John Deere Lawn Mower F530, F540 Instructions Manual
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12 DEUTSCHDE SG oder SH). Bei extrem hoher Belastung oder bei hoher Umge- bungstemperatur das Öl häufiger wechseln, alle 25 Betriebsstunden oder mindestens einmal pro Sai- son. Das Motoröl kann sehr heiß sein, wenn es direkt nach dem Ausschalten des Motors abgelassen wird. Daher den Motor vor dem Ablassen des Öls einige Minuten abkühlen lassen. 1. Ölablassrohr (Metall): Die Ölablassschraube am Rohrende herausdrehen. Das Öl in einem geeigneten Gefäß auffangen. Entsorgen Sie das Altöl vorschriftsmäßig bei Altöl-Annahmestellen. Vorsicht, kein Öl auf die Keilriemen schütten. 2. Die Ölablassschraube wieder eindrehen. Sicher- stellen, dass Faserdichtung und O-Ring in der Schraube unbeschädigt sind und an ihrem Platz lie- gen. 3. Den Ölmessstab herausnehmen und neues Öl einfüllen. Ölmenge: F530 – 1,4 l F540 – 1,7 l (inkl. Ölfilter) Ölsorte, Sommer (> 4ºC): SAE-30. (SAE 10W-30 kann auch verwendet werden, der Ölverbrauch bei 10W-30 kann jedoch etwas höher sein. Daher sollten Sie den Ölstand regelmäßig kontrollieren, wenn Sie diese Ölqualität verwen- den). Ölsorte, Winter (< 4ºC): SAE 5W-30 (falls dieses Öl nicht erhältlich ist, verwenden Sie SAE 10W-30). Verwenden Sie Öl ohne jegliche Beimischungen (Additive). Nicht zu viel Öl einfüllen. Dies kann den Motor überhitzen. Nach dem Einfüllen von Öl den Motor starten und 30 Sekunden lang im Leerlauf laufen lassen. Mo- tor ausstellen. 30 Sekunden warten und den Öl- stand kontrollieren. Die Maschine auf undichte Stellen prüfen, an de- nen Öl austritt. Bei Bedarf Öl bis zur Markierung „FULL“ nachfüllen.ÖLFILTER – MOTOR (F540) Den Ölfilter nach jeweils 100 Betriebsstunden oder einmal pro Saison austauschen. Bevor der neue Filter festgeschraubt wird, die Fil- terdichtung mit Motoröl einschmieren. Den Filter von Hand festschrauben, bis die Filter- dichtung den Filtersitz berührt. Dann noch eine weitere ½ bis ¾ Umdrehung anziehen (Abb. 19). Den Motor starten und im Leerlauf laufen lassen und auf eventuelle Lecks kontrollieren. Motor aus- stellen. Ölstand kontrollieren. Bei Bedarf Öl bis zur Markierung „FULL“ nachfüllen. LUFTFILTER - MOTOR Den Vorfilter aus Schaumstoff alle 3 Monate oder alle 25 Betriebsstunden reinigen, je nachdem, was zuerst eintrifft. Den Papierfilter einmal pro Jahr oder alle 100 Be- triebsstunden reinigen, je nachdem, was zuerst ein- trifft. Bitte beachten! Wenn die Maschine unter staubi- gen Bedingungen eingesetzt wird, beide Filter häufiger reinigen. 1. Den Luftfilterdeckel entfernen (Abb. 11 - 12). 2. Papierfilter und Vorfilter (Schaumstofffilter) de- montieren. Vorsichtig arbeiten, damit kein Schmutz in den Vergaser gelangt. Das Luftfilterge- häuse reinigen. 3a. F540: Den Vorfilter mit flüssigem Spülmittel und Wasser auswaschen. Filter ausdrücken. Etwas Öl auf den Filter gießen und einmassieren. 3b. F530: Den Vorfilter einmal pro Jahr oder alle 25 Be- triebsstunden austauschen, je nachdem, was zuerst eintrifft. 4. Papierfilter folgendermaßen reinigen: Filter leicht gegen eine ebene Fläche klopfen. Wenn der Papierfilter sehr schmutzig ist, sollte er ausge- wechselt werden. 5. In umgekehrter Reihenfolge wieder zusammen- setzen. Zur Reinigung des Papierfilters dürfen keine Lö- sungsmittel wie z. B. Petroleum verwendet wer- den. Diese Lösungsmittel zerstören den Filter. Zur Reinigung des Papierfilters keine Druckluft
13 DEUTSCHDE benutzen. Der Papierfilter darf nicht eingeölt wer- den. ZÜNDKERZE Zur Kontrolle des Zündkerzenfunkens grundsätz- lich einen Briggs & Stratton Funkentester verwen- den (Abb. 13). Die Zündkerze nach jeweils 100 Betriebsstunden oder einmal pro Saison reinigen. Zum Austau- schen der Zündkerne gibt es im Zubehörbeutel ei- nen Zündkerzenschlüssel A und einen Drehstift B. Der Motorhersteller empfihelt: Champion RC12YC Korrekter Elektrodenabstand: 0,75 mm. KÜHLLUFTEINLASS - MOTOR Der Motor ist luftgekühlt. Ein zugesetztes Kühlsy- stem schadet dem Motor. Den Motor alle 100 Be- triebsstunden oder mindestens einmal pro Jahr reinigen. Das Gebläsegehäuse abnehmen. Die Kühlflansche des Zylinders, das Gebläse und das rotierende Schutzgitter reinigen. Wenn sehr trockenes Gras gemäht wird, häufiger reinigen. BATTERIE Bei der Batterie handelt es sich um ein ventilge- steuertes Modell mit 12 V Nennspannung. Die Batterie ist komplett wartungsfrei. Es ist weder eine Messung des Elektrolytfüllstands noch ein Nachfüllen erforderlich. Bei Lieferung befindet sich die Batterie im Zube- hörkarton. Vor ihrer ersten Verwendung ist die Batterie vollständig aufzuladen. Sie sollte immer in voll geladenem Zustand gelagert werden. Wenn die Batterie völ- lig entladen gelagert wird, kann sie blei- bende Schäden davontragen. Wenn die Maschine für einen längeren Zeitraum nicht verwendet wird (mehr als 1 Monat), muss die Batterie geladen und anschließend in isoliertem Zustand an einem kühlen und sicheren Ort ver- wahrt werden. Laden Sie die Batterie vor einem er- neuten Einsatz vollständig auf. Die Batterie kann auf zwei Arten geladen werden: 1. Mit einem Batterieladegerät (empfohlen). Es muss ein Ladegerät mit einer konstanten Span-nung sein. Bei Verwendung eines Standardlade- geräts (für Säurebatterien) kann die Batterie beschädigt werden. 2. Man kann auch den Motor zum Aufladen der Batterie nutzen. Dabei ist es sehr wichtig, vor allem beim ersten Start und wenn die Maschine längere Zeit nicht benutzt wurde, dass man den Motor mindestens 45 Minuten lang ununterbro- chen laufen lässt. Die Batteriepole dürfen nicht kurzge- schlossen werden. Dadurch kann es zu Funkenbildung und Bränden kommen. Tragen Sie keinen Metallschmuck, der mit den Batteriepolen in Kontakt kom- men kann. Bei Beschädigungen von Batteriege- häuse, Abdeckung, Polen oder Eingrif- fen in die Ventilabdeckleisten ist die Batterie zu wechseln. Oxidierte Batteriepole müssen gereinigt werden. Dazu eine Stahlbürste verwenden und die Pole mit Fett einschmieren. SCHMIERUNG Das Mittelgelenk der Maschine hat vier Schmier- nippel, die jeweils alle 25 Betriebsstunden mit Universalfett zu schmieren sind (Abb. 14). Bitte beachten! Der vierte Schmiernippel ist auf der Abbildung nicht zu sehen. Er befindet sich auf der Unterseite am vorderen Lager der Gelenkwel- le. F530: Die Lenkkette ein paarmal pro Saison mit Ketten- spray schmieren. F540: Die Lenkketten ein paarmal pro Saison mit Ketten- spray schmieren. Wenn sie stark verschmutzt sind, die Ketten demontieren, reinigen und danach er- neut schmieren. F530: Die vordere Radnabe hat Schmiernippel, die nach jeweils 50 Betriebsstunden geschmiert werden müssen sind (Abb. 18). Alle Kunststofflager einige Male pro Saison mit Universalfett schmieren. Die Spannarmgelenke einige Male pro Saison mit Motoröl schmieren. Einige Male pro Saison etwas Motoröl auf beide
14 DEUTSCHDE Enden der Seilzüge tropfen. Das Hydostatik-Getriebe ist bei der Lieferung ab Fabrik mit Öl (10W-40) gefüllt. Wenn es nicht ge- öffnet wird (was nur durch einen Fachmann erfol- gen darf) und wenn kein Leck vorhanden ist, braucht normalerweise kein Öl nachgefüllt zu wer- den. Das Getriebeöl muss normalerweise nicht ge- wechselt werden. LENKSEILZÜGE (F530) Die Lenkseilzüge erstmalig nach 2 – 3 Betriebs- stunden nachstellen, danach nach jeweils 25 Be- triebsstunden. Die Lenkung auf „Geradeaus“ einstellen. Die Lenkseilzüge durch Einschrauben der Muttern auf der Unterseite des Mittelgelenks (Abb. 15) spannen. Die Schrauben am Ende der Seilzüge müssen während des Anziehens der Mutter festge- halten werden, damit die Seilzüge sich nicht ver- drehen. Hierzu einen Maulschlüssel oder einen Stellschlüssel an den Schraubenenden verwenden. So lange nachspannen, bis kein Spiel mehr vorhan- den ist Beide Muttern gleich anziehen, damit sich die Lenkung nicht verstellt. Nach dem Nachstellen das Lenkrad in beide Rich- tungen bis zum Anschlag drehen. Kontrollieren, dass die Kette sich nicht in der Seilrolle und die Seilzüge sich nicht im Lenkungsritzel verfangen. Die Seilzüge nicht zu straff spannen. Die Lenkung ist dann schwergängig, und der Verschleiß der Seilzüge nimmt zu. LENKKETTEN (F540) Die Lenkketten erstmalig nach 2 – 3 Betriebsstun- den nachstellen, danach alle 50 Betriebsstunden. Die Lenkung auf „Geradeaus“ einstellen. Die Lenkketten durch Anziehen der Muttern an der Unterseite des Mittelgelenks (Abb. 15) spannen. So lange nachspannen, bis kein Spiel mehr vorhan- den ist Beide Muttern gleich anziehen, damit sich die Lenkung nicht verstellt. Die Lenkketten nicht zu stark spannen. Die Len- kung ist dann schwergängig, und der Verschleiß der Lenkketten nimmt zu.
15 ENGLISHGB GENERAL This symbol indicates WARNING. Per- sonal injury and/or damage to property may result if the instructions are not followed carefully. You must read these instructions for use and the accompanying pamphlet “SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS” careful- ly, before starting up the machine. SYMBOLS The following symbols appear on the machine. They are there to remind you of the care and atten- tion required in use. This is what the symbols mean: Warning! Read the instruction manual and the safety manual before using the machine. Warning! Watch out for discarded objects. Keep on- lookers away. Warning! Always wear hearing protectors. Warning! This machine is not designed to be driven on public roads. Warning! The machine, equipped with original ac- cessories, must not be driven in any direc- tion on slopes with a gradient greater than 10º. Warning! Risk of crushing injuries. Keep hands and feet well away from the articulated steer- ing joint. Warning! Risk of burn injuries. Do not touch the si- lencer/catalytic converter. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS Items 1 - 19, see figures 1 - 5. 1. IMPLEMENT LIFTER (F530) A pedal for raising front-mounted implement to the transport position. To lift up the implement, press the pedal down as far as it will go. Then release the pedal, the imple- ment lifter is now locked in the raised position. To lower the implement, press the pedal down so that the lock is released. Lower the implement lift- er to the working position by slowly lifting your foot from the pedal. 2. HYDRAULIC LIFTER (F540) Hydraulic implement lifter for raising front- mounted implements to the transport position. To raise the implement, press the rear part of the switch. Release the switch in the required position. To lower the accessory, press the front part of the switch. The switch stays in the pressed position and the implement lifter is lowered until it reaches a floating position. This means that the implement can follow the contours of the ground. The floating position, with the switch in the tilted forward position, is recommended for normal use. To secure the implement lifter, place the switch in neutral. NOTE! The hydraulic implement lifter must be in floating position in order for the power take- off to be connected. 3. SERVICE BRAKE A pedal that acts on the machine’s braking system. There are 3 positions: 1. Pedal released – service brake not activated. 2. Pedal depressed halfway – forward drive disengaged. Serv- ice brake not activated. 3. Pedal fully depressed – for- ward drive disengaged. Service brake fully activated. 4. PARKING BRAKE An inhibitor that can lock the brake pedal in the de- pressed position.
16 ENGLISHGB Depress the brake pedal fully. Move the inhibitor to the right and then release the brake pedal. The parking brake is released by pressing the brake pedal. The spring-loaded inhibitor slides to one side. Make sure that the parking brake is released when operating the machine. 5. DRIVE PEDAL A pedal that activates the variable transmission. 1. Depress the pedal with the ball of your foot – the machine moves forwards. 2. No load on the pedal – the ma- chine is stationary. 3. Depress the pedal with your heel – the machine reverses. The drive pedal regulates the speed. The more pressure applied, the faster the machine will move. 6. ADJUSTABLE STEERING WHEEL The height of the steering wheel is infinitely ad- justable. Undo the adjustment knob on the steering column and raise or lower the steering wheel to the desired position. Tighten. Do not adjust the steering wheel during opera- tion. 7. THROTTLE/CHOKE CONTROL A control for setting the engine speed and to choke the engine when starting from cold. (The latter does not apply to F540 which have separate choke control). 1. Choke – for starting a cold engine. The choke is located in top of groove. Avoid operating the machine in this position, taking care to move the control to full throttle (see below) when the engine is warm. 2. Full throttle – when the machine is in operation, full throttle should always be used. 3. Idling. 8. CHOKE CONTROL (F540) A pull-type control to choke the engine when start- ing from cold. 1. Control fully pulled out – choke valve in carburettor closed. For starting cold en- gine. 2. Control pushed in – choke valve open. For starting warm engine and when oper- ating the machine. Never operate the machine with the choke pulled out when the engine is warm. 9. IGNITION LOCK/SPOTLIGHT Ignition lock used for starting/stopping the engine. Also includes switch for spotlight. Four positions: 1. Stop position – the engine is short- circuited. The key can be removed. 2. Operating position – spotlight activat- ed. 3. Operating position – spotlight not acti- vated. 4. Start position – the electric start motor is activated when the key is turned to the spring-loaded start position. Once the en- gine has started, let the key return to oper- ating position 3. To turn on the spotlight, turn the key to position 2. NOTE! If the key is turned from the stop posi- tion to operating position 2, the spotlight is acti- vated. This uses up battery power. Do not leave the machine with the key in position 2 (applies to F540). 10. POWER TAKE-OFF (F530) A lever for engaging and disengaging the power take-off for operating front-mounted accessories. Two positions: 1. Lever in forward position – power take- off disengaged. 2. Lever in backward position - power take-off engaged.
17 ENGLISHGB 11. POWER TAKE-OFF (F540) Switch for engaging/disengaging the electromag- netic power take-off for operating front-mounted accessories. Two positions: 1. Press the front part of the switch – the power take-off is engaged. The symbol will light up. 2. Press the rear part of the switch – the power take-off is disengaged. 12. DIFFERENTIAL INHIBITOR (F540) Lever for engaging the differential inhibitor. This improves the towing capacity by locking the rear wheels so that both wheels drive simultaneously. Two positions: 1. Forward position – the differential in- hibitor is not engaged. For normal opera- tion. 2. Lever in backward position - differen- tial inhibitor engaged. Works for both for- ward and reverse drive. The differential inhibitor is of greatest use when the rear wheels are unevenly loaded. For example when turning sharp corners where the inner rear wheel bears a lesser load. When driving during the winter on slippery surfac- es, the drive capacity is improved if snow chains are not used. When the differential inhibitor is engaged, the steering is heavy. Avoid turning the steering wheel! 13. HOUR COUNTER Indicates the number of working hours. Only works when the engine is running. 14. CRUISE CONTROL A switch for activating the cruise control. The cruise control allows the drive pedal (5) to be locked in the desired position. 1. Press down the drive pedal until the de- sired speed is obtained. Then press the front part of the switch to activate the cruise control. The symbol will light up. 2. Disengage the cruise control by braking or pressing the rear part of the switch. 15. CUTTING HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT (F540) The machine is equipped with a control for using the cutting deck with electrical cutting height ad- justment (available as an accessory). The switch is used to adjust the cutting height in continuously variable positions. The contact used for connecting the cutting deck is mounted on the right side, in front of the front wheel (fig. 2). CUTTING HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT (F530) See mower deck manual. 16. Not in use (F540) 17. Not in use (F540) 18. DISENGAGING LEVER A lever for disengaging the variable transmission. Enables the machine to be moved by hand without the help of the engine. Two positions: 1. Lever moved back – transmis- sion engaged for normal opera- tion. 2. Lever moved forward – trans- mission disengaged. The ma- chine can be moved by hand. The machine may not be towed over long distances or at high speeds. The transmission could be dam- aged. 19. FUEL GAUGE/FUEL CAP Fuel cap with built-in fuel gauge that indi- cates how much fuel there is in the fuel tank. The fuel tank holds approx. 11.5 litres. AREAS OF USE 1. NOTE! This machine is not intended to be driv- en on public roads. 2. The maximum vertical load on the towing hitch must not exceed 100 N. 3. The maximum over-run load on the towing hitch from towed accessories must not exceed 500 N.
18 ENGLISHGB STARTING AND OPERATION ENGINE CASING To inspect and maintain the engine and battery, re- move the engine casing. Dismantling: 1. Unscrew the fuel cap/fuel gauge. 2. Pull up the rubber strap at the front edge of the casing (fig. 6). 3. Carefully lift off the engine casing (fig. 7). Assembly: 1. Place the casing over the lip on each side. 2. Make sure that the pins on the rear edge of the casing go down into the respective holes (fig. 8). 3. Secure the front edge of the casing with the rub- ber strap (fig. 6). 4. Finally, screw in the fuel cap/fuel gauge. The machine may not be operated un- less the engine casing is mounted. Risk of burns and crushing injuries. FILLING THE FUEL TANK Always use lead-free petrol. You must never use 2- stroke petrol mixed with oil. NOTE! Bear in mind that ordinary lead-free petrol is a perishable; do not purchase more petrol than can be used within thirty days. Environmental petrol can be used, i.e. alkylate pet- rol. This type of petrol has a composition that is less harmful for people and nature. Petrol is highly inflammable. Always store fuel in containers that are made especially for this purpose. Only fill or top up with petrol outdoors, and never smoke when filling or top- ping up. Fill with fuel before starting the engine. Never remove the filler cap or fill with petrol while the engine is running or still warm. Never completely fill the petrol tank. Leave an empty space (= at least the entire filler tube plus 1 - 2 cm at the top of the tank) to allow the petrol to expand when it warms up without overflowing (fig. 16). CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL LEVEL On delivery, the crankcase is filled with SAE 30 oil. Check the oil level every time before using to ensure it is correct. The machine should be standing on level ground. Wipe clean around the oil dipstick. Un- screw and pull it up. Wipe off the dipstick. Slide it down completely and tighten it. Then unscrew it and pull it up again. Read off the oil level. Top up with oil to the “FULL“ mark, if the level comes below it (figs. 9). CHECKING THE TRANSMISSION OIL LEVEL The transmission is filled with SAE 10W-40 oil when the machine is delivered from the factory, Check the oil level every time before using to ensure it is correct. The machine should be standing on level ground. Read off the oil level in the reservoir (fig. 17). It should be between the “MAX” and “MIN” marks. If necessary, top up with more oil. Use oil SAE 10W-40 (20W-50). SAFETY SYSTEM This machine is equipped with a safety system that consists of: - a switch at the brake pedal. - a switch in the seat bracket. - a switch at the power take-off engagement le- ver. In order to start the machine, the following are nec- essary: - brake pedal pressed down. - driver sitting on seat. - power take-off engagement lever in forward po- sition (i.e. power take-off disengaged). Always check the operation of the safe- ty system before using the machine! With the engine running and the driver sitting on the seat, check as follows: - press the drive pedal so that the machine starts to move, release the drive pedal – the machine must stop. - press the drive pedal so that the machine starts to move, engage the cruise control, lift your
19 ENGLISHGB weight off the seat – the machine must stop. - press the drive pedal so that the machine starts to move, engage the cruise control, press the brake pedal – the machine must stop. - engage the power take-off, lift your weight off the seat – the engine must stop (applies to F530). - engage the power take-off, lift your weight off the seat – the power take-off must be disen- gaged (applies to F540). Do not use the machine if the safety sys- tem is not working! Take the machine to a service workshop for inspection! STARTING ENGINE 1. Open the fuel cock (fig. 10). 2. Make sure that the spark plug cable is properly in place. 3. Check to make sure that the power take-off is disengaged. 4. Do not keep your foot on the drive pedal. 5a. F530: Starting cold engine – put the throttle control in the choke position. Starting warm engine – put the throttle control at full throttle (approx. 1 cm behind the choke position). 5b. F540: Put the throttle control at full throttle. Starting cold engine – pull the choke control out fully. Starting warm engine – do not touch the choke control. 6. Depress the brake pedal fully. 7. Turn the ignition key and start the engine. 8a. F530: Once the engine has started, move the throttle con- trol gradually to full throttle if the choke has been used. 8b. F540: Once the engine has started, push the choke control in gradually if it has been used. 9. When starting from cold, do not make the ma- chine work under load immediately, but let the en- gine run for a few minutes first. This will allow the oil to warm up. When in use, always operate the engine at full throttle. STOPPING Disengage the power take-off. Apply the parking brake. Allow the engine to idle 1 - 2 mins. Stop the engine by turning off the starter key. Shut off the petrol cock. This is particularly impor- tant if the machine is to be transported on a trailer for example. If the machine is left unattended, re- move the spark plug cable from the spark plug. Also remove the starter key. The engine may be very warm immedi- ately after it is shut off. Do not touch the silencer, cylinder or cooling fins. This can cause burn injuries. STEERING AID (F540) Built-in function in order to facilitate steering. The operator only has to turn the steering wheel gently. A hydraulic torque amplifier creates the remaining force. As opposed to normal servo steering (e.g. in a car), the steering aid has a limited capacity. This means that it has some characteristics that might be con- sidered negative: - at a low engine rpm or in situations where extra steering force is needed, steering can be consid- ered to be “jumpy”. - the machine should always be moving when the steering is used. Avoid turning the steering wheel when the machine is standing completely still and the accessory is in the lowered working position. The steering is adapted in order to produce better results at a normal working speed. This produces major benefits. Even when the engine is not running, the steering works. However, it is harder to turn in this case, if the machine is to be manoeuvred manually. DRIVING TIPS Make sure that there is the correct quantity of oil in the engine when driving on slopes (oil level on “FULL”).
20 ENGLISHGB Be careful when driving on slopes. No sudden starting or stopping when mov- ing up or down a slope. Never drive across a slope. Move from the top down, and from the bottom to the top. The machine, equipped with original accessories, may not be driven on slopes greater than 10º in any direction. Reduce the speed on slopes and when making sharp turns to prevent the ma- chine from tipping over or you losing control of the machine. Do not turn the steering wheel to full lock when driving in top gear and at full throttle. The machine can easily topple over. Keep hands and fingers well away from articulated steering joint and seat bracket. Risk of crushing injuries. Nev- er operate the machine without the en- gine casing. SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE PREPARATIONS Unless otherwise stated, all service and mainte- nance must be carried out on a stationary machine when the engine is not running. Prevent the machine from rolling by al- ways applying the parking brake. Disengage the drive to the accessories, shut off the engine and disconnect the spark plug cable or remove the starter key. CLEANING To reduce the risk of fire, keep the en- gine, silencer, battery and fuel tank free from grass, leaves and oil. To reduce the risk of fire, regularly check the machine for oil and/or fuel leakage. When washing the machine with water under high pressure, do not point the jet directly at the trans- mission. Do not point jets of water directly at the engine. Use a brush or compressed air in order to clean it. ENGINE OIL Change the oil for the first time after 5 hours run- ning, and then after every 50 hours running or once a season. Change oil when the engine is warm. Always use a good grade of oil (service grade SF, SG or SH). Change the oil more often (after 25 hours of oper- ation or at least once a season) if the engine has to operate under demanding conditions or if the am- bient temperature is high. The engine oil may be very hot if it is drained off directly after the engine is shut off. So allow the engine to cool a few minutes before draining the oil. 1. Oil drain pipe (metal): Unscrew the oil drain plug at the end of the pipe. Collect the oil in a collection vessel. Then take the oil to a recycling station. Do not allow oil to get on the V-belts. 2. Screw in the oil drain plug. Make sure that the fibre gasket and the O-ring inside the plug are not damaged and that they are in the correct place. 3. Remove the dipstick and fill up with new oil. Oil capacity: F530 - 1.4 l F540 - 1.7 l (incl. oil filter) Oil type, summer (> 4ºC): SAE-30 (SAE 10W-30 can also be used. However, oil con- sumption may increase somewhat if 10W-30 is used. Therefore, check the oil level more regularly if you use this type of oil). Oil type, winter (< 4ºC): SAE 5W-30 (if this oil is not available, use SAE 10W-30). Use oil without any additives. Do not fill with too much oil. This can cause the engine to overheat. After filling up the oil, start the engine and idle for 30 seconds. Stop the engine. Wait for 30 seconds and then check the oil level. Check to see if there is any oil leakage. If neces- sary, fill up the oil up to the “FULL“ mark. OIL FILTER – ENGINE (F540) Replace the oil filter after every 100 hours of oper-
21 ENGLISHGB ation or once a season. Before screwing the new filter, oil the filter gasket with engine oil. Screw the filter by hand, until the filter gasket touches the filter attachment. Then tighten ½ to ¾ of a full turn (fig. 19). Start the engine and idle to see if any leakage oc- curs. Stop the engine. Check the oil level. If neces- sary, fill up the oil up to the “FULL” mark. AIR FILTER - ENGINE Clean the foam pre-filter every 3 months or after every 25 hours of operation, whichever comes first. Clean the paper filter insert once a year or after every 100 hours of operation, whichever comes first. Note! Both filters should be cleaned more often if the machine operates on dusty ground. 1. Remove the protective cover of the air filter (fig. 11 - 12). 2. Dismantle the paper filter insert and the foam pre-filter. Make sure that no dirt gets into the car- burettor. Clean the air filter housing. 3a. F540: Wash the pre-filter in liquid detergent and water. Squeeze dry. Pour a little oil on the filter and squeeze in the oil. 3b. F530: Replace the pre-filter once a year or after every 25 hours of operation, whichever comes first. 4. Clean the paper filter insert as follows: Knock it lightly against a flat surface. If the filter is very dirty, change it. 5. Assemble in the reverse order. Petroleum-based solvents such as kerosene may not be used for cleaning the paper filter insert. These solvents can destroy the filter. Do not use compressed air for cleaning the paper filter insert. The paper filter insert must not be oiled. SPARK PLUG Only use a Briggs & Stratton sparking tester to check the spark in the sparking plug(s) (fig. 13). Clean the spark plug after every 100 hours of oper-ation or once a season. For replacing a spark plug, a spark plug sleeve A and a torsion pin B are pro- vided in the accessories bag. The engine manufacturer recommends: Champion RC12YC Correct spark gap: 0.75 mm. COOLING AIR INTAKE - ENGINE The engine is air-cooled. A blocked cooling sys- tem can damage the engine. The engine should be cleaned at least once a year or every 100 hours of operation. Remove the fan casing. Clean the cooling fins on the cylinder, the fan and the rotating protective grille. Clean more frequently if mowing dry grass. BATTERY The battery is a valve-regulated battery with 12 V nominal voltage. The battery is completely main- tenance free. You don’t have to check or top up the electrolyte level. On delivery, the battery is in the accessories box. The battery must be fully charged be- fore being used for the first time. The battery should always be stored fully charged. If the battery is stored while totally flat it could sustain permanent damage. If the machine is not going to be used for an ex- tended period (more than 1 month), the battery should be charged, disconnected and then stored in a cool, safe place. Charge the battery completely before reinstalling. The battery can be charged in two ways: 1. Via a battery charger (recommended). This must be a charger with constant voltage. The battery can be damaged if a standard type battery charger (for acid batteries) is used. 2. You can also allow the engine to charge the bat- tery. In this case it is very important, above all when starting the machine for the first time and when it has not been used for a long time, to al- low the engine to run continuously for at least 45 minutes.