Barco Projector Toolset For Hdx Series Reference Guide
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8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings Image 8-32 Select a specific color temperature A Custom color temperature WhenCustomis selected, 1. Click on the slider of Red and/or Blue until the desired color temperature is reached (image 8-33) Or, click on the up down control of the spin box of Red and/or Blue until the desired color temperature is reached Or, click in the inputfield of the spin box of Red and/or Blue and enter the desired value. Image 8-33 Custom input color temperature R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011137

8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings 8.7 Image settings Overview The following image settings can be adjusted depending on the source type: • Contrast • Brightness • Saturation •Phase • Sharpness • Noise reduction •Tint When a setting is not adjustable, this setting is grayed out. Image settings are done for the current active window only and must be repeated for other windows. Access to the Image properties 1. Select a window (input). 2. Click onAdjust(a). TheInputdialog box opens (b). Adjusting via dragging 1. Click on the slider bar of a specific adjustment and hold down the mouse button. 2. Move the slider up or down until the desired value for that specific adjustment is reached. The value below the adjustment will change accordingly. Adjusting via the up down controls 1. Click on the up down control of the spin box of a specific adjustment until the desired value is reached. The value in the inputfield change accordingly. Adjusting via the inputfield 1. Click inside the inputfield of the spin box of a specific adjustment. 2. Select the actual value and enter a new value with the keyboard. When closing theInputdialog box, Projector Toolset asks to save the new settings. 138R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011

8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings 8.8 Layout settings Overview • General introduction •Loadalayout • Show window border • Re-size a layout window • Move a layout window • Aspect ratio output window • Lock a input window • Set input window to full size • Save a layout • Layout Save as • Rename a layout • Delete a layout • Edit window texture 8.8.1 General introduction Overview With the projector, it is possible to display two sources, one as main window and the other as PiP window. The window size, timings and other settings can be set up for each source independently. The input source for the main window and the PiP window can be the same source. The result image is displayed on the projection screen. Window A window represents the active area of an input source. Layout A layout is a collection of windows. These windows are placed on a certain position within the screen. 8.8.2 Load a layout What can be done? Layouts are stored it the projector’s memory and those can be loaded as the current active layout. How to load 1. Click on the Open icon in theLayout Settingspane (a). (image 8-34) TheLoad layoutdialog box opens (b). 2. Select the desired layout from the list (c). 3. ClickOpen(d). The selected layout is loaded. R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011 139

8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings Image 8-34 Load layout 8.8.3 Show window border What can be done? The border of the layout window can be displayed on the screen. How to show 1. Check the check box in front ofShow window border. (image 8-35) The window border of the layout window is displayed on the screen. There can be a difference between the displayed border and the displayed image due to possible differences in aspect ratio. Image 8-35 Show window border 8.8.4 Re-size a layout window Re-sizing will respect the chosen aspect ratio of the input ! Re-sizing in any direction is only possible when the aspect ratio is unlocked. Re-size via drag and drop 1. Select the window you want to re-size. (image 8-36) 140 R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011

8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings The window border becomes white and 6 re-size points are added. The cursor becomes a 4 arrow cursor. 2. Move the cursor to one of the re-size points. The cursor becomes a 2 arrow cursor. 3. Click and drag the selected point to the desired position. When a corner point is selected, re-sizing in horizontal and vertical direction is possible. When a center side point is selected, only re-sizing in horizontal or vertical direction is possible. While re-sizing, the coordinates of the selected window are updated automatically. Image 8-36 Re-size via drag and drop Re-size via width and height 1. Select the window you want to re-size. (image 8-37) The coordinates are displayed. 2. Click on the up down control of the spin box of theWidthandHeightuntil the desired value is reached Or, click in the inputfield of the spin box ofWidthandHeightand enter the desired value. Note:The upper left corner isfixed during re-sizing. Image 8-37 Re-size via coordinates 8.8.5 Move a layout window Move via drag and drop 1. Select the window you want to move. (image 8-38) The window border becomes white. The cursor becomes a 4 arrow cursor. 2. Click somewhere inside the window and hold down the button to grab the window. 3. Move the window to the desired position. TheTo p L e f tvalues will change accordingly. Image 8-38 Move a window R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011141

8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings Move via the coordinates 1. Select the window you want to move. (image 8-39) 2. Change theTo pandLeftvalue indicating the current start position of the window. Click on the up down control of the spin box until the desired value is reached Or, click inside the inputfield of the spin box and enter the desired value with the keyboard. Image 8-39 Move window via coordinates 8.8.6 Aspect ratio output window Aspect ratio Relation between the horizontal & vertical dimension in which the window will be displayed, e.g. 4 by 3 or 16 by 9. Can also be expressed as a decimal number, such as 1.77. The larger the ratio or decimal, the wider the image (or the less the image is squared). How to change 1. Right click on the window to change the aspect ratio. (image 8-40) A context menu opens. 2. SelectAspect ratio lockingand move the cursor to the right. The possible choices are displayed. Possible choices are: -3/2 -4/3 -14/9 -16/9 -21/9 - custom: current aspect ratio isfixed, what ever it is. - unlocked: no locking between the displayed window (input) and the layout window. When afixed aspect ratio is selected the layout window will follow the aspect ratio of the input window. 3. Select the desired aspect ratio for the selected window. 142 R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011

8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings Image 8-40 Aspect ratio locking The input window is represented by white dotted area. When re-sizing the output window, the input will move are re-scale in the same way. When custom is selected 1. Set up the custom aspect ratio by changing X and Y until the desired ratio is obtained. Note:To return to the input aspect ratio, click onTo input aspect ratio. 2. ClickOKto accept. 8.8.7 Lock a input window Why ? A window (input) can be locked so that no changes can be made to dimensions and the relative position in the display. How to lock 1. Select the window to lock. (image 8-41) 2. Click on the padlock button in theLayout settingspane. The button gets a background to indicate its pressed state. The Top, Left, Width and Height spin boxes are grayed out. Image 8-41 Lock input window R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011143

8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings 8.8.8 Set input window to full size Aspect ratio will be unlocked. Via the context menu 1. Right click on the window. (image 8-42) A context menu appears. 2. SelectFull size. The selected window jumps to full size independent its aspect ratio setting. Image 8-42 Set window to full size Via the layout settings 1. Select the window to re-size. (image 8-43) 2. Click on the full size icon. The selected window jumps to full size independent its aspect ratio setting. Image 8-43 Set window to full size 8.8.9 Save a layout The save is executed on the projector. When changes are made on a systemfile, a ’save as’ must be executed instead of a save. Systemfiles cannot be overwritten. 144R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011

8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings How to save 1. Click on the save icon on theLayout settingspane (image 8-44) The current layout is saved Image 8-44 Save layout 8.8.10 Layout Save as A ’save as’ is executed on the projector. How to ’save as’ 1. Click on the ’save as’ icon on theLayout settingspane. (image 8-45) TheThe Save layout asdialog box opens. 2.Ifyouwanttosaveonanexistingfile name, select afile from the list. If you want to save on a new name, click in the inputfield next to Save as and enter a new name. Note:Only the characters a to z, A to Z, 1 to 9 and (, ), _, -, @ or allowed in a name. 3. Click onSave as. The layout settings are saved on the new location. R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011 145

8. Configurator, Projector adjustment settings Image 8-45 Save-as layout 8.8.11 Rename a layout What can be done? Any custom layoutfile can be renamed. Standard layoutfile cannot be renamed. Renaming the current active layoutfile is not possible. How to rename 1. Click on the rename icon in theLayout settingspane. (image 8-46) TheRename layoutdialog box opens. 2. Select thefile to rename from the list and clickRename. TheRenamedialog box opens. 3. Click in the inputfield and select the current name. 4. Enter a new name with the keyboard and clickOK. Note:Only the characters a to z, A to Z, 1 to 9 and (, ), _, -, @ or allowed in a name. 146 R5905073 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 07/06/2011