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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Maintenance For Survivable Remote EPN Manual

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    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    ix Features not supported 
    Features not supported
    The following tab le lists the features that are not sup p orted  b y SREPN.
    Table 1. Features not supported by SREPN
    AAR Demand  Print
    Aud ib le Messag e Waiting Dig ital Multiplexed  Interface
    Aud io Information Exc hang e (AUDIX) Interfac e Distrib uted  Communic ations System
    Call Charg e Information Enhanced  DCS
    Call Detail Rec ording Extension Numb er Portab ility
    Call Manag ement System External Device Alarming
    CallVisor Ad junct Switc h Ap p lic ation Interfac e Flexib le Billing
    Centralized  Attend ant Servic e Inb ound Call Manag ement
    Customer-Provid ed -Equipment Alarm Inter-PBX Attendant Service (IAS)
    DCS Intraflow and Interflow
    DCS Alp hanumeric  Display for Terminals Look-Ahead Interflow
    DCS Attend ant Control of Trunk Group  Acc ess Look-Ahead Routing
    DCS Attend ant Direc t Trunk Group  Selection Messag ing  Server Interfac e (MAPD)
    DCS Attend ant Disp lay Nod e Number Routing
    DCS Automatic  Callb ac k Private Network Acc ess
    DCS Automatic  Circ uit Assuranc e Prop erty Management System Interfac e
    DCS Busy Verific ation of Terminals and  Trunks QSIG
    DCS Call Coverag e QSIG Call Forward ing  (Diversion)
    DCS Call Forward ing QSIG Call Transfer
    DCS Call Waiting QSIG Name and  Numb er Id entific ation
    DCS Distinctive Ring ing QSIG Path Rep lacement (ANF-PR)
    DCS Leave Word Calling QSIG Transit Counter (ANF-TC)
    DCS Multiap p earanc e Conferenc e/Transfer Reason Cod es
    DCS Over ISDN-PRI D-channel Uniform Dial Plan
    DCS Trunk Group  Busy/Warning  Ind ication Voice Response Integration
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    x Intended audience 
    Intended audience
    The information in this b ook is intend ed for use b y:
    nInstallation or maintenanc e tec hnic ians d isp atc hed  to a DEFINITY System 
    site to either install the SREPN eq uip ment or in resp onse to a troub le alarm 
    or a user troub le rep ort
    nA maintenanc e tec hnic ian loc ated  at a remote maintenanc e fac ility
    nThe user’s assig ned  maintenanc e tec hnic ian. 
    Tec hnic ians are exp ec ted  to have a knowled g e of telec ommunic ations 
    fundamentals and  of the DEFINITY
     Enterp rise Communic ations Server to the 
    extent that the p roc ed ures in this b ook c an b e p erformed , in most c ases, without 
    assistanc e.
    This b ook is not intend ed  to solve all levels of troub les. It is limited  to troub les that 
    can be solved by using the Alarm Log, Error Log, trouble-c learing procedures, 
    maintenanc e tests, and  trad itional troub leshooting  method s. If troub le c ond itions 
    p ersist, it is the resp onsib ility of the maintenanc e tec hnic ian to esc alate the 
    p rob lem to a hig her level of tec hnic al sup p ort. Esc alation should  c onform to the 
    p roc ed ures in the 
    Technical and Administration Escalation Plan.
    nChapter 1, ‘‘SREPN  I n s t a ll a t i o n’’ c overs the upg rad e p ath and  installation 
    instruc tions for the Survivab le Remote EPN equip ment.
    nChapter 2, ‘‘SREPN  M a in t e n a n c e’’ c overs the troub le isolation, rep air, and 
    reset of the Survivab le Remote EPN system.
    Conventions used
    This document uses the following typographic conventions:
    nInformation you typ e at the DEFINITY system ac c ess terminal (SAT) 
    terminal is shown in the following  typ efac e: list system-parameters 
    nInformation d isp layed  on the terminal sc reen is shown in the following  
    typefac e: login
    nKeyb oard  keys are shown in the following  typ efac e: En t e r.
    The following c onventions d esc rib e the systems referred  to in this d oc ument.
    nTh e  w o rd  system, is a g eneral term meaning  the Release 7 DEFINITY 
    Enterp rise Communic ations Server.
    nSystems in this b ook are c alled: Release 7, R7r, and  R7si. 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    xi Safety precautions 
    nCirc uit p ac k c od es (suc h as TN790B or TN2182B) are shown with the 
    minimum ac c ep tab le alp hab etic  suffix (for example, “ B”  in the c ode 
    The alp hab etic  suffix of the c irc uit p ac k is very imp ortant in the Survivab le 
    Remote eq uip ment c onfig uration. And , not every 
    vintag e of either the 
    minimum or a hig her suffix c od e is nec essarily ac c ep tab le.
    Refer to Tec hnic al Monthly: Referenc e Guid e for Circ uit Pac k 
    Vintag es and  Change Notic es
    , for c urrent information ab out the 
    usab le vintag es of sp ec ific  c irc uit p ac k c od es (inc luding  the suffix) 
    in a Release 7 system.
    nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server is ab b reviated  as DEFINITY 
    EC S.
    Ad monishments used  in this b ook are as follows:
    This sig n is used  to ind ic ate p ossib le harm to software, p ossib le loss 
    of d ata, or possible servic e interrup tions.
    This sig n is used  where there is p ossib le harm to hard ware or 
    eq uip ment.
    This sig n is used  to ind ic ate p ossib le harm or injury to peop le.
    Safety precautions
    When p erforming  maintenanc e or translation p roc edures on the system, users 
    must ob serve c ertain p rec autions. Ob serve all c aution, warning, and  d ang er 
    ad monishments to p revent loss of servic e, p ossible eq uip ment d amage, and  
    p ossib le personal injury. In ad d ition, the following  p rec autions reg ard ing  
    elec tromagnetic  interferenc e (EMI) and  static  elec tric ity must b e observed : 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    xii Remove/Install Circuit Packs 
    Electromagnetic interference
    This eq uip ment g enerates, uses, and  c an rad iate radio freq uenc y energ y. 
    Elec tromag netic  field s rad iating  from the switc h may c ause noise in the 
    c ustomer’s equip ment, c alled  elec tromag netic  interferenc e (EMI). If the 
    eq uip ment is not installed  and  used  in ac c ord anc e with this installation and  
    maintenanc e b ook, rad io interferenc e may result.
    To maintain the EMI integ rity of the system, maintenanc e p ersonnel must 
    ensure that all c ab inet panels, c overs, and  so forth, are firmly sec ured  
    b efore leaving  the c ustomer’s p remises.
    Static electricity
    To p revent or red uc e elec trostatic  d isc harg e (ESD), always attac h a wrist 
    grounding strap before working on switch components or handling circuit packs.
    Elec trostatic  d isc harg e c an d amag e or d estroy c irc uit p ac ks c ontaining  
    integ rated  c irc uits (ICs).
    The ESD wrist strap , c ab le assemb ly, and  sp are fuses are p ac ked  in a p lastic  
    b ag  and  p lac ed  in the top  of the system c abinet. Use the ESD wrist strap  when 
    troub leshooting , p erforming maintenanc e, or handling  any c irc uit p ac ks.
    Remove/Install Circuit Packs
    When the p ower is on: 
    nThe c ontrol c irc uit pac ks c annot b e removed  or installed . 
    nThe port circuit packs can be removed or installed.
    Security issues
    A numb er of matters c onc erning  maintenanc e are affec ted  b y sec urity issues. 
    For d etails, b e sure to c onsult the 
    B C S Pro d u c t s  Se c u ri t y  H a n d b o o k, 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    xiii Standards compliance 
    Log in sec urity is an attrib ute of the DEFINITY® Enterp rise Communic ations 
    Server (ECS) Release 7.
    Standards compliance
    The eq uip ment p resented  in this d oc ument c omp lies with the following  (as 
    ap p rop riate):
    Electromagnetic compatibility 
    This p rod uc t c omp lies with and  c onforms to the following :
    nLimits and  Methods of Measurements of Rad io Interferenc e 
    Charac teristic s of Information Tec hnolog y Eq uipment, EN55022 
    (CISPR22), 1993
    nEN50082-1, Europ ean Generic  Immunity Standard
    nFCC Parts 15 and  68
    nAustralia AS3548
    The system conforms to Class A (industrial) equipment; voice 
    terminals meet Class B requirements.
    nElec trostatic  Disc harg e (ESD) IEC 1000-4-2
    nRad iated  rad io freq uenc y field  IEC 1000-4-3
    nElec tric al Fast Transient IEC 1000-4-4
    nLightning  effec ts IEC 1000-4-5
    nConduc ted radio freq uenc y IEC 1000-4-6 ITU-T (Formerly CCITT) ANSI Australia AS3260
    ECMA FCC Part 15 and  Part 68 IEC 825
    ETSI EN55022 IEC950
    IPNS EN50081 UL 1459
    DPNSS EN50082 UL1950
    National ISDN-1 CISPR22 CSA C222 Numb er 225
    National ISDN-2 Australia AS3548 (AS/NZ3548) TS001
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    xiv Trademarks and Service Marks 
    nMains freq uenc y mag netic  field  IEC 1000-4-8
    nLow freq uenc y mains d isturb anc e
    The system c onforms to the following :
    nElec tromag netic  c omp atib ility General Immunity Stand ard , p art 1; 
    resid ential, c ommerc ial, light ind ustry, EN50082-1, CENELEC, 1991
    nIssue 1 (1984) and  Issue 2 (1992), Elec trostatic  d isc harg e immunity 
    req uirements (EN55024, Part 2) IEC 1000-4-2
    nRad iated  rad io freq uenc y field  immunity req uirements IEC 1000-4-3
    nElec tric al fast transient/b urst immunity req uirements IEC 1000-4-4
    European Union standards
    Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Business Communic ations Systems d ec lares that the 
    DEFINITY eq uip ment sp ec ified  in this d oc ument b earing  the “ CE”  mark c onforms 
    to the Europ ean Union Elec tromag netic  Compatib ility Direc tives.
    The “ CE”  (Conformité Europ eénne) mark ind ic ates c onformanc e to the:
    nEuropean Union Elec tromagnetic  Comp atib ility Direc tive (89/336/EEC)
    nLow Voltag e Direc tive (73/23/EEC)
    nTelec ommunic ation Terminal Eq uip ment (TTE) Direc tive (91/263/EEC)
    ni- CTR3 B as ic  Rate Int er fa c e ( BRI)  a nd  i- CTR4 Pri ma r y Rate  In ter f ac e ( PRI)  
    as ap p licable.
    The “ CE”  mark is ap plied  to the following  Release 6 p rod uc ts:
    nGlob al AC p owered  Multi-Carrier Cab inet (MCC) 
    nDC p owered  Multi-Carrier Cab inet (MCC) with 25-Hz ring  g enerator
    nAC powered Single-Carrier Cabinet (SCC) with 25-Hz ring generator
    nAC p owered  Comp ac t Sing le-Carrier Cab inet (CSCC) with 25-Hz ring  
    g enerator
    nEnhanc ed DC Power System
    Trademarks and Service Marks
    The following are trad emarks or reg istered  trad emarks of Luc ent Tec hnolog ies:
    n5 ESS™,  4ESS™
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    xv Related documents 
    nC O N VERSA N T®
    The following are trad emarks or reg istered  trad emarks of AT&T:
    nM U LTI Q U EST®
    The following are trad emarks or reg istered  trad emarks of other c ompanies:
    nAsc end® (reg istered  trad emark of Asc end , Inc .)
    nAud ic hron® (reg istered  trad emark of the Aud ic hron Comp any)
    nMS-DOS® (reg istered  trad emark of the Mic rosoft Corp oration)
    nMic roChannel® (reg istered  trad emark of IBM Systems)
    nM U LTI Q U EST® (reg istered  trad emark of Telec ommunic ations Servic e)
    nPa g e Pa c® (trad emark of the Drac on Division of the Harris Corp oration)
    nUNIX® (trademark of the Novell Corporation)
    Related documents
    DEFINITY ECS Release 7— Maintenance for R7r
    Provid es d etails of maintenanc e arc hitec ture, testing  and troubleshooting , c raft 
    c ommand s, maintenanc e objec ts, and  interp reting  system error c od es.
    DEFINITY ECS Release 7— Maintenance for R7si
    Provid es d etails of maintenanc e arc hitec ture, testing  and troubleshooting , c raft 
    c ommand s, maintenanc e objec ts, and  interp reting  system error c od es.
    DEFINITY ECS Release 7— System Description Pocket Reference
    Provid es hard ware desc rip tions, system p arameters, listing  of hard ware req uired  
    to use features, system c onfig urations, and  environmental req uirements. This 
    c omp ac t referenc e c omb ines and  rep lac es Release 6 
    System Desc rip tion and  
    Sp ec ific ations
     and Release 6 Poc ket Referenc e. 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    xvi Federal Communications Commission statement 
    DEFINITY ECS Release 7— Administration and Feature Description
    Provid es d escriptions of system features. Also p rovid es step-b y-step p rocedures 
    for p reparing  the sc reens that are req uired  to imp lement the features, func tions, 
    and  servic es of the system. Inc lud es the ap p lic ations and  b enefits, feature 
    interac tions, ad ministration req uirements, hard ware req uirements, and  
    p roc ed ures for voic e terminal, d ata mod ule, and  trunk g roup  ad ministration.
    DEFINITY ECS Release 7— Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets, 
    Provid es p roc ed ures and information for hard ware installation and  initial testing  
    of sing le-c arrier c ab inets.The Release 5 version of this d oc ument ap plies to 
    Release 6 as well.
    This d oc ument is availab le in the following  lang uag es: Eng lish, German (DE), 
    Dutc h (NL), Brazilian Portug uese (PTB), Europ ean Frenc h (FR), Castillian 
    Sp anish (SP), Italian (IT), Russian (RU), and  Jap anese (JA). To ord er, app end  the 
    lang uag e suffix to the d oc ument numb er; for examp le, 555-230-894DE for 
    German. No suffix is need ed for the Eng lish version.
    DEFINITY ECS Release 6 — Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets, 
    Provid es p roc ed ures and information for hard ware installation and  initial testing  
    of multi-c arrier c ab inets.
    BCS Products Security Handbook, 555-025-600
    Provid es information ab out the risks of telec ommunic ations fraud  and measures 
    for ad d ressing  those risks and  p reventing  unauthorized  use of BCS p rod uc ts. 
    This d oc ument is intend ed  for telec ommunic ations manag ers, c onsole operators, 
    and  sec urity org anizations within c omp anies.
    Federal Communications Commission 
    Part 68: Statement
    Part 68: Answer-Sup ervision Sig naling . Allowing  this eq uip ment to b e op erated in 
    a manner that d oes not p rovid e p rop er answer-sup ervision sig naling is in 
    violation of Part 68 rules. This equip ment returns answer-sup ervision sig nals to 
    the p ub lic -switc hed  network when:
    nAnswered  b y the c alled  station
    nAnswered  b y the attend ant
    nRouted  to a rec ord ed  announc ement that c an b e ad ministered  b y the CPE 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    xvii Federal Communications Commission statement 
    This eq uip ment returns answer-sup ervision sig nals on all DID c alls forward ed 
    b ac k to the p ub lic -switc hed  telep hone network, with these exc ep tions:
    nA c all is unanswered
    nA b usy tone is rec eived
    nA reorder tone is rec eived
    This eq uip ment is c ap ab le of p rovid ing  users ac c ess to interstate provid ers of 
    op erator servic es throug h the use of ac c ess c od es. Mod ific ation of this 
    eq uip ment b y c all ag g regators to b loc k ac c ess d ialing  c od es is a violation of the 
    Telep hone Op erator Consumers Ac t of 1990.
    This eq uip ment c omp lies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. On the rear of this 
    eq uip ment is a lab el that c ontains, among other information, the FCC reg istration 
    numb er and  ring er eq uivalenc e numb er (REN) for this eq uip ment. If req uested , 
    this information must be p rovid ed  to the telep hone c omp any. The REN is used  to 
    d etermine the numb er of d evic es c onnec ted  to the telep hone line. Exc essive 
    RENs on the telep hone line may result in d evic es not ring ing  in resp onse to an 
    inc oming  c all. In most, b ut not all areas, the sum of RENs should  not exc eed  5.0. 
    To b e c ertain of the numb er of d evic es that c an b e c onnec ted  to a line, as 
    d etermined  b y the total RENs, c ontac t the loc al telep hone c omp any.
    REN is not req uired  for some typ es of analog  or d ig ital fac ilities.
    Means of connection
    Connec tion of this equip ment to the telep hone network is shown in the following  
    tab le.
    If the terminal eq uip ment (DEFINITY® System) c auses harm to the telep hone 
    network, the telep hone c omp any may notify you in ad vanc e that temp orary Manufacturer ’s Port 
    Identifier FIC CodeSOC/REN/ 
    A.S. Code Network Jacks
    Off/On Premises Station OL13C 9.0F RJ2GX, RJ21X, 
    DID Trunk 02RV2-T 0.0B RJ2GX, RJ21X
    CO Trunk 02GS2 0.3A RJ21X
    CO Trunk 02LS2 0.3A RJ21X
    Tie Trunk TL31M 9.0F RJ2GX
    1.544 Digital Interfac e 04DU9-B, C 6.0P RJ48C, RJ48M
    1.544 Digital Interfac e 04DU9-BN, KN 6.0P RJ48C, RJ48M
    120A2 Channel Servic e Unit 04DU9-DN 6.0P RJ48C 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and 
    Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN  555-233-102  Issue 2
    June 1999
    About This Document 
    xviii How to order documentation 
    d isc ontinuanc e of servic e is b e req uired . But if advanc e notic e is not p rac tic al, 
    the telep hone c omp any may notify the c ustomer as soon as p ossib le. Also, you 
    will be ad vised  of your rig ht to file a c omp laint with the FCC if you b elieve it is 
    nec essary.
    The telep hone c omp any may make c hang es in its fac ilities, eq uip ment, 
    op erations, or p roc ed ures that c ould  affec t the op eration of the eq uip ment. If this 
    hap p ens, the telep hone c omp any will p rovid e advanc e notic e so you c an make 
    the nec essary mod ific ations to maintain uninterrup ted servic e.
    If troub le is exp erienc ed  with this equip ment or for rep air or warranty information, 
    p lease c ontac t the Tec hnic al Servic e Center at 1-800-248-1234. If the eq uip ment 
    c auses harm to the telephone network, the telep hone c omp any may req uest that 
    you d isc onnec t the eq uip ment until the p rob lem is resolved .
    It is rec ommend ed  that rep airs b e performed  b y Luc ent Tec hnolog ies-c ertified  
    tec hnic ians.
    The eq uip ment c annot b e used on p ublic  c oin p hone servic e p rovid ed  b y the 
    telep hone c omp any. Connec tion to p arty line servic e is sub jec t to state tariffs. 
    Contac t the state p ub lic  utility c ommission, p ub lic  servic e c ommission, or 
    corporation commission for information.
    This eq uip ment, if it uses a telep hone rec eiver, is hearing  aid  c omp atib le.
    How to order documentation
    In ad d ition to this book, other d esc rip tion, installation and  test, maintenanc e, and  
    ad ministration b ooks are availab le. A c omp lete list of DEFINITY b ooks c an b e 
    found  in the 
    Business Communic ations System Pub lic ations Catalog, 
    This d oc ument and  any other DEFINITY d oc umentation c an b e ord ered  d irec tly 
    from the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Business Communic ations System Pub lic ations 
    Fulfillment Center toll free at 1-800-457-1235 (voic e) and  1-800-457-1764 (fax). 
    International c ustomers should  use 317-322-6791 (voic e) and  317-322-6849 
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