Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l User Guide
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Gene ra l De scriptio n 3 Execut ive Ke y Telep hone The Execu ti ve Key Telepho ne m odel h as a 2 x 16, 32- ch ar ac ter Super Twist LCD display, with three interactive Soft Buttons to enhanc e syst em features o per at io n. The Super Tw ist LCD el imi nates t he need fo r co nt rast adj ust ment a nd e nh an ces a n gled v iewi ng po siti on c la ri ty o f di spl ay ed d a ta . A visual referen ce t o c al l p ro gr ess an d call du rati on , as wel l as ti me and date information, is displayed. The display also enables the Exec ut iv e Key Telep ho ne u ser to sen d a n d r eceiv e v isu a l a dv iso ry and cal lback messages. Fi gure 2 :ExecutiveKey T el epho ne Soft Buttons Su p er t w ist Display

4 G eneral Des cript ion Direct Station Sel ector (DSS) C ons ol e A D irec t Sta t ion Selec to r (DSS) C o nso le is a l so a v a ila b le o n t he DHS-L. F ou r DS S C on s ol es m a y b e as s i gn ed to a s t at io n. E a ch D S S C on sole u ses o ne D ig ital Statio n Por t. TheDSSConsolebuttonsareprogrammedbytheStationUser usi ng th e FEAT + # + 4 c om mand , th en pr essi ng th e b ut ton o n the DSS to be programmed. Feat ur es ar e separ at ed i nt o t wo dist inct categor ies for programming on a button: CO line or station. Fi gure 3 : DS S Consol e

Gene ra l Conven tions 5 General Conventio ns DH S-LFea tures Sys te m A cc ess-- System resources ar e accesse d using dir ectory nu mb ers to d ia l a c cess th e reso ur ce (sta ti on n umb eri ng , UC D Gro up n um ber in g, et c.) . †The [FE AT] button joined with dial key codes will appear th rou gh ou t t he t ext . Thi s bu tto n is u sed to acc ess mo st syst em features. †Press th e [CLEAR] button to cancel the current operation. One-Button A cc ess-- An y feat ure o r r esou rce c ode may be stored for one-button access under an available Programmable Feat ur e Bu tto n. LCD Prom pts-- Operatio n steps ar e or ient ed fo r t heExecut ive Key Telephone since the interactive LCD prompts encompass all Ex ec ut iv eK e y T e le p ho ne f u nc ti on s . So ft Bu t to n Di spl ay-- Th ree L C D in teract ive Soft Bu tto ns ar e po s it ion e d be n e a th th e di s pl ay o n t heExecutiveK ey Tel ephone. †These but to ns are used during feat ure o peratio n fo r in tera ct iv e d isp la y p ro mp t m enu s. †Fo r or ientatio n pur po ses, t he So ft Butto ns may be refer red to as the left, c enter and ri gh t So ft Bu tto ns. Programming Mode--System programming can be executed at any idleExecutiveKe y T e le p ho ne . On ly o ne s ta ti on ma y e nt e r th e syst em program ming mode at any tim e. †Va lid p ro gra m min g i s co nfi rmed wi th a sing le b eep to ne from the speaker. †Inv a li d p ro gr am min g is a ler ted wit h a d o ub le b eep ton e.

6 G eneral Convent ions Soft Button Prompts Fi gure 4 : Soft Butt ons bksp:W hen the new pr ogramm ing data ent ry is not desi red, the station user m ay press t he backspace [bksp] but ton to erase the last d ata en tered and ret urn to th e im med iately p rec edi ng pr om pt . sav e: When the new data i s ent ered, the syst em w ill check the ent ered da ta a u tom a tic al ly . If t he en try i s inv a li d, the p ro mp t w ill be refresh ed. Th e stati on user mu st p ress th e sto re [save] b u tto n to confirm entry and continue with the next prompt item. ch g: Pr ess th e ch an g e [ch g] b ut ton to mo d ify the cu rren t pr om pt ed i tem. I f the dat a/ message to be c hanged is generated by t he sy stem itsel f, th e cu rren t p ro gram min g item wil l b e replaced by new data (to ggle d betw een Y ES and NO, o r c yc led through several data/m essages) when the user presses t he [c hg] bu tt on . next:R epeat ed depressio ns o f the [next] but ton w ill pr esent the next selection or the next programmable item within the current ca teg or y. back:Repeated depressions of the [back] button operate simi la rly t o t he [n ext ] b u tto n w her e th e pr ev iou s p rog ra mm in g ca teg or y is selec ted , or th e pr evi ou s p rog ra mm in g i tem w ith in th e cu rren t c atego ry is sel ect ed. OCT 1 STATIONFRI 8:00 201

Gene ra l Conven tions 7 sho w: P ress th e di spl ay [sho w] b ut ton to ent er in to det ai led item feat ur e pr og ra mmi ng o f a sp ec ific ca teg o ry , or to d isp la y c urr ent pr ogramm ed c ontent o f the feat ure. cl ea r: The [clear] butt on can be used at anytime in system pr og ra mm ing . D ep ressin g t hi s bu tto n ab o rts a n y p ro gr a mmi ng in pr ogress and ret ur ns t he Executive K ey Telepho ne t o an idle state. FeatureCodeTable Ta ble 1: Feat ure Ac ces s Code s Feature LCD Non-Display ALARM CLOCK C ancel ( prior to alarm ) F+ [✳]+ [9 ] +[2 ] F+ [✳]+[9]+[2] E xt e n sio n F+ [9 ]+ [2 ] F+ [9 ]+ [2 ] + HH M M +( 1- 2 ) AT T EN D AN T AD MI N F+ [# ]+ [0 ]+ (1 - 6) +[ sav e] +psswrd (0000)N/A A U TO B U SY R ED IA L (A B R ) F+ [7 ]+ [8 ] F+ [7 ]+ [8 ] BACKGROUND MUS IC Enable [801] or [802] [801] or [802] Disable [CLEAR] [CLEAR] C ALL ANNOUNCE A llo w (h an d s - fr e e) F+ [9 ]+ [8 ] F+ [9 ]+ [8 ] Cancel F+[✳]+ [9 ] +[8 ] F+ [✳]+[9]+[8] C ALL BA CK [E xt n ] +[ #] [E xt n ] +[ #] C an c el ( Al l) F+ [# ]+ [# ] F+ [# ]+ [# ] C an c el ( Si n g le) F+ [✳]+ [# ]+ [# ]+ ext n F+ [✳] +[# ]+ [# ]+ ext n

8 G eneral Convent ions CALL FORWARD A ll F+ [2 ] F+ [2 ]+ [2 ]+ (s t at io n ) Busy F+[2] F+[2]+[1]+(station) Cancel F+[2] F+[✳]+(fwd type) D N D ( Tra n sf er ) F+ [2 ] F+ [2 ]+ [7 ]+ (s t at i o n ) DND (to Attd whi le ringing) F+ [4] F+ [4] External F+[2] F+[2]+[6]+ (extrnl nbr) + [HOL D] F o llo w To F+ [2 ] F+ [2 ]+ [5 ]+ (s t at io n ) F o llo w Me F+ [2 ] F+ [2 ]+ [3 ]+ (s t at io n ) +( ps sw rd) F ollow Me Cance l F+ [2 ] F+ [✳]+[2]+[3]+ (station)+(psswrd) No Answer F+[2] F+[2]+[4]+(station) +[ xx] CALL PARK Receive F+[7]+[3]+(station) N/A CALL PICKUP D ire ct (station)+[6] (station)+[6] Group (station)+(460-489) (station) +(460-489) C ALL ER ID F+ [# ]+ [0 ]+ [1 ]+ (0 00 0 ) +[next]+[chg]+[CLEAR] +F +[ #] +[✳]+ psswrd (# ## ## ## #) +[ sh o w ] +[ nex t] ( to IC LID) +[ sh o w ]+ [s h o w] +(700-771)+[show] +( 1- 8 )N/A CAMP ON Bus y CO Line busy +[ CAM P] bus y+[ 4] Busy Sta tion busy +[next]+[CA MP] busy+[4] Ta ble 1: Feat ure Ac ces s Code s Feature LCD Non-Display

Gene ra l Conven tions 9 CO LINE A utomati c S el ection F+ [9]+ [5] F+ [9]+ [5]+ (0 or 1) CO NFERE NCE S u pe r vis ed F+ [6 ]+ [0 ] F+ [6 ]+ [0 ] Forced Release [forced] F+[7]+[4] Ta lk Private ly [p rivate ] F+ [5 ]+ [7 ] Unsuper vised (CO Line Conference)F+ [7 ]+ [7 ] F+ [7 ]+ [7 ] Unsuper vised (COLineConferenceRejoin)F+ [6 ]+ [0 ] F+ [6 ]+ [0 ] D I ST IN CTIV E R IN G F+ [# ]+ [7 ] F+ [# ]+ [7 ]+ (1 - 4) DO NOT DIST URB (DND) F+ [4] F+ [4] DSS/BLF KEY PROG. F+[#]+[4] N/A FEATURE BUTTON K e y P ro g r a mm in g N u mbe r s F+ [# ]+ [3 ] F+ [# ]+ [3 ]+ (p ro g r a mm able btn) +[1 ] +( directory nbr)+[HOL D] F eat u r e Co d es F+ [# ]+ [3 ] F+ [# ]+ [3 ]+ (p ro g r a mm able btn) +[2 ] +[ FEAT ] +(code)+ [HOLD] Inquiry F+[#]+[3] N/A E r as e F+ [# ]+ [3 ] F+ [# ]+ [3 ]+ (p ro g r a mm able btn) + [HOL D] FLASH CO Line F+ [3 ] F+ [3 ] HO LD A u t o mat i c A llo w F+ [9 ]+ [4 ] F+ [9 ]+ [4 ] Cancel F+[✳]+ [9 ] +[4 ] F+ [✳]+[9]+[4] Ta ble 1: Feat ure Ac ces s Code s Feature LCD Non-Display

10 G eneral Convent ions HOT DIAL PAD A llo w / D en y ( t o g g les ) F+ [# ]+ [6 ] F+ [# ]+ [6 ] HOT LINE F+[9]+[✳] F+[9]+[✳] Cancel F+[✳]+ [9 ] +[✳]F+[✳]+[9]+[✳] INTRUSION (Privacy) busy+[next]+[intru] busy+[8] L AS T NUMBER REDIAL (LNR) F+ [8] F+ [8] M ES SAG E W AIT [m sg ] o r [E xt ] +[9 ] [E xt ] +[ 9] A n s we r [r e ply] o r ( F+ [9 ]+ [6 ] F+ [9 ]+ [6 ] C ancel ( incomi ng) F+ [✳]+ [9 ] +[6 ] F+ [✳]+[9]+[6] C an c el ( s en t ) F+ [✳]+ [9 ] +[6 ] +(s t at io n ) F+ [✳]+[9]+[6]+ (station) MUTE [MUTE] or F+[7]+[6] [MUTE] or F+[7]+[6] M u t ed R in g in g F+ [7 ]+ [6 ] F+ [7 ]+ [6 ] PA G E I nternal (All Groups) [400] [400] External [820] or [821] [820] or [821] All Call (Internal) [425] [425] Group [4]+(01-24) [4]+(01-24) A n s we r F+ [5 ]+ 9] F+ [5 ]+ 9] S t at io n ( Allo w / D en y) F+ [# ]+ [9 ] F+ [# ]+ [9 ] PA US E F+ [7 ]+ [0 ] F+ [7 ]+ [0 ] S AV E D IA LED N U MB E R ( SD N ) F+ [5 ]+ [1 ] F+ [5 ]+ [1 ] SPEEDDIAL To S t or e F+ [1 ] F+ [1 ]+ (bi n n b r) + phone nbr+ [HOL D] To Dial (Station: 500-549, Sys t em : 60 0- 6 99 )(S tation: 500-549, System: 600-699) To E ra se F+ [1 ] F+ [1 ]+ (bi n n b r) +[ H OLD] Ta ble 1: Feat ure Ac ces s Code s Feature LCD Non-Display

Gene ra l Conven tions 11 STATION F eature Status F+ [# ]+ [8] N/A L o c k F+ [9 ]+ [7 ] F+ [9 ]+ [7 ]+ (ps s wr d ) +[ #] U n lo c k F+ [9 ]+ [7 ] F+ [9 ]+ [7 ]+ (ps s wr d ) +[✳] C h an g e P as sw o r d F+ [9 ]+ [7 ] F+ [9 ]+ [7 ]+ (ps s wr d ) +( new ps sw rd) TRANSFER O ne-Button pre-programmed [DS S] btn S cree ned [HOL D]+ stati on/ Hunt group nbr (wait for ans we r)+ [ TR A NS] Unscree ned [HOL D]+ stati on/ hunt group nbr+[ T RANS ] Voice Mail [HOL D]+ ( VM Hunt group nbr)+ mai lbox nbr+[ TRANS ] USER SAVED NUMBER REDIAL (USNR)F+ [5 ]+ [✳]N/A V O ICE M AIL - Ca ll Sc r ee n F+[ 6 ]+ [4 ] F+ [6 ]+ [4 ] V O ICE R E COR D ER F+ [6 ]+ [7 ] F+ [6 ]+ [7 ] Ta ble 1: Feat ure Ac ces s Code s Feature LCD Non-Display

12 G eneral Convent ions Sys tem Numbering Plan Ta ble 2: Sys tem Def aul t Num bering Pl an Parameters Number/Range Call Pickup Group 460-483 CO Line A cces s T1 Channe l Acce ss700-771 772-795 Extension 1 --> B2 -->201-272 301-372 LCR 1 Loud Bell 810-811 M usic S ource 801 or 802 Paging Exte r nal P aging Pa ging Zone Acce ss820-821 400-425 Speed Dial Pe rsonal S pe ed Dial Num ber A cces s (A B BR n u m ber ) Sys t em Spe ed Dia l Nu m be r A cces s500-549 600-699 S tation Hunt Group 430-453 V irtual Numb er Acce ss 830-859