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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Maintenance For Survivable Remote EPN Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Maintenance For Survivable Remote EPN Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 About This Document xix How to comment on this document How to comment on this document Luc ent Tec hnolog ies welc omes your feedb ac k. Please fill out the read er c omment c ard found at the front of this manual and return it. Your c omments are of g reat value and help imp rove our d oc umentation. If the reader c omment c ard is missing , FAX your c omments to 1-303-538-1741 or to your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative, and mention this d oc ument’s name and number, DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ation Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenanc e for Survivab le Remote EPN, 555-233-102. Where to call for technical support Region Phone Number Streamlined Imp lementation (for missing eq uip ment) 1-800-772-5409 Tec hnic al Servic e Center (INADS Datab ase Administration) 1-800-248-1111 Asia/Pac ific Reg ional Sup p ort Center 65-872-8686 Western Europ e/South Afric a/Mid d le East 441-252-774-800 Eastern/Central Europ e 361-345-4334 ITAC 1-303-804-3777 Latin/Central Americ a & Carib bean 1-303-804-3778

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 About This Document xx Where to call for technical support

SREPN Installation 1-1 Check customer’s order 1 DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 1 SREPN Installation Check customer ’s order Chec k the c ustomer’s order and the ship ping p ac king lists to c onfirm that all eq uip ment is p resent. If any eq uip ment is missing , report this to your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative. Correcting shipping errors 1. Red-tag all defective equipment and over-shipped equipment and return ac c ord ing to the nearest Material Stoc king Loc ation (MSL) instruc tions. For international c ustomers, c ontac t your ord er servic e ag ent. 2. Direc t all short-ship p ed reports to the nearest MSL. Contac t the ap p rop riate loc ation for sp ec ific instruc tions. For Streamlined Imp lementation in the United States, c all 1-800-772-5409. Unpack and inspect READ THIS FIRST! !CAUTION: A fully load ed system weig hs ap p roximately 48 lb s (22 kg ). Use lifting prec autions. 1. Verify the equipment rec eived. See Fi g u re 1 -1. Ac tual eq uip ment may vary in ap p earanc e and may ship in sep arate p ac kag es.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Installation 1-2 Unpack and inspect 1 2. Refer to Ta b l e 1 - 1 through Ta b l e 1 - 7 for a list of Survivab le Remote Proc essor (SRP) and Exp ansion Port Network (EPN) p arts and c omc od es. Figure 1-1. Equipment packed with the SRP cabinet (circuit packs not shown)Figure Notes 1. SRP c ab inet (rear view) 2. Fib er op tic cab les (2 sets for standard /hig h reliab ility and 4 sets for c ritic al reliab ility) 3. Translation c ard4. B25A 25-p air (Group 300) c able 5. RS-232 c able 6. S.R. switc h to EI 14-inc h (35.5 c m) Y c a b l e 4 65 3 qrdfsrep RPY 021798 PI EITXEPNB EPNAPPN B PPN ATX TX TX RX RX RX RXAUX DCE TERM S. R . SW ITCH 1

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Installation 1-3 Unpack and inspect 1 Table 1-1. Basic SRP parts list Comcode Description Quantity J58890L-2 List 30SRP c a b in e t 1 108136474 TN2301 survivable remote switc h c irc uit p ac k 1 108230624 TN570C exp ansion interfac e c irc uit p ac k 1 103557476 TN794 Network Control/Pac ket Control Assemb ly1 103557435 TN790B p roc essor c irc uit p ac k 1 107784019 TN2182B tone c loc k-tone d etec tor and c all classifier circuit pack1 848101440 S.R. switc h to EI 14-inc h (35.5 c m) Y c ab le 1 ---------------- RS-232 cab le - c onnects b etween the SRP c ab inet and the manag ement terminal1 105455109 Larg e retainer c lips to hold the transc eivers to the rear of the EPN (up grad es only)1 for stand ard /hig h reliab ility 2 for c ritic al reliab ility Table 1-2. Optional SRP parts list Comcode Description Quantity 106689516 TN771D maintenanc e/test c irc uit p ac k (used only when packet bus is activated)1 103557187 TN765 p roc essor interfac e c irc uit pac k 1

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Installation 1-4 Unpack and inspect 1 Table 1-3. Required EPN parts list Comcode Description Quantity 106696081 TN570C exp ansion interfac e c irc uit p ac k 1 105533756 TN1654 DS1CONV c irc uit p ac k 1 108187170 TN775C maintenanc e c irc uit p ac k (Needed if one is not alread y there)1 Table 1-4. Optional EPN parts list Comcode Description Quantity 107089922 TN750C announc ement c irc uit p ac k 1 1. Announc ements c an only b e saved to the TN750C flash memory and announcements should not b e saved to the SRP translations. 1 Table 1-5. Required Release 7r parts list Comcode Description Quantity 105533756 TN1654 DS1CONV c irc uit p ac k 1 (Needed if using DS1 instead of fib er) 1. Rep lac es the TN574 c ircuit p ack. 1 107737934 TN573B SNI c irc uit p ac k 2 2. Need ed if the TN574 circ uit pac k is rep lac ed with the TN1654 c ircuit p ac k. 1 847245750 84724576814-inc h (35.5 c m) Y c ab le or 70-inc h (177.8 c m) Y c ab le1

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Installation 1-5 Unpack and inspect 1 Table 1-6. Parts list for DS1CONV configurations Comcode Description Quantity 106455348 9823A fib er op tic transc eiver 2 for stand ard/hig h reliability 4 for critic al reliability 847245776 DS1CONV Y c ab le 1 for stand ard/hig h reliability 2 for critic al reliability 407439975 multi-mod e 407598358 sing le mod e50-foot (15.2 m) fib er optic c ab le - c onnec ts b etween the SRP c ab inet and an EPN2 for stand ard/hig h reliability 4 for critic al reliability 846301075 50-foot (15.2 m) B25A 25-p air (Group 300) cab le3

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Installation 1-6 Unpack and inspect 1 Table 1-7. Parts list for direct fiber configurations Comcode Description Quantity 106455348 9823A fib er op tic transc eiver 1 for stand ard/hig h reliability 2 for critic al reliability 106455363 9823B fib er op tic transc eiver (if multi-mod e fib er is longer than 4900 feet (1493.5 m))1 for stand ard/hig h reliability 2 for critic al reliability 107731853 300A fib er op tic transc eiver (if single mod e fib er installation)1 for stand ard/hig h reliability 2 for critic al reliability 104266523 multi-mod e 407598358 sing le mod e50-foot (15.2 m) fib er optic c ab le - c onnec ts b etween the SRP c ab inet and an EPN2 for stand ard/hig h reliability 4 for critic al reliability 846301075 50-foot (15.2 m) B25A 25-p air (Group 300) cab le3

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Installation 1-7 Install the SRP cabinet 1 Install the SRP cabinet 1. Plac e the SRP c ab inet on the floor or on top of the other Sing le-Carrier Cab inets (SCC). The maximum numb er of stac kab le c ab inets is 4. NOTE: The exp ansion port network (EPN) ap p ears in this doc ument as either a Multi-Carrier Cab inet (MCC) or SCC. Connect cabinet ground For c ab inet installation, p ower, and g round information, refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 7 Installation and Test for Sing le-Carrier Cab inets , 555-230-894. The SRP need s a d ed ic ated p ower sourc e. Install rear panels 1. Install the rear p anels and loosely thread eac h sc rew. See Fi g u re 1 - 2. 2. For unstacked c ab inets, tig hten the sc rews sec urely. Fo r a stac k of c ab inets, allow the sc rews (Fig ure Note 4 in Fi g u re 1 -2) to remain loose. These sc rews are tig htened when the g round p lates are installed .

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Installation 1-8 Install the SRP cabinet 1 Figure 1-2. Rear panel screw locations Install ground plates Ground p lates are installed b etween stac ked c ab inets, p rovid e the ground c onnec tion between c ab inets, p rovid e rad io freq uenc y (RF) rad iation protec tion, and help stab ilize the c ab inets. Install rear ground plates (Systems with earthquake protection) 1. Loosen the four sc rews at the b ottom of the top c ab inet and at the top of the c ab inet und erneath the top c ab inet. See Fig ure 1-2 . 2. Alig n the mounting holes in the rear g round p late over the b ottom sc rews in the top c ab inet. See Fi g u re 1 - 3 . Figure Notes 1. Cabinet in A position (No g round p late is installed on an unstac ked c abinet) 2. Rear g round p late (Attac hed b etween stac ked cabinets)3. Cab inet in B p osition 4. Sc rews to loosen 21 3 44 grnd_plt CJL 030696