Recording Equipment
Panasonic Disk Recorder Management Software Wv As65 Operating Instructions
Panasonic Disk Recorder Management Software Wv As65 Operating Instructions
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131 User Settings ADMIN ADMIN Step 1 Display the operation window in the network mode. Step 2 Select User(U)… from Setup(O) on the menu bar. The User window will be displayed. Perform the following settings: qRegistered user(U) The registered user name, user type and comment will be displayed. w[Add (A)…] button Click this button to add a user. e[Delete(D)…] button Click this button to delete a registered user. r[Property(P)…] button Click this button to edit user information. t[Close (C)] button The window will be closed. Step 3 Click the [Add(A)…] button. The Property window will be displayed. Perform the following settings: qUser name(U) Enter the user name. The entered user name is required to log in. Enter 4 to 14 alphanumeric characters. wPassword(P) Enter the password. The entered password is required to log in. Entered password will be dis- played as *. Enter 4 to 8 alphanumeric characters. eEnter password again to confirm.(C) Enter the same password entered for Password (P) again. Perform confirmation of the entered password. rUser type(T) Assign a user type to the user from Type1 - 5. The default setting is Type2. Refer to page 134 for details about how to define the available opera- tions on the user type window. tComment(O) It is possible to add comments about the user. Enter up to 64 alphanumeric characters. It is not necessary to add comments. y[OK] button Click this button to save the settings and close the property window. u[Cancel] button Click this button to cancel saving of the edited set- tings and close the property window. Register the users with their information wert q q w e r t yu

132 Step 4 Complete entering of the user information and click the [OK] button. The Property window displayed in the User window will be closed. The registered user will be displayed in the registered user list.The message window may be displayed when the [OK] button is clicked. When the message window is dis- played by clicking the [OK] button, refer to the page 153 and follow the descriptions. Edit the registered user information Step 1 Display the operation window in the network mode. Step 2 Select User(U)… from Setup(O) on the menu bar. The User window will be displayed. Step 3 Click the desired user name whose registered informa- tion is to be edited. The selected user name will be highlighted. Click the [Property(P)…] button. The Property window will be displayed. Step 4 Complete editing of the registered information and click the [OK] button. The edited information will be saved and the property window displayed in the User window will be closed. The edited user will be displayed in the registered user list.

133 Delete the registered user Step 1 Display the operation window in the network mode. Step 2 Select User(U)… from Setup(O) on the menu bar. The User window will be displayed. Step 3 Click the desired user name to be deleted. Step 4 Click the [Delete(D)…] button. The Deletion confirmation window will be displayed. Step 5 Click the [Yes] button. The selected user will be deleted from the registered user list.

134 Perform the settings of the user type The changed settings to a user type will be applied to all users of the same type. Step 1 Display the operation window in the network mode. Step 2 Select User type(T)… from Setup(O) on the menu bar. The User type window will be displayed. Perform the following settings: qCheck the box to apply each operation. Network operation(N) The users can operate in the network mode.Recorder operation(R) The users can operate the recorder in the net- work mode. Camera operation(A) The users can operate the camera in the net- work mode. Local operation(L) The users can operate in the local mode. Import a motion image file(I) It is possible to import a motion image file. Save as motion image file(M) The users can save images as a motion image file. Comment edit(C) The users can edit comments. Print(P) The users can print a paused image. Save as JPEG file(S) The users can save an image as a JPEG file. wON/OFF checkbox Check the box of the function to permit the user type to operate. A blank box of the function does not allow the user to operate. Note: The user type will not be able to start this soft- ware when all the boxes for the user type are blank. e[OK] button Click this button to save the settings and close the user type window. r[Cancel] button Click this button to cancel saving of the edited set- tings and close the user type window. Step 3 Click the [OK] button. The edited information will be saved.erw q

135 Change the password Except the registered auto login users, it is possible for users including the administrator to change the password after logging in. Refer to page 141 for descriptions of how to perform the settings of user authentication. Notes: •It is necessary to change the password on the recorder too when the password on this software is changed. Refer to the operating instructions of the recorder for details on how to change the password. •When the user name and the password registered in this software are not the same as the user name and the password registered in the recorder, it is impossible to monitor live or recorded images even though the user has logged in. Step 1 Display the operation window in the network mode. Note: It is possible to change the password when display- ing the search window in the network mode or when displaying any window in the local mode. Step 2 Select Change password(P)... from Tool(T) on the menu bar. The Change password window will be displayed.Perform the following settings: qLogin user The user name will be displayed. wOld password(O) Enter the current password. Entered characters for the password will be displayed as *. eNew password(N) Enter the new password. Entered characters for the password will be displayed as *. Enter 4 to 8 alphanumeric characters. rEnter password again to confirm.(C) Enter the same password as entered for New password(N) for confirmation. Perform confirma- tion of the entered password. Entered characters for the password will be displayed as *. t[OK] button Click this button to save the settings and close the Change password window. y[Cancel] button Click this button to cancel saving of the edited set- tings and close the Change password window. Step 3 Complete editing of the password and click the [OK] button. The edited information will be saved. A message window may be displayed when the [OK] button is clicked. When the message window is dis- played by clicking the [OK] button, refer to the page 153 and follow the descriptions. q w e r ty

136 Schedules Settings ADMIN ADMIN It is possible to perform downloading by following a schedule programmed in advance. It is impossible to perform the schedule function when the downloader is closed even though a scheduled time comes due. Keep the downloader active when trying to perform the schedule function. Notes: •It is not necessary to start the main application. •It is necessary to register the recorder before setting the schedule. • When the recorder is in the process of SD memory data obtainment, download will fail. Arrange the time ranges of the download schedule and the SD memory data obtainment schedule are not to be overlapped. Create a schedule ND300 Step 1 Display the operation window in the network mode. Step 2 Select Schedule(S)… from Setup(O) on the menu bar. The Schedule window will be displayed. Note: When the recorder is not yet registered, the follow- ing message window will be displayed. Refer to page 122 to register the recorder. Perform the following settings: qSchedule list The created schedule list will be displayed. w[New schedule(N)…] button Click this button to create a new schedule. e[Edit schedule(E)…] button Click this button to edit the schedule. r[Delete schedule(D)…] button Click this button to delete the schedule. t[Close(X)] button Click this button to close the Schedule window. Refer to the following page about the other setting items. Step 3 Click the [New schedule(N)…] button. The Schedule Setup area in the Schedule window can now be edited. q w e r t

137 Step 4 Set up the schedule. Perform the following settings. qSchedule Setup Set up the schedule. wSchedule Title(S) Enter the schedule name. Do not overlap with another schedule name. Enter up to 16 alphanumeric characters. The fol- lowing characters are not available (\, /, :, *, ?, , , |). eStart day Check the box next to the desired day of the week when the schedule is to be performed. rStart time(T) Select the download start time. tRecorder(R) Select the recorder for downloading. yTime range (FROM(F)/TO(O)) Set the time range for downloading. Duration between FROM(F) and TO(O) should be 24 hours or less. uStandard CH(D) Select a camera channel for the standard time. Notes: •It is necessary to set a standard time among the cameras that have different times. Downloading will be performed based on the time of the selected camera channel. •Select a camera channel to be downloaded. •It is impossible to select a camera channel when the recorder in use is the WJ-ND200. ND300 iCamera CH To select all the camera channels, check the ALL (L) box. To select only the desired cameras, check the Per camera(C) box. Check the boxes of the desired camera channels from which images are to be downloaded. Note: The images from all the selected camera channels will become one file. When ALL(L) is selected, images from all the camera channels will become one file. In this case, it is possible to play it on a multi-screen (4-/9-/16-split screen). Step 5 Click the [OK] button. The settings will be saved and the schedule title will be displayed on the list of the registered schedule title. Important: The set schedule will be activated at Start time (T) on the clock of the PC in use. When the clock time is different between the PC and the recorder, downloading may not be performed correctly. Set Start time(T) and Time range after due consid- eration of the time difference between them and if it is impossible to synchronize them. Note: When the [OK] button is clicked, the created sched- ule will become active automatically. To invalidate the created schedule, uncheck the box next to the created schedule title. The invalidated schedule will not be implemented. When the message window is displayed by clicking the [OK] button, refer to page 154 and follow the descrip- tions. q w tr e iuy

138 Invalidate the schedule It is possible to invalidate the registered schedule. Step 1 Display the operation window in the network mode. Step 2 Select Schedule(S)… from Setup(O) on the menu bar. The Schedule window will be displayed. Step 3 Uncheck the box next to the desired schedule to be invalidated. Step 4 Click the [Close(X)] button to close the Schedule win- dow.

139 Edit the schedule settings Step 1 Display the operation window in the network mode. Step 2 Select Schedule(S)… from Setup(O) on the menu bar. The Schedule window will be displayed. Step 3 Click the desired schedule title to be edited. The selected schedule will be highlighted. Step 4 Click the [Edit schedule(E)…] button. The Schedule Setup area in the Schedule window can now be edited. Step 5 Complete editing of the registered information and click the [OK] button. The edited settings will be saved and applied to the selected schedule.

140 Delete the schedule Important: It is impossible to recover the schedule once it has been deleted. Step 1 Display the operation window in the network mode. Step 2 Select Schedule(S)… from Setup(O) on the menu bar. The Schedule window will be displayed. Step 3 Click the desired schedule title to be deleted. The selected schedule will be highlighted. Step 4 Click the [Delete schedule(D)…] button. The Deletion confirmation window will be displayed. Step 5 After reading the message on the window, click the [Yes] button to delete the selected schedule. The selected schedule will be deleted from the regis- tered schedule title list.