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Panasonic Kx-Td308 Digital Super Hybrid System Installation Maintenence Manual

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Page 241

4.1.1 Using Proprietary TelephonesViewing the DisplayThe display gives you helpful information, such as what you should
do now, what you have done, etc..
RX-T7230 and the KX-T7235 both utilize two information
lines for programming. The upper line is called the Message Line
and the lower one is called the Function Line.
The Message Line (upper) shows you what you should do or what
you should select. It also allows you to confirm what you have just
entered. The display capacity is 16 digits. If your...

Page 242

4.1.2 Programming MethodsAdvancing to the next stage
When “SYS-PGM NO?+” is displayed, you can select one of the
l To go to program [000], press the NEXT button.l To go to another program, enter the 3-digit program address.
Rotatiod of jack numberEach jack of the Digital Super Hybrid System supports the
connection of a digital proprietary telephone and a single line
device with different extension numbers 
(extra Device Port: XDP
function). To program this function it is necessary to assign...

Page 243

4.1.2 Programming Methods
Going to another program addressAfter pressing STORE, you can go to another program with either
of the following two methods:
l To go to the next larger program address:
Soft 1 (SKP+) or VOLUME v (DOWN).
l To go to the next smaller program address:
SHIFT + Soft 1 (SKP-) or VOLUME A (UP).
(2) To go to a specific program address:
Press END, then enter the Program Address.Method (1) is useful when you 
want to perform a series of
programs consecutively. For...

Page 244

4.1.3 Entering CharactersYou can enter characters to store names for speed dial numbers,
extension numbers, etc., by using the dialing key pad and the
Each of the twelve dialing keys on the dialing key pad has seven
characters assigned. See the Combination Tables below.
3 t---~---t----~----t----~---i
IA1-------- G1--------- H1-------- I-I
I!iiT!h!iII 8181 Tl t
5t--f----}----f ---- I---- ;---.j 

Page 245

4.1.3 Entering CharactersPlease see the following example which shows how to select a
desired character.
For example, to select the letter ‘%I”:
Select either of the following two methods:
(1)Using the SHIFT and Soft buttons (for display DPT only)
* See Combination Table 1.
1. Press 6. (WI” belongs to “V.)l The Function Line shows: M N 0
2. Press the Soft 1 (M) button.
SHIFT to display the lower case of the above letters.)
(2)Using the SELECT button
* See Combination Table 2.
1. Press 6. (“M”...

Page 246

4.1.3 Entering Characters9.Press Soft 2 (e).
-1Using method (2)
* See Combination Table 2.The display shows:
2. Press SELECT.M
4. Press SELECT six times.Mi
6. Press SELECT four times.Mik
8. Press SELECT four times.Mike
Notesl To erase all the letters, press CLEAR.
l To erase the last letter, press a.System Programming

Page 247

4.1.4 User Programming Mode
Some programming items are accessible by any display proprietary
telephone user in the system.
The programming items are listed below:[OOO] Date and Time Set
[OOl] System Speed Dialling Number Set
[002] System Speed Dialling Name Set
[003] Extension Number Set
[O&l] Extension Name Set
[005] Flexible CO Button Assignment
[006] Operator/Manager Extension Assignment
[OOS] Absent Message
[OOS] Quick Dial Number Set
Entering the user programming modeYou can access these programs by...

Page 248

4.1.5 Programming ExampleThe following programming instructions assume that you have
already entered the programming mode and that you will employ
method (2) on page 4-8.
Example: Program 
[OOl] “System Speed Dialing Number Set”
Sample of DescriptionI
001(l)4.2 Manager Programming@ i(1) Program address: This address is printed at the top
Iof every page to allow you to quickly find theI
Idesired program.
Description (‘)Us&l to program the System Speed:(2) Running title: tells you which...

Page 249

4.1.5 Programming ExampleSample of DescriptionExplanation
0014.2 Manager Programming iand the desired speed dial number, the selected
code is displayed.
ISystem Speed Dialing Number Set (conti);(17) You can continue to program another entry.Conditions 
:(18) After you have stored all your entries, finish this
l Each speed dial number has aIprogram by pressing END. After pressing END
maximum of 24 digits. The valid!you can go to any program address you desire.
characters are 0 through 9, Jc and #IYou...

Page 250

420Manager Programming
Date and Time Set
It is assumed that you have read Section 4.1 “General Programming Instructions”. Soft
button usage is explained in that section, therefore no references will be made to them in
the following instructions. The soft buttons can be used in place of the overlay keys at any
DescriptionSets the current date and time. A 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock
can be selected.
Selectionl Year: 00 through 99
l Month: Jan. through Dec.
l Day: 1 through 31
l Day of...
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