Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 5.HOW TO USE THE PROGRAMMING WINDOWS 5.1The database is divided up into %indows” that permit the programmer to view and change the systemprogramming one section at a time. Each of the pro- grammin~ windows contains boxes and/or buttons for selecting and entering specific information. These in- clude: Text Boxes, List Boxes, Command Buttons, Option Buttons, and Check Boxes. Samples of each are shown in the...
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INTER-TELPRACTICESIMXIGMX 256 INS~TION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 5.10There are several methods for selecting a line in a list box. They are as follows:l Arrow keys: Use the up or down arrow key to move the highlight bar. Press the SPACE BAR to select an item while it is highlighted.l HOME, END, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys: You can use the HOME key to move directly to the top of the list, or the END key to move directly to the bottom. The PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys move up or down...
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIlkWGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE F.ITEM!3 THAT CANNOT BE SELECTED - GRAY JTEMS 5.17Ifan item in a window appears in a light gray col-or, it camtot be selected unless an associated item is highlighted. For example, in the System Configuration window, the command button for Configuration cannotbe selected unless a line in the list box with “KSC Board,” “TlC,” or “lDC Board” is highlighted, because only these cards require special configuration...
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INTER-TELPRACTICESlMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 &tions setup Exit System-wide Features... Toll Restriction... Least Cost Routing Trunk Prograniming... Attendants... Station Message Detail... service... command: (xi-)6. APPLICATIONS MENU 6.1The first window that is shown when you start aprogramming session contains a list box with the Applications menu which introduces the eight major programming sections: Station Programming, System-wide Features, Toll...
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PROGRAMMING Issue 1. November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES IMXIGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 6.6The f’ull list of available menus, with the‘abbreviated access commands and a brief description of their purposes are as follows: MAIN MENU ITEMFUBMENU ndividual Station Information (SIN) Continued on nextpage) Page 5-16 PROGRAMMING OPTIONS Copy to Another StationStation Review Window: Full Name And Usemame Secondary Stations Misceilaneous Fiags Window: Allow Private Intercom Override Auto Att/VM/DISA...
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INTER-TRLPRACTICRSlMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMJNGIssue 1, November 1994 WIN MENU ITEM MiOll ?rogramming... ‘CoPlrid) SUBMENU Individual Station Information (Conlid) PROGRAMMING OPTIONSSystem Forwarding Window: Forwarding Paths Forward Call Types Station Conditions System Conditions Ring Principal Once Key Assignments (KEY)Toll Restriction Information Widow: Day/Night Station Class Of Service (SCOS) Day/Night Mode Toll Restriction User Croup Day/Night Mode LCR Advance Limit Keyset Key...
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PROGRAMMINGlNTER-TELPRACTIcESIssue 1. November 1994I.MX/GMX 256 INS’J.ALL4’l’ION & MAINTENANCE BAIN MENU ITEM ; ystem-Wide ;eatures UBMENU iccount Code Information (ACCT) IND and Reminder Messages MESG) ktensions, Usernames, and ‘eature Codes @XT) Gmt Groups (HUNT) ‘ROGRAMMING OPTIONS 4ccount Code Length standard, Forced, LCR Toll, & None Station Lists-. 3atch Station Lists (Forced, Standard, LCR Toll, Validated) ~lass-Of-Service Account Codes jtati0nS 3unt Groups rnmk Groups ?eature Codes Set...
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INTRR-TETAPRACTICESIMX,‘GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 system Wide Teatures... ‘Conti~) Miscellaneous System-WideInformation (MISC)Primary Attendant Station Call Termination DigitsSystem Flags: Allow Cross-Tenant IC Traffic Allow Cross-Tenant Voice Mail/Computer Traffic Account Code Class-Of-Service Audible Message Indication for SL Sets Auto Attendant - Dial During Recording Auto Attendant - Enable Ringback ToneBarge Barge Confirmation Tone Broadcast Alarms to All...
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES IMXIGMX 256INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE WIN MENU ITEM ;ystem Wide ‘eatures... Conlinued) roll Restriction... kast-Cost Routing FR)SUBMENU Tenants and -Departments (TNT) Alternate Carriers/Allowed Long Distance (ALT) Area/Office Codes Allowed/Restricted (AREA) SCOS Information (SCOS) Toll SecurityPROGRAMMING OPTIONS Tenant Groups Description Departments Ihnk Group For Auto Feature StAiOIlS rmnk Groups DID Groups Alternate Carrier Numbers Allowed Long...
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 Individual Trunk (INDT) Trunk Groups, DID Groups, And Ring-In/Answer Patterns (TRNK)Group Number Receive Gain Transmit GainHybrid Balance E&M Interface Start Type Current DT Detect Relaxed Ring Detect DTMF Signaling Ignore Answer Supervision Trunk Group Programming Wmdow Trunk Group Description & Name Tenant Group E & M Trunk Group: Call Routing (Auto Ring-In/Dial Repeating) Reorder Tone (Continuous or Burst) Handshaking (Immediate, Delayed, Gr Wink) Return Dial...