Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l User Guide
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Ho t el /Mo te l - - Att endant / Oper at or Feat ur es 93 Hotel/Mote l -- Atte ndant/Operator Fe ature s These At tendant/Operator features are al so available for singl e lin e tel eph on es p ro gra m med wit h H ot el/Mo tel co nfig u ra tio ns. Table 8: Hotel/Motel Features Feature Actions 911 E me rgency S er vice When a GUE ST station dia ls 911; the operator/attendant console i s notifi ed and a n SMDR record is generated. MULTI PL E WAKE UP CA LLS Attenda nt Program ming1. Press[FEAT]+[9]+[2]+desired station num ber + press [show]. 2. Pres s [ chg] + ente r the sp ecified tim e in HH:MM forma t. 3. Press [save]. 4 . P res s [ 1 ] and the Station dis play re turns to allow progra mm ing of a nother station num ber. Gu e st P r o g r a mm i n g1. Press[FEAT]+[9]+[2]. 2 . P r es s [ c h g ] + en t e r t h e des ir ed t i me i n HH:MM forma t. 3. Press [save]. 4 . P r es s [ o n e] an d t h e displa y r et u r n s t o a n i dle m ode dis playi ng curre nt date/ti me. RO O M STATU S Check I n1. Press [FEAT] + [7] + [#] + [2]. 2. E nter the de sired station numbe r and press [save].
94 Ho tel / Mo tel - - A tte ndant /O per ato r F eat ures Check O ut1. Press [FEAT] + [7] + [#] + [3] 2. E nter the de sired station numbe r and press [save]. Room Ready1. Press [FEAT] + [7] + [#] + [1]. 2. E nter Sta tion Directory num ber + [save ]. Mainte nance1. Press [FEAT] + [7] + [#] + [4]. 2. E nter Sta tion Directory num ber + [save ]. Una vaila ble1. Press [FEAT] + [7] + [#] + [5]. 2. E nter Sta tion Directory num ber + [save ]. VOICE M AIL BOX ( cle ar ms gs) Databa se Program ming1 . E nter program ming m ode and p re s s [show] twice. 2. Enter hunt group number (0-24). 3. Press [show]. 4 . P r es s [ n ex t ] s eve n t ime s. 5. Press HOLD. Opera tion To acce ss a voice ma ilbox: Pre ss [F EAT ] + [5] + [3] + station number. FEAT URE ACCE SS CODE S (Wh en HOTEL is en abled, th e f ollowing featu res can be accessed by a GUEST stat ion ) Call Forward Press [FEAT ] + [2] + (access code 1-7). Call Forward - Cance l Pres s [ FE AT ] + [ 2] + ( acce ss code 1-7) . Do Not Disturb (e nable /disa ble )Press [FEAT ] + [4]. MaidClean Press[FEAT]+[7]+[#] +[1] Table 8: Hotel/Motel Features Feature Actions
Ho t el /Mo te l - - Att endant / Oper at or Feat ur es 95 Maintenance Press[FEAT]+[7]+[#] +[4] +(station num ber). Message Waiting Repl y Press [FEAT ] + [9] + [6]. Voice Mes s age W aiting Repl y Pres s [ FE AT ] + [ 6 ] + [ 4] . STAT ION T Y P E (G U ES T o r STAF F)De fa ult = STA FF. To change to GUE ST setti ng : 1. Enter programming mode. 2 . P r es s [ s h ow ] + en t e r d es ir ed s t at io n num ber. 3. Press [show]. 4. Press [nex t] twice. 5. Press [chg]. Table 8: Hotel/Motel Features Feature Actions
96 SLT Feat ures and Operat ion SLT Features and Operatio n T he S y s te m a nd S in gl e Li ne T e l e ph o ne F e a tu re s o f the STARPLUS®DHS- L™Systems ar e list ed and described in alphabetical or der. Features described her e pert ain to Single Line Telepho nes and Analo g devic es (FAX, modem, co rdl ess pho ne, etc .) co nnected to the DHS- Lvi a the 2-Po rt An alo g Adapter an d 2-Po rt A nalo g Expander. An abbrevi at ed feature i ndex is pr ovided; refer t o T a bl e 9: S LT Fe a t ur e Ac ce s s C o d e s: Table9:SLTFeatureAccessCodes Featu re Code ALARM CLOCK S et # 92 + hhm m +[1 or 2] Ca ncel #✳92 CA LL BA CK [ Ex tn] # Cle ar #✳##sss CA LL BROKE RI NG [ Flas h] CA LL F ORWA RD # 2 + ( Forw ard type ) Busy # 21 + [destination] Ca ncel #✳2+(Forwardtype) Dire ct (A ll Call s) # 22 + [ des tination] DND Forward # 27 + [destination] E xterna l Forwa rd # 26 Follow To # 25 + [ des tination] Follow Me C all Forw ard # 23 + [ des tination] + pppp No Answer #24 + [destination] + (ring time 01-04) CA LL O PE RAT OR 0 CALL PARK ANSWER (by CO line) #73 + (Call Park station number)
SLT Features and O perat ion 97 CA LL PICKUP Dire ct [ Ex tn] 6 Group #54 CA MP ON 4 CO L INE ACCE SS 9 S pecif ic Line 7 00 -79 5 DO NOT DI ST URB (S et/ Clea r) # 4 FLASH Flash HOLD [Flash] HOT L INE (Ri ng D own) #9✳ Cancel [Flash]#✳9✳ INTERCOM CALL 201-272, 301-372 INT RUS ION (Priva cy) [ Ex tn] 8 LA ST NUM BER REDIA L # 8 LI NE FLA SH CO/P B X [ Flas h] ME SS AGE WA ITI NG Ca ncel #✳96 + sss Clear Message Sent #✳#9 + ss s Retrieve #96 S end [Ex tn]9 PAG E External—Paging Speakers 820 or 821 Me et M e A n sw er (M ee t Me P ag e ) # 59 Station Group 40 + gg System All Call 425 Table9:SLTFeatureAccessCodes Featu re Code
98 SLT Feat ures and Operat ion SPEED DIAL Dia ling bbb Storing #1 + bbb + n + [Flash] STATION LOCK #97 + PPPP + # Password C hange #97 + PPPP + p ppp Unlock #97 + PPPP +✳ TRANSFER Flash + sss UCD GROUP (Hunt) 430-453 VOI CE MA IL # 64 bbb= binnumber gg = gr oup num be r n = ou tsi de ph one nu mbe rPPPP = c urr en t password pp pp = ne w passw ord s s s = s ta ti on num be r Table9:SLTFeatureAccessCodes Featu re Code
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