Communications System
Mitel Sx-2000 Integrated Communications System Control Sheet Manual
Mitel Sx-2000 Integrated Communications System Control Sheet Manual
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION General ................................................................... 204 l-l Reasonforlssue ........................................................... 204 l-l Error Reporting ............................................................. 204 l-l Extent of Fault Isolation ...................................................... 204 l-l Differences in Product Terminology ............................................. 204 l-2 COMMISSIONING TESTS...
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Commissionina APPENDIX A. HUMAN/MACHINE INTERFACE (HMI) Al. Commissioning Software HMI .............................................. 204 A-l General ............................................................... 204 A-i Command Description .................................................... 204 A-l A2 Sample Reports. ........................................................ 204 A-9 Configuration Reports .................................................... 204 A-9 SHOW PANEL Command Output...
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Table A2-8 Table A2-9 Table A3-1 Table A3-2 Table A3-3 Table A34 Table A4-1 Table A4-2 Table 84-3 Table A4-4 Table A5-1 Table A5-2 Chart 3-l Chart 3-2 Chart 3-3 Chart 4-l Chart 4-2 Chart 4-3 Chart 4-4 Chart 4-5 Chart 4-6 Chart 5-1 Chart 5-2 Chart 5-3 Chart 5-4 Chart 5-5 Chart 5-6 Chart 6-l Chart 6-2 Chart 6-3 Chart 6-4 Chart 6-5 Chart 6-6 Chart 6-7 Chart 6-8 SX-2000 S ICS Sample EPRINTL Output ............................. 204 A-14 SX-2000 S ICS Sample EPRINTS Report...
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1 ’ INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Section outlines the steps involved in commissioning all variants of the SX-20008 Integrated CommunicationsTM System. The procedures in this Section consist of configuring and testing the major components of the system using a specially designed commissioning software package. Reason for Issue 1.2 This document is issued to provide commissioning procedures for the SX-2000 integrated Communications System. Documentation contained within this section reflects the contents...
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Commissioning Differences in Product Terminology 1.5 This document uses terminology which is common to the SX-2000 S system. However, where differences in terminology exist, a cross-reference to Table I-1, which lists the terms in this document which differ between product variants, will be given. Table l-l Terminology Differences SX-2000 FD ICS sx-2000 vs ICS sx-2000 s ICS SX-2000 SG ICS See Note 1. See Note 1. Floppy Disk Unit II (FDU ll)*. Floppy Disk Unit (FDU) Cartridge Tape Cartridge...
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2 ’ COMMISSIONING TESTS General 2.1 In order to simplify fault isolation and correction, the system is powered up in stages. Control cards are powered up first. Once these cards are operational, a special off-line commissioning test program is downloaded from cartridge tape or floppy diskette. The commissioning test program is provided for the SX-2000 SG system on a floppy diskette. The program is downloaded to the system from a Floppy Disk Unit (FDU). The commissioning test program is provided...
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3 . sx-2000 vs ICS COMMISSIONING Install Circuit Cards and load Commissioning Software Ensure that the Main and Peripheral Control cards, and Peripheral Interface and DSU cards are installed in the correct card slots before loading the commissioning software. The following chart describes the card installation procedure, and details the steps required to load commissioning software on the SX-ZOUOVS system. The SX-2OOOVS system has only one plane (Plane A). Chart 3-l Install Circuit Cards and...
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Commissioning Chart 3-l Install Circuit Cards and Load Commissioning Software (continued) Step Action Comments 7. Insert the commissioning tape in the Cartridge Tape Unit (CTU). 8;’ Press and hold the PANEL ENABLE button on the The MC II card executes a series MHD card, and press the LOAD button. of preloading tests. Refer to Practice 9125-060-353-NA, Note: DO NOT remove the tape from the CTU. The General Maintenance Information, MC II card is trying to access the CTU. for a description of the...