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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Guide

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    							Terminal Configuration 
    Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Terminal Configuration
    For a DEFINITY AUDIX system, at least one system-ac c ess terminal is req uired  
    for ad ministration and  loc al maintenanc e. This terminal should  b e c onnec ted  to 
    p ort A of the DEFINITY AUDIX system. A sec ond , op tional terminal c an b e 
    c onnec ted  to p ort B if the system is op erating  in d isp lay set mod e. The req uired 
    terminal c an b e c onnec ted  to the DEFINITY AUDIX system in one of the following  
    nDirec t c onnec tion
    nVia modems or data modules
    nVia async hronous d ata units (ADUs)
    Two RS-232 c ables are inc lud ed  with every DEFINITY AUDIX system to c onnec t 
    the terminals. Normally, these c ab les have a leng th of 20 feet. However, the 
    c ab les c an b e ord ered  in leng ths of up  to 50 feet. 
    							Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Terminal Configuration 
    Worksheet E-1: Terminals
    To the AE:
    Complete this worksheet with the c ustomer b efore c onfig uring and  ord ering the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system. For more information ab out sup ported  terminals and 
    other peripherals, see 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System — System Descrip tion, 
    585-300-214.D ate _________________________
    Pre p ar ed  B y _________________________
    C on tac t Tel ep ho ne N u mb er _________________________
    Options Terminal 1Terminal 2
    (DP mode only)
    What typ e of terminal d o you want to use?
    The c ustomer c an use a 715 terminal with the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system. The 715 will emulate any other Luc ent Tec hnolog ies 
    ad ministration terminal, suc h as a 513 or a 615. The c ustomer c an 
    also use a PC with an emulation p ac kage, suc h as G3-MA. For 
    information ab out req uired  emulation p ac kag es, see 
    System — System Desc rip tion, 585-300-214.
    How do you want the ad ministration terminal c onnec ted  to the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system?
    You c an imp lement any of the following:
    nDirectly via cables
    nVi a  m o d e m s
    nVi a  d a t a  m o d u l e s  
    Options: one 7400A and  one 7400B
    nVia async hronous d ata units (ADU)
    Do you want to ord er a p arallel p rinter for the terminal?
    What leng th c ab les would  you like for the terminals?
    The d efault is 20 feet. Op tions are 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 
    							Upgrades and Ongoing Maintenance and Administration 
    Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Upgrades and Ongoing Maintenance 
    and Administration
    The ac c ount team maintains ongoing supp ort of the ac c ount as follows: 
    nEvaluate all current hardware and software improvements, and determine 
    their value for the c ustomer. These imp rovements may b e the result of 
    either maintenanc e p roc ed ure c hang es or Quality Protec tion Plan Chang e 
    Notic e (QPPCN) ac tivity. 
    nMaintain an ac c urate rec ord  of the system inventory, inc lud ing  software 
    load  numb ers. This information is used  for system upg rad es or QPPCNs 
    issued  to the hard ware. 
    nTrac k the overall performance of the system, espec ially during the first few 
    months of op eration. 
    nMonitor c ustomers’ p ort and  d isk usage to determine when they should  
    p urc hase add itional p orts or more voic e storag e. 
    nConduct periodic meetings with the customer to review system operation. 
    nInform the c ustomer of ong oing  training  req uirements: 
    — System ad ministrator — ADAP training 
    — System ad ministrator — AMIS Analog Networking  training , Digital 
    Networking  training  
    — System ad ministrator — Ongoing training  
    — Sub sc rib er — Refresher and  ad d itional training 
    Ask c ustomers to c all their Luc ent sup p ort org anizations to rep ort 
    p roblems or ask q uestions. Customers should know their p rod uc t ID 
    numb er when they c all.  
    							Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Upgrades and Ongoing Maintenance and Administration 
    							AUDIX System Administrator Qualifications and Duties 
    Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    AUDIX System Administrator 
    Qualifications and Duties
    The AUDIX system Ad ministrator is the loc al c ustomer exp ert in all matters 
    p ertaining  to DEFINITY AUDIX ap p lic ations. 
    Sug g ested  q ualific ations for the system administrator are as follows: 
    nCleric al and  b asic  ac c ounting  skills 
    nDatab ase manag ement exp erienc e 
    In ad dition, someone at the c ustomer site (p ossibly a telec ommunic ations 
    manag er) with the following  skills should  b e resp onsib le for maintaining  the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    nData c enter op erations exp erienc e¾p revious exp erienc e as a c omp uter 
    op erator, for examp le
    nManag ement skills 
    nComputer hard ware exp erienc e¾exp erienc e with terminals, p rinters, and  
    mod ems, for examp le
    The system ad ministrator’s ac tivities d uring  the initial ad ministrative p hase are 
    listed  in 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System  ¾ Ad ministration, 585-300-507.
    Before you b eg in DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration, verify with your switc h 
    ad ministrator and /or Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p ersonnel that the c orrec t 
    switc h-related  ad ministration has b een c omp leted . Refer to 
    Installation and  
    Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 
    							Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    AUDIX System Administrator Qualifications and Duties 
    The following is a list of the c ustomer’s p eriod ic  and  daily resp onsib ilities for 
    maintaining  the DEFINITY AUDIX system. These tasks should  b e p erformed  b y 
    system ad ministrators and /or their manag ers. 
    nConduc t or arrang e initial and  ong oing  user training .
    nImp lement a feature of the month p rog ram in whic h they exp lain a new 
    DEFINITY AUDIX feature to subscribers each month.
    nOrd er p rod uc t d oc umentation as required .
    nMonitor DEFINITY AUDIX performance on a daily basis and monitor the 
    ad ministration and  alarm log  for warning  alarms and  for prob lems you c an 
    nHandle user prob lems on a d aily b asis.
    nRep ort and  trac k rep air req uests to Luc ent Tec hnolog ies as req uired .
    nPerform sub sc rib er c hang es, suc h as moves, ad ditions, and  d eletions.
    nPerform disk backup tasks, including disk backups and data saves.
    nEnsure system security.
    nSc hedule DEFINITY AUDIX maintenanc e time with Luc ent Tec hnologies 
    and  the user c ommunity as req uired  for b oth normal maintenanc e and 
    installation of eng ineering  c hang es, ad d itions or d eletions of hard ware, 
    software, etc .
    nMaintain ac c urate rec ord s of DEFINITY AUDIX hard ware and  software
    nAd minister p erip herals, suc h as inc lud ing  p rinters and  terminals.
    nAd minister user p assword s.
    nCollec t and  evaluate traffic  rep orts.
    nAd minister transmission sc hed ules. 
    							Request for Design Support 
    Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Request for Design Support
    For Desig n Sup port, the ac c ount exec utive should  c omp lete Form E-1154 on the 
    following  pag es. The Sales Desig n and  Supp ort Center (SDSC) will resp ond  b y 
    send ing  a Form 1495 and  the network p lanning  worksheet. Comp lete the network 
    p lanning  worksheet and  the network map  and  send  them to the SDSC.
    							Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Request for Design Support 
    SDSC FAX: 303-850-89322 SDSC QUALNET/VNMA Fax to: 303-850-8791
    Chec k eac h servic e being req uested  and  d esc rib e in Sc op e of Work b elow:
    GENERAL INFORMATION: (Complete all fields)
    Please list mod el and  version of ALL Prod uc ts (Switc hes and  Adjunc ts), both existing  and /or p rop osed. Also spec ify 
    the numb er of nodes in an existing  and /or p rop osed network p lus hard ware connectivity (dig ital/analog ) and attach 
    a d iag ram.
    o Newo Ad do Upgradeo RFPo Controlled  Introduc tion
    Sc o p e  o f  Wo rk : _________________________________________________________________________________________
    Re q u e s t e d  D u e  D a t e  f o r Te c h n i c a l  A s s u r a n c e : _______________________________   
    o Written Resp onseo 
    Ver b a l Re sp on s e
    Please Note: 5 Days =  Stand ard  Interval for Tec hnic al Assuranc e. ASAP or b lank Req uested  Due Date =  5 Day Interval
    Larg e/Comp lex req uests req uire neg otiation of Tec hnic al Assuranc e Due Date.
    Re q u e s t e d  D u e  D a t e  Fo r  Fl o o r p l a n s :  ___________________  Fo r  Sp e c i f i c a t i o n s ,  o t h e r  D e l i v e r a b l e s : ________________
    MOJ Date: ______________________ Cutover Date: ________________________CUSTOMER INFORMATION ACCOUNT TEAM INFORMATION
    N a m e : ________________________________________________ N a m e : _______________________________Tit l e : _____________
    A d d r e s s : ______________________________________________ A d d r e s s : ______________________________________________
    C i t y : _______________________ST: _______Z I P: ______________ C it y : __________________________ST: _________Z I P: _________
    County:___________________________( REQ U I RED  f o r  D WB S) Te l.  N o : ___________________________FA X: ________________
    I L : ____________________________________________________ e - m a i l  i d : ______________________________________________
    (REQUIRED FIELD: If multip le ILs are involved , list others below in Sc ope of 
    Wo r k .)Chec k one p referenc e for method  of Notific ation of 
    Assig nment of this Request.Telephone Call
    o Telep hone Call             o E-m a i l me s sa g e
    C u s t .  C o n t a c t  N a m e : ___________________________________ M B O  C o d e  t o  b e  C h a r g e d :
    C u s t .  C o n t a c t  Te l .  N o . __________________________________
    oMark if Customer Permission for Switch Ac c ess has b een granted .(If multip le MBO Cod es are to b e c harg ed, list below in Sc op e of Work.)
    M B O  Pr o je c t  N o . : _______________________________________ A l t e r n a t e  C o n t a c t : ___________________Tit l e : _______________
    Projec t Manag er:_______________________________________
    Te l .  N o . : _______________________________________________ Te l.  N o . _______________________________________________
    Technical Assurance
    Chec k prod uc ts:
    oAud ix/IntuityoMerlin Leg end  NetworkingoDCS/UDP
    oSys Mg mt / CASoUPS / DC Power
    oCMSoDWBS (Wireless)
    oPN A
    Other Deliverables
    Chec k items:
    oHard ware Spec ific ationoTraffic  Stud yoFloorp lan 
    							Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    alternating  c urrent 
    automatic  c all d istrib ution
    ad ministration and  data ac quisition p ackage 
    async hronous data unit 
    assemb ly load  and  test
    Aud io Messag ing  Interc hange Sp ec ification
    application programming interface
    Aud io Information Exc hang e
    AW G
    Americ an wire g aug e
    basic input/output system
    bits per second
    b asic  rate interfac e
    b inary synchronous c ommunic ations
    British thermal unit 
    							Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0  585-300-602  Issue 1
    May 1999
    call c lassific ation analysis
    call d ata hand ler process
    cod e exc ited  linear predic tion
    customer information c enter
    customer information c ontrol system
    control link
    Comp ac t Modular Cab inet
    central offic e
    central offic e imp lemented  network
    serial communic ations p ort 1
    serial communic ations p ort 2
    class of restriction
    class of service
    central processing  unit
    called  subscrib er information
    clear to send
    d ial ac cess cod e 
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