Panasonic Uf 6000au Operating Instructions Manual
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101 Network Features Password Communications Pa ssword Commun ications, includ ing Password Transmission and Password Re ception will prevent your machine from sending a fax to a wrong station or receiving a fax from an unauthorized stations. You can set Pa ssword Transmission and Password Reception ind ependently, or both toge ther. To use Passwo rd Transmission, you must set a 4-d igit transmission password in ad va nce. The password must be shared with other compatible Panafax machine(s). If...
Page 102
Password Communications 102 To set transmission password and parameter, NOTE1. You can change the setting temporarily by using FUNCTION 8-4 (PASSWORD-XMT) for each transmission. See page 104 for details. 2. To change the password, press in step 4. Then re-enter a new one. Setting Password Transmission 1 S ET M ODE (1 -8 ) ENTER NO. OR ∨ ∧ 2 FAX PA RA ME TER (0 1- 99) NO .= ❚ 3 43 P ASS WO RD -XM T ❚❚❚❚ 4 Enter a 4-digit...
Page 103
Password Communications 103 Network Features To set the receiving password and parameter, NOTE1. Once you set the parameter, you cannot select the parameter, “OFF” or “ON”, for each reception. It is always “OFF” or “ON” until you change the setting. 2. To change the password, press in step 4. Then re-enter a new one. Setting Password Reception 1 SE T M OD E ( 1-8 ) EN TER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 2 FA X P AR AME TE R( 01- 99 ) N O.= ❚ 3 44 PA SS WO RD- RC V...
Page 104
Password Communications 104 To use Password Tran smission, you can se lect PASSWORD-XMT “OFF” or “ON” for each Transmissio n by following the procedure below. Using Password Transmission 1 Set document(s) face down. E NT ER ST AT IO N(S ) T HE N PRE SS S TAR T 00 % 2 SELECT MODE (1-9) ENTER NO. OR ∨ ∧ 3 P AS SW D-X MT =O FF 1:OFF 2:ON 4 for “OFF” (password is no t checked) or for “ON” (password is checked) P AS SW D-X MT =O FF 1:OFF 2:ON or P AS SW D-X MT =O N 1:OFF 2:ON 5 E NT ER ST...
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Password Communications 105 Network Features The re is no additio nal operation req uired once yo u set the para meter by following the p roced ure on page 103. The pa rameter, “OFF” or “ON”, cannot be selected for each reception. It is always “OFF” or “ON” until you change the setting. Using Password Transmission 7 If your machines Transmission Password coincides with th e other stations Tran smission Password , your machine starts sending the document. When transmission is completed, PASSWORD-XMT...
Page 106
106 Confidential Mailbox Your machine is equipped with two Confidential Communication features which ensure that the Confidential information you send is received only by the person with the correct confidential code. The confidential mailbox fe ature can b e used as a mailbox to communicate with othe r compatib le mod els using a 4-digit confiden tial cod e. The Confiden tial Mailbox feature receives document(s) with a confid ential code into memory. These documents can only be printed b y the...
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Confidential Mailbox 107 Network Features Sending a Confidential Document to a Remote Stations Mailbox 1 Set document(s) face down. EN TER S TA TIO N( S) TH EN PR ES S S TA RT 00 % 2 CO NF. C OM M. ( 1-5 ) EN TER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 3 CO NFI DE NT IAL X MT CON F. C ODE = ❚❚❚❚ 4 Enter a 4-digit Confidential Code. Ex:CO NFI DE NT IAL X MT CON F. C ODE =2 23 3 5 EN TER S TA TIO N TH EN PR ES S S TA RT 6 Dial by any one of the following methods: • One-Touch Dialing • Abbreviated...
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Confidential Mailbox 108 After you have been informed that someone has transmitted a confidential document to a remote stations mailbox, you can poll the confidential document from the remote station by following the procedure below. NOTE1. The confidential file will be erased automatically at the center station after being polled. Polling a Confidential Document from a Remote Stations Mailbox 1 C ON F. CO MM . (1 -5 ) ENTER NO. OR ∨ ∧ 2 C ON FI DEN TI AL PO LL C ON F. CO DE = ❚❚❚❚...
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Confidential Mailbox 109 Network Features No special setting is required, your machine comes with this feature ready to use. Your machine receives a confidential fax the same way it receives a normal fax message. When receiving the confidential fax, the display shows the following message (CONF. RCV REPORT) and prints out the Confidential Receive Report. ME SSA GE I N M AI L BOX Sample CONF. RCV Report Explanation of Contents NOTE1. If your machine receives two confidential faxes with same...
Page 110
Confidential Mailbox 110 Use the following procedure to store a document in a confidential mailbox in your machine. Once the confidential document is stored in your machine, it can be polled by another machine. NOTE1. The confidential file will be erased automatically after being polled. If you wish to retain the confidential file even after being polled, change the setting of Fax Parameter No. 42 (CONF. FILE SAVE) to Valid. Storing a Confidential Document in Your Machines Mailbox 1 Set document(s)...