Communications System
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Superset 3 Telephone Description Manual
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Superset 3 Telephone Description Manual
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Attendant Console Description The display will return to the format it had before leaving the CDE or Maintenance levels.For further information, refer to SectionMITL9109-094-351-NA, RS-232 Maintenance Terminal. Tone Signaling 3.34This feature allows the Attendant to send DTMF tones during a call. COS Option 119 - Attendant Tone Signaling must be en- abled. When enabled, this option results in the TONES ON softkeybeing displayed whenever the Attendant is talking on an internal or external call. Pressing TONES ON enables the tones generated by the dial keypad. Pressing TONES ON also causes the softkey label to toggle to TONES OFF. Tones dialed using this feature are ignored by the PABX, and are transmitted out onto the line or trunk. Pressing TONES OFF disables Tone Signaling. Trunk Group Busy indication 3.35This feature is used to display the status of Trunk Groups. Trunk Group Status may be displayed when the console is idle, or when a call is in progress. If used when the console is idle, the display is updated every 5 seconds. To use the feature press the TRUNK STAT fixed key. The first 19 Trunk Groups will be displayed. Press the MORE softkey to see the next 20 Trunk Groups, and press it once more to see the last 11 Trunk Groups. After the last 11 groups are displayed, pressing MORE will re-display the first 19 groups. The solid block beneath the Trunk Group number indicates that group is busy. To exit the feature, press the EXIT softkey.TRK GRP>1234567690123456769IO:26 AM.STATUS> 00f?J HH10jg q Fl >EXIT@ F2>q F3>q F4>q F5> q Ffj>q jF7>q F8>q fg>q FO>MORE...Figure 3-26 Trunk Group Busy indication Additional Attendant Functions 3.36Additional Attendant functions are accessed by the use of fixed key and softkey functions. The fixed FUNCTION key must be pressed to access the softkey functions. Figure 3-27 gives the appear- ance of the Attendant Console display after the fixed FUNCTION key has been pressed. Page 19

SECTION MITL9109-094-315-NA II:523 c/w q FJ >EXITi% F2>ATT FUNCTION q Fs>NIGHT 1q Fd>NIGHT 2m Fs>GUEST ROOM q F6>APPLIcATIONq FT>ALARMq F~>BELL OFFq F9 >FRANCAISIZj FO>IDENTITYFigure 3-27 Additional Functions EXIT: Softkey Fl (EXIT) allows the Attendant to return to the previous display; i.e., to exit the function mode. ATT FUNCTION: Softkey F2 (ATT FUNCTION) when pressed will dis- play prompts as shown in Figure 3-28. These functions allow the Attendant to do the following: q F1 >EXIT q Ffj>ABBR DIAL II:523 c/w q F2>SET TIMEq t%>SET DATEq Fd>STATIONSq &>TRUNKS q F7>q i=S>SySTEM IDENT q Fg>HFO>MORE...Figure 3-28 Additional Attendant Functions MORE: Pressing this softkey displays more additional Attendant Func- tions as shown in Figure 3-29. 11523 c/w q F1 >EXIT q F6>DlSA CODE q Fz>CAN ALL FWD q Fs>CAN ALL CBKq F4>q F5> H FT>FLEX NIGHTHFfj>q Fg>q FO>MORE...Figure 3-29 More Additional Attendant Functions EXIT: Softkey Fl (EXIT) allows the Attendant to return to the previous display; i.e., to exit the FUNCTION mode. MORE: Pressing the MORE softkey returns the display to the previous functions (Figure 3-28). SET TIME: Softkey F2 (SET TIME) when pressed will display prompts as shown in Figure 3-30. The Attendant must dial in the time in a 4-digit string, 2-digit hours (HH) and 2-digit minutes (MM). If the entry is correct (refer to Figure 3-30a) the display area for softkey F3 will show ‘PM’. The Attendant may select AM by pressing softkey F2 (SET) or select PM by pressing softkey F3 (PM). The 12- or 24-hour clock mode is preselected during CDE. If the entry is incorrect the Attendant Console will not display SET. The n-nkey can be used to back up and Page 20

Attendant Console Description clear the incorrect entry, or the EXIT softkey can be pressed to exit the SET TIME function. Ok346 C/W Enter Time (HH:MM) =_ q F1 >EXITq F2>q F3>q F4>q f5> q Ffj>q F7>HFf3>q Fg>q FO>Figure 3-30 Setting Time of Day 08:346 C/W Enter Time (HH:MM) = 09:34 q F1 >EXITq F2>SETq Fs>p,“,q F4>m F5> HFfj>q F7>q F8>q Fg>q FO>Figure 3-30a Setting Time of Day SET DATE: Softkey F3 when pressed will display prompts as shown in Figure 3-31. The Attendant must dial in the 6-digit string representing the date; i.e., 2-digit day (DD), 2-digit month (MM) and 2-digit year (VU). If the entry is correct the prompts will be as in Figure 3-31a. If softkey F2 (SET) is pressed the date will be entered; if softkey Fl is pressed the Attendant Console will revert to the previous state and the entered date will not register. Enter Date (DD/MM/W) = _q Fl>f3F2> q Ffj>q F7> q F3>q F4> HF8>q Fg>Figure 3-31 Setting the Date 09:346 C/W q F5> q F()> 09:346 C/W Enter Date (DD/MM/YY) = 30/08/84 q F 1 >EXITq F2>SETq F3>q F4>q F5> q F6>q F7>q F8>q Fg>q FO>Figure 3-31a Setting the Date Page 21

SECTION MITLSI 09-094-315-NASTATIONS:This key enables the Attendant to enter an extension number in order to set up Call Forwarding, busy out the station or set up Message Waiting without calling the extension user. As shown in Figure 3-32 the Attendant simply has to enter the extension number. The CALL FWD and BUSY OUT prompts will appear as shown in Figure 3-32a; SET UP MSG prompt appears for a SUPERSET 4 telephone or a SUPERSET 4DN telephone. The -key on the keypad may be used to change the extension number and enter another without having to EXIT and reenter ATT.FUNCTION each time. 09:344 c/w Enter Extension Number: _ q Fl >EXITq F2>q F3>HF4>q F5> q Ffj>q F7>a F8>q Fg>q FO>Figure 3-32 Setting Extension Features 1108J. BARKERCOS 49 COR 15 IO:344 c/w Enter Extension Number: 1108 q Fj >EXITq !=2>CALL FWDq F3>BuSY OUTq Fd>SET Up MSGq F5> q F6>No DISTBq FT>MSG WAITING a F8>q ifg>BFO>Figure 3-32a Setting Extension Features EXIT: The Attendant may return to the previous state by pressing softkey Fl (EXIT). CALL FWD: To view. or to set up Call Forwarding for the extension ,press softkey F2 (CALL FWD). Line 1 will redisplay information pertinent to the dialed extension number. Line 2 will provide the Call Forwarding status for the extension as shown in Figure 3-33. 1291R. BUDDCOS 49 COR 1510:35Currently to 1132 AlwaysForward to:- q F 1 >EXITq Fz>CANCELq F3>q F4>q F5> jg F(j>q J7>gj F8>q Fg>q F()>Figure 3-33 Setting Call Forwarding To forward the calls to another destination the Attendant must enter a valid extension number, Hunt Group Access Code, or Abbreviated Dial number. The display will change to provide the options shown in Figure 3-33a. Line 2 will now display pertinent information about the forwarded extension user. The softkey options are: Always Forward (F2), Forward when there is No Answer (F3), Forward when Busy (F4) or Page 22

Attendant Console Description Forward when Busy or when there is No Answer (F5). CANCEL: The Attendant may cancel Call Forwarding for the extension by pressing this key. When a call has been forwarded to an Attendant, the console replaces the COS and COR fields of the source display with the extension number of the party whose telephone has been forwarded. (Refer to Figure 3-33b). 1291R. BUDDCOS 49 COR 15IO:35Currently to 1132 AlwaysForward to: 1151 .D Fz>ALWAySm F3>No ANSWERq F4>oN BUSYq FFi>BUSY/NO ANS q F6>@F7>q F8>gFg>H F(-j>Figure 3-33a Setting Call Forwarding >>>SRC 3401 DST q Fl> q F6>~0 DISTBFwd From 4942 q F4>q F5> q Fi’>MSG WAITING q Ff3>q Fg>q FO>Figure 3-33b Forwarding Indication BUSY OUT: This feature enables the Attendant to busy out a station or SUPERSET telephone. The BUSY OUT prompt will appear after the Attendant has entered the following key sequence: FUNCTION + ATT. FUNCTION + STATIONS + EXTENSION NUMBER + BUSY OUT The display will be as shown in Figure 3-34. Line 1 will display per- tinent information about the entered extension number; i.e., extension number, user name, COS and extension status (BUSY or IDLE). I 1291R. BUDDCOS 49 COR 15IDLEIO:35IEnter Extension Number: 1291 q FJ >EXITq F2>SET q F6>f?JJ F7>Figure 3-34 Setting Busy-Out The Attendant may busy out the extension by pressing the SET key (F2). If the extension is idle as in Figure 3-34, the extension will immediately be busied-out and the display will change from IDLE to BSY OUT (Busied-Out). If the extension is busy the Attendant may still set the busy-out condition. The extension will only become busied-out Page 23

SECTION MITL9109-094-315-NAwhen the extension becomes idle. When an Attendant calls an extension which has been busied-out, the BSY OUT prompt will appear and the Attendant may cancel the busied-out condition by pressing softkey F2 (CLEAR). SET UP MSG: This feature enables the Attendant to set up system-wide SUPERSET telephone messages by the following key sequence: FUNCTION + ATT. FUNCTION + STATIONS + EXTENSION NUMBER + SET UP MSG After the above key sequence has been entered the display will be as shown in Figure 3-35. The Attendant may EXIT (Fl), view the next available message by pressing the NEXT softkey (F2) or set up the message displayed on line 2 for the SUPERSET telephone. When the message is set up, softkey F3 will display OFF to enable the Attendant to disable the systemwide message for that set. 1108J. BARKERCOS 49 COR 15IDLEIO:351 IN A MEETING q Fl >EXITq Fz>NEXTq F~>ONq F4>q F5> q Ffj>f$j F7>q F8>q FS>q FO>Figure 3-35 Setting Systemwide Messaging for SUPERSET Telephone TRUNKS: This feature enables the Attendant to access trunk hardware control functions by entering the following key sequence: FUNCTION + ATT. FUNCTION + TRUNKS The Attendant Console display will be as shown in Figure 3-36. The Attendant must enter a trunk number. The display will change as shown in Figure 3-36a. The Attendant may request trunk status, re- strict trunk access or busy out the trunk. IO:35Enter Trunk Number:- q F 1 >EXITq F2>q F3>q F4>q F5> q Ff3>q F7>q F8>q Fg>q F()>Figure 3-36 Setting Trunk Functions Page 24

Attendant Console Description Enter Trunk Number: 72- q Fl >EXITq Fz>STATUS HF6>q F7> IO:35 q F3>ATT ACCESS!8 Fd>BUSY OUTq F5> q F8>q Fg>m FO>Figure 3-36a Setting Trunk Functions SRC II:50 AM >>>DST TRUNK 12COS 1 COR 1 BUSYFORCED RLSq F3>q F4>q F5> HFfj>q F7>q F8>0VERRIDEq Fg>IF(-)>Figure 3-36b Override a Busy Trunk STATUS: The Attendant may view trunk status by pressing this key. The display will have the format shown in Figure 3-37. TRUNK 72 Enter Trunk Number: 72- H Fl >EXIT@ F2> q /q>q F7>COS 15 COR 5BSY OUT IO:35 fjjF3>.&4>q F5> /g Ffj>q F$j>q FO>Figure 3-37 Trunk Status Display ATT. ACCESS: This feature permits the Attendant to select a specific trunk. After a trunk number has been entered (see Figure 3-36) the LCD will change as shown in Figure 3-36a. Pressing ATT. ACCESS results in the trunk being seized by the attendant. If the trunk is busy the attendant can override it by pressing the OVERRIDE softkey. Refer to Figure 3-36b. FORCED TRUNK RELEASE: To force release a locked-up trunk, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYSDISC-TRUNK BAY/S LOT/CCT(enter the required bay, slot, and circuit numbers, pressing the RETURN key after each one) ENTERBUSY OUT: Pressing this key results in information concerning the trunk being displayed. Two softkey options are presented: EXIT and SET (if the selected trunk is idle) or CLEAR (if the trunk is busied out). Pressing SET causes the trunk to be busied out and causes the display to revert to call processing mode. Pressing CLEAR returns the trunk to Page 25

SECTION MITL9109-094-315-NAidle and causes the display to revert to call processing mode. NIGHT SWITCHING: The NIGHT1 and NIGHT2 keys are used to place the areas of the system controlled by a given Attendant Console into night service. In multi-tenant applications, each tenant may locally switch into night service without affecting any other tenant, unless programmed to do so. Pressing the NIGHT1 or NIGHT2 softkey results in the night service status being displayed on the Attendant Consoles affected. If night service is in effect, the display will show the softkeyDAY SERVICE. Pressing this key will result in a return to day service. IO:35 . q F 1 >EXITq i=z>ATT FUNCTION q Fs>NIGHT 1q Fd>NIGHT 2q F5> q F6>APPLICATlONq Fi’>ALARMq F8XiELL OFFq Fg>FRANCAISEI FO>IDENTITYFigure 3-38 Night Switching and Language Option Display IO:35NIGHT 2 q Fl>q Q>q F3>q F4>q F5> f3Ff3>q F7>HF8>q Fg>REDIALa/=0>I Figure 3-39 Night Service 2 in Effect ALARM RESET: When the system generates a minor alarm due to a detected fault by the system’s diagnostics routines, a new alarm flag will automatically be displayed on Attendant Consoles programmed to receive minor alarms. This will appear on the destination line as shown in Figure 3-40. The alarm may be reset, and the cause of the alarm displayed, by pressing: FUNCTION + ALARM: Pressing the CANCEL softkey will clear the alarm message currently being read and return the console to call processing mode. Pressing MORE permits reading additional alarm messages. The flashing ALARM message will continue until all alarm messages have been read. Alarms cannot be read while: -the console is performing Maintenance or CDE functions - the maintenance terminal is performing Maintenance or CDE functions - another console is reading alarm messages or performing Maintenance or CDE functions. Page 26

Attendant Console Description WED MARCH 2, 1988Minor Alarmq Fl >EXITq Q>q F3>q F4> m F6>~0 DISTBq F7>MSG WAITING H f--8>q Fg>Figure 3-40 Alarm Display IO:35 q F5> q FO> FRANCAWENGLISH: When the FRANCAIS softkey is pressed all soft-key labels and Call Processing messages are displayed in French; the softkey prompt toggles to ENGLISH. Pressing the ENGLISH softkeycauses all softkey labels and Call Processing messages to be displayed in English; the softkey prompt toggles to FRANCAIS. IDENTITY: When the IDENTITY softkey is pressed the display shows the Attendant Console’s identity, as well as the software release and revi- sion number in which the system is currently operating. ABBR. DIAL: Attendant Abbreviated Dial functions are accessed via the key sequence: FUNCTION + ATT. FUNCTION + ABBR DIAL The Abbreviated Dial digits to be dialed are prompted for by the words “ENTER INDEX NUMBER”. A number of up to three digits can then be entered. Pressing the ENTER key results in the display changing to that shown in Figure 3-41. The number the system is to dial when this index number is selected is then entered. If a digit string is already assigned to that index number, the digit string will be displayed against the index number. A new number can then be entered against this index number, replacing the previous one, if desired, or the Abbre- viated Dial function can be exited, or the current index number entry sequence canceled. Once a digit string has been entered, the SET softkey is displayed. Pressing SET will result in the digit string being saved in the system memorv. Each time that index number is keyed, the system will then dial the entered digit string. IO:35 q F2>q F3>PRIVATEq Fd>CANCELHF5> q F7>q F8>q Fg> q FO>37 = 96135922122 Dial Number:- q F1 >EXIT q F6>Figure 3-41 Abbreviated Dialing Functions SYSTEM IDENTIFIER: When this softkey is pressed the display shows the current system identifier, and prompts for the desired identifier. A number consisting of from one to three digits can be entered. Page 27

SECTION MITL9109-094-315-NACANCEL ALL CALL FORWARDING/CALLBACK: The CANCEL ALL CALL FORWARDING and CANCEL ALL CALLBACK functions are accessed by the following key sequence: FUNCTION + ATT. FUNCTION + MORE + CAN. ALL FWD (or CAN. ALL CBK)Pressing CAN. ALL FWD will clear all call forwarding; pressing CAN. ALL CBK will clear all callbacks. DISA CODE: The DISA CODE softkey allows the Attendant to redefine the Access Code required for a call originating outside the PABX to access the PABX’s features (Direct Inward System Access). The DISAcode is set up by the following sequence: FUNCTION + ATT. FUNCTION + MORE + DISA CODE The display then prompts for the DISA Access Code, and the softkeysSET and EXIT are displayed. Pressing SET enters the new Access Code into the system. Pressing EXIT returns the display to its normal call handling mode. FLEXIBLE NIGHT SERVICE: Flexible night service allows the Attendant to redefine the inward routing of non-dial-in trunks. This permits the routing for NIGHT1 and NIGHT2 to be changed. Access to this function is gained by the following sequence: FUNCTION + ATT. FUNCTION + MORE + FLEX NIGHT The display then prompts for trunk number. The trunk number is keyed in, followed by selecting NIGHT1 or .NIGHT2, and the new destination. Pressing the SET key will cause the routing to be changed. The routing destination may be a SUPERSET telephone, a SUPERSET line, an Attendant Console LDN or an LDN appearance on an Attendant Con- sole. It may also be a night bell directory number. TRUNK 72COS 49 COR 15 IO:35Currently to 1251Forward to:1 108- q F1 >EXITq F2>SETq F3>q F4>q F5> /g FE>q F7>HF8>B/=9>@FO>Figure 3-42 Flexible Night Service Setup Page 28