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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-13 Connect AC Power 
    Connect AC Power
    Set the Ringer Frequency
    The d efault ring er freq uenc y setting  on the 1217A p ower sup p ly for North 
    Americ a is 20 Hz and  the international setting  c an b e either 20 Hz or 25 Hz. To 
    set the ring er freq uenc y on the 1217A p ower sup p ly: 
    When add ing  or rep lac ing  any hard ware, b e sure to g round  yourself against 
    elec trostatic  d isc harg e (ESD) b y wearing  a g round ed  wrist strap .
    1. Power d own AUDIX and  any other c irc uit p ac k that mig ht b e running  an 
    2. Power d own the c ab inet.
    3. Release b oth latc hes on the p ower supp ly and  slid e the unit out of the 
    c ab inet.
    4. Observe the ring  freq uenc y switc h lab el on the sid e of the p ower sup p ly 
    and  loc ate the switc h on the b ottom.
    5. Set the ring  frequenc y selec t switc h to the ap p rop riate freq uenc y setting .
    6. Slid e the p ower sup p ly bac k into the slot and ensure that b oth latc hes 
    snap  c losed .
    Connect the Power Cord into the Power 
    1. Provid e one rec ep tac le per Sing le-Carrier Cab inet. 
    2. Verify the c irc uit b reakers are OFF.
    3. Plug  the c ab inet AC p ower c ord  into the AC p ower rec eptac le on the rear 
    of eac h c ab inet.
    4. Plug  the op p osite end  of eac h AC p ower c ord into the ap p ropriate AC 
    p ower rec ep tac le in the eq uip ment room.
    Loop  the exc ess c ord  and tie wrap  it to the b ac k c over to p revent 
    ac c idental unp lug g ing . 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-14 Connect DC Power 
    Connect DC Power
    The following proc ed ures app ly to b oth the Proc essor Port Networks (PPN) and  
    Exp a n si o n  Po r t  N e t w o rk s  (EPN ) .
    DC Power Connections
    A 30 foot (9 m) c able c onnec ts to eac h c ab inet. A sp ec ial c onnec tor on one end  
    of the c ab le is p lug g ed  into the c ab inet p ower c onnec tor. The c ab le must b e c ut 
    to leng th and  terminated  insid e the J58890R DC Power Cab inet.
    Eac h rec tifier assemb ly c an supp ly up  to 50 Amp s of DC c urrent. A minimum of 
    two rec tifiers are installed  in eac h DC Power Cabinet to sup p ly a total of 100 
    Amp s. A third  rec tifier assemb ly c an b e installed  and  is used  as a bac kup  (N+ 1). 
    Eac h Sing le-Carrier Cab inet c an p ull up  to 18 Amp s. Up  to three DC Power 
    Cabinets can be stacked to supply power to Single-Carrier Cabinet stacks.
    Fi g u re  1 - 6
     shows a typ ic al p ower and  g round  layout for a DC-powered  system 
    without a J58890CG DC Power Distrib ution Unit. The J58890CG is req uired  if the 
    d istanc e b etween the DC Power Cab inet(s) is g reater than 30 feet (9 m). Fi g u re  
    1-7 shows a typical power and ground layout for a DC-powered system 
    containing a DC power distribution unit.
    Connect AC Power to DC Power Cabinet
    1. Ensure the assoc iated  c irc uit breakers at the AC p ower p anel are OFF.
    2. Have an elec tric ian c onnec t AC p ower lead s to the rec tifiers using  the 
    instruc tions p rovid ed with the rec tifiers in the DC Power Cab inet. Eac h 
    rec tifier should  have its own b ranc h c irc uit. Terminate lead s on the AC 
    INPUT terminal b loc k of eac h rec tifier.
    Power is p resent in the c ab inet even if the AC p ower c ab le is 
    unp lug g ed . Turn off the main c irc uit b reaker on the front of the 
    c ab inet when proc ed ures require ALL p ower to b e removed  from the 
    c ab inet. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-15 Connect DC Power 
    DC Power Connections
    Figure 1-6. Typical DC Power Connections Figure Notes
    1. System Cab inet Stac k
    2. DC Power Cabinet
    3. White Wires
    4. Green Ground  Wires and  Blac k 
    Wires Connec t to the -48 VDC 
    Return Bus
    5. -48 VDC Bus
    6. Connec t White Wires to Circ uit 
    Breakers 7. DC Power Cab le (H600-436, G1) to 
    Power Connec tor on Eac h Cab inet. Cut 
    to Leng th and  Crimp  a Ring  Terminal 
    Onto Eac h Wire
    8. 30 Feet (9 m) Maximum
    9. Route Cab les Throug h Slid ing  Door
    10. Circ uit Breaker
    11. Sup plied  #10-32 Sc rew, #10 Star 
    Washer, and  #10-32 Hex Nut
    12. Inset Showing  DC Power Connec tor 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-16 Connect DC Power 
    DC Power Connections with DC Distribution 
    A 10 foot (3 meter) p ower c ord  is eq uip p ed  with the ap prop riate c onnec tors. In 
    the configuration shown in Fi g u re  1 - 7
    , eac h c ab inet stac k has a DC Power 
    Distribution Unit assoc iated with it.
    Figure 1-7. Connections Using DC Power Distribution Unit  Figure Notes
    1. System Cab inet Stac k
    2. DC Power Cabinet
    3. DC Power Distrib ution Unit (Position 
    to the Rig ht of the Cab inet Stac k)
    4. White Wire (Connec t to Circ uit 
    Breaker). See Inset.
    5. Green Ground  Wire and  Blac k Wire 
    Connec t to the -48 VDC Return Bus
    6. -48 VDC Bus
    7. Inset
    8. 12 Inc hes (30.5 c m) From Floor to 
    DC Power Distrib ution Unit9. DC Power Cab le to Power 
    Connec tor on Eac h Cabinet
    10. DC Power Distrib ution Unit Power 
    Cord  (Route to Rear of DC Power 
    Cab inet)
    11. Route Power Cord  Throug h Slid ing  
    12. Circ uit Breaker
    13. Supp lied #10-32 Sc rew, #10 Star 
    Washer, and #10-32 Hex Nut
    14. Inset Showing  DC Power Connec tor 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-17 Connect DC Power 
    Stacking DC Power Cabinets
    Up  to three DC Power Cab inets c an be stac ked  to sup p ly p ower to Sing le-Carrier 
    Cab inet stac ks. See Fig ure  1-8
    Figure 1-8. DC Power Cabinet Stack — Rear Figure Notes
    1. DC Power Cabinet Stac k
    2. DC Power Cables Daisy Chained  
    Between DC Power Cab inets
    3. Connec t to -48 VDC Bus4. Connec t to -48 VDC Return Bus
    5. Inset Ap plies to -48 VDC and -48 
    VDC Return Buses in All Three DC 
    Power Cab inets
    pwrdist4 RBP 052896 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-18 Connect Battery Cabinet 
    Connect Battery Cabinet
    Fi g u re  1 - 9 shows typ ic al c onnec tions from the DC Battery Cab inet to the DC 
    Power Cab inet.
    Figure 1-9. DC Battery to DC Power Cabinet Connections
    Power is present in the c ab inet even if the AC p ower c ab le is unp lug g ed . 
    Turn off the main c irc uit b reaker on the front of the c abinet when proc ed ures 
    req uire ALL p ower to b e removed  from the c abinet.
    Figure Notes
    1. DC Power Cabinet 
    2. Connec t Red  DC Power Cab le to 
    -48 VDC Return Bus
    3. Connec t Blac k DC Power Cab le to 
    -48 VDC Bus4. Inset Ap p lies to -48 VDC Buses and  
    -48 VDC Return Buses
    5. Battery Cab inet 
    6. DC Power Cab les (Red  and Blac k)
    pwrdist5 RBP 052896 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-19 Connect Optional Battery Leads 
    Connect Optional Battery Leads
    To p revent the internal b atteries from d isc harg ing , the Control Cab inet is ship p ed  
    with the b attery lead s disc onnec ted .
    Figure 1-10. Control Cabinet Battery Location — Right Side
    1. Set the c irc uit b reakers OFF. See Fig ure 1-10
    2. Connec t the b attery lead s. The battery is near the top  of the c arrier toward  
    the front-rig ht. The battery leads are loc ated  next to the b attery and  are 
    ac c essib le from the front of the c ab inet. Figure Notes
    1. Battery
    2. Battery Lead Connec tor3. Circ uit Breakers (Loc ated  Between 
    4. Cab inet Sing le-Point Ground  Bloc k
    4_3 LJK 031096 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-20 Connect AC Power to Stratum 3 Clock Cabinet 
    Connect AC Power to Stratum 3 Clock 
    The c loc k c ab inet requires a 120 VAC, 15 Amp rec ep tac le. The g reen wire 
    g round  p rovid ed  b y the rec ep tac le is suffic ient. The c loc k c ab inet d oes not 
    req uire a g round  c onnec tion bac k to the sing le-p oint ground .
    Check and Connect Commercial AC Power 
    Before p owering  up  the system, c hec k the AC p ower using a KS-20599 d ig ital 
    voltmeter (DVM) (or eq uivalent).
    1. Set the DVM to the 250 volt range.
    2. Carefully measure the voltage b etween the hot and  neutral sid e of the 
    rec ep tac le. The neutral wire is white, the hot wire is b lac k.
    3. Verify the meter read s 106 to 128 VAC. If not, have a q ualified  elec tric ian 
    c orrec t the p rob lem.
    4. Measure the voltag e b etween the neutral and ground  sid e of the 
    rec ep tac le. The g round  wire is green.
    5. Verify the meter reads 0 VAC. If not, have a q ualified  elec tric ian c orrec t the 
    6. Set all c ab inet p ower mod ules OFF. Plug  the AC p ower c ab le into the 
    rec ep tac le.
    Connect DC Power and Ground to
    Stratum 3 Clock Cabinet
    The c loc k c ab inet should  b e p owered  from the same DC p ower p lant as the 
    DEFINITY System. The c loc k c ab inet must b e g rounded  to the DC p ower p lant.
    Connect Clock Cabinet Grounding
    1. Measure and cut a 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm2) wire long  enoug h to reac h from 
    the c loc k c abinet to the g round  disc harg e bar in the DC p ower p lant.
    2. Insert one end  of the wire into the g round  lug  on the c loc k c ab inet and  
    tig hten the sc rew.
    3. Attac h the lug  to the rec ep tac le c over. Be sure the lug  and  c ab inet g round  
    wires c onnec t to sep arate sc rews on the rec ep tac le c over.
    4. Route the ground wire to the DC p ower p lant and  c onnec t to DISCH GRD 
    in the c ab inet. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-21 Connect Time Division Multiplexing Bus Cables 
    Connect Stratum 3 Clock DC Power
    1. Set the c loc k c ab inet c irc uit b reaker at the DC p ower p lant OFF.
    2. At the c loc k c ab inet, c onnec t a 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm
    2) g round  wire to the 
    -48V terminal on the terminal strip.
    3. At the c loc k c ab inet, c onnec t a 6 AWG (#40) (4 mm
    2) wire to the -48VRTN 
    terminal on the terminal strip .
    4. Route the wires out of the c abinet and to the DC power p lant.
    5. At the DC p ower plant, c onnec t the -48V wire to the DC OUTPUT c irc uit 
    6. At the DC p ower plant, c onnec t the -48VRTN wire to the DISCH GRD b ar.
    Connect Time Division Multiplexing 
    Bus Cables
    If the c ab inet stac k c ontains only one Sing le-Carrier Cab inet, skip  this sec tion 
    and  p roc eed  to ‘‘Verify Port Cabinet Address Plugs’’ on page 1-26
    Loc ate the white fabric -c overed  Time Division Multip lexing  (TDM) b us c ab le on 
    the rear of the c ab inets.
    Standard Reliability Processor Port Network
    One c ab inet stac k:
    1. Remove the Time Division Multiplexing  (TDM) Bus Terminator (AHF110) 
    from Slot 18 of the Control Cab inet (Proc essor Port Network (PPN)) and  
    move it to Slot 17 on the top  Port Cab inet. See Fig ure 1-11
    2. Connect the supplied Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) Bus Cables 
    (WP-91716 L3) as shown in Fig ure 1-11
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Connect the Cabinets 
    1-22 Connect Time Division Multiplexing Bus Cables 
    High or Critical Reliability Processor Port 
    Two cabinet stacks:
    1. Remove the Time Division Multip lexing (TDM) Bus Terminator from Slot 18 
    of Control Cab inet A (Proc essor Port Network (PPN)) and  move it to Slot 18 
    of Control Cab inet B. See Fi g u re  1 - 1 2
    2. Connect the supplied Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) Bus Cables 
    (WP-91716 L3) from Cab inet A to Cab inet B as shown.
    High or Critical Reliability Processor Port 
    Three c ab inet stac ks:
    1. Remove the Time Division Multip lexing (TDM) Bus Terminator from Slot 18 
    of Control Cab inet A (Proc essor Port Network (PPN)) and  move it to Slot 17 
    on the top  p ort c ab inet. See Figure 1-13
    2. Connec t the sup plied  TDM Bus Cab les (WP-91716 L3) as shown.
    Expansion Port Network (All Reliability Options)
    1. Remove the TDM Bus Terminator from Slot 18 of Control Cab inet A (PPN) 
    and  move it to Slot 17 on the top p ort c ab inet. See Fig ure 1-12
    2. Connec t the sup plied  TDM Bus Cab les (WP-91716 L3) as shown. 
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