Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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INTER-TELPEACTICESWGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEIssue 1. No”%=30. HOOKFLASH 30.1Single-line set users are required to hookflash to access some system resources. Or, a hookflash may be required for keyset and single-line users to access cer- tain telephone company features, such as call waiting. The duration of the hookflash can be changed by repro-gramming the CO Hookflash timer (default value is -1.30.2The Hookflash feature can be enabled or dis- abled on a trunk group-by-trunk group basis. NOTE:...
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INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 32. REMINDER MESSAGES (KEYSETS ONLY) 32.1Reminder messages are set, like an alarm clock, to signal a keyset station at a specified time. The user can select the message and time up to 24 hours in ad- vance. %enty different reminder messages are avail- able. These messages can be reprogrammed by the in- staller or any attendant. Up to 120 reminder messages can be requested per system. To scroll through the messages: View the avail- able messages...
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FEATURESIssue 1, November 1994 33. OPTIONAL STATION EXCHANGE FEATURE 33.1This programmable station feature allows a sta- tion user to exchange the extension numbers of two sta-tion circuits. This swaps the database and user pro- grammed features of the extension numbers between two station circuits without the need for database pro- gramming. The circuit number of the station locations are unchanged, but the extension numbers are changed, as illustrated below.BEFORE STATION EXCHANGE 03.61is pro&nod as...
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Et~ember1994INTER-~PRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 33.6Examples of allowed and disallowed DSS/BLF Unit exchanges include the following: Allowed Exchanges:. Digital Keyset with Digital DWBLF Unit with another Digital Keyset with or without a Digital DSWBLF Unit l Analog Keyset with Analog DSS/BLF Unit with another Analog Keyset with or without an Analog DWBLF Unit Disallowed Exchanges: 0A user who changes offices periodically: If a work- er spends a portion of the day in one location...
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INTER-TELPRACTIcEsIMX/GM.X 256 INS~TION & MAINTENANCEFEATUEESIssue 1. November 199434. OPTIONAL DATA DEVICE ATWCHMENTS (KEYSETS ONLY) 34.1Acustomer-provided, modem-equipped data de- vice (such as a data terminal or a personal computer) may be attached to any IMX 12/24&e keyset or any In- ter-Tel/DVK keyset that has an optional Data Port Mod- ule installed. A data device may also be attached to anydigital keyset with a PC Data Port Module (PCDPM) and a Modem Data Port module (MDPM) installed. (See...
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INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE34.7 (1) (2)(3) 34.8When you hear modem tone, press the DmA key. (If on an outside call, the call key is unlit ortheindividualtrunkkeyissolidly lit).Ifusingthe speakerphone, the SPKR key goes off and the DKPA ke y flutters (and, if on an outside call, thedisplay returns to date and time). If using the handset, the DATA key flashes slowly. Ifusing the ha& hang up. (If on an outside call, the call key is unlit or the individual trunk key is solidly...
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INTER-TELPRACTICE!slMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FEATURESIssue 1, November 1994 35. ATTENDANTFEATURES35.1 This section describes the attendant-only features including the functions of the Direct StationSelection/Busy Lamp Field @SS/BLF) Unit. (Atten- dant Computer Console instructions are located in the manual that is provided with the unit.)35.2 All attendant stations must be equipped with keysets and should have displays in order to identify ring-in and recall sources. Also, for increased...
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EeEember1994lNTER-TELPRACTIcEsIMX/GMX 256 INST4LLATION & MAINTENANCE (2) c.Wansfer-to-park: If transferring to a trans- fer-to-park location, hang up to complete thetransfer, or transfer the call to hold as de- scribed in the second part of step 4. Then page the desired party and announce the call. The party must reverse transfer the call. Note that if the call is not answered, it will recall your station if transferred directly or will re-call the called transfer-to-park location’s attendant if...
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INTEIt-TELPBACTIcE!3IMX/GMX 256lN~TION & MAINTENANCEFEATUBESIssue 1, November 1994B. ATl’ENBANTBFCALL 35.7When a call is placed on hold .or is transferred from one station to another, certain system timers limitthe amount of time the call may remain unattended. After that time, the call recalls the station that trans- ferred.it or placed it on hold. If the call remains unan- swered at the station until the Recall timer expires, it re- calls the station’s attendant If the attendant station is busy, the...
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INTER-TEL4PRAcTICJsSIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE C.PLACING THE SYSTEM IN NIGHT MODE 35.14Each attendant can place the associated tenant group in night mode to change the allowed-answer and ring-in assignments to the night lists. The primary atten- dant can place the entire system (all tenant groups) in day or night mode. There is no hold or transfer attendant recall during night mode. Hold and transfer recalls ring at the station that transferred them or placed them on hold. If a recall is...