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INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FEATURES Issue 2, May 1990 12. OFF-HOOK VOICE ANNOUNCE (OHVA) 12.1 When a called 24-line keyset is busy, the caller can use the off-hook voice announce (OHVA) fea- ture (if enabled). This feature allows an intercom caller (either single-line or keyset) to establish voice contact with a 24-line keyset user, even though the user already has a call in progress on the handset. The called keyset user can then talk freely on either con- nection,...
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FEATURES INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 2, May 1990 GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 13. OUTSIDE CALLS 13.1 When a line is selected for receiving or placing an outside call, a voice channel is seized and cannot be used by any other station (unless privacy release is enabled or the conferencing feature is used). If the desired line is busy, the station user can camp on or request a callback (queue). 13.2 Other features that apply to both outside and intercom calls are discussed later in this section...
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INTER-TEL PRACTICES FEATURES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 2, May 1990 (4) 13.4 Manually dial, speed dial, or redial the desired telephone number. (Display shows the num- bers dialed. When the valid call timer expires, the display shows the elapsed time and call cost.) If you hear repeating reorder tones, you dialed a restricted number. If you dial too slowly and the interdigit timer expires, the call may be dropped, and you will hear repeating reorder tones. TO PLACE A CALL USING...
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FEATURES Issue 2, May 1990 ,. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION 8z MAINTENANCE Single-Line Set: If you hear a page announcing a transfer andlor repeating long tones, a call is ringing in. Lift the handset; you are connected to the caller. Ifyou hear a call ringing in on another station and you have allowed answer, lift the handset and enter the automatic line answer feature code (350). You are connected to the lowest- numbered ringing line for which you have al- lowed answer. 13.6...
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INTER-TEL PRACTICES FEATURES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 2, May 1990 Busy Line Callback (Queue) 13.12 If you attempt to access a busy outgoing line and hear a busy signal or if you camp on, you can re- quest a callback (queue) and hang up until the system signals your station that the line is available. Each sta- tion can wait in only one queue at a time. If a second request is made, the first request is canceled and re- placed by the second. 13.13 Queue callbacks must be answered...
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FEATURES INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 2, May 1990 GMX.48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE or as an optional account code (using the procedure on the next page), the system checks the associated SCOS and applies it to the call being made. When the call is completed, the programmed SCOS for the sta- tion goes back into effect. 13.18 TO ENTER AN OPTIONAL ACCOUNT CODE WHILE ON AN OUTSIDE CALL: (1) Keyset: Press the SPCL key and enter the op- tional account code feature code (390). (Dis- play shows...
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INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FEATURES Issue 2, May 1990 14. PLACING CALLS ON HOLD 14.1 There are several ways to place intercom and outside calls on hold. The party on hold hears music. Individual hold places the call on hold at only one station. It can then be picked up directly at that station or it can be picked up at another station us- ing the reverse transfer feature. System hold places the call on hold at all stations. It can then be picked up directly at any...
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FEATURES INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 2, May 1990 GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE B. SYSTEM HOLD NOTE: Intercom calls cannot be placed on system hold. If you attempt to do so, you will hear reorder tones. Users with 12line keysets cannot place calls on out-of-range lines on system hold. Also, if an out-of- range C.O. line is placed on system hold, the call can only be picked up at keysets that have a fluttering line key for the call. The ANS and OVER keys cannot be used to access an...
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INTER-TEL PRACTICES FEATURES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 2, May 1990 E. HOLD RECALL 14.11 TO ANSWER A HOLD RECALL: If you hear four tones and a pause - repeating (dis- play shows HOLD RECALL FROM XXX or LINE XX RECALL FROM XXX): Keyset: Lift the handset. Intercom calls are immediately connected. For outside calls, press the medium-flashing line or OVER key, or the ANS key. Single-Line Set: Lift the handset. You are con- nected. F. MICROPHONE MUTE 14.12 Whether handsfree or...
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FEATURES INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 2, May 1990 GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 15. CALL WAITING 15.1 While a station is in use, incoming intercom and outside calls camp on until the busy station is available. The busy party hears a single camp-on tone every 15 seconds (unless the camp-on tone timer is changed or camp-on tones have been disabled). 15.2 TO RESPOND TO A WAITING CALL USING A KEY- SET: If, while on a call, you hear a single camp-on tone and see the IC key or a line key flashing...