Communications System
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Superset 3 Telephone Description Manual
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Superset 3 Telephone Description Manual
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Attendant Console Description 4. HOTEL/MOTEL FEATURES General4.01The standard Attendant Console features described in Part 3 may be supplemented by additional features related specifically to hotel/motel PABX installations. When enabled, most of these fea- tures are accessed from the Call Processing mode of the Attendant Console by pressing the FUNCTION key and the GUEST ROOM softkey(F5). The exception to this is the Call Block feature, which is accessed by pressing the BLOCK fixed key (next to the PAGE key). The following paragraphs describe the way these features are accessed from the Attendant Console. Call Block/Room-to-room Restriction 4.02This feature permits the Attendant to prevent extensions from calling one another. (Refer to Section MITL9109-094-105-NA,Features Description, for a description of the operation of this feature.) Call Block is implemented by pressing the BLOCK key. The LED asso- ciated with this key lights when Call Block is active. Pressing the key a second time removes Call Block. Guest Room 4.03Pressing FUNCTION, then the GUEST ROOM softkey gives the Attendant the ability to do any of the following: 0Display of all rooms with maids in them lDisplay all vacant and clean rooms Display the Message Register Clear the Message Register Set up and cancel an Automatic Wake-up Call Change the status of a room Set up and cancel Do Not Disturb for a room Set up and cancel Message Waiting for a room Set up and cancel Outgoing Call Restriction Generate printouts of Room Status, Wake-Up calls and Mes- sage Registers The GUEST ROOM function can be accessed regardless of whether the Attendant Console is idle or in the process of handling a call. When handling a call, after the FUNCTION, GUEST ROOM keys and extension number are pressed the Attendant Console display will show informa- tion regarding the source on the top line of the display, room functions on the second line, and the softkeys on the remaining two lines. Refer to Figure 4-l. 4951 Re9= 00001 q F1 >EXIT q F~>No DISTBJ. LAKSCOS 12 COR 01 DND MSW II:12 AM6 C/W Wake-Up = 12:34PStatus = Vac/Clean/LD q F~>CLR REGq F3>SET WAKE-Upq F~>CLR WAKE-Up q F!j>sTATUs q F7>MSG WAITING@ F8>q Fg>q FO>ROOM NUMBERFigure 4-1 GUEST ROOM Display During a Call Page 29

SECTION MITLSI 09-094-315-NAPressing GUEST ROOM while the Attendant Console is not engaged in a call will produce the display shown in Figure 4-2. II:12 AM6 C/W Enter Room Number:- q Fj >EXITq Fz>MAlDq Fs>VAC/CLEAN RM q Fd>AUDITSQF5> q F6>q F7>RES/CLEAN RM q F8>q Fg>OuT OF SERV. /!JFO>Figure 4-2 GUEST ROOM Display with Idle Console Once a room number (extension number) has been entered, the display will change to the format shown in Figure 4-l with a ROOM NUMBER softkey displayed in the FO position. Pressing EXIT at any time returns the Attendant Console to its prior state (e.g., idle or busy call process- ing). The functions of the various softkeys shown above are as follows: CLR REG: The CLR REG softkey (Clear Register) is used to reset the Message Register to zero. Pressing this key will clear the register, and return the Attendant Console to Call Processing mode. Clearing the register may result in a l-line report being printed. SET WAKE-UP and CLR WAKE-UP: The SET WAKE-UP softkey is used by an Attendant to set or change, a wake-up call for a room. SET WAKE-UP appears after the FUNCTION key, the GUEST ROOM softkeysand extension number are pressed. This softkey is also displayed while talking to a source. This enables the Attendant to enter a wake-up call while it is being requested. If a wake-up time is set against a room, pressing CLR WAKE-UP will cancel the wake-up, then return the Atten- dant Console display to its previous Call Processing display. Figure 4-3 shows the Attendant Console display after the SET WAKE-UP softkeyis pressed. To set a wake-up time, the Attendant enters a room number after GUEST ROOM is pressed (if the console is idle); if the console is engaged in a call to a room, the room information is displayed. 100J. SMITH Enter Wake-Up ( HH:MM ) =_q F2> q F6>q F7>COS 12 COR 01 DND MSW II:12 AM6 C/W q F3>q F4>q F5> Hf8>q Fg>HFO>MORE...Figure 4-3 Setting Automatic Wake-Up Dialing a valid 4-digit time will result in the display changing to that shown in Figure 4-4. Three options are presented in addition to EXIT: SET, PM and MORE. Pressing either SET or PM will result in the wake-up becoming activated. The display reverts to its previous form (Figure 4-l). Pressing the more softkey also returns the display to the previous form without changing the wakeup time. Page 30

Attendant Console Description100J. SMITH Enter Wake-Up ( HH:MM ) =12:35-‘.q Fl >EXITq F2’SET q F6>q F7>COS 12 COR 01 DND MSW 1 I:12 AM6 C/W q ,=3>p~q F4>q FIj> Fj3>q Fg>@ FO>MORE... IFigure 4-4 Automatic Wake-UpISetting, changing, cancelling, and honoring an Automatic Wake-Up will result in a printed record of the event, if the System Option “Automatic Wake-up Print” is enabled. Wake-ups may also be set up without involving the Attendant, from a room extension. In this case, an access code is dialed from the extension, and the time entered in 24-hour format. Dialing the Access Code and “9999” will clear the Automatic Wake-Up from the station. STATUS: The STATUS softkey permits the Attendant to display and change the status of a room. The Attendant presses FUNCTION, GUEST ROOM, and the room number (if not engaged in a call), then presses the STATUS softkey. All occupied/vacant rooms have default call re- striction, programmed via CDE, System Option Timers form. The dis- play changes to that shown in Figure 4-5. 1352N. MCMILLANCOS 03 COR 01 DND MSWII:12 AM6 C/W Status = Vac/Dirty/lnt/Maidq F2>0CCUPIEDq Fz>RESERVEDq Fd>CLEANq F5>To INSPECT HFfj>q F7>LOCALq F8>LONG DISTFS>ouT OF SERV.H FO>MORE...Figure 4-5 Room Status Display When the status of a room is changed from occupied to vacant, any wakeup calls or message waiting still in effect are cancelled. Pressing the OCCUPIED softkey toggles the status display from “Vat”(vacant) to “Occ” (occupied), and the OCCUPIED softkey changes to VACANT. Similarly, pressing the CLEAN softkey toggles the status from “Dirty” to “Clean”, and changes the CLEAN softkey to DIRTY. Pressing the LOCAL softkey will toggle the status from “Int” to “Lot”, and change the softkey from LOCAL to INTERNAL. Pressing the LONG DIST softkey changes the status to “LD” and toggles the LONG DIST key to LOCAL. The “Maid” portion of the status display is activated from the room by dialing a “MAID IN ROOM” access code plus a single digit (1, 2, or 3). “1” indicates a maid is in the room; “2” indicates t,here is no maid in the room; “3” indicates the room is clean, and the maid is not in the room. Pressing the RESERVED softkey changes the status of the room from Vacant or Occupied, and the softkey toggles to the previous room status. Pressing the TO INSPECT softkey changes the room status to INSPECT and the softkey toggles to the previous room status. Pressing the OUT OF SERV. softkey changes the room status to SERV. Page 31

SECTION MITLSI 09-094-315-NAand the softkey toggles to the previous room status. When a room status is changed, the default call restriction (as programmed in CDE for that room status) is also assigned for that room, if the current restriction was different. MORE: Pressing the MORE softkey returns the screen to the previous display (Refer to Figure 4-l). Room status can also be converted automatically if System Options “Auto Room Status Conversion/Auto Wake-Up Print” and “Auto Room Status Conversion/Auto Wake-Up Print Timer” are enabled. Once the timer is programmed, the system will automatically change the status of all occupied and clean rooms to occupied and dirty. At this pro- grammable time, an audit is also performed on all automatic wake-up calls. NO DISTB and MSG WAITING: These softkeys operate as they do’ in the commercial application of the Attendant Console. ROOM NUMBER: This key will prompt the user to enter a room num- ber as shown in Figure 4-2. Guest Room Functions 4.04When the FUNCTION and GUEST ROOM keys are pressed, the display changes to that shown in Figure 4-2. Pressing EXIT returns the Attendant Console to its previous display. The functions of the remaining softkeys are described below: MAID: Pressing this softkey changes the display to that shown in Figure 4-6. The MORE softkey will be displayed if more than IO rooms’ have the status of “Maid in Room”. 1111111112111131111411115II:12AM6C/W 1234512346123471234812349 m F 1 >EXITF2>5jF3>q F4>q F5> Ffj>F7>q F8>q Fg>EEIFO>MORE...Figure 4-6 Maid In Room Display VACXLEAN RM: This softkey displays all room numbers which have a status of “VacKlean Room”. Pressing this softkey changes the display to that shown in Figure 4-7. The MORE softkey will be displayed if more than 10 rooms have the “Vat/Clean Room“ status. Page 32

Attendant Console Description 1020420501q Fl >EXIT q F6>1359514883 1532116992II:12AM6C/W 205022134821499 22001 q Fz>ROOM NUMBER q F3>q F4>q F5> q F7>q F8>q Fg>El FO>MORE...Figure 4-7 Room Status Display If the ROOM NUMBER softkey is pressed, the display changes to that shown in Figure 4-8. Entering a valid room number results in the IOrooms following the‘ entered number to be displayed. The display of the “Vat/Clean Room” status thus starts at the entered room number. II:12 AM6 C/W Enter Room Number:- q Fl >EXITq F2>&jF3>q F4>q F5> gjFf3>q F7>q /=8>QFg>RFO>Figure 4-8 Enter Room Number Display REWCLEAN RM: This softkey displays all room numbers which have a status of “Reserved/Clean Room”.Pressing the softkey changes the display to that shown in Figure 4-7. If the ROOM NUMBER softkey is pressed, the display changes to that shown in Figure 4-8. Entering a valid room number results in the next ten rooms with this status, starting with the entered number, to be displayed. OUT OF SERV.: This softkey displays all room numbers which have a status of “Out of Service”. Pressing the softkey changes the display to that shown in Figure 4-7. If the ROOM NUMBER softkey is pressed, the display changes to that shown in Figure 4-8. Entering a valid room number results in the next ten rooms with this status, starting with the entered number, to be displayed. AUDITS: This softkey permits the Attendant to perform three types of room audits: Message Register Audits, Room Status Audits, and Auto- matic Wake-Up Audits. Each is described below. 1. Message Register Audits: When selected, this type of audit results in a printout being made of all message registers which do not have a value of zero. When System Option “Zero Message Register After Audit” is enabled, all message registers will be cleared once the print- out is completed. 2. Room Status Audits: When selected, this type of audit results in a printout which shows the status of all extensions which have the COS Option “Room Status” enabled. The report generates three sections, one for Vacant rooms, one for Occupied rooms, and one for Reserved Page 33

SECTION MITL9109-094-315-NAroom. 3. Automatic Wake-Up Audits: When selected, this type of audit pro- duces a printout showing the wake-up times for all extensions with active wake-up calls. This audit can also be done automatically at a pre-set time (determined by a System Timer). In order to perform audits, the Attendant Console must not be active on a call. Audits are performed by pressing the following keys in sequence: FUNCTION + GUEST ROOM + AUDITS + (audit type) The display changes to that shown in Figure 4-9. After selecting the desired audit type, the Attendant Console will return to its idle mode display. The printout is routed to the default printer. Select the Printout Required q Fl >EXITq F2>MSG REGISTER q Fz>WAKE-UPq F4> q Ffj>q F7>j3F8>q Fg>Figure 4-9 Audits1 I:12 AM6 C/W q F!J>ROOM STATUS q FO>The formats of the printouts of the various types of audits are shown in Table 4-l. Examples of audit printouts are shown in Figure 4-10. AUDIT TYPE Message RegisterPRINT LINE 14 6 and subsequentTABLE 4-l AUDIT PRINTOUTS FORMATDEFINITIONS & NOTES nm/dd hh:mmP Message Register quditRoom - Reg xxxm - YYYYY mm/dd =month/day hh/mm = hour/minute P=PM indicator, if 12-hour clock is used Repeated 5 times across printout xxxxx =extension number yyyyy = message register count (zero filled) Extension numbers are printed in numerical order. One blank line is printed between each xxxxx -yyyyy line whenever the first digit of xxxxx changes. Page 34

Attendant Console Description TABLE 4-l (CONT’D) AUDIT PRINTOUTS AUDIT TYPEPRINT LINEFORMATDEFINITIONS & NOTES Room Status 1mm/dd hh:mmP Room Status Auditmm/dd hh:mmP = date aaaaand time as above aaaa = “Vacant Rooms” or “Occupied Rooms” or “Reserved Rooms” 3“Clean Rooms”,“Dirty Rooms”, “To Be Inspected”, or “Out of Service”. 4Room - StatusRepeated 5 times across paw6 and subsequentxxxxx - ccc/MRepeated 5 times. xxxxx =extension number ccc = Int, Lot or LD /M =indicates Maid in Room. Rooms are printed in numerical order, with a blank line inserted whenever the first digit of xxxxx changes Automatic Wake-Up 1mm/dd hh:mmP Automatic Wake-Upmm/dd hh:mmP = date Auditand time, as above 3Room- TimeRepeated 5 times. 5xxxxx- hh:mmPRepeated 5 times. xxxxx =extension number. hh:mmP = hours and minutes, with PM indicator if IZ-hour clock is used. Rooms are printed in numerical order, with a blank line inserted whenever the first digit of xxxxx changes Page 35

SECTION MITL9109-094-315-NARoom - Reg 12345 - 00001 12355 - 00001 22345 - 00001 32345. - 0000 1 01/16 12:34P Message Register Audit Room - RegRoom - RegRoom - Reg 12346 - 0000112347 - 0000112348 - 00001 12356 - 0000122357 - 0000122358 - 00001 22346 - 0000122347 - 0000122348 - 00001 32346 - 0000132347 - 0000132348 - 00001 Example 1: Message Register Audit PrintoutRoom - Reg 12349 - 00001 12359 - 00001 22349 - 00001 32349 - 00001 01/16 12:35P Room Status Audit - Vacant Rooms Clean Rooms Room - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - Status 12345 - LD /M12346 - Int12347 - Int/M12348 - LD12349 - LD /M12355 - LD /M12356 - Int12357 - Int/M12358 - LD12359 - LD /M22345 - LD22346 - LD /M22347 - Int/M22348 - LD22349 - LD Dirty Rooms Room - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - Status 32345 - LD /M32346 - Int32347 - Int/M32348 - LD32349 - LD /M32355 - LD /M32356 - Int32357 - Int/M32358 - LD32359 - LD /M42345 - LD42346 - LD /M42347 - LD /M42348 - Int/M42349 - LD To Be Inspected Rooms Room - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - Status 32302 - LD32303 - Int32304 - Int32305 - LD32306 - LD 32307 - LD32308 - Int32309 - Int32310 - LD32311 - LD Out of Service Rooms Room - StatusRoom’ - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - Status 32377 - LD32211 - Int Example 2: Room Status Audit Printout for Vacant Rooms 01/16 12:35P Room Status Audit - Occupied Rooms Room - Status 42345 - LD /M42355 - Lot/M52345 - LD Room - Status 62345 - LD /M62355 - Lot/M72345 - LDClean Rooms Room - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - Status 42346 - Int42347 - Int/M42348 - LD42349 - LD /M42356 - Int42357 - Int/M42358 - LD42359 - LD /M52346 - LD /M52347 - Int/M52348 - LD52349 - LD Dirty Rooms Room - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - Status 62346 - Int62347 - Int/M62348 - LD62349 - LD /M62356 - Int62357 - Int/M62358 - LD62359 - LD /M72346 - LD /M72347 - LD /M72348 - Int/M72349 - LD Figure 4-10 Audit Printouts Page 36

A%tendant Console Description Room - Status 72845 - LD 72855 - Lot82345 - LD Room - Status 42377 - LDTo Be Inspected Rooms Room - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom- Status 72846 - Int72847 - Int72848 - LD72849 - LD 72856 - Int72857 - Int72858 - LD72859 -..LD82346 - LD82348 - LD82348 - Int82349 - LD Out of Service Rooms Room - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - Status Room- Status Example 3: Room Status Audit Printout for Occupied Rooms 01/16 12:34P Room Status Audit - Reserved Rooms Room - StatusRoom- StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom- Status 48345 - LD /M48346 - Int48347 - Int/M48348 - LD48349- LD /M48355 - LOG/W48356 - Int 48357 - Int/M48358 - LD48359 - LD/M58345 - LD58346 - LD /M58347 - LD /M58348 - It-NM58349 - LD Dirty Rooms Room - StatusRoom- StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom- Status 68845 - LD /M68846 - Int68847 - Int/M68848 - LD68849 - LD/ M 68855 - Lot/M68856 - Int68857 - Int/M68858 - LD68859 - LD /M78845 - LD78846 - LD /M78847 - LD /M78848 - Int/M78849 - LD To Be Inspected Rooms Room - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom - StatusRoom- Status 76645 - LD76646 - Int76647 - Int76648 - LD76649 - LD 76655 - Lot76656 - Int76657 - Int76658 - LD76659 - LD 86695 - LD82696 - LD82698 - LD 82698 - Int82699 - LD Out of Service Rooms Room- StatusRoom- StatusRoom- StatusRoom - StatusRoom- Status 62377 - LD62211 - Int Example 4: Room Status Audit Printout for Reserved Rooms Room - Time 12345 - 07:33P12355 - 08:OO22345 - 01:OOP 01/16 12:36P Automatic Wake-Up Audit Room - TimeRoom - TimeRoom- Time 12346 - 07:3412347 - 07:3512348 - 07:3612356 - 09:OO12357 - IO:0012358 - II:0022346 - 02:OOP22347 - 03:OOP22348 - 04:OOPExample 5: Automatic Wake-Up Audit Printout Figure 4-10 Audit Printouts (Cont’d)Room - Time 12349 - 07:3812359 - 12:OOP22349 - 05:OOPPage 37

SECTION MITL9109-094-315-NARoom Call Restriction 4.05 The Room Call Restriction feature permits the Attendant to prevent an extension from making outgoing calls. This feature is enabled by enabling System Option “Outgoing Call Restriction”, and Attendant COS Option “Attendant Outgoing Call Restriction/Room Sta- tus Setup”. When these features are enabled, pressing FUNCTION, GUEST ROOM and extension number will result in the display shown in Figure 4-11. Pressing the RESTRICT O/G softkey will toggle the RS flag which appears on the first line of the display. 4951J. LAKSCOS 12 COR 01 DND MSWRSII:12 AM 6 C/W Reg = 00123 Wake-Up = 12:34P q F1 >EXITq F~>CLR REGH F3>SET WAKE-Upq F~>CLR WAKE-UP B F5> q F6>~0 DISTBq F7>MSG WAITING q F8>RESTRICT O/Gq F9>q FO>Figure 4-11 Call Restriction Display Single-line Reports 4.06Single-line Reports are types of audits. They are used to record changes in status for an individual room. These reports are generated automatically (under control of System Options), and pro- vide hard-copy evidence that a change occurred. The printouts pro- duced by single-line reports are limited to 40 characters in length. The report printouts begin with a standard prefix, containing extension number, date and time. This prefix occupies 19 columns on a print line, and is in the following format: xxxxx mm/dd hh:mmP. The xxxxx field refers to a (maximum) 5-digit extension number. The mm/dd field refers to a 2-digit month and a 2-digit day. The hh:mmP field refers to a 2-digit hour, and 2-digit minute, with the P represent- ing a PM indicator when a 12-hour clock is used. 4.07There are three categories of single-line reports: aAutomatic Wake-Up lMessage Registration lMessage Waiting. A number of printout suffixes are available to these, and are described below. AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP: 13 types of suffixes are available for automatic wake-up single-line reports. Three of these apply to Attendant Console operations, three to station operations, and seven to wake-up attempts. All contain the programmed wake- up time. The suffixes are summarized in Table 4-2. A sample Page 38