HP Color LaserJet 2700 User Manual
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5.Click OK. 6.Go to Checking DIMM installation. Checking DIMM installation Check that the DIMMs are installed correctly and working. To check DIMM installation 1.Turn the printer on. Check that the printer is in the Ready state after it has gone through the startup sequence. If an error message appears, a DIMM might have been incorrectly installed. 2.Print a configuration page. See Using printer information pages. 3.Check the Installed Personalities and Options section on the configuration page and compare it with the configuration page that you printed before the DIMM installation. 4.The DIMM might not be installed correctly. Repeat the installation procedure. -or- The DIMM may be defective. Try a new DIMM. ENWWInstalling memory DIMMs 161

Glossary bidirectional communicationTwo-way data transmission. binA receptacle for holding printed pages. BOOTPAbbreviation for “Bootstrap Protocol,” an Internet protocol that a computer uses to find its IP address. calibrationThe process in which the printer makes internal adjustments to produce the best print quality. control panelThe area on the printer that contains buttons and a display screen. Use the control panel to set printer settings and to get information about the printer status. defaultThe normal or standard setting for hardware or software. DHCPAbbreviation for “dynamic host configuration protocol.” Individual computers or peripherals that are connected to a network use DHCP to find their own configuration information, including the IP address. DIMMAbbreviation for “dual inline memory module.” A small circuit board that holds memory chips. duplexA feature that accommodates printing on both sides of a sheet of paper. Also called “2-sided printing.” e-labelA memory chip on a print cartridge. An e-label tracks the print-cartridge use and identifies the cartridge as a genuine HP print cartridge. EIOAbbreviation for “enhanced input/output.” A hardware interface that is used to add a print server, network adaptor, hard disk, or other plug-in item for HP printers. Emulated PostScriptSoftware that emulates Adobe PostScript, a programming language that describes the appearance of the printed page. This printer language appears as “PS” in many menus. EPSAbbreviation for “encapsulated PostScript,” a type of graphics file. firmwareProgramming instructions that are stored in a read-only memory unit inside the printer. fontA complete set of letters, numerals, and symbols in a typeface. fuserThe assembly that uses heat to fuse the toner onto the print media. grayscaleVarious shades of gray. halftone patternA halftone pattern uses differing sizes of ink dots to produce a continuous-tone image such as a photograph. HP Web JetadminAn HP-trademarked Web-based printer control software that you can use on a computer to manage any peripheral that has built-in networking. I/OAbbreviation for “input/output,” refers to computer-port settings. IP addressThe unique number assigned to a computer device that is connected to a network. ENWWGlossary 163

IPX/SPXAbbreviation for “internetwork packet exchange/sequenced packet exchange.” macroA single keystroke or command that results in a series of actions or instructions. mediaThe paper, labels, transparencies, or other material on which the printer prints the image. memory tagA memory partition that has a specific address. monochromeBlack and white. Devoid of color. networkA system of computers interconnected by telephone wires or other means in order to share information. network administratorA person who manages a network. page bufferTemporary printer memory used to hold page data while the printer creates an image of the page. PCLAbbreviation for “Printer Control Language.” peripheralAn auxiliary device, such as a printer, modem, or storage system, that works in conjunction with a computer. personalityDistinctive features or characteristics of a printer or printer language. pixelAbbreviation for “picture element,” the smallest unit of area in an image displayed on a screen. PJLAbbreviation for “printer job language.” PostScriptA trademarked page-description language. PPDAbbreviation for “PostScript printer description.” printer driverA software program that a computer uses to gain access to printer features. RAMAbbreviation for “random access memory,” a type of computer memory that stores data that can change. raster imageAn image composed of dots. renderThe process of producing text or graphics. ROMAbbreviation for “read-only memory,” a type of computer memory that stores data that should not change. suppliesMaterials that the printer uses and that must be replaced. Supply items for this printer are the four print cartridges. TCP/IPAn internet protocol that has become the global standard for communications. tonerThe fine black or colored powder that forms the image on the printed media. transfer unitThe black plastic belt that transports media inside the printer and transfers toner from the print cartridges onto the media. trayThe receptacle that holds blank paper. 164 GlossaryENWW

Index Symbols/Numerics 2–sided printing printing 54 troubleshooting 110 500–sheet tray. See tray 3 A accessibility features 3 accessories ordering 129, 132, 133 troubleshooting 121 acoustic specifications 146 alerts, setting up 64 archive setting 25 B batteries, disposal of 152 bin, output jams, clearing 103 locating 4 blank control panel, troubleshooting 111 blank first page, printing (Windows) 49 BOOTP 34 both sides, printing on printing 54 troubleshooting 110 buttons, control panel 18 C cables connecting USB 28 ordering 130 calibrating color 22, 68, 125 Canadian DOC regulations 155 cancelling a print request 56 cardstock loading 46printing on 15 sizes supported 10 cartridge area jams, clearing 99 cartridges error messages 93 features 3 HP 81 low or out, settings 23 non-HP 81, 92 order message 92 recycling 151 replace message 92, 93 replacement intervals 80 replacing 83 status gauges 18 status page 21, 58 status, checking 80 status, viewing with HP Toolbox FX 64 storing 81 warranty 137 cleaning the printer 86 CMYK emulation 72 color adjusting 73 calibrating 22, 68, 125 CMYK 72 Edge Control 74 halftone options 73 HP ImageREt 72 Macintosh settings 53 managing 73 matching 76 Microsoft Office Basic Colors palette 76 print in grayscale 73 printed vs. monitor 76 restricting 23, 74 sRGB 72, 74troubleshooting 114 Windows settings 50 color usage log 21, 58 colored paper, printing on 14 configuration page 21, 58 Configure Device, Macintosh 8, 70 connecting USB cable 28 contrast display, control panel 23 print density 68 control panel display contrast 23 display, troubleshooting 111 HP ToolboxFX settings 69 IP address, setting 30 language 22 lights and buttons 18 locating 4 menu map, printing 21, 58 menus 20 messages, troubleshooting 89 Network Config. menu 24 Reports menu 21 Service menu 25 settings, troubleshooting 113 shared environments 26 System Setup menu 22, 24 Courier font settings 23 cover pages Macintosh 52 Windows 49 curl, paper settings 25 troubleshooting 109 custom paper sizes driver settings (Windows) 48 trays, configuring 38 customer support 138 ENWWIndex 165

D declaration of conformity 154 default settings, restoring 25 demo page 21, 58 density settings 68 device discovery 32 device error message 91 Device Settings tab, HP ToolboxFX 66 DHCP 34 digital photo settings 50 DIMMs installing 158 ordering 130 verifying installation 161 display contrast, setting 23 disposal, batteries 152 documentation 131 double-sided printing printing 54 troubleshooting 110 downloading software HP Web Jetadmin 9 printing system 6 UNIX and Linux 6, 9 drivers accessing 7 included 3 Macintosh options 52 Macintosh, troubleshooting 118 operating systems supported 6 presets (Macintosh) 52 quick sets (Windows) 47 Services tab (Windows) 51 troubleshooting 121 usage page 21 Windows options 47 duplexing printing 54 troubleshooting 110 E e-mail alerts, setting up 64 Edge Control 74 electrical specifications 144 embedded Web server accessing 60 network settings 30Networking tab 62 ordering supplies 132 Settings tab 62 Status tab 61 supplies status page 81 engine comm. error message 91 enlarging documents (Windows) 48 envelopes loading 46 printing on 14 troubleshooting 109 types supported 10 environment specifications 13, 147 environmental stewardship program 151 EPS files, troubleshooting 119 error messages, control panel 89 Event log 64 EWS. See embedded Web server extended warranty 140, 152 F factory defaults, restoring 25 fan error message 90 FCC regulations 150 features 3 feeding problems, troubleshooting 107 Finland, laser safety statement 156 first page blank (Windows) 49 use different paper (Macintosh) 52 use different paper (Windows) 49 fonts Courier settings 23 DIMMs, installing 158 EPS files, troubleshooting 119 guidelines for using 117 included 3 lists, printing 21, 59 troubleshooting 116 fraud hotline 82 front door, locating 4 fuser errors 89jams, clearing 99 warranty 137 G gateways 34 glossary 163 glossy paper loading 46 ordering 131 printing on 14 troubleshooting 108 types supported 10 grayscale printing 73 H heavy paper loading 46 printing on 15 types supported 10 Help tab, HP ToolboxFX 65 HP Customer Care 138 HP Digital Imaging Options dialog box 50 HP fraud hotline 82 HP ImageREt 72 HP JetReady 6 HP Planet Partners 151 HP SupportPack 140 HP Toolbox FX Print Quality Troubleshooting page 124 Status tab 64 HP ToolboxFX about 8 cleaning printer 86 density settings 68 Device Settings tab 66 Help tab 65 Microsoft Office Basic Colors palette, printing 76 network settings 30 Network Settings tab 69 opening 63 ordering supplies 133 supplies status 81 HP Web Jetadmin 9 HP-Authorized Dealers 138 HP-UX software 9 humidity specifications 13, 147 166 IndexENWW

I image quality archive setting 25 HP ToolboxFX settings 68 photos 50 troubleshooting 122 ImageREt 72 incorrect supplies error message 91 information pages 58 input trays. See trays install supplies message 91 installation guides, supplies 83 Internet protocol (IP) 33 invalid driver error message 91 IP address BOOTP 34 Macintosh, troubleshooting 118 overview 33 setting 30 IP addressing 32 J jams cartridge area, clearing 99 common causes of 94 error messages 91 locations 94 output bin, clearing 103 paper path, clearing 99 quality after, troubleshooting 123 tracking number of 21 tray 1, clearing 95 tray 2 or 3, clearing 97 Japanese VCCI statement 155 Jetadmin, HP Web 9 K keys, control panel 18 Korean EMI statement 155 L labels loading 46 printing on 15 types supported 10 language, control panel 22 laser safety statement 155letterhead loading 46 printing on 15 lights, control panel 18 link speed, setting 24, 31 Linux drivers 6, 9 loading media error messages 92 special 46 tray 1 38 tray 2 or 3 40 M Macintosh Configure Device software 8, 70 driver options 52 drivers, accessing 7 drivers, troubleshooting 118 PPDs 8 troubleshooting 118 USB card, troubleshooting 119 versions supported 6 Web sites, support 139 maintenance agreements 138, 140 manual 2–sided printing printing 54 troubleshooting 110 matching colors 76 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 152 media colored paper 14 curl settings 25 custom sizes, setting 38 custom sizes, setting (Windows) 48 default settings 22, 67 document size, selecting (Windows) 48 envelopes 14 first page (Macintosh) 52 first page (Windows) 49 glossy paper 14 heavy paper 15 HP ToolboxFX settings 68 labels 15 letterhead 15loading in tray 1 38 loading in tray 2 or 3 40 ordering 130 pages per sheet (Macintosh) 53 pages per sheet (Windows) 49 preprinted forms 15 recycled paper 16 selecting 12 special, loading 46 specification guide 131 storing 13 transparencies 14 tray selection 36 troubleshooting 107 types supported 10 media jams. See jams memory adding 157 enabling 160 error messages 92 included 2 installing 158 ordering 130 verifying installation 161 menus, control panel map, printing 21, 58 Network Config. 24 Reports 21 Service 25 System Setup 22, 24 using 20 messages, control panel 89 Microsoft Office Basic Colors palette, printing 76 misfeeds, troubleshooting 107 misprint error message 92 multiple pages per sheet Macintosh 53 Windows 49 N n-up printing Macintosh 53 Windows 49 Network Config. menu 24 Network Settings tab, HP ToolboxFX 69 ENWWIndex 167

Networking tab, embedded Web server 62 networks configuration page 21 configuring 29 control panel use in 26 device discovery 32 DHCP 34 embedded Web server 30 embedded Web server, accessing 60 gateways 34 HP ToolboxFX 30 Internet Protocol (IP) 33 IP address 30, 32, 33 link speed 31 models supporting 2 operating systems supported 6 password, setting 30 ports, locating 5 protocols supported 32 setting up 29 settings 24 settings report 21, 58 software 9 subnets 34 TCP/IP 33 transmission control protocol (TCP) 33 troubleshooting 126 Neutral Grays 74 next-day on-site service 140 no paper pickup error message 92 noise specifications 146 non-HP supplies 81, 92 nothing prints, troubleshooting 111 O on-site service agreements 140 on/off switch 5 online customer support 138 operating environment specifications 13, 147 operating systems supported 6 order supplies message 92ordering supplies embedded Web server, using 132 HP ToolboxFX, using 133 Web sites 129 output bin jams, clearing 103 locating 4 output quality archive setting 25 HP ToolboxFX settings 68 photos 50 troubleshooting 122 ozone specifications 151 P page count 21 page too complex error message 93 pages per minute 2 pages per sheet Macintosh 53 Windows 49 paper colored 14 curl settings 25 custom sizes, setting 38 custom sizes, setting (Windows) 48 default settings 22, 67 document size, selecting (Windows) 48 first page (Macintosh) 52 first page (Windows) 49 glossy 14 heavy 15 HP ToolboxFX settings 68 loading in tray 1 38 loading in tray 2 or 3 40 ordering 130 pages per sheet (Macintosh) 53 pages per sheet (Windows) 49 recycled 16 selecting 12 special media, loading 46 specification guide 131 storing 13 tray selection 36troubleshooting 107 types supported 10 paper jams. See jams paper path cleaning 86 jams, clearing 99 parts, ordering 130 password, network 30 pausing a print request 56 PCL drivers 6 PCL font list 21, 58 PCL settings, HP ToolboxFX 67 PCL/PJL Technical Reference 131 PDL driver 6 peer-to-peer printing 29 phone support 138 photos, options for 50 physical specifications 143 ports locating 5 supported 3 troubleshooting Macintosh 119 PostScript settings, HP ToolboxFX 67 power connection, locating 5 power specifications 144 power switch 5 PPDs, Macintosh 8 preprinted forms 15 presets (Macintosh) 52 print cartridge area jams, clearing 99 print cartridges error messages 93 features 3 HP 81 low or out, settings 23 non-HP 81, 92 order message 92 recycling 151 replace message 92, 93 replacement intervals 80 replacing 83 status gauges 18 status page 21, 58 status, checking 80 status, viewing with HP Toolbox FX 64 168 IndexENWW

storing 81 warranty 137 print density settings 68 Print Document On (Windows) 48 print quality archive setting 25 HP ToolboxFX settings 68 photos 50 troubleshooting 122 troubleshooting page, HP ToolboxFX 124 printer drivers. See drivers printing system software 6 processor speed 3 protocols, network 32 PS Emulation drivers 6 PS font list 21, 58 Q quality archive setting 25 HP ToolboxFX settings 68 photos 50 troubleshooting 122 quick sets (Windows) 47 R recycled paper 16 recycling supplies 151 reducing documents (Windows) 48 regulatory statements 150 repacking the printer 141 replace supplies message 92, 93 replacing print cartridges 83 Reports menu 21 resizing documents (Windows) 48 restoring default settings 25 RGB settings 72, 74 S safety statements 155 scaling documents (Windows) 48 selecting printer, troubleshooting 112 sensor error message 93 service agreements 138, 140HP ToolboxFX settings 69 HP-Authorized Dealers 138 repacking the printer 141 service error message 91 Service menu 25 service page 21, 59 Services tab (Windows) 51 settings color 72 driver presets (Macintosh) 52 HP ToolboxFX 66 network report 21, 58 priority of 37 quick sets (Windows) 47 restoring defaults 25 System Setup menu 22 troubleshooting 113 Settings tab, embedded Web server 62 shared environments 26 shipping the printer 141 single-sheet input slot. See tray 1 size specifications, printer 143 sizes, media custom 38 custom (Windows) 48 default, setting 22 Print Document On (Windows) 48 supported 10 tray selection 36 tray settings 38 software drivers 6 embedded Web server 9 HP ToolboxFX 63 HP Web Jetadmin 9 Macintosh 8 network 9 troubleshooting 121 Web sites 6 Windows 8 Solaris software 9 source, tray selection 36 specifications acoustic 146 disposal 152 documentation 131 electrical 144 environment 13, 147features 3 ozone 151 paper types 10, 12 physical 143 speed specifications 2 sRGB settings 72, 74 status alerts, HP Toolbox FX 64 print cartridge gauges 18 supplies, printing report 21, 58, 81 viewing with HP Toolbox FX 64 Status tab, embedded Web server 61 Status tab, HP Toolbox FX 64 stopping a print request 56 storing media 13 print cartridges 81 printer 13, 147 subnet mask 34 subnets 34 supplies error messages 93 features 3 incorrect error message 91 installation guides 83 low or out, settings 23 non-HP 81, 92 order message 92 ordering 129, 132, 133 print-cartridge-status gauges 18 recycling 151 replace message 92, 93 replacement intervals 80 replacing 83 status, viewing with HP Toolbox FX 64 supplies status page 21, 58, 81 support, customer 138 SupportPack, HP 140 System Setup menu 22, 24 T TCP/IP configuring 33 overview 33 settings 24 ENWWIndex 169

technical support 138 telephone support 138 temperature specifications 13, 147 toner buildup, troubleshooting 123 toner cartridges. See print cartridges Toolbox. See HP ToolboxFX top cover, locating 4 transfer unit warranty 137 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 33 transparencies loading 46 ordering 131 printing on 14 sizes supported 10 troubleshooting 108, 122 trapping 74 tray 1 capacity 4 jams, clearing 95 loading paper 38 locating 4 paper supported 10 settings 22 tray 2 capacity 4 jams, clearing 97 loading paper 40 locating 4 paper supported 10 settings 22 troubleshooting 108 tray 3 capacity 4 jams, clearing 97 loading paper 40 locating 4 paper supported 11 specifications 143 troubleshooting 108, 113 trays configuring 38 included 2 jams, clearing 95, 97 load error messages 92 loading 38, 40 locating 4optional 3 paper types supported 10 selecting 36 settings 22, 67 troubleshooting 107 troubleshooting accessories 121 calibration 125 checklist 88 color 114 control panel display 111 control panel messages 89 control panel settings 113 drivers 121 duplexing 110 EPS files 119 fonts 116, 117 jams 94 Macintosh problems 118 media 107 networks 126 nothing prints 111 print quality 122, 124 selecting printer 112 software 121 toner buildup 123 transparencies 122 tray 3 113 two-sided printing printing 54 troubleshooting 110 types, media HP ToolboxFX settings 68 supported 10 tray selection 36 tray settings 38 U UNIX model scripts 6, 9 usage page 21, 58 USB port connecting 28 locating 5 speed settings 25 supported 3 troubleshooting Macintosh 119 Use Different Paper/Covers (Windows) 49W warranty extended 140, 152 print cartridges 137 product 136 transfer unit and fuser 137 watermarks cover page (Macintosh) 52 driver settings (Windows) 48 Web sites fraud 82 HP Customer Care 138 HP Web Jetadmin 9 installation guides 83 Macintosh support 139 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 152 ordering supplies 129 recycling supplies 151 software, downloading 6 support 138 UNIX and Linux software 6, 9 Windows driver options 47 drivers, accessing 7 software for 8 versions supported 6 170 IndexENWW