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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual

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Page 91

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
69 Connect Data Modules 
25. Press the NEXT/NO
 b utton until the RI = correctValue?
 or RI -
 prompt appears. Then press the ENTER/YES
 b utton. 
26. When the CONTINUE?
 prompt appears, press the ENTER/YES
 b utton. 
27. When the SET RL LEAD?
 prompt appears, press the NEXT/NO
 b utton to 
skip this setting .  
28. When the SET SIGLS DISC?

Page 92

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
70 Connect Data Modules 
31. When the SET TM LEAD?
 p romp t app ears, press the ENTER/YES
b utton. 
32. Press the NEXT/NO
 b utton until the TM = OFF?
 or TM -> OFF? 
ap p ears, then p ress the ENTER/YES
 b utton. 
33. When the DONE?
 promp t ap p ears, p ress the ENTER/YES
 b utton. 
34. When the SAVE CHANGES?
 p romp t ap p ears, press the ENTER/YES...

Page 93

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
71 Connect Data Modules 
Figure 17. 8400B Plus Data Module 
Installing required configuration equipment for the 8400B
Before you c an enter c onfig uration c ommand s, you must first c onnec t a terminal 
or a PC with a keyb oard , monitor, and  terminal-emulation software to the d ata 
mod ule. Proc eed  as follows.
1. Connec t one end  of an RS-232 c ab le to...

Page 94

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
72 Connect Data Modules 
1. Calc ulate an op tion-selec tion value using  Fig ure  12, ‘‘Codes for disabling 
d efault setting s of the 8400B d ata mod ule’’. Add up the disabling codes 
for all op tions that you wish to d isab le.
For examp le, if you turned  off With Telephone
, US Companding
, Disable 
Data Metering Feature
, the selec tion c od e would  b e:...

Page 95

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
73 Administer the DEFINITY ECS for Data Modules 
Figure 18. Typical ExpressRoute 1000 Data Module Connections
Administer the DEFINITY ECS for 
Data Modules
You have to ad minister eac h d ata mod ule that you attac h to the system.
Only the b asic  p roc ed ure is c overed  here. For the full rang e of op tions, see 
the DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations...

Page 96

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
74 Administer the DEFINITY ECS for Data Modules 
Screen 1. Typical system-configuration listing
2. Loc ate an unassig ned  p ort on a suitable c irc uit p ac k, and  make a note of 
the corresponding port number.
The port number is the Board Number
UUCSS (where UU is the 2-d ig it 
c ab inet numb er, 
C is the sing le-c harac ter c arrier id entifier, and  SS...

Page 97

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
75 Asynchronous Data Units (ADUs) 
Screen 2. Typical data-module form
4. In the Port
 field, enter the seven-digit port address that you wrote down in 
step  2
, ab ove. 
5. If you installed  a telep hone on the d ata mod ule, enter the extension 
numb er and  station name for this telep hone in the ASSIGNED MEMBER
p art of the form.
6. Press the 
F3 key to c...

Page 98

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
76 Asynchronous Data Units (ADUs) 
Figure 19. Z3A2 Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU)
Refer to the tab les in Ap p end ix A, ‘‘Connec tor and Cab le Pinout Charts’’
, for the 
p inouts of the TN726B d ata line c irc uit p ac k and  TN2183 analog  line c irc uit p ac k 
(or eq uivalents) in the c ab inet. 1. Z3A2 ADU
2. 25-p in male D-c onnec tor (EIA-232-D) to 

Page 99

External Modems 
77 Hardware required when configuring modems 
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
External Modems
The following sec tion assumes that you are using  one of the rec ommend ed  
mod ems. However, any loc ally ob tained, type-ap p roved  external mod em should  
work. Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for more information.
Rec ommend ed  modems inc lud e:
Parad yne Comsp here 3715
Parad yne Comsp here...

Page 100

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
April 2000
External Modems 
You c onfig ure COMSPHERE 3715 mod ems using  the Hayes-c omp atib le AT 
c ommand s c ommon to many mod ems. For instruc tions on how to p hysic ally 
c onnec t the mod em and  enter the c ommand s listed  in the instruc tions b elow, see 
the d oc umentation that c ame with the mod em.
Configuring the 3715 for CMS
The instruc tions...
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