Communications System
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
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INTRODUCTION The CSTAT Table spifies the number of Personal Distribution List members allocated for ma.ilbxes in each COS. A non-zero PDL value for a COS specifies that a mailbox with that COS can use Personal Distribution Lists. The maximum number of Personal Distribution&ist members allowed in all the combined lists of each maibx depends on the value specified for its associated cos. Personal Distribution Lists are a feature of IntraMessaging. Refer to the Feature Description manual - SGING,...
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Quick Reference Guide CSTAT Table Command Description - &AT Table Specifies the number of Personal Distribution List members allowed for each mailbox in a COS. CSTAT Table and the INSTALL Program There are no questions iu the lN!XYiLL program pertaining to the CSTAT Table. To MODIFY entries, use the WDATE program. UPDATE Command OptIOnS LIST .L CSTA MODIFY .M CSTA 4 To list the CSTAT Table for one or all COS. To modify an entry in the CSTAT Table. The. prompt is displayed by the UPDATE...
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.6.-i UNDERSTANDING THE CSTAT TABLE The CSTAT Table allows the assignment, by COS, of alphanumeric parameters to a mailbox, port or trunk. These alphanumeric parameters are static - they do not change by time of day or day of w~TheCOSassignedtoa~portortrunkdirectstheToshbaVPSystemtothe associated C3TAT Table entry. Personal Distribution I&s (PDL) are a feature of IntraMessaging~ Refer to the Feonue . - INTRAMESSAGING for information on setting up Personal Distribution - _ At this time, the PDL...
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6-2 Configuration Manual - PDL INDEX VALUE The feet entry in the Csrprr Table is the PDL index value. It specifies whether mailboxes in a COScanuseRrsonalDktributionLists l If a COS has an index value of NONE, PDI.s are not allowed for mailboxes in that COS. l If the index value for a COS is one or greater, PDLS are allowed. The index value&presents the maximum number of PDL members allocated for each mailbx in the COS. - Example of a CSTAT Table: r
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CSTATTable 6-3 - I. 3 HOW THE CSTAT TABLE IS USED FOR THE PDL INDEX VALUE When a person enters a maillxsx to use a PDI the Toshiba VP System checks the CSTAT Table entry for that mailkx’s COS. If an index value other than NONE, entered as 0 in the CSTAT Table, is assigned in the CSTAT Table, PDLS are allowed. The PDL index value represents the number of Personal Distribution List members that rnaibaxes in that COS may use. Mailbox Options prompt the mailbox holder to define Personal Distribution...
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6.4 HOW TO CObJFlGURE THE CSTAT TABLE FOR THE PDL INDEX VALUE The PDL index value is the first entry in the CSTAT Table. It is automatically defined with a. default Personal Distribution List index value of NONE for each mailbox COS defmed in the Toshba VP System configumtion. This index value does not apply to port/trunk COS. l Use the UPDATE program to modify the PDL index value for a mailbox COS. . ENTRY R The only entry in the CSTAT Table is the PDL index value. It is entry ?#l. - _ PDL...
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CSTATTable 6-5 - tU When the CSTAT Table is listed and the IntxaMessaging option is not installed, the table will have no entries. MODIFY Modifying entrles III the CSTAT Table
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7 CUSTOM PROMPT TABLE - _ Chapter Contents Section Descfbtion PaClg 7.1 7.2 7.3 U&&anding the CUSTOM PROMPT Table ............................................. 7-1 CustomEnwPrompts ............................................................ 7-1 Custom MWN Prompts ........................................................... 7-l Examples Of Using Custom Prompts ................................................ 7-2 How the CUSTOM PROMPT Table Works ...................................................
Page 129
INTRODUCTION The CUSTOM PROhIPT Table specifies the number of the mailboxes contain@ +“ l Custom Error Prompts, played when a caller dials an invalid number or a blocked extension l Custom Message Whiting Notification Prompt, to give special dialing instructions to mailbox holders whose extensions do not produce DTMF tones Toshiba W Sy-itena -5.3 May. 1x31
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Quick Reference Guide .*- CUSTOM PROMPT Table Command Description - &TOMbROMPT Table Spedfies rnaibox numbers containing Custom Error Prompts and Custom Message W&iting Notification WJW fiompts. CUSTOM PROMPT Table and the INSTALL Program There are no questions in the INSTALL program pertaining to the CUSTOM PROMPT Bible. To MODIFY entries, use the UPDATE program. 4 UPDATE Command OptIons LIST .L CUST To list the CUSTOM PROMPT Table. MODIFY .M CUST ., For any fim digit, specify maiIb~x...