Mitel SX-200 DIGITAL Pabx Engineering Information Manual
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Troubleshooting CABINET COOLING SYSTEM 4.23 The maximum safe internal ambient operating temperature in- side the SX-ZOO8 DIGITAL PABX control cabinet is 40 degrees Celsius. A temperature sensor is installed within the cabinet and is set to trip at 60 degrees Celsius. This means that when the user is in- formed of this (via a log message), the system is definitely GVER- HEATING, and immediate action is required. Chart 4-9 outlines the troubleshooting procedures for the cabinet cooling system. Page 4-24

Troubleshooting tep - 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 8 9 10 11 12 CHART 4-9 CABINET COOLING SUBSYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES Action Description f Follow-up emarks lerify that both of the fans are operating. ‘es: l Go to step 2. lo: @ Gotostep 10. /erify that temperature within the cabinet is in l Open the cabinet front door and hold the ‘act at or near 60 degrees Celsius. thermometer deep within the cabinet. s the temperature at, or near 60 degrees? (es: 0 Go to step 5. \lo : * Go to step 4. The sensor is faulty. Replace the fan unit. Check the ambient room temperature; is temperature over 40 degrees Celsius? Check if there is anything obstructing the air inlet fes: * Remove the obstruction. vents on the front of the cabinet. Uo : * Go to step 7. Check if there is a localized source of heat, such fes: * Attend to the fault - refer to the as a malfunctioning power supply, board ‘or appropriate troubleshooting procedures. rectifier. No : * Go to step 0. Check the air filter; does it require cleaning / Yes: * Clean / replace the filter ag required. ee Note replacement. * Go to step 9. 1 Wait briefly - verify that the filter change brings temperature down - measure with thermometer and check for maintenance log message. Yes: * Problem fixed. No : * Go to step 12. Check AC connection from AC distribution panel to * Secure connection / replace cord as ee Note the fan unit. required. 2 Check if AC power is available throughout the system. (es: * This exceeds the maximum operating temperature. Lower temperature, or move the system to a cooler location. Uo : * Go to step 6. No: l Gotostep 12. * Go to step 11. Yes: l Go to step 12. No : l Refer to power subsystem troubleshootin procedures. Replace the fan unit. Notes: 1. Refer to Section MITL9108-093-353-NA, General Maintenance Information for details on filter maintenance. 2. Refer to Section MITL9108-093-200-NA, Shipping, Receiving and Installation for details on cabling. Page 4-25

Troubleshootin,g POWER4 FAIL TRANSFER SYSTEM General 4.24 Power fail transfer relays are provided in order to allow essen- tial service to be maintained in the event of failure of a critical item of equipment, or a serious degradation of service. Power to the transfer relays is maintained diirKg normal operation, but during pow- er fail transfer conditions, power is cut off from the relays. This re- leases them, connecting selected ONS or OPS lines directly to selected CO trunks 4.25 Refer to Section MITL9108-093-ZOO-NA, Shipping, Receiving and Installation for details on the location of the PFT cards. Chart 4-10 outlines the troubleshooting procedures for the power fail transfer system. Note: In order to prevent misunderstanding, it is emphasized that the relays are NORMALLY OPERATED, and are RELEASED to effect the transfer operation. Page 4-26

Troubleshooting CHART 4-10 POWER FAIL TRANSFER BOARD TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES itep Action Description / Follow-up Remarks 1 Check if the system is operational. Yes: l Go to step 2. No : l Go to Chart 2-2. 2 Check if the entire system is in power fail transfer Yes: @ Go to step 3. mode - refer to the maintenance log. No : l Go to step 7. 3 Verify that -48 Vdc is available in all bays. Yes: * Go to step 4. No : 0 Go to the applicable power supply troubleshooting procedure. 4 Verify that the maintenance panel switches are not * If they are, return them to the normal see Note set to power fail transfer. operating position. 1 0 Go to step 5. -6-- Verify the -48 Vdc feed to the power fail transfer card - through the maintenance panel switches, to the interconnect card, to the power fail transfer card. l Secure wiring / replace wiring as see Note required. If problem persists, go to step 2 6. 6 Verify the connections at the interconnect field. * Repair connections as required; if see Nob problem persists, go to step 17. 3 7 Check if entire peripheral cabinet is in the power Yes: * Go to step 8. fail transfer condition. No: l Gotostep12. 8 Verify that -48 Vdc is available in all bays used in Yes: l Go to step 9. the cabinet. No : l Go to the applicable power supply troubleshooting procedure. 9 Verify that the maintenance panel switches are not * If they are, return them to the normal see Nott set to power fail transfer. operating position. 1 * Go to step 10. 10 Verify the -46 Vdc feed to the power fail transfer l Secure wiring / replace wiring as see Note card - through the maintenance panel switches, to required. If problem persists, go to step 2 the interconnect card, to the power fail transfer 11. card. 11 Verify the connections at the interconnect field. * Repair connections as required; if problem persists, see Note 3 and go to step 17. 12 Check if a single bay is in the power fail transfer Yes: l Go to step 13. condition. No: l Gotostep15. Page 4-27

Troubleshooting CHART 4-10 (Cont’d) POWER FAIL TRANSFER BOARD TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES itep Action Description I Follow-up 13 Verify that -48 Vdc is available in the affected bav. Yes: l Go to step 14. No : l Go to the applicable power supply troubleshooting procedure. Remarks 14 Verify the connections at the interconnect field. l Repair connections as required; if problem persists, see Note 3 and go to step 17. 15 Check if one or more separate stations are in the Yes: * Go to step 16. power fail transfer condition. No : 0 No problem with power fail transfer system. 16 Verify the connections at the interconnect field. * Repair connections as required; if see Note problem persists, go to step 17. 3 17 Replace the affected power fail transfer card. * If problem persists, contact Mite1 Field Service. Notes: 1. Refer to Section MITL9108-093-353-NA, General Maintenance lnformation for details on the switch settings. 2. Refer to Section MITL9108-093-200-NA, Shipping, Receiving and Installation for details on PFT card wiring. 3. Refer to Section MITL9108-093-200-NA, Shipping, Receiving and Installation for details 6n PFT connections to the interconnect field. Page 4-23/23

Troubleshooting APPENDIX A MAlNTENANCE LOG MESSAGES General Al.01 This Appendix contains the complete set of information mes- sages which are recorded in the maintenance log when a sig- nificant event occurs. Each message is self-explanatory, identifying the event and providing details about it. information on options available to maintenance personel is included under the “Action Required” head- ing. Al.02 There are three types of log report; they are as follows: 1. Fault Report - a report generated when the maintenance sys- tem or Call Processing detects a fault, or an abnormal con- dition. 2. Reset Report - a report generated when a bay or the system is reset. 3. Alarm Report - a report generated when a change in any of the alarm levels occurs. Al.03 This Appendix is divided into three sections which correspond to the three types of log messages The ‘Fault Reports’ section is arranged using the Alarm Code, an index number specific to the type of fault indicated. The Reset and Alarm Report sections are arranged in a logical manner. Al.04 Information on access to the maintenance log, and the use of other maintenance tools may be found in Section MITL9108-093-351-NA, RS-232 Maintenance Terminal. Information on overall maintenance philosophy and specific diagnostic tests may be found in Section MITL9108-093-353-NA, General Maintenance Infor- mation. Page A-l

Troubleshooting TABLE Al-l FAULT REPORTS Channel number 19, link number 07 failed junctor test Alarm Code = 00 rected test on t pecified link to verify blem. Note that 02 corresponds to Bay 05 corresponds ay 04, and link 07 onds to Bay 05 e problem persists, Part of this Section. r, using the MONITOR Channel number 19, link number 07 failed junctor dgl codec Alarm Code = 01 o a directed test on the specified link to verify ther, using the Channel number 19, link number 07 failed junctor ang codec Alarm Code = 02 Do a directed test on the specified link to verify the problem. Note that link 02 corresponds to Bay 03, link 05 corresponds to Bay 04, and link 07 ther, using the Replace as required. Otherwise, investigate further, using the MONITOR DIAGNOSTICS and SHOW STATUS commands. console ang codec Alarm Code = 05 ONS card failed at 02 01 01 00 ext 2401 inject codec test Alarm Code = 06 Do a directed test on the specified circuit to verify the problem. If the problem persists, refer to the Fault Isolation Part of this Section. Page A-2

Troubleshooting TABLE Al-l (Cont’d) FAULT REPORTS Alarm Code neric Generic 300 1001 Message Action Required 36 06 COV card failed at 01 05 01 00 ext 1501 Int’d) (Cont’d) inject codec test Alarm Code = 06 LS/GS trk card failed at 02 02 01 00 inject codec test Alarm Code = 06 E&M module failed at 02 02 01 00 inject codec test Alarm Code = 06 DTMF RX module failed at 02 02 01 00 inject codec test Alarm Code = 06 07 07 ONS card failed at 02 01 01 00 ext 2101 Do a directed test on the specified circuit to Dgl L/B codec test Alarm Code = 07 verify the problem. If the problem persists, refer COV card failed at 01 05 01 00 ext 1501 to the Fault Isolation Part of this Section. Dgl L/B codec test Alarm Code = 07 Otherwise, investigate further, using the MONITOR DIAGNOSTICS and SHOW STATUS commands. LS/GS trk card failed at 02 02 01 00 Dgl L/B codec test Alarm Code = 07 E&M module failed at 02 02 01 00 Dgl L/B codec test Alarm Code = 07 DTMF RX module failed at 02 02 01 00 Dgl L/B codec test Alarm Code = 07 08 08 ONS card failed at 02 01 01 00 ext 2101 Do a directed test on the specified circuit to Ang L/B codec test Alarm Code = 08 verify the problem. If the problem persists, the COV card failed at 01 05 01 00 ext 1501 fault is isolated to the specified circuit. Refer to Ang L/B codec test Alarm Code = 08 the appropriate Part of this Section. Replace as required. Otherwise, investigate further, using the LS/GS trk card failed at 02 02 01 00 MONITOR DIAGNOSTICS and SHOW STATUS Ang L/B codec test Alarm Code = 08 commands. E&M module failed at 02 02 01 00 Ang L/B codec test Alarm Code = 08 DTMF RX module failed at 02 02 01 00 Ang VB codec test Alarm Code = 08 10 10 ONS card failed at 02 01 01 00 ext 2101 Do a directed test on the specified circuit to Hook test Alarm Code = 10 verify the problem. If the problem persists, refer to the ONS Line card Part of this Section. Replace as required. Otherwise, investigate further, using the MONITOR DIAGNOSTICS and SHOW STATUS commands. 11 11 ONS card failed at 02 01 01 00 ext 2101 Do a directed test on the specified circuit to Adc reference test Alarm Code = 11 verify problem. If the problem persists, refer to LS/GS trk card failed at 02 02 01 00 the Fault Isolation Part of this Section. Otherwise, ADC reference test Alarm Code = 11 investigate further, using the MONITOR DIAGNOSTICS and SHOW STATUS commands. Page A-3

Troubleshooting TA8LE Al-l (Cont’d) FAULT REPORTS LS/GS trk card failed at 02 02 01 00 Hybrid loopback test Alarm Code = 13 Do a directed test on the specified circuit to verify the problem. If the problem persists, the fault is isolated to the specified circuit. Refer to the appropriate Part of this Section. Otherwise, investigate further, using the MONITOR DTMF RX module failed at 02 02 01 00 DTMF receiver test Alarm Code = 14 PRINTER failed at 00 00 02 00 Printer down Alarm Code = 15 Do a directed test on the printer to verify this. Signal Pro failed at 00 00 06 00 DSP tone detect test Alarm Code = 17 Signal Pro failed at 00 00 06 00 DSP tone gen Alarm Code = 18 card Part of this Section. Otherwise, investigate furttier, using the MONITOR DIAGNOSTICS Signal Pro failed at 00 00 06 00 DSP conference test Alarm Code = 19 Do a directed test on the DSP to verify the problem. If it persists, refer to the Main Control card Part of this Section. Otherwise, investigate ing the MONITOR DIAGNOSTICS Signal Pro failed at 00 00 06 00 DSP went insane Alarm Code = 100 Do a directed test on the DSP to verify the -- Page A-4

Troubleshooting TABLE Al-l (Cont’d) FAULT REPORTS Alarm Code Message Action Required neric Generic 000 1001 17 101 ONS card failed at 02 01 01 00 ext 2101 Information only. OFF hook too long Alarm Code = 101 Stn line card failed at 03 01 01 00 ext 3101 OFF hook too long Alarm Code = 101 COV card failed at 01 05 01 00 ext 1501 OFF hook too long Alarm Code = 101 Superset card failed at 03 01 01 00 ext 3101 OFF hook too long Alarm Code = 101 18 102 ONS card failed at 02 01 01 00 ext 2101 Verify card has been removed. If alarm is raised Card removed Alarm Code = 102 due to this, either replace/re-install the card, or Stn line card failed at 03 01 01 00 ext 3101 deprogram it via CDE. Refer to Section Card removed Alarm Code = 102 MITL9108-093-210-NA, Customer Data Entry for details. COV card failed at 01 05 01 00 ext 1501 Card removed Alarm Code = 102 Superset card failed at 03 01 01 00 ext 3101 Card removed Alarm Code = 102 LWGS trk card failed at 02 02 01 00 Card removed Alarm Code = 102 CO trunk card failed at 02 02 01 00 Card removed Alarm Code = 102 E&M trunk card failed at 02 02 01 00 Card removed Alarm Code = 102 DID trunk card failed at 02 02 01 00 Card removed Alarm Code = 102 UNIV card type failed at 02 03 01 00 Card removed Alarm Code = 102 Page A-5