Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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Page 1011
Chapter 6. SLT FeaturesSection 700 - OperationConsiderations lYou cannot break in on three-party conference calls. lThe default for the override alert tone is “off.” If the override alert tone is enabled, the tone will be sent to both parties when a call is overridden. Call Forwarding (All Versions)Call Forwarding allows users to send their calls to another extension, to an outside line, or to voice mail. All versions of the DBS provide call forwarding; however, some call forwarding enhancements are not...
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Section 700 - OperationChapter 6. SLT Features Call Forwarding--Busy/No Answer. When this feature is activated, allincoming calls to an extension that is off-hook or does not answer are forwarded to a designated extension. Similarly, if the extension is busy, the calls are forwarded to the designated extension. Call Forwarding--External. (CPC-A, CPC-AZ1 Versiom prior to 7.0 undCPC-B Versions prior to 7.0.) When this feature is activated, all incoming intercom calls to an extension are forwarded to an...
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Chapter 6. SLT FeaturesSection 700 - Operation ”Note: Beginning with CPC-AI1 and CPC-B Version 7.0, all forwarding types (All Calls, No Answer, Busy, Busy/No Answer) allow call forwarding outside eliminating the need for Call Forwarding--External. 4.If you are forwarding to an extension, enter the number of the extension you want to receive your calls. If you’re forwarding to an outside rnumber,(gal “*”plus the appropriate speed dial number. Note: To forward to an outside number, you must have already...
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Section 700 - OperationChapter 6. SLT Features Considerations .With CPC-A and CPC-B Versions prior to 2.0, calls cannot be forwarded to an extension that already ha5 call forwarding activated. In other words, phone “A” could only forward to phone “B” if phone “B” was not forwarded. Beginning with CPC-B Version 2.0, calls can be forwarded to extensions that have call forw*arding activated. For example, phone “A” can be forwarded to phone “B,” even if phone “B” is forwarded to voice mail. 0Calls can be...
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Chapter 6. SLT FeaturesSection 700 - Operation Call Hold (Ali Versions) Des&p tion Call Hold provides either exclusive or system hold, depending on system programming, With Exclusive Hold, only the extension that held the call can retrieve it. With System Hold, another extension can retrieve the call. Operation To place a call on Hold: Flash the switchhook. To release the call: Flash the stitchhook again. Related Programming lFFl (System): Recall Tier for Extension-Held CO Calls lFFl (System): Recall...
Page 1016
Section 700 - OperationChapter 6. SLT Features hangs up before you do. If you hang up before the other extension, the ltcltl outside line will be transferred to that extension. lThe DBS can provide Music-on-Hold to callers placed on hold. See “Music-On-Hold” (page 2-34) for more information. Call Park (All Versions) Description Use the Call Park function to transfer an outside call when you cannot locate the intended recipient of the call. Park the call and then page the person to whom you want to...
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Chapter 6. SLT FeaturesSection 700 - Operation 3.Enter the Park Number assigned to the call. “PARK PICK XX” (where “XX” is the park number) appears, and then “CO TALK ##XX” (where “XX” is the trunk number of the call) appears. Related Programmingl FFl (System): Park Recall Timer Considerationsl The parked calI recalls if it is not retrieved before the Recall Timer expires.If this happens, the user that parked the call can retrieve it by picking up the handset. If no one retrieves the call after the Park...
Page 1018
Section 700 - ODerationChaDter 6. SLT Features Related Programming lFFl (System): Extension Class of Service Setting (CPC-AI1 and CPC-B 3.1 or higher) lFF3 (Extension): Extension Class of Service Assignment (CPC-All and CPC-B Version 3.1 or higher) ConsiderationslIf more than one caller is attempting to reach the ringing extension, the Direct Call Pickup feature will answer the call that arrives first. Once the call has been picked up, other extensions that attempt to pick up the call receive busy...
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Chapter 6. SLT FeaturesSection 700 - Operation Considerations . .If more than one call is arriving at the Paging Group, the Group Call Pickup feature will answer the call to the lowest port number first. If the called extension belongs to more than one Paging Group, the Group Call Pickup Feature will answer the call to the lowest-numbered Paging Group first. You can answer incoming calls, Intercom Tone Calling, or Intercom Voice Calling using the Group Call Pickup feature. Group Call Pickup cannot be...
Page 1020
Section 700 - OperationChapter 6. SLT Featuresl The third party need only pick up the handset to speak to the outside line. Related Programmingl FFl (System): Onhook (Automatic) Transfer l FFl (System): Recall Tier for Extension-Transferred CO Calls lFFl (System): Recall Timer for Extension-Transferred Intercom Cal Is ConsiderationslIn order for users to transfer calls by flashing the switchhook, dialing the extension, and going onhook, the Onhook Transfer feature must be enabled. lYou cannot transfer...