Telrad Digital Avanti 3025 Telephone Set User Guide
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Avanti 3025 telephone set 25 RECEIVING MESSAGES LISTENING TO YOUR MESSAGES If there are any messa ges waiting for you in your mailbox, the [MSG] button li ghts up; you hear a broken dial tone when you lift the handset; and the second line of your idle display tells you how many new and existin g messages there are. The number in the upper ri ght hand corner is the mailbox number. To listen to your messages 1. Press [MSG] or ; the screen shows any predefined text messa ges, and how many IMAGEN...
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26 Avanti 3025 telephone set *You hear this option only if there are deleted messages which may still be recovered. ** You hear this option only if there are future delivery messages waiting in your mailbox. IMAGEN offers you two ways of reviewing your new and existin g messages. You may choose to listen to them directly (as described below) or view a listin g of all your messa ges on the display before selecting the messa ge/s you would like to hear, as described in the section titled Viewing...
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Avanti 3025 telephone set 27 After listening to each message, you hear the LISTEN Menu: (Alternatively, you can ask your system administrator to pro gram your MAILBOX Menu so that you can access your messa ges in a slightly different manner.) In such a case, you listen to your new messa ges by select- in g {NEW MSGS} or [1] , and old messages can be heard by pressin g {OLD MSGS} or [6] , while future delivery mes- sa ges can be heard by dialing [8] . The LISTEN Menu is then played). If you dial...
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28 Avanti 3025 telephone set The above menu enables you to change the volume or speed of the messa ge you are listening to, or to repeat the messa ge with its time tag. If you select [1] -- New Messa ges, either from the MAIL- BOX Menu or the MESSAGE TYPE SELECTION Menu, you are informed how many of these were ta gged ‘Urgent’ by the sender. ‘Ur gent’ messages are played first and are prefixed by an URGENT! announcement. Once a mes- sa ge has been heard (and you press any button), its classi-...
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Avanti 3025 telephone set 29 2. Enter your current password; you receive the Mailbox Menu. 3. Press {SET OPTION} or [4] ; you receive the MAILBOX OPTIONS Menu: 4. Press [9] ; you receive the CONTINUOUS LISTENING Pro gram- min g Menu and have the following options: DETERMINING WHO A MESSAGE IS FROM AND WHEN YOU RECEIVED IT Each messa ge has an attached header, or time tag, con- tainin g the name or extension number of the person who sent the messa ge, and the data and time that the message was sent....
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30 Avanti 3025 telephone set To activate the header option 1. Press {SET OPTION} or [4] in the MAILBOX Menu; you receive the MAILBOX OPTIONS Menu: 2. Press {HEADER} or [4] ; you receive the ACTIVATE/ DEACTIVATE Menu. 3. Dial [1] or press {ACTIVATE} to activate the option and dial [2] or press {DEACTIVATE} to deactivate the option. If the header option is deactivated, you can neverthe- less hear the time ta g for a particular message. To listen to the message time tag for a particular message...
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Avanti 3025 telephone set 31 To review your messages on the telephone display 1. From the MAILBOX Menu, press {VISUAL LST} or [9] ; you receive the followin g message category listing: 2. Press the softkey adjacent to the messa ge category you wish to view; you receive a listin g of the messages contained in the selected cate gory. See example below: . The top line of your screen displays the mailbox name or number, the number of messa ges in the selected cat- e gory and the page number. Each...
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32 Avanti 3025 telephone set •The time that the message was sent appears in 24- hour format. •The sender or telephone extension of the person who sent the messa ge appears next. If the message was left by an external caller, the telephone number of the external caller is displayed (if applicable to your sys- tem); otherwise, the ta g ‘EXTERNAL’ appears. •The duration of the messa ge is displayed on the right of your screen. The duration is recorded in minutes and seconds (for example, a messa ge...
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Avanti 3025 telephone set 33 After the message has been completed, you hear the LIS- TEN Menu: Once you have dealt with the messa ge by either exer- cisin g one of the menu options or dialing [*] , you are returned to the visual messa ge display. NOTE After a ‘new’ messa ge has been heard (and you press any button), it is transferred to the ‘old mes- sa ges’ category. However, if you dial [*] while lis- tenin g to a message, it remains in the ‘new’ cate gory. If you press the ri ght softkey...
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34 Avanti 3025 telephone set REVIEWING CONFIRMATION MESSAGES You can use the visual messa ge display to review details of your confirmation messa ges. After pressing the left softkey adjacent to ‘CONFIRM’ in the visual messa ge, the display shows a list of your confirmation messa ges as follows: The top line of your screen displays the mailbox name and number, the number of confirmation messa ges and the pa ge number. Each subsequent line contains the date and time that the messa ge was heard by...