommon c ross-c onnec tion from the TN780 in A and B c arriers to the Stratum 3 Cloc k should b e d one b y brid ging the jump er wires. 8. Dress the c ab les d own sid es of the c ab inet and run throug h the Cable Slack Manager, if provided. 9. Ad minister p er DEFINITY Enterprise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc ription . Table 5-20. Cross-Connects for High or Critical Reliability From: Stratum 3 Clock To: Y Cable Clock End (Primary) Lead Designation Lead ColorConnectin g Block Terminal Lead Designation Lead ColorConnectin g Block Te r m i n a l RREF1 W-B L 1 V- O 4 3 TREF1 B L - W 2 O - V 4 4 To: Y Cable Clock End (Secondary) RREF2 W-O 3 V-O 4 3 Lead Designation Lead ColorConnecting Block Te r m i n a l TREF2 O-W 4 O-V 44 To: Tone-Clock Carrier A To: Tone-Clock Carrier B BCLKRTN R-O 13 ALRM5B V-G 45 ALRM5B V-G 45 BCLKLST O-R 14 ALRM5A G-V 46 ALRM5A G-V 46 BPWRRTN R-BR 17 ALRM4B BK-BL 21 ALRM4B BK-BL 21 BPWRLST BR-R 18 ALRM4A BL-BK 22 ALRM4A BL-BK 22 REF2RTN W-BR 7 ALRM3B R-BR 17 ALRM3B R-BR 17 REF2LST BR-W 8 ALRM3A BR-R 18 ALRM3A BR-R 18 SCLKRTN R-BL 11 ALRM2B R-BL 11 ALRM2B R-BL 11 SCLKLST BL-R 12 ALRM2A BL-R 12 ALRM2A BL-R 12 SPWRRTN R-G 15 ALRM1B Y-BL 31 ALRM1B Y-BL 31 SPWRLST G-R 16 ALRM1A BL-Y 32 ALRM1A BL-Y 32 REF1RTN W-G 5 ALRM0B W-BR 7 ALRM0B W-BR 7 REF1LST G-W 6 ALRM0A BR-W 8 ALRM0A BR-W 8 CCA 01R R- S 19 EXTSYN0T V-B L 4 1 CCA 01T S-R 20 EXTSYN0R B L- V 4 2 CCB01R BK-BL 21 EXTSYN1T Y-G 35 CCB01T BL-BK 22 EXTSYN1R G-Y 36 CCA 02R B K -O 23 EXTSYN0 T V- B L 41 CCA02T O-BK 24 EXTSYN0R BL-V 42 CCB 02R B K -G 25 EXTSYN1 T Y- G 35 CCB02T G-BK 26 EXTSYN1R G-Y 36
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-71 DEFINITY Wireless Business System 5 DEFINITY Wireless Business System To install and test the hard ware, refer to DEFINITY Wireless Business System Installation and Tests Guid e . To interfac e the Wireless Business System to the system c ab inet, refer to DEFINITY Wireless Business System Interfac e. To operate the wireless hand sets, refer to DEFINITY Wireless Business System User’s Guid e . Cellular Business System The DEFINITY Cellular Business System allows use of the same full-feature c ellular telep hone insid e and outsid e of the b uild ing. The system sup p orts up to 600 users. Total system c overag e is up to 4 million sq uare feet. Refer to the installation and usag e d oc umentation that c omes with the system c omp onents. Forum PCM The Forum Personal Communic ations Manager uses a Forum switc h, serving as an ad junc t to DEFINITY ECS, to manag e mob ility. The system uses Cord less Telep hone Generation 2 (CT2) tec hnology, whic h is a g lob al standard for wireless telep hone servic e. This stand ard d efines the rad io interfac e b etween the Forum p oc ket telep hones and the b ase stations in the system. Refer to the installation and usag e d oc umentation that c omes with the Forum Personal Communic ations Manag er c omp onents.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-72 Connect Modem to Telephone Network 5 Connect Modem to Telephone Network 1. Cross-c onnec t the network jac k on the mod em to the network interfac e (via a 103A or mod ular wall jac k). See Table 5-21 for the p inout. Figure 5-28. Network Jack on U.S. Robotics Modem Table 5-21. Pinout of Network Jack Pin Number Signal 1 Unused 2Tip 3Ring 4 Unused Figure Notes 1. Pin 1 of network jac k 2. Mod em modmcabl KLC 110397 OFF ON AA CD RD SD C S AR Q/ FAXTR Sportster33.6 Faxmodem 1 2