Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTRNANCEC. TlPROGRAMMING 13.56The Tl Programming window allows you to program information that applies to all Tl trunks as wellas to specific Tl Cards. The information that is pro- grammed common to all Tl Cam3 includes: 0Error thresholds: The programmer csn set numeri-cal thresholds (number per hour and number per day) forT1 Card errors. If a threshold is exceeded, an error is printed on the SMDRreport. (These are set...
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INTER-TELPRACTICRSIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 - Line build-out (LBO): If the optional on-board CSU is installed, designate the LB0 attenuation of the Tl trunk connected to the card. This value is determined by the distance to the nearest pub- lic network Tl repeater. - DSX-1 line length: If the optional on-board CSU is not installed, designate the length of thecabling between the Tl Card and the external CSU, or between the Tl Card and the other tele- phone...
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSX4LLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 5-1.Tl APPLICATIONS AND PROGRAMMING-‘>4 NOTE: For all installations, the card type and z&o code are programmed to match the Tl span being installed. The PCM encoding law is determined by the location in which the Tl span is installed, in the United States it will usually be “p-law to p-law.” For the line build-out or line length option, select the number closest to the actual installation dis- tance. If a...
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INTRR-mPRAcTIcEsPROGRAMMINGAWGMX 256 INSTAUATION & MAINTENANCEIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 5-1.Tl APPLICATIONS AND PROGRAMMING (Continued) 25640-256 cm with qeater(s) CBU or DSX-1FROM PUBUC NETWORK?356 SW%. REF.MASTER or CLOCK?SLAVE Master 256 System Slave 256 System 25640-256 csu without qeaterNo YeS YeS YeS Master Slave Master 256 System Slave 256 System Sample Tl Network 256m TlC#l _ ml 256w2 TICm - TlC#l CSU CSUNo YeS YeS YeS Master Slave TlC#Z --co2 256 System #l - TlC #l 256 System #l - TlC #K2...
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 INTER-TRLPRACTxcES lMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Threshold Name meshold Programming Number/HourNumber/Day Controlled Slips CRC-6 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) ES (Errored Seconds) OOF/COFA (Out-of-Frame) SES (Severely Errored Seconds) TODV (Transmit One’s Density Violations) UAS (Unavailable Seconds)2 4 53,184132,960 259 648 717 40100 24 1010 .Dialing Feedback ConfigurationTl Qrd Programming DTMF Feedback Gaincl0 dB Dial-Pulse Feedback Gain I-4 dB Dial-Pulse Tone...
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INTKK-TKLPKACTICKSIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTKNANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 includeSource of BackupExclude Source of Backup I(ek)pi=-) 13.62BACKUP: This command button allows you to program backups for the system reference clock. When selected, the window shown above appears.l INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: The include list can contain all Tl Cards with designated “slave” clocks,the “master” Tl Card, and the RCPU Card. The cards appear in the list according to backup priority, from highest priority...
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 INTRR-TEZPRACTICRS IREUGMX 256INSTALLATION & MAINTRNANCEIO l D4SuperframeIO Extended SuperFrame (ESF’) Zero code Suppression scheme AMI (Bit 7) @ B~ZS0 None 1 ECM Encoding Law y. . .. . . . . . . . . ;;$y . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . .. :..~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmit mu-Law to mu-law Belay Activation 02Relay Not Enabled + I I DSX-1 Line Length 0 @O-133 Feet 0 266-399Feet0133-266 Feet 0 399-533 Feet0 533-655 Feet ([ Error Diag ]&ck&&...
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INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994l TEST PROG: This option is not available‘ in stand- alone sessions. This option is used for sending a test tone over a selected Tl circuit. When the Test Prog command button is selected, the following window appears. Scroll the highlight bar to the desired cir- cuit in the list box and then select the Enable Tone command button. To stop the tone, select the Disable Tone command button. When finished, select the OK...
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PROGRAMMINGINTER-TELPRACTICESIssue 1, November 1994IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE wTl From Public Network&urce of Reference Clock r (Master Operation Only)- w0l On-Board OscillatorProvides Ref. Clock for 256 0External Clock Master/Slave Loop Operation Master (System Timing) Slave (Loop Timing) l-. REFERENCE CLOCK PROGRAMMING: (Shown in Tl Interface window on page 5-128.) Select the Clock command button to access the win- dow shown above. - Tl FROM PUBLIC NETWORK: First deter- mine whether the...
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INTER-TELPRACTICRSIMx/GMx 256 lNSlALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 - output l&E10 l Tabular Errors per Hour/Day0 Graphical Errors per Hour0 GraphicalErrorsper Day [ tort/FileJ Error ‘Qpe orrent Errors -Current HourCurrent Day Controlled Slips CRC-6 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) ES (Errored Seconds)0 OOF/COFA (Out-of-Frame) SES (Severely Errored Seconds)0 TODV (Transmit One’s Density Violations)0 UAS (Unavailable Seconds) 0l ERROR DIAGNOSTICS: (Shown in Tl Interfacecommand button to...