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Mitel Sx-2000 Integrated Communications System Control Sheet Manual

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    of 526
    Install Circuit Cards 
    Ensure that the Main and Peripheral Control cards, the Peripheral Interface cards 
    (PICs), and the Digital Service Unit (DSU) cards are installed in the correct card slots 
    before loading the commissioning software. The following chart describes the card 
    installation procedure for the SX-2000 SG (Chart 5-1) system. 
    Chart 5-l Install Circuit Cards on the SX-2000 SG ICS 
    Apply power 
    to the system by setting the following 
    circuit breakers to ON: 
    mtenance Unit 
    If the Plane A System Processor 
    card does not begin self-test, or if 
    errors are indicated on the numeric 
    display, reinsert the card. If the 
    card fails self-test a second time, 
    Power-up self tests are only 
    Leave all other cards (except filler 
    Slots 1 through 24 on each shelf in 
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    9125-060-204-NA Issue 1 Revision 0 204 5-l  
    Chart 5-l Install Circuit Cards on the SX-2000SG ICS 
    Step Action Comments 
    a. Insert all Digital Service Units (DSUs) into their Refer to Figure 5-l. 
    appropriate slots. 
    Slots 29 through 32 on the Control 
    Additional DSUs may be installed 
    in a DSU Shelf, if present. 
    9. Go to Chart 5-2 for the procedure to load 
    commissioning software. 
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    204 5-2 
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    SX-2000 SG ICS Commissioning 
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 810 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 28 30 31 32 33 
    I I 
    12345s 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 28 30 31 32 33 
    Note 3. 
    Note 4(a). 
    pg p 
    Note 6: 
    Note7. The minlmlon system omfiguration must have cards indicated by * symbd In&&d in shelves as dwn. 
    Three versions ofthe predurge card exist: MC2S&IA, MC2808A and MC2SUAB. MC28346 isinstalled h dot 26, MC280AA 
    kinstelledin dot32, andMCZE0BAcanbelnskOedinCan~ol Shdfdot26aPeipherd Shdfslot31. 
    In later systemstie prsiwge card and the peripheral extender card are canbiied cn tie peripheral extender (MC304S&!. 
    when this Is the case a flkr card o( a baknced twsceiver card Is Installed In dot 31. 
    A Cotid RAM II card may be instdkd h place of four Contrd FlAh4 I cards. 
    Conbol RAh4 II cardsmaynotbelnstelkdln slots11 Uuu 13. 
    DigM Service Unltslots may be wapkd by TRX, Dsl, CP or CEPT ardsor filler plates. 
    Balanced Transceivercardfa 16drcultwilch Bnk qfion. 
    The MC20a4D is usad es the standard mm pro- in processor slots. However, the system prccesor may be an 
    MC2wAB (SPJ a MC500AA (SP II);tntheMain Cot&d slot1 timaydso bean MC2C8 (SP III) or MC2llAA (MC ll). When in 
    MC2WAB,MC208, MCZHAA, OT MC213 (CR II) is used, the MCPOlCB Bus Manager and MC202CA Memory Managec must 
    Figure 5-1 SX-2000 SG Card Configuration 
    912!5-060-204-NA Issue 1 Revision 0 204 5-3  
    load Commissioning Software 
    5.2 The following chart details the steps required to install commissioning software on 
    the SX-2000 SG system. 
    Chart 5-2 Load Commissioning Software On Plane A 
    step Action Comments 
    1. Remove the “Wriie Protect” tab on the Commissioning The floppy diskette and the hard 
    floppy diskette. disks are protected from 
    corruption since by default when 
    tests are run on these devices 
    only designated test pages are 
    accessed by them. 
    2. Insert the commissioning floppy diskette in the floppy Turn the latch on the floppy disk 
    disk drive. drive to lock the diskette in place. 
    3. Press and hold the PANEL SWITCH ENABLE button The System Processor executes a 
    on the Maintenance Panel, and press the PLANE A series of preloading tests. Refer 
    LOAD SOURCE button. to Practice 9125-060-353NA, 
    General Maintenance Information, 
    Note: DO NOT remove the floppy diskette from the for a description of the processor 
    floppy disk drive. Both System Processor cards card diagnostic tests. If errors 
    are trying to access the disk driie. occur, loading halts and an error 
    code is returned on the Main 
    Controller numeric display. If an 
    error should occur, repeat step 3. 
    If the second loading attempt fails, 
    refer to Practice 
    Troubleshooting Procedures. 
    4. Check that the Maintenance Terminal returns the 
    following message: 
    (Date and name of load is output) 
    TIME: 0O:OO:OO 
    5. Check that after a delay, the system outputs a Refer to Appendix A., Table A2-2, 
    configuration report for control cards. for an example of a control card 
    configuration report. 
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    SX-2000 SG ICS Commissioning 
    Chart !5-2 Load Commissioning Sofhvare On Plane A 
    and reinsert the incorrectly 
    configured card. Enter the 
    CONFIG command to generate a 
    new report. If the card still does 
    owing message: 
    Any commands entered at the Maintenance Terminal 
    after this point require the Maintenance Terminal 
    RETURN key be pressed. Any command entered 
    hereafter is assumed to be terminated this way. to check the RAM refresh circuitry. 
    If a RAM location loses its refresh, 
    a bus error is likely to occur. The 
    system returns a bus error 
    message on the Maintenance 
    Terminal, including the address at 
    which the fault occurred. Note the 
    address and refer to Practice 
    9125-060-352-NA, Maintenance 
    Messages, to determine which 
    RAM card is faulty. Replace the 
    riate card and restart this 
    from step 3 before 
    endix A., Table A2-6, for an 
    le of EPRINTL command 
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    9125-060-204-NA Issue 1 Revision 0 
    204 5-5  
    Main and Subsystem Control Tests 
    5.3 Main and Subsystem Control Tests are performed on the SX-ZOOOSG system as 
    described in the following chart, 
    Note: When the Main Control subsystem tests are run, the Mass Storage System is also 
    tested.The ‘Write Protect” tab on the commissioning diskette should be removed prior to 
    running these tests. The diskette is automatically protected from corruption, since the 
    system knows where the load is located and will not overwrite it, even if the disk is 
    UNPROTECTed. By default the system onlytests designated test pages on the hard disks 
    in the PROTECT mode, but writes randomly over the entire disk in the UNPROTECT 
    mode. In the case of initial software installations, where system software is not installed 
    on the hard disks prior to shipping, the UNPROTECT command should be issued from the 
    Maintenance Terminal. This performs a DESTRUCTIVE TEST on the hard disk unit. 
    Destructive testing of the floppy disk unit does not require removal of the commissioning 
    diskette from the drive, since the test does not affect the commissioning software stored 
    on the diskette. 
    Chart 5-3 SX-2000 SG Main and Subsystem Control Tests 
    Step Action Comments 
    1. Set the test program to test the Control Shelf cards by 
    entering the following commands: 
    ETEST l-25 Suppress all testing. 
    Enable testing of slots 1 - 25 on 
    the active control shelf. 
    2. Set the number of passes the test program will run to Optional: the defaut number of 
    1 by entering the following command: passes is 1. 
    PASS 1 
    3. Start the test by entering the following command: Tests are executed from the lowest 
    to the highest slot. 
    Disk tests are executed during 
    If the test on a slot is successful, the system responds testing of slot 14. 
    SLOT NUMBER xx (cabinet number) (shelf number) 
    (test number) (pass number) 
    and the system proceeds to test the next slot. 
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    							SX-2000 SG ICS Commissioning 
    Chart 5-3 SX-2000 SG Main and Subsystem Control Tests 
    Step Action Comments 
    (c&t) if errors are detected, an error message is returned. if a card fails a test, remove and 
    Refer to Appendix A. for a list of error messages. m-insert the failed card, and rerun 
    the test on that slot by issuing the 
    following command: 
    TEST (slot number) 
    if the card in question fails again, 
    replace it. 
    if the System Processor must be 
    replaced, then the system must be 
    restarted as described in 
    Chart 5-2. 
    Refer to 9125-060-35CLNA, 
    Troubieshootiong, for further 
    4. Go to Chart 54. 
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    9125-060-204-NA issue 1 Revision 0 204 5-7  
    Peripheral Subsystem Tests 
    5.4 The following chart details the steps required to perform peripheral subsystem tests 
    on an SX-2OOOSG system. 
    Note: If peripheral redundancy is not provided, references to Plane B should be ignored, except 
    for the Peripheral Switch Matrix (PSM) card in slot 27. This card connects the Peripheral 
    Subsystem Controllerto the Peripheral Interface cards in the second plane of a peripheral 
    pair; i.e., the PSM in plane B is driven by the processor in plane A and the PSM in plane A 
    is driven by the processor in plane B. 
    Chart 5-4 SX-2000 SG Peripheral Subsystem Tests 
    Action Comments 
    1. Fully insert the Peripheral Bus Extender Cards in slot 
    30 of Shelf 3 and Shelf 4. 
    2. Set the following circuit breakers on the Control 
    Cabinet PDU to ON: 
    - Shelf 3 Power Converter 
    - Shelf 4 Power Converter 
    - Shelf 3 Loop Feed 
    - Shelf 4 Loop Feed 
    3. Fully insert the Plane A Peripheral Switch Control 
    cards in the Control Cabinet as follows: Refer to Figure 5-l. 
    - Peripheral Switch Matrix Cards: 
    Shelf 3, Slot 28 Inserting the processor card 
    Shelf 4, Slot 27 initiates the power-up tests on 
    - Peripheral Subsystem Processor: Shelf 3, Slot 29 Plane A Peripheral Switch 1. The 
    - Balanced Transceiver: Shelf 3, Slot 31 (if 16 Circuit numeric display shows each test 
    Switch Link option is as it is performed. If an error 
    provided) occurs, loading halts and an error 
    - Balanced Transceiver: Shelf 3, Slot 32 code is returned on the display. If 
    an error should occur, remove and 
    reinsert the faulty card. If the 
    second loading attempt fails, refer 
    to Practice 9125-060-350-NA, 
    Troubleshooting Procedures. 
    4. Generate a configuration report for the peripheral 
    shelves by entering the following command: 
    The system responds with the following confirmation 
    The system will generate the 
    message: configuration report for the 
    PERIPHERAL SWITCH HARDWARE peripheral shelves as described in 
    CONFIGURATION IN PROGRESS Appendix A., Table A2-3. 
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    SX-2000 SG ICS Commissioning 
    Chart 5-4 SX-2000 SG Peripheral Subsystem Tests 
    abinet Number DIP switch 
    Begin testing the Peripheral Process 
    Switch Matrix cards by entering the following 
    Disable all tests previously enabled 
    TEST 29 of the specified shelf and slot 27 
    of the partner shelf of the pair. As 
    each slot is tested, a test result 
    message will be output. 
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    9125-060-204-NA Issue 1 Revision 0 204 5-9  
    							Chart 5-4 SX-2000 SG Peripheral Subsystem Tests 
    Step Action Comments 
    Test PlCs on Peripheral Shelf 3 by entering: 
    STEST Suppress all previous testing. 
    ETEST l-24 Enable testing of slots 1 - 24. 
    TEST Test cards in slots 1 -24. 
    If the test on a slot is successful, the system 
    responds with: 
    SLOT NUMBER xx (cabinet number) (shelf number) 
    (test number) (pass number) 
    and the system proceeds to test the next slot. 
    If errors are detected, an error message is returned. Reinsert the card and test again. 
    Refer to Appendix A. for a list of error messages. Replace any cards which fail the 
    second test. 
    10. Begin testing of PlCs on Shelf 4 by entering: 
    SHELF 1,4 Move to Shelf 4 in Cabinet 1. 
    STEST Suppress all previous testing. 
    ETEST l-24 Enable testing of slots 1 - 24. 
    TEST Test cards in slots 1 - 24. 
    The system responds as in step 9, and then proceeds If errors are detected, error 
    to the next slot. messages are returned. Reinsert 
    the card and test again. Replace 
    any cards which fail the second 
    11. If the system is equipped for Peripheral Control Set the test program to test 
    Redundancy, after setting the appropriate circuit another shelf by entering the 
    breakers, repeat Steps 1 to 10 for Plane B of the command: 
    Peripheral Shelf pair. 
    SHELF (cabinet number), 
    (shelf number) 
    12. Repeat Steps 1 to 11 for any additional shelf pairs. 
    13. Type SHELF to return to  prompt. 
    14. Go to Chart 5-5. 
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    204 5-10 
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