Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-83 Add DCS Interface 5 Install Cables 1. Install c ab le from the c ab inet to a hub or Internet Protoc ol (IP) Switc h as req uired. Connec t the 259A c onnec tor to the p ort slot c ontaining the C-LAN c irc uit p ac k. See Fig ure 5-29 . For a p inout of TN799, see Ta b l e 5-25. Figure 5-29. Cable Connection for C-LAN Figure Notes 1. 259A Connec tor 2. DW8A Cab le3. Hub or IP Switc h 1 2 3cydflan2 EWS 101398
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-84 Add DCS Interface 5 Enter Added Translations 1. Get the DOSS order numb er of the upg rad e. Call the reg ional CSA to p erform the step s in this sec tion. 2. To enab le DCS, set the DCS field on the System Parameters-Customer Options form to y . 3. Ad minister the other req uired translation data using the forms listed und er Distrib uted Communic ations System (DCS) in DEFINITY Communic ations System Generic 4 V4 Imp lementation . Save Translations 1. If the system is hig h- or c ritic al-reliab ility, typ e status spe and press En te r to verify that the stand b y SPE is refreshed and that the stand b y d isk is in servic e. 2. Type save translation [spe-a or both] disk and press En te r. This c ommand instruc ts the system to take all translation information in memory and write it to the d isk(s). Table 5-25. TN799 Pinout Backplane Pin 25-Pair Wire Color Lead NamePeripheral Connector Pin 103 White/Orang e TD+ 27 003 Orang e/White TD- 2 104 White/Green RD+ 28 004 Green/White RD- 3
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-85 Add ISDN — PRI 5 Add ISDN — PRI North American 1. Use a TN767E (or later) DS1 or a TN464F DS1/E1 c irc uit p ac k for a sig naling link and up to 23 ISDN — PRI Trunk Group members. 2. Install a Tone-Cloc k c irc uit p ac k to p rovid e sync hronization for the DS1 circuit pack. 3. If using a TN464F, then p ac ket b us sup p ort has not b een ad d ed , req uiring greater than 4 PRI signaling groups, see ‘‘Add Packet Bus Support to R8si’’ on page 5-87 for installation of ad d itional c irc uit p ac ks for p ac ket bus support. As an op tion to the TN768 or TN2182B Tone-Cloc k, a TN780 Tone-Cloc k (installed in the PPN) c an interfac e external Stratum 3 sync hronization for DS1. International 1. Install a TN464C (or later) DS1/E1 c irc uit p ac k for the assig nment of the 2 sig naling c hannels and up to 30 ISDN — PRI Trunk Group memb ers. Eac h E1 sp an p rovid es 32 p orts. 2. Install a Tone-Cloc k c irc uit pac k to p rovid e sync hronization for the DS1/E1 circuit pack. 3. If packet bus support has not been added and greater than 8 PRI sig naling g roups are req uired , see ‘‘Ad d Pac ket Bus Sup p ort to R8si’’ on page 5-87 for installation of ad d itional c irc uit p ac ks for p ac ket b us support. As an op tion to the TN2182B Tone-Cloc k, a TN780 Tone-Cloc k (installed in the PPN) can interface external Stratum 3 sync hronization for DS1. Service Interruption If packet bus support for R8si must be added and TN750s must be installed as p art of that sup p ort, then add ing ISDN — PRI req uires a servic e interruption. Notify the c ustomer in ad vanc e as to when the ad d ition will b e c arried out. See ‘‘Add Packet Bus Support to R8si’’ on page 5-87 for further information. Add Packet Bus Support If p ac ket b us sup p ort is not alread y installed , see ‘‘Ad d Pac ket Bus Supp ort to R8si’’ on page 5-87 and p erform the step s.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-86 Add ISDN — PRI 5 Add Circuit Packs 1. Determine port assig nment of c irc uit p ac ks to be ad d ed . 2. Install the DS1 Interfac e c irc uit p ac k in the assig ned c arrier slot. 3. Install a TN748B (or later) (or the international TN420B/C) Tone Detec tor circuit pack if required. Install Cables 1. Install c ab les from c ab inet to MDF as req uired . Enter Added Translations 1.Ad minister the forms listed und er “ Integ rated Servic es Dig ital Network — Primary Rate Interfac e” in DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e . Resolve Alarms 1. Examine the alarm log. Resolve any alarms that may exist using D EFI N I TY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8si . Save Translations 1. If the system is hig h or c ritic al reliab ility, typ e status system 1 and press En t e r to verify that the system is in the “ ac tive/stand b y” mode. 2. Type save translation and press En te r. This instruc ts the system to take all translation information in memory and write it to the translation c ard s. 3. Up d ate b ac kup c ard s, if nec essary.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-87 Add Packet Bus Support to R8si 5 Add Packet Bus Support to R8si Standard Reliability R8si System Service Interruption Installing TN570 Exp ansion Interfac e c irc uit pac ks as part of ad d ing p ac ket b us sup p ort req uires a servic e interrup tion. Notify the c ustomer in ad vanc e as to when the ad d ition will b e c arried out. If not installing TN570 c irc uit p ac ks, then servic e is not interrup ted and you c an skip to the Install Circ uit Pac ks sec tion. Set Offer Category and Activate Offer 1. Type change system-parameters offer and press En t e r. 2. Set the Offer Category field to A , if not alread y set. 3. Set the Activate Offer field to y . Disable Alarm Origination 1. Type change system-parameters maintenance and press En t e r. 2. Set the Alarm Origination Activated field to n . !CAUTION: If you d o not d isab le Alarm Orig ination, the system may g enerate alarms, resulting in unnec essary troub le tic kets. 3. For some releases of software, disab le Cleared Alarm Notification and Restart Notification b efore sub mitting the form. Save Translations 1. If the system is hig h or c ritic al reliab ility, typ e status system 1 and press En t e r to verify that the system is in the “ ac tive/stand b y” mode. 2. Type save translation and press En te r. This instruc ts the system to take all translation information in memory and write it to the translation c ard . 3. If the system c ontains a TN750/B Announc ement c irc uit p ac k, type display announcements and p ress En t e r. If ad ministered rec orded announc ements are listed , typ e list configuration software-version long and p ress En t e r. To save the announc ements, typ e save announcements and p ress En t e r.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-88 Add Packet Bus Support to R8si 5 Power Down Cabinet 1. At the PPN, set the main c irc uit b reaker to OFF. 2. At an EPN, set the main c irc uit b reaker to OFF. Install Circuit Packs 1. Install the ap p rop riate c irc uit pac ks. See Tab le 5-26. Power Up System 1. At the EPN, set the main c irc uit b reaker to ON. 2. At the PPN, set the main c irc uit b reaker to ON. 3. The system p erforms a level 4 reb oot, load ing the system translations from the translation c ard s. Reb ooting takes ab out 10 minutes. 4. After all troub le is c leared , verify the EMERGENCY TRANSFER CONTROL switc h is set to AUTO. This restores the system to the normal mod e. Test the Packet Bus and C-LAN Circuit Pack 1. Type test packet port-network 1 long and p ress En t e r. For more d etail ab out these tests, refer to the test p kt c ommand sec tion in the maintenanc e b ook. Resolve Alarms 1. Examine the alarm log . Resolve any alarms using DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8si . Table 5-26. Circuit Pack Locations for Packet Bus in R8 PPN Circuit Pack Carrier Quantity Slot TN570 Control Carrier A 1 or 2 1 1. Quantity of this p ack should equal the numb er of EPNs. EXPN INTFC/1 and /2 TN771C Control Carrier A 1 2 2. Op tional for d ig ital trunk testing . Any Availab le Port Slot
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-89 Add Packet Bus Support to R8si 5 Enable Customer Options and Alarm Origination 1. Get the DOSS order numb er of the upg rad e and c all the reg ional CSA to p erform the step s in this sec tion. 2. To use Ac cess Security Gateway (ASG), see Appendix D, ‘‘Access Sec urity Gateway’’. 3. Type change system-parameters customer-options and press En te r. Use these forms to verify the c ustomer op tions are p roperly set. NOTE: If the c ustomer was using Sup p lementary Servic es Protoc ol “ b ” or “ d” on an ISDN-PRI trunk g roup b efore the up g rad e, set the Basic Call Setup field on the QSIG Op tional Features p ag e to y . 4. Be sure the system is p art of the existing INADS d atab ase b y c alling the INADS Datab ase Administrator at the Tec hnic al Servic e Center (TSC). Verify that INADS c an d ial into the system and that the system c an d ial out to INADS. As p art of the system reg istration proc ess, the INADS Datab ase Ad ministrator enab les Alarm Orig ination and c ustomer op tions. !CAUTION: If you d o not enab le Alarm Orig ination when the c ustomer has p urc hased a servic es c ontrac t, the system c annot rep ort any alarm to the TSC automatic ally, c ausing the TSC to b e unab le to fulfill the servic es c ontrac t. Save Translations 1. If the system is hig h or c ritic al reliab ility, typ e status system 1 and press En t e r to verify that the system is in the “ ac tive/stand b y” mode. 2. Type save translation and press En te r. This instruc ts the system to take all translation information in memory and write it to the translation c ard s. 3. If the system c ontains a TN750/B/C Announc ement c irc uit pac k, typ e restore announcements and press En t e r. 4. Up d ate b ac kup c ard s, if nec essary.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-90 Add Packet Bus Support to R8si 5 High or Critical Reliability R8si System Service Interruption If no TN570 Exp ansion Interfac e c irc uit p ac ks need to b e installed for PktBus sup p ort, skip to and p erform only the Install Circ uit Pac ks sec tion. This p roc ed ure d oes not interrup t servic e in this c ase. Set Offer Category and Activate Offer 1. Type change system-parameters offer and press En t e r. 2. Set the Offer Category field to A , if not alread y set. 3. Set the Activate Offer field to y . Disable Alarm Origination 1. Type change system-parameters maintenance and press En t e r. 2. Set the Alarm Origination Activated to OSS Numbers field to n . !CAUTION: If you d o not d isab le Alarm Orig ination, the system may g enerate alarms, resulting in unnec essary troub le tic kets. 3. For some releases of software, disab le Cleared Alarm Notification and Restart Notification b efore sub mitting the form. Save Translations 1. If the system is hig h or c ritic al reliab ility, typ e status system 1 and press En t e r to verify that the system is in the “ ac tive/stand b y” mode. 2. Type save translation and press En te r. This instruc ts the system to take all translation information in memory and write it to the translation c ard s. 3. If the system c ontains a TN750/B Announc ement c irc uit p ac k, type display announcements and p ress En t e r. If ad ministered rec orded announc ements are listed , typ e list configuration software-version long and p ress En t e r. To save the announc ements, typ e save announcements and p ress En t e r. Power Down Cabinet (Standby Cabinet) 1. At the PPN, set the main c irc uit b reaker to OFF. 2. At an EPN, set the main c irc uit b reaker to OFF.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-91 Add Packet Bus Support to R8si 5 Install Circuit Packs 1. Install the ap p rop riate c irc uit pac ks. See Tab le 5-27. Power Up System 1. At the EPN, set the main c irc uit b reaker to ON. 2. At the PPN, set the main c irc uit b reaker to ON. 3. The system p erforms a level 4 reb oot, load ing the system translations from the translation c ard s. Reb ooting takes ab out 10 minutes. 4. After all troub le is c leared , verify the EMERGENCY TRANSFER CONTROL switc h is set to AUTO. This restores the system to the normal mod e. Test the Packet Bus and C-LAN Circuit Pack 1. Type test packet port-network 1 long and p ress En t e r. For more d etail ab out these tests, refer to the “ test p kt c ommand ” sec tion in the DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8si . Resolve Alarms 1. Examine the alarm log. Resolve any alarms that may exist using D EFI N I TY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8si. Table 5-27. Circuit Pack Locations for Packet Bus in PPN Circuit Pack Carrier Quantity Slot TN570 Control Carrier A 1 or 2 1 1. Quantity of this p ack should equal the numb er of EPNs.EXPN INTFC/1 and /2 Control Carrier B 1 or 2 EXPN INTFC/1 and /2 TN771C Control Carrier A 1 2 2. Req uired for critic al-reliab ility EPNs and PPN. Optional for d ig ital trunk testing in hig h-reliab ility PPN. Any Availab le Port Slot
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-92 Add Packet Bus Support to R8si 5 Enable Customer Options and Alarm Origination 1. Get the DOSS order numb er of the upg rad e. Call the reg ional CSA to p erform the step s in this sec tion. 2. To use Ac cess Security Gateway (ASG), see Appendix D, ‘‘Access Sec urity Gateway’’. 3. Type change system-parameters customer-options and press En te r. Use these forms to verify the c ustomer op tions are p roperly set. NOTE: If the c ustomer was using Sup p lementary Servic es Protoc ol “ b ” or “ d” on an ISDN-PRI trunk g roup b efore the up g rad e, set the Basic Call Setup field on the QSIG Op tional Features p ag e to y . 4. Be sure the system is p art of the existing INADS d atab ase b y c alling the INADS Datab ase Administrator at the Tec hnic al Servic e Center (TSC). Verify that INADS c an d ial into the system and that the system c an d ial out to INADS. As p art of the system reg istration proc ess, the INADS Datab ase Ad ministrator enab les Alarm Orig ination and c ustomer op tions. !CAUTION: If you d o not enab le Alarm Orig ination when the c ustomer has p urc hased a servic es c ontrac t, the system c annot rep ort any alarm to the TSC automatic ally, c ausing the TSC to b e unab le to fulfill the servic es c ontrac t. Save Translations 1. If the system is hig h or c ritic al reliab ility, typ e status system 1 and press En t e r to verify that the system is in the “ ac tive/stand b y” mode. 2. Type save translation and press En te r. This instruc ts the system to take all translation information in memory and write it to the translation c ard s. 3. If the system c ontains a TN750/B/C Announc ement c irc uit pac k, typ e restore announcements and press En t e r. 4. Up d ate b ac kup c ard s, if nec essary.