Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 416/832 Installation Manual
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FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 22. CALI., FORWARDING 22.1 With call forwarding, a station user can route in- coming intercom and outside calls (including direct ring-in calls and DID calls) to another station, to a hunt group, or to an outside telephone number, if allowed by toll and trunk restrictions. The four forwarding options are: Forward all calls: All incoming calls are immedi- ately forwarded. Forward if no answer: Incoming...
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INTKR-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAlNTENANCE FEATURFS Issue 1, November 1994 number through the other system, the E&M trunk access code is entered, followed by the other system’s trunk ac- cess code (which the 416/832 has been programmed to absorb as described on page 4-26), and the telephone number. Then, when a call is forwarded, the system au- tomatically pauses after the E&M trunk access code, for the duration of the Pause Digit timer, before dialing the rest of the number....
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FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICJZS lMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 22.17 lV CiWCELAhTCALL FORWARD REQUEST: Keyset: Press the lit FWD key (tj.te key goes off). Ifon hook, press the lit SPKR key (the key goes off), or ifofhook, hang up. You hear a progress tone. (Display keysets show CANCEL ANY CALL FORWARD.) Single-Line Set: Lift the handset, enter the can- cel any Call Forward feature code (359), and hang UP. Forwarding To The Message Center 22.18 Keyset users...
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INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, No”%= 23. SPEED DIALING 23.1 Three 416/832 features provide speed-dialing. They arc as follows: System Speed Dialing: Up to 400 (500 in the expanded system), 32digit system or tenant-specif- ic speed-dial numbers can be stored in system memory. Station Speed Dialing: Each station user can pro- gram individual speed-dial numbers. Single-line set users can store up to 10,16digit numbers. Keyset users can store 10 outside...
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FEATURES Issue 1. November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES lMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE low to program speed-dial names. (Note that letters cor- respond to the letters printed on the keypad keys.) 23.11 To PROGRAMOR CIUNGE ZXSTEMSPEED-DL4LN BERSANDNAMES( AlTENDANlS AND THE DESIGNATED SYS- TEMSPRELLDLQL PROGRAM&UN GKEYSETOW: NOTE: If you make a mistake, use the MUTE key to backspace. Or, lift and replace the handset (the name and number in memory remains unchanged); then start over....
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INTER-TELPRACTICES FEATURES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALI.A’l’ION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, November 1994 Viewing System Speed-Dial Numbers 23.13 lV WEWSYSlEbiSPEED-DLQLNU..AND NAMES AT AllENDANT S2XlTONS AND THE DESIGNm SPEED-DL4L PROGRAMMING SlAl7ON: NOTE: If you make a mistake, lift and replace the hand- set; then start over. (1) Using the Keysetz a. While on hook. mess the SYS SPD key (or press SPCL and enter the System Speed$al feature code - 381). (Display keysets show PROGRAM SYSTEM SPEED...
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FEATURES INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMx/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE B. STATION SPEED DIALING 23.16 For convenience, each station user can program individual speeddial numbers. Single-line set users can store up to 10,16-d@ numbers using speed-dial loca- tion codes (O-9). Keyset users can store 10 outside tele- phone numbers (up to 16 digits each) and 10 extension numbers (up to four digits each; see paragraph 23.18 be- low), using IC/CO speed-dial (SD) keys or...
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INTER-TELPRACTICES lMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & -ANCE FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 23.23 lOPROGRAbtSTA.lTONSPEED-DLUNUMBERSUSBJG A SINGLE-LLWShT: Up to 10 numbers can be stored using speed-dial loca- tion codes O-9. If you make a mistake, hang up and start (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Lift the handset and enter the Station Speed-Dial Programming feature code (383) or press the ESLS FGM SPD key. You hear a confirmation tone. Dial the speed-dial location code (O-9). You hear a confirmation...
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FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GM.X 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 24. OPTIONAL SYSTEM DIRECTORY - INTERCOM AND OUTSIDE (KEYSETS ONLY) NOTE: This feature is available only in the Ertended software packages. 24.1 The intercom directory enables display keyset users to “look up” intercom extension numbers and user names. The outside directory enables display keyset users to “look up” system speed-dial numbers and associated names. 24.2 Once the desired extension...
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Nl-ER-TEL PRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALJATION & MAINTENANCE FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 (4 (5) (6) B. Pressthe pound (#) or asterisk (‘) key to begin the search. The closest match will be displayed on your keyset. If you entered an invalid exten- sion number, you will hear reorder tones. Repeat sfep 2. If a%si+ store the selected extension number in a station speed-dial location by pressing the de- sired SD key. You hear confirmation tone when the number is accepted. To...