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Mitel Sx-2000 Integrated Communications System Control Sheet Manual

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    of 526
    							m II 
    SX-2000 VS ICS Commissioning 
    Chart 3-l Install Circuit Cards and Load Commissioning Software 
    Step Action Comments 
    12. The system returns the following prompt: While the system is waiting for 
    TIME 0O:nn:nn (where ‘n’ is a digit, O-9) input, it is also reading from 
     sequential RAM locations in order 
    to check the RAM refresh circuitry. 
    indicating that the active Main Control is ready for If a RAM location loses its refresh, 
    testing. a bus error is likely to occur. The 
    Any commands entered at the Maintenance Terminal system returns a bus error 
    after this point require the Maintenance Terminal message on the Maintenance 
    RETURN key be pressed. Any command entered Terminal, including the address at 
    hereafter is assumed to be terminated this way. which the fault occurred. 
    Note the address and refer to 
    Practice 9125-060-352-NA, 
    Maintenance Messages, to 
    determine which RAM card is 
    faulty. Replace the appropriate 
    card and restart this procedure 
    before continuing. 
    13. Check that the MC II card numeric display shows “11” 
    (flashing) and then indicates an incrementing series of 
    numbers. When tests are completed, check that the 
    display returns to a flashing “11” indication. 
    14. Enter the following command: Enables the printing of error tables 
    for each test executed, in long 
    EPRINTL form (detailed tables). 
    15. Go to Chart 3-2 for commissioning tests. 
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    9125-060-204-NA Issue 1 Revision 0 204 3-3  
    l NOTES: A 15 PlCs 81e used, hen cnk DSU 1 may be Itied 
    lfDSU1 and DSUZarerquired,then Pic15mustnatbeirslaUed. 
    II DSU 1, DSU 2 and DSU 3 are required, then PIC 13, PIC 14 and PIC 15 must not be ihst&ed. 
    204 3-4 
    Figure 3-l SX-2OOOVS Circuit Card Locations 
    Revision 0 9125-060-204-NA 
    Issue 1  
    							m IA 
    SX-2000 VS ICS Commissioninn 
    Control and Peripheral Card Tests 
    3.2 Control and Peripheral Interface card tests are performed on the SX-2OOOVS system 
    as described in the following chart. 
    Chart 3-2 SX-2OOUVS ICS Control and Peripheral interface Card Tests 
    EXTERNAL ON Enable external device testing; 
    Enable hard disk testing. 
    The EXTERNAL ON command is 
    not possible if the RECORD tab is 
    not in the RECORD position on the 
    Testing of mass storage devices is 
    disabled by issuing one of the 
    following commands, as 
    HDM OFF 
    following command: 
    If a slot passes the tests, the system responds with: the card and test again. Replace 
    any cards which fail the second 
    0O:OO:OO 000 TEST COMPLETE - NO ERRORS ON Refer to the Appendices for the 
    SLOT NUMBER xx (shelf number) (cabinet number) messages which may be 
    (test number) (pass number) encountered. 
    This test may take up to 
    and proceeds to test the next slot. approximately 10 minutes to 
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    9125-060-204-NA Issue 1 Revision 0 204 3-5  
    Chart 3-2 SX-ZOOOVS ICS Control and Peripheral interface Card Tests 
    Step Action Comments 
    5. Test PlCs on Shelf 1 by entering: 
    STEST Suppress all previous testing. 
    ETEST 9-l 1 Enable testing of slots 9 - 11. 
    TEST Test cards in slots 9 - 11. 
    The system responds as in step 4, and then proceeds If errors are detected, error 
    to the next slot. messages are returned. Reinsert 
    the card and test again. Replace 
    any cards which fail the second 
    6. Test PlCs on Shelf 2 by entering: 
    SHELF 1,2 Move to Cabinet 1, Shelf 2. 
    STEST Suppress all previous testing. 
    ETEST 2-l 3 Enable testing of slots 2 - 13. 
    TEST Test cards in slots 2 - 13. 
    The system responds as in step 4, and then proceeds If errors are detected, error 
    to the next slot. messages are returned. Reinsert 
    the card and test again. Replace 
    any cards which fail the second 
    7. Control and Peripheral Interface Card tests are 
    complete, go to Chart 3-3. 
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    204 3-6 
    Revision 0 9125-060-204-NA Issue 1  
    							m IA 
    SX-2000 VS ICS Commissioning 
    Maintenance and Hard Disk (MHD) Card Commissioning 
    3.3 Commissioning of the MHD card is performed on the SX-2000 VS system as 
    described in the following chart. 
    Chart 3-3 SX-2000 VS Maintenance and Hard Disk (MHD) Card Commissioning 
    The system delivers the following message: If there is an Option Module 
    installed, the message will read: 
    Visual led test: Minor, Major, Critical, All ON, OFF 
    Perform the following visual checks: 
    l Minor ALARM LED comes on and goes off. 
    @ Major ALARM LED comes on and goes off. 
    * Critical ALARM LED comes on and goes off. OPTION MODULE PRESENT 
    (test number) (pass number) 
    Check that the Maintenance Terminal displays the 
    status of the MHD. Refer to Appendix A., Table A2-5, 
    for an example of the SHOW 
    Remove the commissioning tape from the CTU. 
    6. Hardware commissioning is now complete. Refer to 
    Practice 9123-06&200, Installation, for software 
    Issue 1 Revision 0 204 3-7  
    							204 3-6 
    Revision 0 9125-060-204-NA Issue 1  
    . sx-2000 s ICS 
    Install Circuit Cards 
    Non-Redundant System 
    Ensure that the Main and Peripheral Control cards, and the Peripheral Interface and 
    DSU cards are installed in the correct card slots before loading the commissioning 
    software. Chart 4-1 describes the card installation procedure for a non-redundant 
    SX-2000 S system. 
    Chart 4-1 Install Circuit Cards on a Non-Redundant SX-2UUll S ICS 
    l Peripheral Switch Controller: Shelf 1, Slot 16 
    Insert all Digital Service Units (DSUs) into their 
    appropriate slots. each shelf, except in 
    if installed. Refer to 
    card. Reset the card by pressing 
    LOAD on the Maintenance Panel. 
    If the card fails self-test a second 
    Power-up self tests are only 
    performed when power is first 
    applied to the installed card. 
    Page 1 of 2 
    9125-06s204-NA Issue 1 Revision 0 204 4-l  
    9. Chart 4-l Install Circuit Cards on a Non-Redundant SX-2000 S ICS 
    In a multi-cabinet system, ensure that the Peripheral 
    Switch Controller is installed in Shelf 1 Slot 16 of each 
    additional cabinet. Comments 
    Apply power to Shelf 1 of the next cabinet by setting 
    the power switch to ON for the Shelf 1 Power 
    Converter of that cabinet. 
    Check that the Peripheral Switch Controller card 
    begins power-up self-tests, as in Step 5 above. 
    Repeat Steps 6 through 8 for each cabinet. Each shelf in each cabinet must be 
    tested separately. 
    Paae 2 of 2 
    1. I 
    2. I 
    3. I 
    4. I 
    I Redundant System 
    Ensure that the Main and Peripheral Control cards, and the Peripheral Interface and 
    DSU cards are installed in the correct card slots before loading the commissioning 
    software. Chart 4-2 describes the card installation procedure for a redundant SX-2000 
    4-2 Install Circuit Cards on a Redundant SX-ZOOU S ICS 
    Action Comments 
    Ensure the following cards are installed in Shelf 1 of 
    Cabinet 1: 
    l Main Controller: Shelf 1, Slot 20 
    9 Control RAM II Card (optional): Shelf 1, Slot 19 
    l Peripheral Switch Controller: Shelf 1, Slot 16 
    nsert all Peripheral Interface Cards (PICs) into their 
    appropriate slots. 
    nsert all Digital Service Units (DSUs) into their 
    appropriate slots. 
    Apply power to Cabinet 1 Shelf 1, by setting the 
    )ower switch to ON for the Shelf 1 Power Converter 
    n Cabinet 1. Refer to Figure 4-l.  S system. 
    Slots 1 through 12 on each shelf in 
    each cabinet. Refer to Figure 4-l. 
    Slot 17 on each shelf, except in 
    Cabinet 4, if installed. Refer to 
    Figure 4-l. 
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    204 4-2 Revision 0 912!5-060-204-NA Issue 1  
    m IA 
    SX-2000 S ICS Commissioning 
    Chart 4-2 Install Circuit Cards on a Redundant SX-2000 S ICS 
    card. Reset the card by pressing 
    PANEL ENABLE and LOAD (for 
    the affected Plane) on the 
    Maintenance Panel. If the card fails 
    self-test a second time, replace it. 
    Power-up self tests are only 
    l Main Controller: Shelf 2, Slot 20 
    l Control RAM II Card (optional): Shelf 2, Slot 19 
    11. If one or more peripheral cabinets is also provided, Refer to Figure 4-l. 
    insert the following cards in Cabinet 1: 
    l Circuit Switch Matrix II Card: Shelf 1, Slot 18 
    l Circuit Switch Matrix II Card: Shelf 2, Slot 18 
    In each additional peripheral cabinet, insert the 
    following cards: 
    l Peripheral Switch Controller: Shelf 1, Slot 16. 
    l Peripheral Switch Controller 
    (fully redundant system): Shelf 2, Slot 16. 
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    9125-060-204-NA Issue 1 Revision 0 
    204 4-3  
    Chart 4-2 install Circuit Cards on a Redundant SX-2000 S ICS 
    Action Comments 
    12. Insert all Peripheral interface Cards (PICs) into their Slots 1 through 12 on each shelf in 
    appropriate slots, in each peripheral cabinet. each cabinet. Refer to Figure 4-l. 
    13;’ Ins&t all Digital Service Units (DSUs) into their 
    appropriate slots, in each peripheral cabinet. Slot 17 on each shelf, except in 
    Cabinet 4, if installed. Refer to 
    Figure 4-l. 
    14. Apply power to Shelf 1 in the next cabinet by setting 
    the power switch to ON for the Shelf 1 Power 
    Converter in that cabinet. 
    Check that the Peripheral Switch Controller in Shelf 1 If the Peripheral Switch Controller 
    of that peripheral cabinet begins power-up setf test. does not begin self-test, or if errors 
    are indicated on the numeric 
    display, reinsert the card. If the 
    card fails self-test a second time, 
    replace it. 
    Power-up self tests are only 
    performed when power is first 
    applied to installed cards. 
    16. Repeat Steps 14 and 15 for Shelf 2 of the same 
    17. Repeat Steps 14 through 16 for each additional 
    Each shelf must be tested 
    peripheral cabinet. separately before moving on to the 
    next shelf or cabinet. 
    Go to Chart 4-3 for the procedure to load 
    commissioning software. 
    Page 3 of 3 
    204 4-4 Revision 0 9125-060-204-NA Issue 1  
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