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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Maintenance For Survivable Remote EPN Manual

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    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Installation 
    1-29 Test the SRP 
    Test the SRP
    1. After the SRP is fully ad ministered  and  the TN2301 switc h (Figure 1-14) is 
    in the AUTO p osition, you are read y to test the SRP.
    Figure 1-14. TN2301 faceplate switch and LEDs
    ckdf02fo RPY 022398
    MODE ON 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Installation 
    1-30 Test the SRP 
    Test the survive mode function
    1. Type list cabinet
     and press En te r on the R7r manag ement terminal. 
    Determine whic h EPN is “ watc hed”  b y Survivab le Remote eq uip ment b y 
    looking  for the lower-c ase “s
    ”  b efore the letters “ EPN”  in the Type
     field  as 
    shown in Figure 1-15
    . There may b e more than 1 EPN d esig nated  as 
    Su r vi va b le .
    Figure 1-15. List cabinet screen
    2. Type status health
     and p ress 
    En t e r on the Release 7r management 
    terminal. The status of the SREPN should be “up.” See Figure 1-16
    Figure 1-16. Status health screen (Release 7r)
    list cabinet                                                      SPE B
                                   CABINET REPORT
    No. Type Layout Room      Floor      Building    A     B     C     D     E
    1    PPN 5-car  CS_1      1          ABC_DE    PN 01 PN 01 PN 01 SN 01 SN 01
    2   sEPN 5-car  CS_1      1          ABC_DE    PN 04 PN 04 PN 04 PN 16 PN 16
    3    EPN 5-car  CS_1      1          ABC_DE    PN 05 PN 05 PN 05 SN 44 SN 44
    4    EPN 5-car  B-32      B          VWX_YZ    PN 06 PN 06 PN 06 SN 07 SN 07
    5    EPN 5-car  2-12      2          MNO_PQ    PN 08 PN 08 PN 08 SN 09 SN 09
    6    EPN 5-car  E-51      1          VWX_YZ    PN 10 PN 10 PN 10 SN 11 SN 11
    status health                                                          SPE A
     PNC: A-PNC/auto B-PNC/functional   ALARMS: Maj:   2  Min:   2  Wrn:  104
     Pwr: comm Sync:loc l    Logins:2  BUSYOUT: Trk    0  Stn:   0  Oth:   18
     Cab EmTr  Mj Mn Wn PNC     Cab EmTr  Mj Mn Wn PNC      Cab EmTr  Mj Mn Wn PNC
      1  auto-  0| 0|47 up
      2  auto-  0| 0|12 up 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Installation 
    1-31 Test the SRP 
    3. Type status health
     and press En te r on the SRP manag ement terminal. The 
    status of the SREPN should  b e “ d own.”  See Fig ure 1-17
    Figure 1-17. Status health screen (SRP)
    4. Plac e a voic e c all from a telep hone on the Release 7r PPN to a telep hone 
    on the SREPN and  verify the talk p ath.
    5. Physic ally d isc onnec t all PNC A and  B fib er c ab les from the c onnec tors on 
    the rear of the SRP c ab inet. Take c are not to mix up  or c ontaminate the 
    fib ers. After ab out a minute, the red  emerg enc y transfer LED on TN775C 
    maintenanc e c irc uit p ac k turns on. 
    6. Verify that the red  SURVIVE MODE ON LED on the TN2301 turns on in 
    ap p roximately 2 minutes. The SREPN p erforms a c old  reset and  func tions 
    ag ain und er the c ontrol of the SRP, althoug h it may take longer for some 
    fac ilities (suc h as trunks) to b e fully restored .
    If the SURVIVE MODE ON LED d oes not turn on, refer to  ‘‘
    Testing  the 
    TN2301 func tion and  wiring’’ in Chap ter 2, ‘‘SREPN Maintenanc e’’.
    7. Type status health
     and p ress 
    En t e r on the Release 7r management 
    terminal. The status of the SREPN should  b e “ d n”  or “ fe”  (far end ).
    8. Type status health
     and press 
    En te r on the SRP manag ement terminal. The 
    status of the SRP should  b e “ up .”
    9. Plac e a voic e c all b etween two telep hones on the EPN and verify the talk 
    10. Rec onnec t all PNC A and  B fib er c ab les to the rear of the SRP c ab inet.
    11. Move the TN2301 switc h to the restore (RSTR) p osition. The SURVIVE 
    MODE ON LED immed iately turns off.
    status health                                                                   
    ALARM SUMMARY                                  CABINET STATUS
           Major:    1                             Emerg  Alarms
           Minor:    0                         Cab Trans Mj Mn Wn PNC
         Warning:   10                           1 auto-  0| 0| 5 up
    BUSY-OUT SUMMARY                             2 auto-  1| 0| 0 dn
          Trunks:    0                           3 n.a.   0| 0| 0 dn
        Stations:    0
          Others:    0
    Static:   1%     SM:   4%  
        CP:   0%   Idle:  95%  
      Active SPE: A/auto
      Duplicated? SPE:n
       SPE Power: commercial
     Time Source: local    
        # Logins: 1 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Installation 
    1-32 Test the SRP 
    12. Move the TN2301 switc h to the AUTO p osition.
    13. Verify that the SREPN is b ac k in servic e on the Release 7r within 1-2 
    14. Typ e status health
     and p ress 
    En t e r on the Release 7r management 
    terminal. The status of the SREPN should  b e “ up .”
    15. Typ e status health
     and press 
    En te r on the SRP manag ement terminal. The 
    status of the SREPN should  b e “ d own.”
    Verify the test switch operation
    1. Type display alarms
     and p ress En t e r on the R7r management terminal 
    while in the normal mod e.
    2. Type pnc 
    in the Category
     field  and  p ress 
    En te r. 
    3 . Re so lv e  a n y FI B ER- L K ,  SN I - B D ,  EXP-I N TF,  a n d  D S1 -C O N V e rro r s.  Re f e r  
    to the 
    DEFINITY ECS R7 Maintenanc e for R7r, 555-230-126.
    4. Plac e the TN2301 switc h to the TEST p osition.
    5. Verify that the SURVIVE MODE ON LED on TN2301 turns on immed iately. 
    Within 2 minutes, the SREPN performs a c old  reset and  func tions ag ain 
    und er the c ontrol of the SRP, althoug h it may take long er for some fac ilities 
    (suc h as trunks) to b e fully restored .
    6. Type status health
     and p ress 
    En t e r on the Release 7r management 
    terminal. The status of the SREPN should  b e “ d n”  or “ fe”  (far end ).
    7. Type status health
     and press 
    En te r on the SRP manag ement terminal. The 
    status of the SRP should  b e “ up .”
    8. Type display errors 
    and press 
    En t e r on the R7r manag ement terminal. 
    9. Type pnc
     in the Category
     field  and  p ress 
    En te r. Note the errors 
    assoc iated  with the SREPN or its c onnec tions. These errors ap p ear when 
    the link to the SREPN is g ood  and  you are in the survive mod e.
    10. Plac e a voic e c all b etween two telep hones on the SREPN and  verify the 
    talk path.
    11. Plac e the TN2301 switc h to the AUTO p osition. The SURVIVE MODE ON 
    LED immed iately turns off.
    12. Verify that the SREPN is b ac k in servic e on the Release 7r within 1-2 
    13. Typ e status health
     and p ress 
    En t e r on the Release 7r management 
    terminal. The status of the SREPN should  b e “ up .”
    14. Typ e status health
     and press 
    En te r on the SRP manag ement terminal. The 
    status of the SREPN should  b e “ d own.” 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Installation 
    1-33 Upgrade the SRP 
    Verify the SRP status
    1. Verify that the TN2301 switc h is in the AUTO p osition and  the g reen AUTO 
    LED is on.
    2. Verify that the red  BKUP LED on the TN2301 is off.
    3. Verify that the red  SURVIVE MODE ON LED is off.
    4. Verify that the yellow DATA LED is on.
    5. Verify that the g reen LED on the EPN TN775C maintenanc e c irc uit p ac k is 
    d oub le flashing . This ind ic ates that EPN c an g o into the survive mode if 
    Upgrade the SRP
    1. Chec k the link status b etween the G3r PPN and  the assoc iated  SREPN. 
    The link must b e up  and  func tioning  before you c an up g rad e. If the system 
    is in survive mod e, resolve the alarms and  return the link to servic e 
    b efore p roc eeding  with the up g rade. 
    2. Continue the upgrade by referring to 
    DEFINITY Enterp rise 
    Communic ations Server Release 7 Up g rad es and  Ad d itions for R7si. 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Installation 
    1-34 Upgrade the SRP 
    							SREPN Maintenance 
    2-1 Before starting to troubleshoot 
    DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Maintenance
    Before starting to troubleshoot
    When the SRP is in Normal mod e, the Expansion Interfac e c irc uit p ac k’s 
    yellow LED flashes (see Tab le 2-6
    ). This is normal. The links to its 
    c ounterpart in the R7r 
    are d own and  are not re-estab lished  until the SRP 
    g oes into Survive mod e.
    Similarly, after normal servic e is returned  to the SREPN, the SRP is in an 
    alarmed  state. This is normal for the SRP and ind ic ates that the TN2301 has 
    disconnected from the SREPN, and the SRP is no longer in control. 
    EXP- I N TF e r ro r s  a n d  a la r m s  a n d  f a i lu re s  o f  Te st s  # 2 3 7  a n d  # 2 3 8  a re  a l so  
    For more information ab out these c onditions see ‘‘
    Post-reset c hec k’’.
    Servic ing  the Survivab le Remote EPN (SREPN) eq uip ment involves b oth the 
    Release 7r and  the R7si proc essors. Therefore, you may need  to to refer to these 
    maintenanc e manuals:
    nDEFINITY ECS Release 7 — Maintenanc e for R7r, 555-230-126
    nDEFINITY ECS Release 7 — Maintenanc e for R7si, 555-233-105
    SREPN connections
    nThe EPN c an b e remoted  over fib er op tic  c ab les throug h 
    Switc h Nod e Interfac e (SNI) and  Exp ansion Interfac e (EI) c irc uit p ac ks
    n DS1-CONV fac ilities 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Maintenance 
    2-2 SREPN connections 
     Fi g u re  2 - 1 shows an examp le of the essential hard ware c onnec tions for the 
    Survivab le Remote EPN over DS1-CONV fac ilities.
    Figure 2-1. Survivable Remote EPN hardware connections
    over DS1-CONV facilities
    Only the TN1654 DS1 CONV c irc uit p ac k c an b e used  for 
    DS1-CONV-remoted  SREPN systems.
    The “M” in Fi g u re  2 - 1 ind ic ates the TN775C Maintenanc e c irc uit p ac k that 
    monitors the status of the fib er link b etween the Release 7r and  the SREPN.
    Fi g u re  2 - 2
     shows the front of the SRP c ab inet, typ ic al c irc uit p ac ks installed , and  
    the p osition of the TN2301 SRSwitc h c irc uit p ac k.Figure Notes:
    1. Release 7r
    2. Release 7si p roc essor c omp lex3. Survivab le Remote p roc essor (SRP)
    4 . Su rv i va b le  Re m o t e  EPN  (SREPN )
    Collocated equipmentcydfsrs2 KLC 010899
    I E
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Maintenance 
    2-3 SREPN connections 
    Figure 2-2. Front view - SRP cabinet
    Required and optional circuit packs
    Survivable Remote Processor (SRP)
    Tab le 2-1 lists the required  and  op tional c irc uit p ac ks in the SRP: Figure Notes:
    1. Proc essor (TN790B)
    2. )Proc essor interfac e (TN765)
    3. Network/Pac ket Control (TN794) or 
    Network c ontrol (TN777B - Release 6 
    and  earlier)
    4. Pac ket c ontrol (TN778 - Release 6 and 
    earlier)5. Tone/Cloc k (TN2182)
    6. Expansion interfac e (TN570C)
    7. SRSwitc h (TN2301)
    8. Maintenanc e/Test (TN771D)
    9. Power supply
    Table 2-1. Required and optional circuit packs - SRP 
    Required Optional
    pack DescriptionCircuit
    pack Description Comments
    TN790B Proc essor TN765 Proc essor Interfac e Used for PRI ap p lic ations
    TN794 Network/Pac ket 
    controlTN1654 DS1-CONV Only used  when remoting  
    throug h DS1 facilities
    Continued on next page
    ckdfsrpn KLC 022399
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    SREPN Maintenance 
    2-4 SREPN connections 
    Survivable Remote EPN
    Tab le 2-2 lists the required  and  op tional c irc uit p ac ks in the SREPN:
    Interfacing circuit packs
    The Survivab le Remote eq uip ment c an op erate throug h:
    n‘‘Exp ansion Interfac e c onnec tions’’
    n‘‘DS1 CONV c onnec tions’’
    TN2182B Tone/Cloc k TN771D Maintenance/Test Used only when p acket b us is 
    ac tivated
    TN2301 SRSwitc h TN1654 DS1-CONV Only used  when remoting  
    throug h DS1 facilities
    TN570C Expansion
    interfac e
    Table 2-2. Required and optional circuit packs - SRP 
    Required Optional
    pack Description CommentsCircuit 
    pack Description Comments
    TN570C Exp ansion 
    Interfac eAlways used  in 
    a n EPNTN750C Announc ement Do not save the 
    announc ements to the 
    SRP translation card.
    TN775C Maintenanc e Monitors link 
    c onnec tion to 
    Continued on next page
    Table 2-1. Required and optional circuit packs - SRP  — Continued
    Required Optional
    pack DescriptionCircuit
    pack Description Comments
    Continued on next page 
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