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Amanda Work Group Installation Manual

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    							Chapter 12: Using Serial Integration 139
    The first port may be extension 241, with the second port 242, etc. 
    These numbers must be consecutive. For example, if the first or base 
    port is 241, you use smdi_base_port 241.
    14. You can also set smdi_pretimeout
     n, where n is the maximum 
    number of seconds that an SMDI packet can precede the forwarded call. 
    The default is 50.
    15. You can also set smdi_delay
     n, where n is the number of tenths of 
    seconds that Amanda waits after the call is answered before looking for 
    integration information. This allows more than one packet to be sent to a 
    port per telephone call. Amanda uses the last (most recent) packet. The 
    default is 0. The range is 0 to 255.
    16. Press F10 to save your changes.
    The Save All Data? dialog box appears.
    17. Press Y for Yes.
    OTE:The smdi_max, smdi_start, smdi_stop, and smdi_term con-
    figuration options do not apply to telephone switching sys-
    tems that use Bellcore Standard SMDI. 
    You must also modify your C:\AMANDA\PBX.DB\1001.PBX file to 
    include the SMDI information. Using the Amanda Setup utility (selection 3) 
    or the JOVE utility, verify that your integration lines are as follows. When 
    using Setup, type 30 in the Timeout field. (30 equals 30 tenths of seconds or 
    a total of 3 seconds.) Then enter the integration strings in the column for the 
    extension plan your system uses. Use an  entry for each string 
    you are adding. (See “Using Character Codes” on page 82 for more 
    information about the codes such as rrr or rrrr.)
    4-digit Extension Plan3-digit Extension Plan
    Forward no answerAxxxrrrr0000000Axxxxrrr0000000
    Forward no answerBxxxbbbb0000000Bxxxxbbb0000000
    Forward no answerNxxxrrrr0000000Nxxxxrrr0000000
    Forward no answerAxxxrrrrxxxssssAxxxxrrrxxxxsss
    Forward busyBxxxbbbbxxxssssBxxxxbbbxxxxsss 
    							140 Installing [email protected]/DOS
    If you are using the JOVE utility, the integration timeout precedes each 
    integration string as follows. This example is only for 4-digit station plans.
    OTE:To modify the above for another digit plan, use the appro-
    priate number of rs, bs, ss, es, and xs. Also, while 30 is 
    used in the example (causing Amanda to timeout after 3 
    seconds if the packet has not been received), you may use 
    some other number. The number is in tenths of seconds.
    To program the message waiting lights, use the following in the Method field 
    of the two notification records used for Light ON and Light OFF:
    Forward busyNxxxrrrrxxxssssNxxxxrrrxxxxsss
    Direct station accessDxxxxxxxxxxeeeeDxxxxxxxxxxxeee
    4-digit Station Plan
    integration 20Axxxrrrr0000000
    integration 20Bxxxbbbb0000000
    integration 20Nxxxrrrr0000000
    integration 20Axxxrrrrxxxssss
    integration 20Bxxxbbbbxxxssss
    integration 20Nxxxrrrrxxxssss
    integration 20Dxxxxxxxxxxeeee
    4-digit Station Plan
    Light ON:@S(1,OP:MWI 000%U!\D)
    Light OFF:@S(1,RMV:MWI 000%U!\D)
    3-digit Station Plan
    Light ON:@S(1,OP:MWI 0000%U!\D)
    Light OFF:@S(1,RMV:MWI 0000%U!\D) 
    							Chapter 12: Using Serial Integration 141
    NOTE:The message codes above are for a 4-digit and 3-digit sta-
    tion plan. To modify to another digit plan, use the appropri-
    ate number of 0s. These examples use 
    logical serial port 1; 
    for other ports, the 1’s would have to be replaced.
    NEC 2000 and NEC 2400
    This section covers serial integration for NEC 2000 and NEC 2400 systems.
    To set configuration options for serial integration on NEC 2000 or NEC 
    1. Follow steps 1 through 11 in the Bellcore Standard SDMI procedure “To 
    modify configuration options for use with Bellcore Standard SMDI:” in 
    the “Bellcore Standard SMDI” section.
    2. Change the smdi_type option to:
    smdi_type necmci
    3. Modify smdi_base_port 1 if the first port on the telephone switch-
    ing system is not identified as the logical port 1. For example, some tele-
    phone switching systems use the port’s extension or another logical 
    terminal number to identify the port. The first port may be extension 
    241, with the second port 242, etc. These numbers must be consecu-
    tive. For example, if the first or base port is 241, you use 
    smdi_base_port 241.
    4. You can also set smdi_pretimeout
     x, where x is the maximum 
    number of seconds that a packet can precede the forwarded call. Start 
    with 50, the default, but you may need to experiment to determine the 
    best setting. On the NEC 2000, one solution provider reports that 15 is a 
    good setting.
    5. Set smdi_start option to the number that indicates the position in the 
    integration packet sent by the telephone switching system where the 
    field containing the port number starts. Start counting positions in the 
    packet with the number 1. The default is 8.
    smdi_start 8 
    							142 Installing [email protected]/DOS
    6. Set the smdi_stop option to the number that indicates the position in the 
    integration packet sent by the telephone switching system where the 
    field containing the port number ends. Start counting positions in the 
    packet with the number 1. The default is 11.
    smdi_stop 11
    7. You can also set smdi_delay
     x, where x is a number of tenths of sec-
    onds. Amanda waits that long after the call is answered before looking 
    for integration information. This allows more than one packet to be sent 
    to a port per telephone call. Amanda uses the last (most recent) packet. 
    The default is 0.
    OTE:The smdi_max and smdi_term configuration options 
    do not apply to NEC telephone switching systems.
    You must also modify your C:\AMANDA\PBX.DB\1001.PBX file to 
    include the SMDI information. Using the Amanda Setup utility (selection 3) 
    or the JOVE utility, verify that your integration lines are as follows. When 
    using Setup, type 20 in the Timeout field. (20 equals 20 tenths of seconds or 
    a total of 2 seconds.) Then enter the integration strings in the column for the 
    station plan your system uses. Use an  entry for each string you 
    are adding. (See “Using Character Codes” on page 82 for more information 
    about the codes such as rrr or rrrr.)
    4-Digit Station Plan3-Digit Station Plan
    Forward no answer:40xxxssssxxxxxrrrrxx40xxxsssxxxxxxrrrxxx
    Forward busy:41xxxssssxxxxxbbbbxx41xxxsssxxxxxxbbbxxx
    Forward all:42xxxssssxxxxxrrrrxx42xxxsssxxxxxxrrrxxx
    Direct station access:43xxxeeeexxxxxxxxxxx43xxxeeexxxxxxxxxxxx
    Direct station access 
    from trunk:432xxttttxxxxxxxxxxx432xxtttxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    							Chapter 12: Using Serial Integration 143
    If you are using the JOVE utility, the integration timeout precedes each 
    integration string as follows. This example is only for 4-digit station plans.
    OTE:To modify the above for another digit plan, use the appro-
    priate number of r’s, b’s, s’s, e’s, and x’s. In the example, 
    20 is used (causing Amanda to timeout after 2 seconds if 
    the packet has not been received) because it works for all 
    serial integration. The number is in tenths of seconds.
    To program the message waiting lights for NEC 2000, use the following in 
    the Method field of the two notification records used for Light ON and Light 
    To program the message waiting lights for NEC 2400 IMG, use the 
    following in the Method field of the two notification records used for Light 
    ON and Light OFF:
    OTE:These examples uses logical serial port 1; for other ports, the 
    1’s would have to be replaced.
    4-Digit Station Plan
    integration 2040xxxssssxxxxxrrrrxx
    integration 2041xxxssssxxxxxbbbbxx
    integration 2042xxxssssxxxxxrrrrxx
    integration 2043xxxeeeexxxxxxxxxxx
    integration 20432xxttttxxxxxxxxxxx
    Light ON:@S(1,’\’)S(1,’0!A1’)S(1,’%U’)S(1,’\’)
    Light OFF:@S(1,’\’)S(1,’0!A5’)S(1,’%U’)S(1,’\’)
    Light ON:@S(1,’\’)S(1,’0!B2’)S(1,’%U’)
    Light OFF:@S(1,’\’)S(1,’0!B6’)S(1,’%U’)
    							144 Installing [email protected]/DOS
    AT&T System 75 or Definity-G3
    If you use AT&T System 75 or Definity-G3 (smdi_type s75), call Amanda 
    Company customer support team for more information. Call to be faxed 
    Technical Note 14, “Serial Integration for System 75 and Definity-G3.”
    To set configuration options for use with System 75 and Definity-G3:
    1. Follow steps 1 through 11 in the Bellcore Standard SDMI procedure “To 
    modify configuration options for use with Bellcore Standard SMDI:” in 
    the “Bellcore Standard SMDI” section.
    2. Change the smdi_type option to:
    smdi_type s75
    OTE:Type s75 with a lower case s. This option is case sensitive.
    3. Modify smdi_base_port 1 if the first port on the telephone switch-
    ing system is not 1. For example, some telephone switching systems use 
    the port’s extension or another logical terminal number to identify the 
    port. The first port may be extension 210, with the second port 211, etc. 
    (These numbers must be consecutive.) For example, if the first or base 
    port is 210, you use smdi_base_port 210.
    4. You can also set smdi_delay
     x, where x is a number of tenths of sec-
    onds causes Amanda to wait that long after the call is answered before 
    looking for integration information. This allows more than one packet to 
    be sent to a port per telephone call. Amanda uses the last (most recent) 
    packet. The default is 0.
    5. Press F10 to save your changes.
    The Save All Data? dialog box appears.
    6. Press Y for Yes.
    OTE:The smdi_max, smdi_pretimeout, smdi_start, smdi_stop, 
    and smdi_term configuration options do not apply to 
    AT&T System 75 and Definity-G3 telephone switching 
    							Chapter 12: Using Serial Integration 145
    You must modify your C:\AMANDA\PDX.DB\1001.PBX file to properly 
    integrate the 7404D set information. Using either the Amanda Setup utility 
    or the JOVE utility, verify that your integration lines are:
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrrr D
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxsssxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrrr D
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxAxxxxxxxxxxxrrr C
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxeeexxxxAxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbbb B
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxsssxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbbb B
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrrr S
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxsssxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrrr S
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrrr x
    integration 10 
    xxxxxxxxxxxxsssxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrrr x
    NOTE:The integration lines above are for a three (3) digit station 
    plan. When you have a mixed dialing plan, (for example, 3 
    and 4 digit extensions) you must have integration strings to 
    handle ALL possible combinations.
    To modify to another digit plan, use the appropriate num-
    ber of r’s, b’s, s’s, e’s, and x’s. The proper integration lines 
    vary depending on your System 75 software release, digital 
    telephone set model, and the data cartridge that you use in 
    the digital set. If you experience problems with the integra-
    tion strings defined above, run option 3 in the Setup utility 
    (Integration Helper) to assist you, or contact Amanda Com-
    pany customer support.
    Also, you need to defined the telephones system dial code “What to dial 
    when a port goes off-hook” with the code you defined above in FEATURE 
    ACCESS CODE Call Pickup Access Code.
    Finally, you must create mailboxes for each extension number where 
    Amanda’s ports are connected. The parameters must be defined as follows:
    Extension: @G(990)
    Do Not Disturb: OFF  LOCK: ON
    Store Messages? NO
    Chains RNA: 990
    Chains Busy: 990 
    							146 Installing [email protected]/DOS
    Mailbox 990 is the default Company Greeting mailbox. If you have 
    redefined the Company Greeting mailbox for any of the ports, use that 
    mailbox instead of 990.
    OTE:The examples use %U (for mailbox), but you may prefer 
    %E (for Extension field) or %V (for Variable field). You 
    can use %E when the Extension field contains only the ex-
    tension number. (For example, if the Extension field con-
    tains an H for a blind transfer or starts with a @, %E is 
    unusable.) You can use %U only if the mailbox is the same 
    as the extension number. If you use %V, the Variable field 
    in the notification record must contain the extension num-
    The *4 and #4 are the AT&T default values, often left as the standard, but 
    fully configurable. Watch out for dialplan conflicts if you change them 
    because the conflicts can slow down system operation if a needed wait for 
    dial timeout (that is, a four-digit speedial code) has the same first few digits 
    as the message waiting light feature.
    Ericsson MD-110
    This section covers serial integration for the Ericsson MD-110 system.
    To set configuration options for serial integration on Ericsson MD-110:
    1. Follow steps 1 through 11 in the Bellcore Standard SDMI procedure “To 
    modify configuration options for use with Bellcore Standard SMDI:” in 
    the “Bellcore Standard SMDI” section.
    2. Change the smdi_type option to:
    smdi_type md110
    Light ON:*4%U
    Light OFF:#4%U 
    							Chapter 12: Using Serial Integration 147
    3. Modify smdi_base_port 1 if the first port on the telephone switch-
    ing system is not identified as the logical port 1. For example, some tele-
    phone switching systems use the port’s extension or another logical 
    terminal number to identify the port. The first port may be extension 
    241, with the second port 242, etc. These numbers must be consecu-
    tive. For example, if the first or base port is 241, you use 
    smdi_base_port 241.
    4. You can also set smdi_pretimeout
     x, where x is the maximum 
    number of seconds that a packet can precede the forwarded call. Start 
    with 50, the default, but you may need to experiment to determine the 
    best setting.
    5. Set the smdi_start option to the number of digits in your extension plan. 
    For example, the following indicates that you have three-digit exten-
    smdi_start 3
    6. (Optional) Set the smdi_stop option to the number of digits in your port 
    number information that the telephone switching system will send. This 
    number will usually be 2.
    smdi_stop 2
    7. You can also set smdi_delay
     x, where x is a number of tenths of 
    seconds. Amanda waits that long after the call is answered before look-
    ing for integration information. This allows more than one packet to be 
    sent to a port per telephone call. Amanda uses the last (most recent) 
    packet. The default is 0.
    OTE:The smdi_max and smdi_term configuration options 
    do not apply to Ericsson MD-110 telephone switching 
    You must also modify your C:\AMANDA\PBX.DB\1001.PBX file to 
    include the SMDI information. Using the Amanda Setup utility (selection 3) 
    or the JOVE utility, verify that your integration lines are as follows. When 
    using Setup, type 10 in the Timeout field. (10 equals 10 tenths of seconds or 
    a total of 1 second.) Then enter the integration strings in the column for the 
    station plan your system uses.  
    							148 Installing [email protected]/DOS
    Use an  entry for each string you are adding. (See “Using 
    Character Codes” on page 82 for more information about the codes such as 
    rrr or rrrr.)
    If you are using the JOVE utility, the integration timeout precedes each 
    integration string as follows. This example is only for 4-digit station plans.
    4-Digit Station Plan3-Digit Station Plan
    Forward no answer:80rrrrxx80rrrxx
    Direct station access:81eeeexx81eeexx
    Direct station access:82eeeexx82eeexx
    Forward no answer:83ssssrrrrxx83sssrrrxx
    Forward no answer:85rrrrxx85rrrxx
    Forward no answer:86rrrrxx86rrrxx
    Forward no answer:91ssssrrrrxx91sssrrrxx
    Forward busy:92ssssbbbbxx91sssbbbxx
    Forward no answer:94rrrrxx94rrrxx
    Forward busy:95bbbbxx95bbbxx
    3-Digit Station Plan
    integration 1080rrrxx
    integration 1081eeexx
    integration 1082eeexx
    integration 1083sssrrrxx
    integration 1085rrrxx
    integration 1086rrrxx
    integration 1091sssrrrxx
    integration 1092sssbbbxx 
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