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ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual

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Page 211

Administration Without Hardware (AWOH)
Issue  3   March 1996
nSerial Calling
In a serial call, the attendant is not in a busy state after releasing a call. In 
this situation, the attendant is allowed to perform disassociation. If the 
attendant is disassociated upon return from a c all that has been extended 
to a station, the call is reclassified as an attendant group call and is route d 
to the group.
nAttendant Return Call
If the attendant is disassociated upon return from a call that has been...

Page 212

Feature Descriptions
3-68Issue  3   March 1996 
AWOH is administered on a per-voice terminal basis by the System Manager. 
Normal station administration is required with the exc eption of entering an X in 
the “Port”  field to indicate that there is no hardware associated with the station.
Four maintenance commands can be executed on terminals administered 
without hard ware translation:
nBusy-out extension object
nRelease extension object
nStatus extension object
nTest extension object

Page 213

Advice of Charg e
Issue  3   March 1996
Advice of Charge
Feature Availability
Advice of Charg e (AOC) is available with G3V4 and later releases. It is only 
available in France, Germany, Australia, and countries with public networks 
running European Telecommunication Standard s Institute (ETS I) c o m p atible 
ISDN-PRI. It is not available in the United States.
AOC collects charge advice information from the public network for each 
outgoing call and enters the information in that...

Page 214

Feature Descriptions
3-70Issue  3   March 1996 
When Information Is Received
Depending upon what is available in any given country, and how the DEFINITY  
switch is administered, AOC information c an b e received either during and at the 
end of a call, or only at the end of a call. The following sections describe these 
During and End
With this option, the public network provides AOC information periodically 
throughout a call and at the end of the call. Cumulative charge values are stored 

Page 215

Advice of Charg e
Issue  3   March 1996
nWhen a CDR record is generated because a call is dropping, the “ISDN 
Call Charge” field contains the last cumulative charge received from the 
Four CDR report formats support AOC:
nEnhanced 24-word  Standard ASCII unformatted record (unformatted )
nEnhanced 24-word  Standard ASCII expanded record (expanded)
nInternational ISDN Exp anded record (int_isdn)
nCustomized record (customized)
A zero a p pears in the “ Call Charg e”  field when: no AOC...

Page 216

Feature Descriptions
3-72Issue  3   March 1996 
nCDR Call Splitting
If Call Splitting is enabled, when an outgoing call is transferred, a CDR 
record is issued for the initial p ortion of the call and the “ ISDN Call 
Charge” field reports the AOC information received thus far. Subsequent 
AOC information received from the network for the outg oing call is 
charged to the party remaining on the call until the call is dropped or 
transferred again. Attendant Call Recording, a form of Call Sp litting,...

Page 217

Agent Call Handling
Issue  3   March 1996
Agent Call Handling
Feature Availability
Agent Call Handling available with all Generic 3 releases. ACD software is 
Provides ACD agents with the c apabilities required to answer and process ACD 
The agent c a pabilities provided by this feature are:
nAgent Log-In and Log-Out
nAgent Answering Options
— Automatic Answer (zip tone)
— Manual Answer
nACD Work  Modes
— Auxiliary Work Mode
— After Call Work
— Auto-In
— Manual-In

Page 218

Feature Descriptions
3-74Issue  3   March 1996 
To receive ACD calls, the agent must log into the system. An a gent logging into a 
split automatically enters the Auxiliary Work mode (described later) for that sp lit. 
An agent can be logged into multiple splits. An agent will be required to enter a 
log-in identification numb er when log ging in if the hunt group is measured via 
CMS or BCMS. If the hunt group is not measured, entry of a login ID is optional. 
Entry of a login is also optional with...

Page 219

Agent Call Handling
Issue  3   March 1996
nThe agent d ials an invalid split group number.
nThe a gent dials a sp lit group number for a split that he or she is not logg e d 
If an agent is in the Automatic Answer mode (described later) and is using a 
handset, the agent can log out simply by hanging up. (This does not mean 
pressing the release button on a Call Master voice terminal.) If an agent in the 
Automatic Answer mo de is using a headset instead of a handset, the agent can 
log out b...

Page 220

Feature Descriptions
3-76Issue  3   March 1996 
unavailable for ACD calls (by logging out or entering AUX work mo de) so 
calls will not terminate to an unmanned station.
Manual Answer
An agent is assigned to Manual Answer hears ringing, and then goes off-hook to 
answer the incoming call. If the agent does not go off-hook, the call will continue 
ringing. The  agent  can use either a headset, handset, or sp eakerphone to 
answer the call.
ACD Work Modes
This information generally applies to a...
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