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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Maintenance For Survivable Remote EPN Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Maintenance For Survivable Remote EPN Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-15 Maintenance procedure 2 NOTE: In an EPN the TN775C EPN Maintenanc e c irc uit pac k monitors the sanity of the Expansion Interfac e c irc uit p ac k. If the EI c irc uit p ac k should c yc le b etween sane and insane several times, the Maintenanc e c irc uit pac k hold s the EI c irc uit p ac k reset. nIf a new Exp ansion Interfac e c irc uit p ac k is installed in the EPN and the red LED stays on, remove the EPN Maintenanc e c irc uit p ac k b ec ause it may b e hold ing the new EI c irc uit p ac k reset. This c an hap p en when there is a link prob lem to the EPN, and the EPN restarts several times. nReinstall the maintenanc e c irc uit p ac k after the Exp ansion Interfac e c irc uit p ac k is p hysic ally inserted and the EI c irc uit p ac k’s red LED is off. Which EPN is survivable? 1. At the Release 7r terminal, typ e the list cabinet c ommand and press En t e r. Determine whic h EPN is “ watc hed” b y Survivab le Remote eq uip ment b y looking for the lower-c ase “s ” b efore the letters “ EPN” in the Type field as shown in Fi g u re 2 -8 . Figure 2-8. List cabinet screen (Release 7r) 2. Onc e you have loc ated the p hysic al eq uip ment, c hec k to see whether the Red SURVIVE MODE ON LED is on, ind ic ating that the system is in Survive Mod e. EI interactions Althoug h c omp lex to troub leshoot, the following two interac tions with EI c irc uit p acks may b e present: nAlarms log g ed ag ainst an EPN that involve an Exp ansion Interfac e c irc uit pack ac ting as the Expansion Arc hangel list cabinet SPE B CABINET REPORT No. Type Layout Room Floor Building A B C D E 1 PPN 5-car CS_1 1 ABC_DE PN 01 PN 01 PN 01 PN 01 SN 01 2 sEPN 5-car CS_1 1 ABC_DE PN 02 PN 02 PN 02 PN 02 PN 02

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-16 Maintenance procedure 2 nEI and Tone/Cloc k sync hronization interac tions. Sync hronization is involved in the link b etween two ac tive EI c irc uit p ac ks or between an ac tive EI c irc uit p ac k and an ac tive SNI c irc uit p ac k. If the frequenc y of the clock is out of the specified range (“out of spec”), an EI fiber link c an go down. — The EI c irc uit pac k rep orts slip errors if sync hronization is not op erating p rop erly. — Examine the EI c irc uit p ac ks as a p ossib le c ause when d iagnosing sync hronization p rob lems. For b oth topic s, refer to the EXP-INTF sec tion in Chapter 9 of DEFINITY ECS Release 7 — Maintenanc e for R7r . Testing the TN2301 function and wiring If the SURVIVE MODE ON LED d oes not turn on when the PNC A and B links are d own, then the TN2301 (SRSwitc h) d oes not d etec t the SRCntrl and SRCntrlRtn sig nals (see ‘‘ 110 b loc k c ross-c onnec t p ins’’) from the Maintenanc e c irc uit p ac k (TN775C). Possible causes are the nMaintenanc e c irc uit p ac k’s relay not c losing nTN2301 d etec tion c irc uit malfunc tioning nWiring b etween the SRSwitc h (TN2301) and the Maintenanc e (TN775C) circuit p ac ks is inc orrect. To verify the d etec tion c irc uit and wiring : 1. Momentarily short the c ross-c onnec t p ins 45 and 46 on the EPN Aux wall field . See ‘‘ 110 b loc k c ross-c onnec t pins’’. This should forc e the TN2301 to switc h to Survive mod e. 2. If the red SURVIVE MODE ON LED still d oes not lig ht, verify the wiring . 3. If the wiring is g ood , rep lac e the TN2301 c irc uit p ac k. See ‘‘ Rep lac ing the TN2301 c irc uit p ac k’’. Health of Port Network Connections (PNC) Dep end ing on the c ond itions present when the system switc hed from Normal to Survive mod e, it may b e in either Emergenc y Transfer or Survive mod e. To d etermine the mod e in whic h the system is op erating : 1. Get on overall report on each cabinet’s PNC status (status health ) at b oth the Release 7r and the SRP terminals . Fi g u re 2 -9 shows the Release 7r sc reen, and Fig ure 2-10 shows the SRP sc reen.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-17 Maintenance procedure 2 Figure 2-9. Status health screen (Release 7r) Figure 2-10. Status health screen (SRP) 2. Under the PNC field c olumn of the status health sc reen, read whether the link is up , dn (d own), or fe (far-end on Release 7r Center Stag e systems) on both systems (b old in b oth examp les) and use Ta b l e 2 - 7 to answer these two q uestions: nIs the link p rob lem on Release 7r or the SREPN sid e? nIs the system in Emerg enc y Transfer or Survive mode? status health SPE A PNC: A-PNC/auto B-PNC/functional ALARMS: Maj: 2 Min: 2 Wrn: 104 Pwr: comm Sync:loc l Logins:2 BUSYOUT: Trk 0 Stn: 0 Oth: 18 Cab EmTr Mj Mn Wn PNC Cab EmTr Mj Mn Wn PNC Cab EmTr Mj Mn Wn PNC 1 auto- 0| 0|47 up 2 auto- 0| 0|12 up status health ALARM SUMMARY CABINET STATUS Major: 1 Emerg Alarms Minor: 0 Cab Trans Mj Mn Wn PNC Warning: 10 1 auto- 0| 0| 5 up BUSY-OUT SUMMARY 2 auto- 1| 0| 0 dn Trunks: 0 3 n.a. 0| 0| 0 dn Stations: 0 Others: 0 PROCESSOR OCCUPANCY STATUS Static: 1% SM: 4% CP: 0% Idle: 95% CRITICAL SYSTEM STATUS Active SPE: A/auto Duplicated? SPE:n SPE Power: commercial Time Source: local # Logins: 1

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-18 Maintenance procedure 2 Administered links 1. To see how the links are ad ministered , enter list fiber-link at b oth the Release 7r and the SRP terminals . Fi g u re 2 - 1 1 (Release 7r) and Fi g u re 2-12 (SRP) show examp les of b oth fib er and DS1 CONV links. Figure 2-11. List fiber-link screen (Release 7r) Table 2-7. Release 7r and SRP link status If the Release 7r link isAnd the SRP link isThen the SRP is in Where to look for problem Down Up Survive mod e Between Release 7r and SREPN Down Down Emerg enc y Transfer mod e SREPN sid e (EI c irc uit p ac k, transceivers, or fibers) Up Down Normal mode No prob lem list fiber-link Page 1 SPE A FIBER LINK ADMINISTRATION FIBER -------- ENDPOINT 1 -------- -------- ENDPOINT 2 -------- LINK# TYPE A-PNC DS1 B-PNC DS1 TYPE A-PNC DS1 B-PNC DS1 DS1 LOC CONV LOC CONV LOC CONV LOC CONV CONV LOC LOC LOC LOC TYPE 1 sni 01E03 01D03 ei 02A01 02B02 2 sni 01E02 01D02 ei 01E01 01D01 3 sni 01E04 01D04 ei 03A01 03B02 4 sni 01E19 01D19 ei 03E01 03D02 5 sni 01E20 01E21 01D20 01D21 ei 04A01 04A02 04B02 04B03 TN574 Primary Facility: A A 9 sni 01E18 02B16 01D18 02C16 ei 09A01 09A02 09B02 09B03 TN1654 Primary Facility:B B B B

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-19 Maintenance procedure 2 Figure 2-12. List fiber-link screen (SRP) 2. Enter status sys-link UUCSS to ob tain status information and the c urrent or faulted hard ware p ath (the list of hardware c omponents over whic h the link travels). Figure 2-13. Status sys-link screen (Release 7r) Tab le 2-8 desc rib es when the c urrent or faulted hard ware p ath d isp lays. list fiber-link Page 1 SPE A FIBER LINK ADMINISTRATION FIBER -------- ENDPOINT 1 -------- -------- ENDPOINT 2 -------- LINK# TYPE A-PNC DS1 B-PNC DS1 TYPE A-PNC DS1 B-PNC DS1 DS1 LOC CONV LOC CONV LOC CONV LOC CONV CONV LOC LOC LOC LOC TYPE 1 sni 01A17 01B17 ei 10E01 10D02 2 sni 01A18 01B18 ei 06E01 06D02 3 sni 01E20 01E21 01D20 01D21 ei 22A01 22A02 22B02 22B03 TN574 status sys-link 01e20 Page 1 of 2 SPE A Location: 01E2001 Type/Chan: INL Alarms: none Current Path: present Faulted Path: none Last Fault: State: up Current Hardware Path Maintenance Maintenance Location Name Alarms Location Name Alarms 01A1 PKT-INT none PN 01 PKT-BUS none 01E01 EXP-INTF none 2 A-PNC FIBER-LK none 01E02 SNI-BD none 01E20 SNI-BD none

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-20 Maintenance procedure 2 For more information on system links and hard ware p aths, refer to: nSYS-LINK Maintenanc e Ob jec t in Chap ter 9 of DEFINITY ECS Release 7 Maintenanc e for R7r n‘‘Sy st e m l in ks’’ on p ag e 2-44 3. Look for alarms on the c omp onents listed und er the ap p ropriate hard ware p ath. If any alarms are present, follow the maintenanc e p roc ed ures for the alarmed c omp onents to c lear those alarms first. 4. To help c orroborate the information that you have gathered, inspec t the Release 7r Alarm and Error logs (Fig ure 2-14 ). NOTE: Sinc e the system is in Survive mod e, the Release 7r thinks it has lost its c onnec tions to the EPN. Therefore, alarms may b e p resent, even thoug h the p rob lem has been diag nosed and fixed . Figure 2-14. Display alarms screen (Release 7r) Table 2-8. Current and faulted hardware paths If link isCurrent hardware path displays?Faulted hardware path displays?Focus attention on path up Y N current d own N Y faulted display alarms Page 1 of 2 SPE A ALARM REPORT Port Maintenance On Alt Alarm Svc Ack? Date Date Name Brd? Name Type State 1 2 Alarmed Resolved 01E02 SNI-PEER n MAJOR 03/09/00:21 00/00/00:00 01E20 SNI-CONF n MAJOR 03/09/00:26 00/00/00:00 PN02 EXP-PN n MAJOR 03/09/00:30 00/00/00:00 PN02 EXP-PN n MAJOR 03/09/00:30 00/00/00:00 2 A-PNC FIBER-LK n MAJOR 03/09/00:30 00/00/00:00 2 A-PNC FIBER-LK n MAJOR 03/09/00:30 00/00/00:00 2 A-PNC FIBER-LK n MAJOR 03/09/00:30 00/00/00:00

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-21 Maintenance procedure 2 Tab le 2-9 lists other alarmed Maintenanc e Objec ts while in Survive mod e. Repair the link connection After d etermining on whic h sid e (Release 7r or SREPN) the p roblem lies: 1. Test the fib er c onnec tion b y entering test fiber-link number [a-pnc | b-pnc ] if duplicated, [short | long]. Fig ure 2-15 shows an examp le of the test results. For this examp le, the fib er c onnec tion on the Release 7r sid e is b ad. Figure 2-15. Test fiber-link screen (Release 7r) 2. If any of the test results shown in Fig ure 2-15 fail, isolate the p rob lem: a. Busyout the susp ec ted fib er c onnec tion with the busyout fiber-link number [a-pnc | b-pnc] if duplicated, command. b . Ensure a reliab le fib er c onnec tion to the Release 7r. See ‘‘ Fault isolation p roc ed ures’’ later in this c hap ter for a flowc hart of step s to isolate and test fib er c onnec tions. Table 2-9. Maintenance Objects alarmed in Survive mode Maintenance Object Description DS1 CONV-BD DS1 CONV c irc uit p ac ks EXP- L IN K Exp a ns io n Li nk EXP- I N TF Exp a ns io n In t e r f ac e DS1 CONV-BD DS1 CONV c irc uit p ac ks SNI-BD Switc h Nod e Interfac e c irc uit pac ks test fiber-link 2 a-pnc Page 1 SPE A TEST RESULTS Port Maintenance Name Alt. Name Test No. Result Error Code 2 A-PNC FIBER-LK 777 FAIL 2 A-PNC FIBER-LK 759 FAIL 135 2 A-PNC FIBER-LK 989 FAIL 241 2 A-PNC FIBER-LK 237 ABORT 2100 2 A-PNC FIBER-LK 238 ABORT 2100

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-22 Maintenance procedure 2 c. Use the release fiber-link number [a-pnc | b-pnc] if duplicated, c ommand to restore the fib er c onnec tions. d . Test the fib er c onnec tion ag ain with the test fiber-link number [ a-pnc|b-pnc] if duplicated, [short | long] command. e. If all tests on all c omp onents PASS, skip to the ‘‘ Check system status’’ sec tion. 3. If nec essary, refer to FIBER-LK Maintenanc e ob jec t in Chap ter 9 of DEFINITY ECS Release 7 Maintenanc e for R7r for more information. Reconnect the Release 7r to the EPN !CAUTION: Ensure that the links are rep aired b efore proc eed ing with the next sec tion. See ‘‘ Fault isolation p roc ed ures’’ for troub leshooting help . To rec onnec t the SREPN to the Release 7r: 1. Set the switc h on the TN2301 c irc uit p ac k to the RSTR p osition for at least 1 sec ond and return the switc h to the AUTO p osition. OR From a remote d ial-in c onnec tion to the SRP, use the restore survivable-remote-link c ommand to reset the SRP. See the ‘‘ Restore from remote loc ation’’ sec tion later in this c hap ter. 2. Check for the following LED status: nRed (SURVIVE MODE ON) is off nGreen (AUTO) is on stead y, meaning that the SREPN is read y to assume proc essor c ontrol for the EPN should another link failure oc c ur. 3. Wait at least 3 minutes while the EPN g oes throug h its c old restart. 4. Chec k the status of the link c onnec tions (status health ) at b oth the Release 7r and the SRP terminals to d etermine whether the link b etween the Release 7r and the EPN is up (Fi g u re 2 - 9 ). Post-reset check Chec k to see that the following c ond itions are met b efore leaving the c ustomer p remises: 1. The EI c irc uit pac k in the SRP should b e fast flashing . This is ap p rop riate for Normal mod e , bec ause the links are c onnec ted from the SREPN to the Release 7r. Fig ure 2-16 sh o w s t h e SREPN EI b o a rd t e st re s u l t s .

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-23 Maintenance procedure 2 Figure 2-16. Test fiber-link screen (SRP) These Fail and Ab ort results are ap p rop riate for Normal mod e. 2. After normal servic e is returned to the SREPN, the SRP is in an alarmed state . This is normal for the SRP and ind ic ates that the TN2301 has d isc onnec ted from the SREPN, and the SRP is no long er in c ontrol. Connec tions are re-estab lished b etween the EI in the SREPN and its EI/SNI c ounterp art in the Release 7r PPN, and the system is now in its orig inal Release 7r-EI c onfiguration. Power alarms Carrier power failure A c arrier p ower failure g enerates a MAJOR alarm ag ainst the CARR-POW Maintenance Ob ject. This condition is evid ent b y: nA CARR-POW alarm in the Alarm or Error log s on the R7si system (SRP). nThe LEDs in the SRP c ab inet are all d ark exc ep t for the yellow LED on the TN2301 c irc uit p ac k. To troub leshoot this alarm: 1. Refer to the CARR-POW Maintenanc e Ob jec t in Chap ter 10 of DEFINITY ECS Release 7 Maintenanc e for R7si for information on resolving this alarm. NOTE: When p ower is restored , the system c omes up in Normal mod e. If the p ower outag e is long er than the hold over time of the EPN b attery b ut shorter than the hold over time for the SRP battery, the R7si system (SRP) c an c ome up in Survive mod e. test fiber-link Page 1 SPE A TEST RESULTS Port Maintenance Name Alt. Name Test No. Result Error Code 01A01 EXP-INTF 237 FAIL 01A01 EXP-INTF 238 FAIL 01A01 EXP-INTF 240 FAIL 1032 01A01 EXP-INTF 241 ABORT 1033 01A01 EXP-INTF 589 ABORT 1033 01A01 EXP-INTF 316 PASS

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-24 Maintenance procedure 2 -48V backup power to the TN2301 circuit pack Loss of the -48V b ac kup p ower from the wall field to the TN2301 g enerates an alarm (major or minor, dep end ing on ad ministration) ag ainst the EXT-DEV (External Devic e) Maintenanc e Objec t. Visually, this c ond ition is evid ent b y the TN2301’s red BKUP LED on stead y. To troub leshoot this alarm: 1. Review the ‘‘ MDF c onnec tions’’ section in Chap ter 1 to familiarize yourself with the c ab ling and c onnec tions b oth to and from the c ross-c onnec t wall field . 2. Chec k the c onnec tions to the c ab inet and wall field b efore rep lac ing the b oard. Chec k for -48V ac ross p ins 41 and 42 of the c ross-c onnec t field . See ‘‘ 110 b loc k c ross-c onnec t p ins’’ for more information. 3. If p ower in all c ab inets is g ood, the -48V c onnec tions on the c irc uit p ac k may b e b ad . Rep lac e the c irc uit p ac k using the p roc ed ures outlined in the ‘‘ Rep lac ing the TN2301 c irc uit p ac k’’ section. System resets Resetting the Release 7r with either the reset system 4 or reset system 5 c ommands breaks d own and then re-estab lishes the PPN-to-EPN links d uring the reset sequenc e. Sinc e these links may b e d own long er than 3 minutes, the SREPN maintenanc e c irc uit p ac k (TN775C) sig nals the TN2301 c irc uit p ac k to b eg in the transfer seq uenc e to Survivab le Remote Mod e. This sequenc e is d etailed earlier in Ta b l e 2 - 4 . 1. Ensure that the Release 7r reset seq uenc e is c omp lete before p roc eed ing . 2. Chec k the status of the link c onnec tions (status health ) at b oth the Release 7r and the SRP terminals to d etermine whether the link b etween the Release 7r and the EPN is up (Ta b l e 2 - 7 ). 3. Test the fib er c onnec tions: a. Enter test fiber-link [a-pnc | b-pnc] if duplicated, [short | long] for either fib er or DS1 CONV c onnec tions. b . If the test fails, c ontinue to troub leshoot the c onnec tion p roblem; if it p asses, c ontinue with Step 4. 4. Set the switc h on the TN2301 c irc uit p ac k to the RSTR p osition for at least 1 sec ond and return the switc h to the AUTO p osition. OR From a remote d ial-in c onnec tion to the SRP, enter restore survivable-remote-link to reset the SRP. For more information see the ‘‘ Restore from remote location’’ sec tion later in this c hap ter. NOTE: After normal servic e is returned to the SREPN, the SRP is in an alarmed state. This is normal for the SRP and ind ic ates that the