Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESlMX/GMX 2% INSlXLLATlON & MAJNTENANCE14. A’ITENDANTS 14.1When the Attendants option is selected from the Applications Menu window, the menu expands to show the following choices: Attendants... Attendant’s Console Alias Programming DSWBLF Assignment 14.2Each of the options and the windows they access are described in detail in the following pages. Program planning sheets for attendant programming are inFigure5-27, be.ginning on page 5-228.A. A-ANT’S...
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INTER-TELPRACTICESIMx/GMx 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994 &tions &tup Exit Qu-rent Aliases Enter the station to alias: I B.ALJAS PROGRAMMING (ALSS) 14.5The system intercom directory is stored in the 256 System database and transferred to the Attendant Computer Console during database download. Aliases can be assigned to extension numbers that have more than one user or purpose so that they appear in the con- sole directory more than once. For example, if two users share a...
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PROG-GIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 2!% INSTALLATION & MAJNTENANCE 14.8CURRENT ALIASES: To change or delete an existing alias, locate it in the Current Aliases list box and highlight it. Press the SPACE BAR. The following win- dow appears. &ws)\ ( Delete J (ok)l ALTASKS: Move the highlight bar in the Aliases listbox to the alias you wish to change or delete. To change the alias, press the SPACE BAR The follow- ing window appears. &scription:II I [T) [cancel] 1 - DESCRIPTION: Select the...
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INTRR-TRLPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 Actions @tup &it QSS/BLF Keymap Associated Keyset Station Pick List -,,, ,.;.. ‘;:. . . . . . . . ..A. .i‘.....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~~.:.:.:.:.:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::....: ; ; ; ; ; : : : ” : : :: : x ,:.:.:ok :=:‘,..: . . ..___ ~:.:~.:.~.:?b.:.,:~:?:‘:‘:..,: . . . . . . ..I..................................... :.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._._.___.................................... . ....
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PROGRAMMINGINTER-TELPRACTICESIssue 1, November 1994IMJ4GM.X 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Dgscription:.I DSS/BLF &sociated Keyset DSS/BLF Keymap 14.15DESCRlPTION: To assign a description of up to 20 characters (such as Primary Att DSSl), select the Description text box and enter the desired name.14.16 DSWBLF ASSOCIATED KEYSET: To assign or change the keyset that will be used in conjunc- tion with this DSWBLF, scroll to the desired station in the DSS/BLF Associated Keyset list box. The highlight bar...
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 199415. STXI’ION MESSAGE DETAIL 15.1When Station Message Detail is selectedfrom the Applications Menu window, the menu expands to show the following options: Station Message Detail...Call Cost SMDA SMDR 15.2Each of the options and the windows they access are described in detail in the following pages. Refer toFigure 5-29 on page S-230 for a program plamting sheet. A.CALL COST FACTORS (COST) 15.3 Determine the daytime rates (in dollars per min- ute) for the following types...
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRAc!TIcES IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE &tions setup Exit r Qutpllt Port-1 [ Review Format )/ @J Serial1 aria12im)Reporting Interval -Attendant Only Daily WeeklyMonthly (clear SMDA Data] Diy of Month: cl Time of Day: Day of Wgek~~B. SMDA 15.9The window shown above is available in Ex- tended software only and can be accessed by selecting SMDA from the Station Message Detail menu or by en- tering the SMDA command.15.10 Determine the following...
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INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 lNSTALLATIoN & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994 15.12 REPORTING INTERVh Determine how often the reports will print by selecting the appropriate option button. Depending on the interval chosen, items to the right of the box will change from black to gray. 15.13DAY OF MONTHz If Monthly was selected in the Reporting Interval box, you must select a day of the month for the report to be printed. Note that if you select the 31st, the report will not print in months...
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PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE El&count Code Reports qClear Account Code Data Following Report - Summary Reports- wSystem-xide Report wTenant Report wTenant/Qept. Report Selected Dexice Reports- All Users in Tenant/Dept. Groups Top System Users loTop Users by Tenant 0-Top Users by Tenant/Dept. Groupcl Rank b Total Cost n Rank by Total Duration [ 1[ Rank by Total Nuaber of Calls I- Top ‘N’ Users per Report:u Clear StationAhmk/Hunt Data Following...
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INTER-TELPItAcTICEsIMxlGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994Selected Device Reports Windows 5.27STATIONS or HUNT GROUP!& To assign he stations or hunt groups that will be included in theelected Stations report, select the Stations or Hunt iroups command button (shown on the preceding age). The following window appears.Include 1001 01.02 -station undefined [CJ 100201.03-StationUndetined100301.04‘StationUndefined 100401.05‘StationUndefined IExclude 1009 02.02 ‘Station...