Mitel SX-200 DIGITAL Pabx Engineering Information Manual
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Troubleshooting - itep 10 11 Action A problem with the DX module on the Main Control card, or with Main Control card itself could cause these symptoms. Replace Main Control card. Description / Follow-up l If problem persists, contact MITEL Field Service. Check if Bay Control card ALARM LED is flashing. Yes 8 Go to step 12. No: l Go to step 15. STEP 12 SHOULD BE DONE DURING PERIODS OF LOW OR NO TRAFFIC, AS IT MAY HAVE AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. DO NOT PROCEED TO STEP 12 UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DIRECTED TO IT FROM A PREVIOUS STEP, GHART 4-l (Cont’d) BAY CONTROL CARD TROUBLESHOOTING PkOCEDURES 12 13 14 Power down the affected bay via the switch on the bav power supply. l Go to step 13. A problem with the Bay Control card on-board EPROM could cause these symptoms - remove card and ensure EPROM is installed correctly. (See Figure 4-l). l install EPROM correctly as required. l If EPROM is installed correctly, go to step 14. Replace Bay Control card. l If problem persists, contact MITEL Field Service. STEP 15 SHOULD BE DONE DURING PERIODS OF LOW OR NO TRAFFIC, AS IT MAY HAVE AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. DO NOT PROCEED TO STEP 15 UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DIRECTED TO IT FROM A PREVIOUS STEP 15 16 17 Check if there is an intermittent problem of loss of voice in Bays 3 and 4. Power down the affected bay and remove the Bay Control card. Ensure all switches (SWI-1, SWl-2, SW2-1, SW2-2) are in the CLOSED position (see Figure 4-l). Yes: l Go to step 16. No: 0 Go to step 18. l Go to step 16. * Close all switches as required and go back to step 4. l If this is not the problem, go to step 18. 18 1 Contact MITEL Field Service. I Page 4-4

Troubleshooting TABLE 4-l BAY CONTROL CARD STATUS LEDs TX LED RX LED on on ALARM LED on Meaning Bay Control card is either waiting for, or has lost communication with the Main Control card. If this state persists for more than a few seconds, there is no communication. flashing flashing on Bay Control card is being downloaded by the Main Control card. flashing flashing Off Bay Control card is up and running and communicating to the Main Control card. Off Off Off .flashing This is the normal operating condition of the Bay Control card. There is a failure on the Bay Control card. Page 4-5

Troubleshooting I 1 EEI I I K40129RlEl Figure 4-I Bay Control Card Device Locations Page 4-6

Troubleshooting ANALOG BAY PERiPHERAL CONTROL’ SUBSYSTEM 4.11 The following paragraphs detail the troubleshooting procedures for the Analog Bay Peripheral Control Subsystem. Configuration 4.12 The Analog Bay Peripheral Control Subsystem consists of the following cards: Name Part No. l Peripheral Control Card (PCC) 9 108-203-OOO-NA 0 PCC EPROM * Digital Interface Card (DIC) 9 108-002-OOO-NA 0 DIC EPROM l Scanner Card 9 11 O-l 04-OOO-NA, 9 11 O-004-OOO-NA Peripheral Control Subsystem Power-Up Tests 4.13 The Peripheral Control Subsystem power-up tests are run auto- matically upon’ operation of the SYSTEM RESET pushbutton located on the Scanner card front panel. The test results are indicated in code form on the Scanner card’s 7-segment displays, also located on the Scanner card front panel. First-Step Checks 4.14 Prior to replacing cards as directed by the Peripheral Control Subsystem troubleshooting procedures, carry out the following checks: (a) Reseat the suspect card. (b) Check for bent pins at the backplane or module connector, where applicable. If the above does not clear the fault, proceed to replace the card. Power-Up Sequence 4.15 The Peripheral Control subsystem power-up sequence is out- lined in detail in Section MITL9108-093-353-NA, General Main- tenance Information. Chart 4-2 summarizes the troubleshooting proce- dures for the Peripheral Control subsystem. Page 4-7

Troubleshooting CHART 4-2 ANALOG PERIPHERAL BAY TROUBLESHOOTiNG PROCEDURES tw Action Description / Follow-up Remarks 1 If Scanner 7-segment displays do not read “b3” or l Go to step 2. “b4”, press MASTER RESET pushbutton on the Scanner card front panel. 2 Check if power-up tests have begun. Yes: l Go to step 7. see Note No : * Go to step 3. 1 3 Ensure bay power is turned on. * TOP SHELF POWER switch on the maintenance panel should be in the ON position. * Go to step 4. 4 Verify that power is available in the bay. Yes: l Go to step 5. No : * This indicates a power supply problem. Refer to the Rear Door Power Supply troubleshooting procedures. 5 Check if Scanner card 7-segment displays are blank. 6 Replace Scanner card. 7 Check if the Scanner card 7-segment displays show the following error code : E 2 Yes: * Go to step 6. No : * Go to step 7. l Go to step 7. Yes: * Go to step 6. No: l Gotostepl5. 0 Go to step 9. maintenance panel. and verify that the EPROM IC is * If problem persists, go to step 10. helf; go to step 12. bay. Does fault per Page 4-8

CHART 4-2 (Cont’d) ANALOG PERIPHERAL BAY TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES tw Action Description / Follow-up Remarks 12 Replace the Peripheral Control card; power up the Yes: l Power down shelf; go to step 13. bay. Does fault persist? No : l Problem fixed. 13 Replace the Scanner card; power up the bay. Does Yes: * Possible problem with Main Control card; the fault persist? go to step 14. No : l Problem fixed. 14 Power down the system; replace the Main Control Yes: * Refer problem to Mite1 field service. card. Does the fault persist? No : l Problem fixed. 15 Check if the Scanner card 7-segment displays Yes: 0 Go to step 16. show the following error code: No: *Gotostep17. E 1 16 Replace the PCC card. l If problem persists, contact Mite1 Field Service. 17 Check if the Scanner card 7-segment displays Yes: * The bay is functioning correctly. see Note show one of the following status codes: No: l GotosteplLI. 2 b b 3 4 16 Check if the Scanner card 7-segment displays Yes: l Go to step 19. show one of the following status codes: No : * Go to step 22. 0 A A A 19 Press the MASTER RESET push-button on the front e If problem persists, go to step 20. panel of the Scanner card. 20 Verify PCM cabling from front of DIC card to Bay 2 * Correct faulty cabling as required. see Nott backplane (Bay 3 and Bay 4 DIC cards), or from l If problem persists, go to step 21. 3 Bay 4 DIC card to Bay 5 DIC card. see Note 4 21 Power down the affected shelf and replace the DIC 0 If problem persists, may indicate a card. problem with the Main Control card. Refer to Main Control card troubleshooting procedures. 22 If anything else is on the Scanner card 7-segment l If the problem persists, power down the ‘see Note displays, press the MASTER RESET push-button on affected bay, and replace the effected 3 the Scanner card front panel. DIC card. * If the problem persists, contact Mite1 Field Service. Page 4-g

Troubleshooting Notes to Chart 4-2: 1. 2. 3. 4. The correct 7-segment display reset sequence is: 00, bb, OA, b3 (or b4). Refer to Section MITL9108-093-353-NA, General Maintenance Information for details on the Scanner card LED codes. At this point, if there is no call processing in the affected bay, contact Mite1 Field Service. In the peripheral cabinet, the affected DIC card will have the “Rx” LED on (i.e., not off, not flashing) and the “TX” LED off. Refer to Section MITL9108-093-200-NA, Shipping, Receiving and Installation for details on DIC card cabling. Page 4-IQ

Troubleshookg FLOPPY DISK SUBSYSTEM 4.16 The following paragraphs detail the troubleshooting procedures for the Floppy Disk Subsystem. Chart 4-3 outlines the trouble- shooting procedures for the Floppy Disk Subsystem. Note that some troubleshooting of the Floppy Disk Subsystem is done implicitly through the troubleshooting of the Main Control card. Configuration 4.17 The Floppy Disk Subsystem consists of the following compo- nents: Name Part. No. l Floppy Disk Drive 9 109-024-OOO-NA, 9109-‘l24-OOO-NA l Main Control Card 9 108-003-OOO-NA 0 Interconnecting cables Action in Case of Power Loss 4.18 In order to prevent corruption of the data on the floppy disk- ettes, care should be taken to disable system access to the disk drive unit prior to taking it off-line for troubleshooting purposes. Al- ways release the lock-latch before removing power from the unit. Similarly, always ensure power is applied to the disk drive before inserting the diskette. Page 4-11

Troubleshooting CHART 4-3 FLOPPY DISK SUBSYSTEM TROUBiESHOOTlNG PROCEDURES ep Action Description / Follow-up Remarks I Ensure bay power is turned on. . Bay power supply switch should be in the ON position. l Go to step 2. ! Verify that power is available in the bay. (Measure Yes: l Go to step 3. see Fig at backplane.) No : . This indicates a power supply problem. 2-2 Refer to the Bay Power Supply troubleshooting procedures. 3 Verify power cable and signal ribbon cable are * Go to step 4. see Note properly connected to the backplane. 1 1 Check if Main Control card 7-segment displays Yes: l Indicates original system diskette has see Note show the following error code: been replaced, and logs are pending; go 4 E. to step 5. see Note 1 No : * Go to step 6. 2 5 Either (a) Re-insert original diskette, or l NOTE : ONLY RESTART THE SYSTEM see Note (b) Restart system DURING LOW OR NO TRAFFIC 3 CONDITIONS, AS THIS HAS AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. 6 Check if Main Control card 7-segment displays Yes: * Indicates original system diskette has show the following error code: been replaced; go to step 7. . E. No : 0 Go to step 8. 2 3 Either (a) Re-insert original diskette, or e NOTE : ONLY RESTART THE SYSTEM (b) Restart system DURING LOW OR NO TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, AS THIS HAS AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. 8 Check if Main Control card 7-segment displays Yes: 0 Indicates that the disk drive is empty, and see Note show the following error code: that disk updates are pending; 90 to step 2 E. 9. 3 No: *Gotosteplg. 9 Either (a) Re-insert original diskette, or 0 NOTE : ONLY RESTART THE SYSTEM see Notr (b) Insert new diskette and restart the system DURING LOW OR NO TRAFFIC 3 CONDITIONS, AS THIS HAS AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. Page 4-12

Troubleshooting CHART 4-3 (Cont’d) FLOPPY DISK SUBSYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES jtep Action Description / Follow-up Remarks 10 Check if Main Control card 7-segment displays Yes: l indicates that the disk drive is empty; go show the following error code: to step Il., E. No: iGotostep12. 4 11 Either (a) Re-insert original diskette, or * NOTE : ONLY RESTART THE SYSTEM (b) insert new diskette and restart the system DURING LOW OR NO TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, AS THIS HAS AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. 12 Check if Main Control card 7-segment displays Yes: 0 indicates that there is an obstruction show the following error code: over the diskette “write notch” (i.e., a E. write-protect sticker); remove it. 5 No: *Gotostep13. 13 Refer to the troubleshooting procedures for the Main Control card. Notes: 1. Refer to Section MlTL9108-093-200-NA, Shipping, Receiving and Installation for details of the Floppy Disk Drive installation. 2. Disk update information (e.g., log reports) is stored in system RAM until a period of low traffic before being transferred to the floppy disk. 3. If system is restarted at this point,.the pending logs will be lost. - 4. Software GENERIC 1001 error codes are: E.l, E.2, E.3, E.4, and E.5; Software GENERIC 1000 error codes are: lE, 2E, 3E, 4E, and 5E. Page 4-13